Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

242 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import mozversion
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import urllib
import utils
import mozhttpd
from talos.results import TalosResults
from talos.ttest import TTest
from talos.utils import TalosError, TalosCrash, TalosRegression
from talos.config import get_configs, ConfigurationError
# directory of this file
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def useBaseTestDefaults(base, tests):
for test in tests:
for item in base:
if item not in test:
test[item] = base[item]
if test[item] is None:
test[item] = ''
return tests
def buildCommandLine(test):
"""build firefox command line options for tp tests"""
# sanity check pageloader values
# mandatory options: tpmanifest, tpcycles
if test['tpcycles'] not in range(1, 1000):
raise TalosError('pageloader cycles must be int 1 to 1,000')
if test.get('tpdelay') and test['tpdelay'] not in range(1, 10000):
raise TalosError('pageloader delay must be int 1 to 10,000')
if 'tpmanifest' not in test:
raise TalosError("tpmanifest not found in test: %s" % test)
# build pageloader command from options
url = ['-tp', test['tpmanifest']]
CLI_bool_options = ['tpchrome', 'tpmozafterpaint', 'tpdisable_e10s',
'tpnoisy', 'rss', 'tprender', 'tploadnocache',
CLI_options = ['tpcycles', 'tppagecycles', 'tpdelay', 'tptimeout']
for key in CLI_bool_options:
if test.get(key):
url.append('-%s' % key)
for key in CLI_options:
value = test.get(key)
if value:
url.extend(['-%s' % key, str(value)])
# XXX we should actually return the list but since we abuse
# the url as a command line flag to pass to firefox all over the place
# will just make a string for now
return ' '.join(url)
def setup_webserver(webserver):
"""use mozhttpd to setup a webserver"""
logging.info("starting webserver on %r" % webserver)
host, port = webserver.split(':')
return mozhttpd.MozHttpd(host=host, port=int(port), docroot=here)
def run_tests(config, browser_config):
"""Runs the talos tests on the given configuration and generates a report.
# get the test data
tests = config['tests']
tests = useBaseTestDefaults(config.get('basetest', {}), tests)
paths = ['profile_path', 'tpmanifest', 'extensions', 'setup', 'cleanup']
for test in tests:
# Check for profile_path, tpmanifest and interpolate based on Talos
# root https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727711
# Build command line from config
for path in paths:
if test.get(path):
test[path] = utils.interpolate(test[path])
if test.get('tpmanifest'):
test['tpmanifest'] = \
os.path.normpath('file:/%s' % (urllib.quote(test['tpmanifest'],
if not test.get('url'):
# build 'url' for tptest
test['url'] = buildCommandLine(test)
test['url'] = utils.interpolate(test['url'])
test['setup'] = utils.interpolate(test['setup'])
test['cleanup'] = utils.interpolate(test['cleanup'])
# pass --no-remote to firefox launch, if --develop is specified
# we do that to allow locally the user to have another running firefox
# instance
if browser_config['develop']:
browser_config['extra_args'] = '--no-remote'
# set defaults
title = config.get('title', '')
testdate = config.get('testdate', '')
if browser_config['e10s'] and not title.endswith(".e"):
# we are running in e10s mode
title = "%s.e" % (title,)
# get the process name from the path to the browser
if not browser_config['process']:
browser_config['process'] = \
# fix paths to substitute
# `os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))` for ${talos}
# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=705809
browser_config['extensions'] = [utils.interpolate(i)
for i in browser_config['extensions']]
browser_config['bcontroller_config'] = \
# normalize browser path to work across platforms
browser_config['browser_path'] = \
binary = browser_config["browser_path"]
version_info = mozversion.get_version(binary=binary)
browser_config['browser_name'] = version_info['application_name']
browser_config['browser_version'] = version_info['application_version']
browser_config['buildid'] = version_info['application_buildid']
browser_config['repository'] = version_info['application_repository']
browser_config['sourcestamp'] = version_info['application_changeset']
except KeyError:
if not browser_config['develop']:
print "unable to find changeset or repository: %s" % version_info
browser_config['repository'] = 'develop'
browser_config['sourcestamp'] = 'develop'
# get test date in seconds since epoch
if testdate:
date = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(testdate,
'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')))
date = int(time.time())
logging.debug("using testdate: %d", date)
logging.debug("actual date: %d", int(time.time()))
# results container
talos_results = TalosResults(title=title,
# results links
if not browser_config['develop']:
results_urls = dict(
# hardcoded, this will be removed soon anyway.
# another hack; datazilla stands for Perfherder
# and do not require url, but a non empty dict is required...
# local mode, output to files
results_urls = dict(
httpd = setup_webserver(browser_config['webserver'])
testname = None
# run the tests
timer = utils.Timer()
logging.info("Starting test suite %s", title)
for test in tests:
testname = test['name']
testtimer = utils.Timer()
logging.info("Starting test %s", testname)
mytest = TTest()
talos_results.add(mytest.runTest(browser_config, test))
logging.info("Completed test %s (%s)", testname,
except TalosRegression:
logging.error("Detected a regression for %s", testname)
# by returning 1, we report an orange to buildbot
# http://docs.buildbot.net/latest/developer/results.html
return 1
except (TalosCrash, TalosError):
# NOTE: if we get into this condition, talos has an internal
# problem and cannot continue
# this will prevent future tests from running
# indicate a failure to buildbot, turn the job red
return 2
logging.info("Completed test suite (%s)", timer.elapsed())
# output results
if results_urls:
if browser_config['develop']:
print ("Thanks for running Talos locally. Results are in"
" %s and %s" % (results_urls['results_urls'],
# we will stop running tests on a failed test, or we will return 0 for
# green
return 0
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
config, browser_config = get_configs()
except ConfigurationError, exc:
sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % exc)
utils.startLogger('debug' if config['debug'] else 'info')
sys.exit(run_tests(config, browser_config))
if __name__ == '__main__':