Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

808 lines
34 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import os, sys, re, hashlib
import simplejson as json
SEP = os.path.sep
from cuddlefish.util import filter_filenames, filter_dirnames
# Load new layout mapping hashtable
path = os.path.join(os.environ.get('CUDDLEFISH_ROOT'), "mapping.json")
data = open(path, 'r').read()
NEW_LAYOUT_MAPPING = json.loads(data)
def js_zipname(packagename, modulename):
return "%s-lib/%s.js" % (packagename, modulename)
def docs_zipname(packagename, modulename):
return "%s-docs/%s.md" % (packagename, modulename)
def datamap_zipname(packagename):
return "%s-data.json" % packagename
def datafile_zipname(packagename, datapath):
return "%s-data/%s" % (packagename, datapath)
def to_json(o):
return json.dumps(o, indent=1).encode("utf-8")+"\n"
class ModuleNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self, requirement_type, requirement_name,
used_by, line_number, looked_in):
self.requirement_type = requirement_type # "require" or "define"
self.requirement_name = requirement_name # string, what they require()d
self.used_by = used_by # string, full path to module which did require()
self.line_number = line_number # int, 1-indexed line number of first require()
self.looked_in = looked_in # list of full paths to potential .js files
def __str__(self):
what = "%s(%s)" % (self.requirement_type, self.requirement_name)
where = self.used_by
if self.line_number is not None:
where = "%s:%d" % (self.used_by, self.line_number)
searched = "Looked for it in:\n %s\n" % "\n ".join(self.looked_in)
return ("ModuleNotFoundError: unable to satisfy: %s from\n"
" %s:\n" % (what, where)) + searched
class BadModuleIdentifier(Exception):
class BadSection(Exception):
class UnreachablePrefixError(Exception):
class ManifestEntry:
def __init__(self):
self.docs_filename = None
self.docs_hash = None
self.requirements = {}
self.datamap = None
def get_path(self):
name = self.moduleName
if name.endswith(".js"):
name = name[:-3]
items = []
# Only add package name for addons, so that system module paths match
# the path from the commonjs root directory and also match the loader
# mappings.
if self.packageName != "addon-sdk":
# And for the same reason, do not append `lib/`.
if self.sectionName == "tests":
return "/".join(items)
def get_entry_for_manifest(self):
entry = { "packageName": self.packageName,
"sectionName": self.sectionName,
"moduleName": self.moduleName,
"jsSHA256": self.js_hash,
"docsSHA256": self.docs_hash,
"requirements": {},
for req in self.requirements:
if isinstance(self.requirements[req], ManifestEntry):
them = self.requirements[req] # this is another ManifestEntry
entry["requirements"][req] = them.get_path()
# something magic. The manifest entry indicates that they're
# allowed to require() it
entry["requirements"][req] = self.requirements[req]
assert isinstance(entry["requirements"][req], unicode) or \
isinstance(entry["requirements"][req], str)
return entry
def add_js(self, js_filename):
self.js_filename = js_filename
self.js_hash = hash_file(js_filename)
def add_docs(self, docs_filename):
self.docs_filename = docs_filename
self.docs_hash = hash_file(docs_filename)
def add_requirement(self, reqname, reqdata):
self.requirements[reqname] = reqdata
def add_data(self, datamap):
self.datamap = datamap
def get_js_zipname(self):
return js_zipname(self.packagename, self.modulename)
def get_docs_zipname(self):
if self.docs_hash:
return docs_zipname(self.packagename, self.modulename)
return None
# self.js_filename
# self.docs_filename
def hash_file(fn):
return hashlib.sha256(open(fn,"rb").read()).hexdigest()
def get_datafiles(datadir):
yields pathnames relative to DATADIR, ignoring some files
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(datadir):
filenames = list(filter_filenames(filenames))
# this tells os.walk to prune the search
dirnames[:] = filter_dirnames(dirnames)
for filename in filenames:
fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
assert fullname.startswith(datadir+SEP), "%s%s not in %s" % (datadir, SEP, fullname)
yield fullname[len(datadir+SEP):]
class DataMap:
# one per package
def __init__(self, pkg):
self.pkg = pkg
self.name = pkg.name
self.files_to_copy = []
datamap = {}
datadir = os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, "data")
