Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

74 lines
2.2 KiB

/*global unescape */
/*jshint curly: false, scripturl: true */
// trivial bookmarklet/escaped script detector for the javascript beautifier
// written by Einar Lielmanis <einar@jsbeautifier.org>
// usage:
// if (Urlencoded.detect(some_string)) {
// var unpacked = Urlencoded.unpack(some_string);
// }
var isNode = (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports);
if (isNode) {
var SanityTest = require("devtools/shared/jsbeautify/lib/sanitytest");
var Urlencoded = {
detect: function (str) {
// the fact that script doesn't contain any space, but has %20 instead
// should be sufficient check for now.
if (str.indexOf(' ') == -1) {
if (str.indexOf('%2') != -1) return true;
if (str.replace(/[^%]+/g, '').length > 3) return true;
return false;
unpack: function (str) {
if (Urlencoded.detect(str)) {
if (str.indexOf('%2B') != -1 || str.indexOf('%2b') != -1) {
// "+" escaped as "%2B"
return unescape(str.replace(/\+/g, '%20'));
} else {
return unescape(str);
return str;
run_tests: function (sanity_test) {
var t = sanity_test || new SanityTest();
t.test_function(Urlencoded.detect, "Urlencoded.detect");
t.expect('', false);
t.expect('var a = b', false);
t.expect('var%20a+=+b', true);
t.expect('var%20a=b', true);
t.expect('var%20%21%22', true);
t.expect('javascript:(function(){var%20whatever={init:function(){alert(%22a%22+%22b%22)}};whatever.init()})();', true);
t.test_function(Urlencoded.unpack, 'Urlencoded.unpack');
'javascript:(function(){var whatever={init:function(){alert("a"+"b")}};whatever.init()})();'
t.expect('', '');
t.expect('abcd', 'abcd');
t.expect('var a = b', 'var a = b');
t.expect('var%20a=b', 'var a=b');
t.expect('var%20a=b+1', 'var a=b+1');
t.expect('var%20a=b%2b1', 'var a=b+1');
return t;
if (isNode) {
module.exports = Urlencoded;