Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

526 lines
22 KiB

// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* To keep the global namespace safe, don't define global variables and
* functions in this file.
* This file silently depends on contentAreaUtils.js for
* getDefaultFileName, getNormalizedLeafName and getDefaultExtension
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ViewSourceBrowser",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Deprecated",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PrivateBrowsingUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services",
var gViewSourceUtils = {
mnsIWebBrowserPersist: Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPersist,
mnsIWebProgress: Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress,
mnsIWebPageDescriptor: Components.interfaces.nsIWebPageDescriptor,
* Opens the view source window.
* @param aArgsOrURL (required)
* This is either an Object containing parameters, or a string
* URL for the page we want to view the source of. In the latter
* case we will be paying attention to the other parameters, as
* we will be supporting the old API for this method.
* If aArgsOrURL is an Object, the other parameters will be ignored.
* aArgsOrURL as an Object can include the following properties:
* URL (required):
* A string URL for the page we'd like to view the source of.
* browser (optional):
* The browser containing the document that we would like to view the
* source of. This is required if outerWindowID is passed.
* outerWindowID (optional):
* The outerWindowID of the content window containing the document that
* we want to view the source of. Pass this if you want to attempt to
* load the document source out of the network cache.
* lineNumber (optional):
* The line number to focus on once the source is loaded.
* @param aPageDescriptor (deprecated, optional)
* Accepted for compatibility reasons, but is otherwise ignored.
* @param aDocument (deprecated, optional)
* The content document we would like to view the source of. This
* function will throw if aDocument is a CPOW.
* @param aLineNumber (deprecated, optional)
* The line number to focus on once the source is loaded.
viewSource: function(aArgsOrURL, aPageDescriptor, aDocument, aLineNumber)
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
if (prefs.getBoolPref("view_source.editor.external")) {
this.openInExternalEditor(aArgsOrURL, aPageDescriptor, aDocument, aLineNumber);
} else {
this._openInInternalViewer(aArgsOrURL, aPageDescriptor, aDocument, aLineNumber);
* Displays view source in the provided <browser>. This allows for non-window
* display methods, such as a tab from Firefox.
* @param aArgs
* An object with the following properties:
* URL (required):
* A string URL for the page we'd like to view the source of.
* viewSourceBrowser (required):
* The browser to display the view source in.
* browser (optional):
* The browser containing the document that we would like to view the
* source of. This is required if outerWindowID is passed.
* outerWindowID (optional):
* The outerWindowID of the content window containing the document that
* we want to view the source of. Pass this if you want to attempt to
* load the document source out of the network cache.
* lineNumber (optional):
* The line number to focus on once the source is loaded.
viewSourceInBrowser: function(aArgs) {
let viewSourceBrowser = new ViewSourceBrowser(aArgs.viewSourceBrowser);
* Displays view source for a selection from some document in the provided
* <browser>. This allows for non-window display methods, such as a tab from
* Firefox.
* @param aViewSourceInBrowser
* The browser containing the page to view the source of.
* @param aTarget
* Set to the target node for MathML. Null for other types of elements.
* @param aGetBrowserFn
* If set, a function that will return a browser to open the source in.
* If null, or this function returns null, opens the source in a new window.
viewPartialSourceInBrowser: function(aViewSourceInBrowser, aTarget, aGetBrowserFn) {
let mm = aViewSourceInBrowser.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener("ViewSource:GetSelectionDone", function gotSelection(message) {
mm.removeMessageListener("ViewSource:GetSelectionDone", gotSelection);
if (!message.data)
let browserToOpenIn = aGetBrowserFn ? aGetBrowserFn() : null;
if (browserToOpenIn) {
let viewSourceBrowser = new ViewSourceBrowser(browserToOpenIn);
viewSourceBrowser.loadViewSourceFromSelection(message.data.uri, message.data.drawSelection,
else {
let docUrl = null;
"_blank", "scrollbars,resizable,chrome,dialog=no",
URI: message.data.uri,
drawSelection: message.data.drawSelection,
baseURI: message.data.baseURI,
partial: true,
mm.sendAsyncMessage("ViewSource:GetSelection", { }, { target: aTarget });
// Opens the interval view source viewer
_openInInternalViewer: function(aArgsOrURL, aPageDescriptor, aDocument, aLineNumber)
// try to open a view-source window while inheriting the charset (if any)
var charset = null;
var isForcedCharset = false;
if (aDocument) {
if (Components.utils.isCrossProcessWrapper(aDocument)) {
throw new Error("View Source cannot accept a CPOW as a document.");
charset = "charset=" + aDocument.characterSet;
try {
isForcedCharset =
} catch (ex) {
aArgsOrURL, charset, aPageDescriptor, aLineNumber, isForcedCharset);
buildEditorArgs: function(aPath, aLineNumber) {
// Determine the command line arguments to pass to the editor.