for dataname in get_datafiles(datadir):
absname = os.path.join(datadir, dataname)
zipname = datafile_zipname(pkg.name, dataname)
datamap[dataname] = hash_file(absname)
self.files_to_copy.append( (zipname, absname) )
self.data_manifest = to_json(datamap)
self.data_manifest_hash = hashlib.sha256(self.data_manifest).hexdigest()
self.data_manifest_zipname = datamap_zipname(pkg.name)
self.data_uri_prefix = "%s/data/" % (self.name)
class BadChromeMarkerError(Exception):
class ModuleInfo:
def __init__(self, package, section, name, js, docs):
self.package = package
self.section = section
self.name = name
self.js = js
self.docs = docs
def __hash__(self):
return hash( (self.package.name, self.section, self.name,
self.js, self.docs) )
def __eq__(self, them):
if them.__class__ is not self.__class__:
return False
if ((them.package.name, them.section, them.name, them.js, them.docs) !=
(self.package.name, self.section, self.name, self.js, self.docs) ):
return False
return True
def __repr__(self):
return "ModuleInfo [%s %s %s] (%s, %s)" % (self.package.name,
self.js, self.docs)
class ManifestBuilder:
def __init__(self, target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, extra_modules,
stderr=sys.stderr, abort_on_missing=False):
self.manifest = {} # maps (package,section,module) to ManifestEntry
self.target_cfg = target_cfg # the entry point
self.pkg_cfg = pkg_cfg # all known packages
self.deps = deps # list of package names to search
self.used_packagenames = set()
self.stderr = stderr
self.extra_modules = extra_modules
self.modules = {} # maps ModuleInfo to URI in self.manifest
self.datamaps = {} # maps package name to DataMap instance
self.files = [] # maps manifest index to (absfn,absfn) js/docs pair
self.test_modules = [] # for runtime
self.abort_on_missing = abort_on_missing # cfx eol
def build(self, scan_tests, test_filter_re):
process the top module, which recurses to process everything it reaches
if "main" in self.target_cfg:
top_mi = self.find_top(self.target_cfg)
top_me = self.process_module(top_mi)
self.top_path = top_me.get_path()
self.datamaps[self.target_cfg.name] = DataMap(self.target_cfg)
if scan_tests:
mi = self._find_module_in_package("addon-sdk", "lib", "sdk/test/runner", [])
# also scan all test files in all packages that we use. By making
# a copy of self.used_packagenames first, we refrain from
# processing tests in packages that our own tests depend upon. If
# we're running tests for package A, and either modules in A or
# tests in A depend upon modules from package B, we *don't* want
# to run tests for package B.
test_modules = []
dirnames = self.target_cfg["tests"]
if isinstance(dirnames, basestring):
dirnames = [dirnames]
dirnames = [os.path.join(self.target_cfg.root_dir, d)
for d in dirnames]
for d in dirnames:
for filename in os.listdir(d):
if filename.startswith("test-") and filename.endswith(".js"):
testname = filename[:-3] # require(testname)
if test_filter_re:
if not re.search(test_filter_re, testname):
tmi = ModuleInfo(self.target_cfg, "tests", testname,
os.path.join(d, filename), None)
# scan the test's dependencies
tme = self.process_module(tmi)
test_modules.append( (testname, tme) )
# also add it as an artificial dependency of unit-test-finder, so
# the runtime dynamic load can work.
test_finder = self.get_manifest_entry("addon-sdk", "lib",
for (testname,tme) in test_modules:
test_finder.add_requirement(testname, tme)
# finally, tell the runtime about it, so they won't have to
# search for all tests. self.test_modules will be passed
# through the harness-options.json file in the
# .allTestModules property.
# Pass the absolute module path.
# include files used by the loader
for em in self.extra_modules:
(pkgname, section, modname, js) = em
mi = ModuleInfo(self.pkg_cfg.packages[pkgname], section, modname,
js, None)
def get_module_entries(self):
return frozenset(self.manifest.values())
def get_data_entries(self):
return frozenset(self.datamaps.values())
def get_used_packages(self):
used = set()
for index in self.manifest:
(package, section, module) = index
return sorted(used)
def get_used_files(self, bundle_sdk_modules):
returns all .js files that we reference, plus data/ files. You will
need to add the loader, off-manifest files that it needs, and
generated metadata.
for datamap in self.datamaps.values():
for (zipname, absname) in datamap.files_to_copy:
yield absname
for me in self.get_module_entries():
# Only ship SDK files if we are told to do so
if me.packageName != "addon-sdk" or bundle_sdk_modules:
yield me.js_filename
def get_harness_options_manifest(self, bundle_sdk_modules):
manifest = {}
for me in self.get_module_entries():
path = me.get_path()
# Do not add manifest entries for system modules.
# Doesn't prevent from shipping modules.
# Shipping modules is decided in `get_used_files`.
if me.packageName != "addon-sdk" or bundle_sdk_modules:
manifest[path] = me.get_entry_for_manifest()
return manifest
def get_manifest_entry(self, package, section, module):
index = (package, section, module)
if index not in self.manifest:
m = self.manifest[index] = ManifestEntry()
m.packageName = package
m.sectionName = section
m.moduleName = module
return self.manifest[index]
def uri_name_from_path(self, pkg, fn):
# given a filename like .../pkg1/lib/bar/foo.js, and a package
# specification (with a .root_dir like ".../pkg1" and a .lib list of
# paths where .lib[0] is like "lib"), return the appropriate NAME
# that can be put into a URI like resource://JID-pkg1-lib/NAME . This
# will throw an exception if the file is outside of the lib/
# directory, since that means we can't construct a URI that points to
# it.
# This should be a lot easier, and shouldn't fail when the file is in
# the root of the package. Both should become possible when the XPI
# is rearranged and our URI scheme is simplified.
fn = os.path.abspath(fn)
pkglib = pkg.lib[0]
libdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, pkglib))
# AARGH, section and name! we need to reverse-engineer a
# ModuleInfo instance that will produce a URI (in the form
# PREFIX/PKGNAME-SECTION/JS) that will map to the existing file.
# Until we fix URI generation to get rid of "sections", this is
# limited to files in the same .directories.lib as the rest of
# the package uses. So if the package's main files are in lib/,
# but the main.js is in the package root, there is no URI we can
# construct that will point to it, and we must fail.
# This will become much easier (and the failure case removed)
# when we get rid of sections and change the URIs to look like
# AARGH 2, allowing .lib to be a list is really getting in the
# way. That needs to go away eventually too.
if not fn.startswith(libdir):
raise UnreachablePrefixError("Sorry, but the 'main' file (%s) in package %s is outside that package's 'lib' directory (%s), so I cannot construct a URI to reach it."
% (fn, pkg.name, pkglib))
name = fn[len(libdir):].lstrip(SEP)[:-len(".js")]
return name
def parse_main(self, root_dir, main, check_lib_dir=None):
# 'main' can be like one of the following:
# a: ./lib/main.js b: ./lib/main c: lib/main
# we require it to be a path to the file, though, and ignore the
# .directories stuff. So just "main" is insufficient if you really
# want something in a "lib/" subdirectory.
if main.endswith(".js"):
main = main[:-len(".js")]
if main.startswith("./"):
main = main[len("./"):]
# package.json must always use "/", but on windows we'll replace that
# with "\" before using it as an actual filename
main = os.sep.join(main.split("/"))
paths = [os.path.join(root_dir, main+".js")]
if check_lib_dir is not None:
paths.append(os.path.join(root_dir, check_lib_dir, main+".js"))
return paths
def find_top_js(self, target_cfg):
for libdir in target_cfg.lib:
for n in self.parse_main(target_cfg.root_dir, target_cfg.main,
if os.path.exists(n):
return n
raise KeyError("unable to find main module '%s.js' in top-level package" % target_cfg.main)
def find_top(self, target_cfg):
top_js = self.find_top_js(target_cfg)
n = os.path.join(target_cfg.root_dir, "README.md")
if os.path.exists(n):
top_docs = n
top_docs = None
name = self.uri_name_from_path(target_cfg, top_js)
return ModuleInfo(target_cfg, "lib", name, top_js, top_docs)
def process_module(self, mi):
pkg = mi.package
#print "ENTERING", pkg.name, mi.name
# mi.name must be fully-qualified
assert (not mi.name.startswith("./") and
not mi.name.startswith("../"))
# create and claim the manifest row first
me = self.get_manifest_entry(pkg.name, mi.section, mi.name)
if mi.docs:
js_lines = open(mi.js,"r").readlines()
requires, problems, locations = scan_module(mi.js,js_lines,self.stderr)
if problems:
# the relevant instructions have already been written to stderr
raise BadChromeMarkerError()
# We update our requirements on the way out of the depth-first
# traversal of the module graph
for reqname in sorted(requires.keys()):
# If requirement is chrome or a pseudo-module (starts with @) make
# path a requirement name.
if reqname == "chrome" or reqname.startswith("@"):
me.add_requirement(reqname, reqname)