// We currently support a %LINE% placeholder which is set to the passed
// line number (or to 0 if there's none)
var editorArgs = [];
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
var args = prefs.getCharPref("view_source.editor.args");
if (args) {
args = args.replace("%LINE%", aLineNumber || "0");
// add the arguments to the array (keeping quoted strings intact)
const argumentRE = /"([^"]+)"|(\S+)/g;
while (argumentRE.test(args))
editorArgs.push(RegExp.$1 || RegExp.$2);
return editorArgs;
* Opens an external editor with the view source content.
* @param aArgsOrURL (required)
* This is either an Object containing parameters, or a string
* URL for the page we want to view the source of. In the latter
* case we will be paying attention to the other parameters, as
* we will be supporting the old API for this method.
* If aArgsOrURL is an Object, the other parameters will be ignored.
* aArgsOrURL as an Object can include the following properties:
* URL (required):
* A string URL for the page we'd like to view the source of.
* browser (optional):
* The browser containing the document that we would like to view the
* source of. This is required if outerWindowID is passed.
* outerWindowID (optional):
* The outerWindowID of the content window containing the document that
* we want to view the source of. Pass this if you want to attempt to
* load the document source out of the network cache.
* lineNumber (optional):
* The line number to focus on once the source is loaded.
* @param aPageDescriptor (deprecated, optional)
* Accepted for compatibility reasons, but is otherwise ignored.
* @param aDocument (deprecated, optional)
* The content document we would like to view the source of. This
* function will throw if aDocument is a CPOW.
* @param aLineNumber (deprecated, optional)
* The line number to focus on once the source is loaded.
* @param aCallBack
* A function accepting two arguments:
* * result (true = success)
* * data object
* The function defaults to opening an internal viewer if external
* viewing fails.
openInExternalEditor: function(aArgsOrURL, aPageDescriptor, aDocument,
aLineNumber, aCallBack) {
let data;
if (typeof aArgsOrURL == "string") {
Deprecated.warning("The arguments you're passing to " +
"openInExternalEditor are using an out-of-date API.",
"https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/" +
if (Components.utils.isCrossProcessWrapper(aDocument)) {
throw new Error("View Source cannot accept a CPOW as a document.");
data = {
url: aArgsOrURL,
pageDescriptor: aPageDescriptor,
doc: aDocument,
lineNumber: aLineNumber,
isPrivate: false,
if (aDocument) {
data.isPrivate =
} else {
let { URL, browser, lineNumber } = aArgsOrURL;
data = {
url: URL,
isPrivate: false,
if (browser) {
data.doc = {
characterSet: browser.characterSet,
contentType: browser.documentContentType,
title: browser.contentTitle,
data.isPrivate = PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate(browser);
try {
var editor = this.getExternalViewSourceEditor();
if (!editor) {
this.handleCallBack(aCallBack, false, data);
// make a uri
var ios = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
var charset = data.doc ? data.doc.characterSet : null;
var uri = ios.newURI(data.url, charset, null);
data.uri = uri;
var path;
var contentType = data.doc ? data.doc.contentType : null;
if (uri.scheme == "file") {
// it's a local file; we can open it directly
path = uri.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file.path;
var editorArgs = this.buildEditorArgs(path, data.lineNumber);
editor.runw(false, editorArgs, editorArgs.length);
this.handleCallBack(aCallBack, true, data);
} else {
// set up the progress listener with what we know so far
this.viewSourceProgressListener.contentLoaded = false;
this.viewSourceProgressListener.editor = editor;
this.viewSourceProgressListener.callBack = aCallBack;
this.viewSourceProgressListener.data = data;
if (!data.pageDescriptor) {
// without a page descriptor, loadPage has no chance of working. download the file.
var file = this.getTemporaryFile(uri, data.doc, contentType);
this.viewSourceProgressListener.file = file;
var webBrowserPersist = Components
// the default setting is to not decode. we need to decode.
webBrowserPersist.persistFlags = this.mnsIWebBrowserPersist.PERSIST_FLAGS_REPLACE_EXISTING_FILES;
webBrowserPersist.progressListener = this.viewSourceProgressListener;
let referrerPolicy = Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel.REFERRER_POLICY_NO_REFERRER;
webBrowserPersist.savePrivacyAwareURI(uri, null, null, referrerPolicy, null, null, file, data.isPrivate);
let helperService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-helper-app-service;1"]
if (data.isPrivate) {
// register the file to be deleted when possible
} else {
// register the file to be deleted on app exit
} else {
// we'll use nsIWebPageDescriptor to get the source because it may
// not have to refetch the file from the server
// XXXbz this is so broken... This code doesn't set up this docshell
// at all correctly; if somehow the view-source stuff managed to
// execute script we'd be in big trouble here, I suspect.