# when two modules require() the same name, do they get a
# shared instance? This is a deep question. For now say yes.
# find_req_for() returns an entry to put in our
# 'requirements' dict, and will recursively process
# everything transitively required from here. It will also
# populate the self.modules[] cache. Note that we must
# tolerate cycles in the reference graph.
looked_in = [] # populated by subroutines
them_me = self.find_req_for(mi, reqname, looked_in, locations)
if them_me is None:
if mi.section == "tests":
# tolerate missing modules in tests, because
# test-securable-module.js, and the modules/red.js
# that it imports, both do that intentionally
if reqname.endswith(".jsm"):
# ignore JSM modules
if not self.abort_on_missing:
# print a warning, but tolerate missing modules
# unless cfx --abort-on-missing-module flag was set
print >>self.stderr, "Warning: missing module: %s" % reqname
me.add_requirement(reqname, reqname)
lineno = locations.get(reqname) # None means define()
if lineno is None:
reqtype = "define"
reqtype = "require"
err = ModuleNotFoundError(reqtype, reqname,
mi.js, lineno, looked_in)
raise err
me.add_requirement(reqname, them_me)
return me
#print "LEAVING", pkg.name, mi.name
def find_req_for(self, from_module, reqname, looked_in, locations):
# handle a single require(reqname) statement from from_module .
# Return a uri that exists in self.manifest
# Populate looked_in with places we looked.
def BAD(msg):
return BadModuleIdentifier(msg + " in require(%s) from %s" %
(reqname, from_module))
if not reqname:
raise BAD("no actual modulename")
# Allow things in tests/*.js to require both test code and real code.
# But things in lib/*.js can only require real code.
if from_module.section == "tests":
lookfor_sections = ["tests", "lib"]
elif from_module.section == "lib":
lookfor_sections = ["lib"]
raise BadSection(from_module.section)
modulename = from_module.name
#print " %s require(%s))" % (from_module, reqname)
if reqname.startswith("./") or reqname.startswith("../"):
# 1: they want something relative to themselves, always from
# their own package
them = modulename.split("/")[:-1]
bits = reqname.split("/")
while bits[0] in (".", ".."):
if not bits:
raise BAD("no actual modulename")
if bits[0] == "..":
if not them:
raise BAD("too many ..")
bits = them+bits
lookfor_pkg = from_module.package.name
lookfor_mod = "/".join(bits)
return self._get_module_from_package(lookfor_pkg,
lookfor_sections, lookfor_mod,
# non-relative import. Might be a short name (requiring a search
# through "library" packages), or a fully-qualified one.
if "/" in reqname:
# 2: PKG/MOD: find PKG, look inside for MOD
bits = reqname.split("/")
lookfor_pkg = bits[0]
lookfor_mod = "/".join(bits[1:])
mi = self._get_module_from_package(lookfor_pkg,
lookfor_sections, lookfor_mod,
if mi: # caution, 0==None
return mi
# 3: try finding PKG, if found, use its main.js entry point
lookfor_pkg = reqname
mi = self._get_entrypoint_from_package(lookfor_pkg, looked_in)
if mi:
return mi
# 4: search packages for MOD or MODPARENT/MODCHILD. We always search
# their own package first, then the list of packages defined by their
# .dependencies list
from_pkg = from_module.package.name
mi = self._search_packages_for_module(from_pkg,
lookfor_sections, reqname,
if mi:
return mi
# Only after we look for module in the addon itself, search for a module
# in new layout.
# First normalize require argument in order to easily find a mapping
normalized = reqname
if normalized.endswith(".js"):
normalized = normalized[:-len(".js")]
if normalized.startswith("addon-kit/"):
normalized = normalized[len("addon-kit/"):]
if normalized.startswith("api-utils/"):
normalized = normalized[len("api-utils/"):]
if normalized in NEW_LAYOUT_MAPPING:
# get the new absolute path for this module
original_reqname = reqname
reqname = NEW_LAYOUT_MAPPING[normalized]
from_pkg = from_module.package.name
# If the addon didn't explicitely told us to ignore deprecated
# require path, warn the developer:
# (target_cfg is the package.json file)
if not "ignore-deprecated-path" in self.target_cfg:
lineno = locations.get(original_reqname)
print >>self.stderr, "Warning: Use of deprecated require path:"
print >>self.stderr, " In %s:%d:" % (from_module.js, lineno)
print >>self.stderr, " require('%s')." % original_reqname
print >>self.stderr, " New path should be:"
print >>self.stderr, " require('%s')" % reqname
return self._search_packages_for_module(from_pkg,
lookfor_sections, reqname,
# We weren't able to find this module, really.
return None
def _handle_module(self, mi):
if not mi:
return None
# we tolerate cycles in the reference graph, which means we need to
# populate the self.modules cache before recursing into
# process_module() . We must also check the cache first, so recursion
# can terminate.
if mi in self.modules:
return self.modules[mi]
# this creates the entry
new_entry = self.get_manifest_entry(mi.package.name, mi.section, mi.name)
# and populates the cache
self.modules[mi] = new_entry
return new_entry
def _get_module_from_package(self, pkgname, sections, modname, looked_in):
if pkgname not in self.pkg_cfg.packages:
return None
mi = self._find_module_in_package(pkgname, sections, modname,
return self._handle_module(mi)
def _get_entrypoint_from_package(self, pkgname, looked_in):
if pkgname not in self.pkg_cfg.packages:
return None
pkg = self.pkg_cfg.packages[pkgname]
main = pkg.get("main", None)
if not main:
return None
for js in self.parse_main(pkg.root_dir, main):
if os.path.exists(js):
section = "lib"
name = self.uri_name_from_path(pkg, js)
docs = None
mi = ModuleInfo(pkg, section, name, js, docs)
return self._handle_module(mi)
return None
def _search_packages_for_module(self, from_pkg, sections, reqname,
searchpath = [] # list of package names
searchpath.append(from_pkg) # search self first
us = self.pkg_cfg.packages[from_pkg]
if 'dependencies' in us:
# only look in dependencies
# they didn't declare any dependencies (or they declared an empty
# list, but we'll treat that as not declaring one, because it's
# easier), so look in all deps, sorted alphabetically, so
# addon-kit comes first. Note that self.deps includes all
# packages found by traversing the ".dependencies" lists in each
# package.json, starting from the main addon package, plus
# everything added by --extra-packages
for pkgname in searchpath:
mi = self._find_module_in_package(pkgname, sections, reqname,
if mi:
return self._handle_module(mi)
return None
def _find_module_in_package(self, pkgname, sections, name, looked_in):
# require("a/b/c") should look at ...\a\b\c.js on windows
filename = os.sep.join(name.split("/"))
# normalize filename, make sure that we do not add .js if it already has
# it.
if not filename.endswith(".js") and not filename.endswith(".json"):
filename += ".js"
if filename.endswith(".js"):
basename = filename[:-3]
if filename.endswith(".json"):
basename = filename[:-5]
pkg = self.pkg_cfg.packages[pkgname]
if isinstance(sections, basestring):
sections = [sections]
for section in sections:
for sdir in pkg.get(section, []):
js = os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, sdir, filename)
if os.path.exists(js):
docs = None
maybe_docs = os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, "docs",
if section == "lib" and os.path.exists(maybe_docs):
docs = maybe_docs
return ModuleInfo(pkg, section, name, js, docs)
return None
def build_manifest(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, scan_tests,
test_filter_re=None, extra_modules=[], abort_on_missing=False):
Perform recursive dependency analysis starting from entry_point,
building up a manifest of modules that need to be included in the XPI.
Each entry will map require() names to the URL of the module that will
be used to satisfy that dependency. The manifest will be used by the
runtime's require() code.
This returns a ManifestBuilder object, with two public methods. The
first, get_module_entries(), returns a set of ManifestEntry objects, each
of which can be asked for the following:
* its contribution to the harness-options.json '.manifest'
* the local disk name
* the name in the XPI at which it should be placed
The second is get_data_entries(), which returns a set of DataEntry
objects, each of which has:
* local disk name
* name in the XPI
note: we don't build the XPI here, but our manifest is passed to the
code which does, so it knows what to copy into the XPI.