var webShell = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell;1"].createInstance();
this.viewSourceProgressListener.webShell = webShell;
var progress = webShell.QueryInterface(this.mnsIWebProgress);
var pageLoader = webShell.QueryInterface(this.mnsIWebPageDescriptor);
pageLoader.loadPage(data.pageDescriptor, this.mnsIWebPageDescriptor.DISPLAY_AS_SOURCE);
} catch (ex) {
// we failed loading it with the external editor.
this.handleCallBack(aCallBack, false, data);
// Default callback - opens the internal viewer if the external editor failed
internalViewerFallback: function(result, data)
if (!result) {
this._openInInternalViewer(data.url, data.pageDescriptor, data.doc, data.lineNumber);
// Calls the callback, keeping in mind undefined or null values.
handleCallBack: function(aCallBack, result, data)
// if callback is undefined, default to the internal viewer
if (aCallBack === undefined) {
this.internalViewerFallback(result, data);
} else if (aCallBack) {
aCallBack(result, data);
// Returns nsIProcess of the external view source editor or null
getExternalViewSourceEditor: function()
try {
let viewSourceAppPath =
let editor = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/process/util;1']
return editor;
catch (ex) {
return null;
viewSourceProgressListener: {
mnsIWebProgressListener: Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener,
QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(this.mnsIWebProgressListener) ||
aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
destroy: function() {
if (this.webShell) {
this.webShell = null;
this.editor = null;
this.callBack = null;
this.data = null;
this.file = null;
// This listener is used both for tracking the progress of an HTML parse
// in one case and for tracking the progress of nsIWebBrowserPersist in
// another case.
onStateChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus) {
// once it's done loading...
if ((aFlag & this.mnsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) && aStatus == 0) {
if (!this.webShell) {
// We aren't waiting for the parser. Instead, we are waiting for
// an nsIWebBrowserPersist.
return 0;
var webNavigation = this.webShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation);
if (webNavigation.document.readyState == "complete") {
// This branch is probably never taken. Including it for completeness.
} else {
return 0;
onContentLoaded: function() {
// The progress listener may call this multiple times, so be sure we only
// run once.
if (this.contentLoaded) {
try {
if (!this.file) {
// it's not saved to file yet, it's in the webshell
// get a temporary filename using the attributes from the data object that
// openInExternalEditor gave us
this.file = gViewSourceUtils.getTemporaryFile(this.data.uri, this.data.doc,
// we have to convert from the source charset.
var webNavigation = this.webShell.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation);
var foStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"]
foStream.init(this.file, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, -1, 0); // write | create | truncate
var coStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1"]
coStream.init(foStream, this.data.doc.characterSet, 0, null);
// write the source to the file
// clean up
let helperService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-helper-app-service;1"]
if (this.data.isPrivate) {
// register the file to be deleted when possible
} else {
// register the file to be deleted on app exit
var editorArgs = gViewSourceUtils.buildEditorArgs(this.file.path,
this.editor.runw(false, editorArgs, editorArgs.length);
this.contentLoaded = true;
gViewSourceUtils.handleCallBack(this.callBack, true, this.data);
} catch (ex) {
// we failed loading it with the external editor.
gViewSourceUtils.handleCallBack(this.callBack, false, this.data);
} finally {
onLocationChange: function() {return 0;},
onProgressChange: function() {return 0;},
onStatusChange: function() {return 0;},
onSecurityChange: function() {return 0;},
webShell: null,
editor: null,
callBack: null,
data: null,
file: null
// returns an nsIFile for the passed document in the system temp directory
getTemporaryFile: function(aURI, aDocument, aContentType) {
// include contentAreaUtils.js in our own context when we first need it
if (!this._caUtils) {
var scriptLoader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"]
this._caUtils = {};
scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://global/content/contentAreaUtils.js", this._caUtils);
var fileLocator = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
var tempFile = fileLocator.get("TmpD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
var fileName = this._caUtils.getDefaultFileName(null, aURI, aDocument, aContentType);
var extension = this._caUtils.getDefaultExtension(fileName, aURI, aContentType);
var leafName = this._caUtils.getNormalizedLeafName(fileName, extension);
return tempFile;