mxt = ManifestBuilder(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, extra_modules,
mxt.build(scan_tests, test_filter_re)
return mxt
COMMENT_PREFIXES = ["//", "/*", "*", "dump("]
REQUIRE_RE = r"(?<![\'\"])require\s*\(\s*[\'\"]([^\'\"]+?)[\'\"]\s*\)"
# detect the define idiom of the form:
# define("module name", ["dep1", "dep2", "dep3"], function() {})
# by capturing the contents of the list in a group.
DEF_RE = re.compile(r"(require|define)\s*\(\s*([\'\"][^\'\"]+[\'\"]\s*,)?\s*\[([^\]]+)\]")
# Out of the async dependencies, do not allow quotes in them.
DEF_RE_ALLOWED = re.compile(r"^[\'\"][^\'\"]+[\'\"]$")
def scan_requirements_with_grep(fn, lines):
requires = {}
first_location = {}
for (lineno0, line) in enumerate(lines):
for clause in line.split(";"):
clause = clause.strip()
iscomment = False
for commentprefix in COMMENT_PREFIXES:
if clause.startswith(commentprefix):
iscomment = True
if iscomment:
mo = re.finditer(REQUIRE_RE, clause)
if mo:
for mod in mo:
modname = mod.group(1)
requires[modname] = {}
if modname not in first_location:
first_location[modname] = lineno0 + 1
# define() can happen across multiple lines, so join everyone up.
wholeshebang = "\n".join(lines)
for match in DEF_RE.finditer(wholeshebang):
# this should net us a list of string literals separated by commas
for strbit in match.group(3).split(","):
strbit = strbit.strip()
# There could be a trailing comma netting us just whitespace, so
# filter that out. Make sure that only string values with
# quotes around them are allowed, and no quotes are inside
# the quoted value.
if strbit and DEF_RE_ALLOWED.match(strbit):
modname = strbit[1:-1]
if modname not in ["exports"]:
requires[modname] = {}
# joining all the lines means we lose line numbers, so we
# can't fill first_location[]
return requires, first_location
(re.compile(r"Components\.classes"), "Cc"),
(re.compile(r"Components\.interfaces"), "Ci"),
(re.compile(r"Components\.utils"), "Cu"),
(re.compile(r"Components\.results"), "Cr"),
(re.compile(r"Components\.manager"), "Cm"),
OTHER_CHROME = re.compile(r"Components\.[a-zA-Z]")
def scan_for_bad_chrome(fn, lines, stderr):
problems = False
old_chrome = set() # i.e. "Cc" when we see "Components.classes"
old_chrome_lines = [] # list of (lineno, line.strip()) tuples
for lineno,line in enumerate(lines):
# note: this scanner is not obligated to spot all possible forms of
# chrome access. The scanner is detecting voluntary requests for
# chrome. Runtime tools will enforce allowance or denial of access.
line = line.strip()
iscomment = False
for commentprefix in COMMENT_PREFIXES:
if line.startswith(commentprefix):
iscomment = True
if iscomment:
old_chrome_in_this_line = set()
for (regexp,alias) in CHROME_ALIASES:
if regexp.search(line):
if not old_chrome_in_this_line:
if OTHER_CHROME.search(line):
if old_chrome_in_this_line:
old_chrome_lines.append( (lineno+1, line) )
if old_chrome:
print >>stderr, """
The following lines from file %(fn)s:
use 'Components' to access chrome authority. To do so, you need to add a
line somewhat like the following:
const {%(needs)s} = require("chrome");
Then you can use any shortcuts to its properties that you import from the
'chrome' module ('Cc', 'Ci', 'Cm', 'Cr', and 'Cu' for the 'classes',
'interfaces', 'manager', 'results', and 'utils' properties, respectively. And
`components` for `Components` object itself).
""" % { "fn": fn, "needs": ",".join(sorted(old_chrome)),
"lines": "\n".join([" %3d: %s" % (lineno,line)
for (lineno, line) in old_chrome_lines]),
problems = True
return problems
def scan_module(fn, lines, stderr=sys.stderr):
filename = os.path.basename(fn)
requires, locations = scan_requirements_with_grep(fn, lines)
if filename == "cuddlefish.js":
# this is the loader: don't scan for chrome
problems = False
problems = scan_for_bad_chrome(fn, lines, stderr)
return requires, problems, locations
if __name__ == '__main__':
for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
requires, problems, locations = scan_module(fn, open(fn).readlines())
print "---", fn
if problems:
print "PROBLEMS"
print "requires: %s" % (",".join(sorted(requires.keys())))
print "locations: %s" % locations