Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

321 lines
11 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import argparse
import copy
import functools
import re
import shlex
from try_test_parser import parse_test_opts
TEST_CHUNK_SUFFIX = re.compile('(.*)-([0-9]+)$')
# The build type aliases are very cryptic and only used in try flags these are
# mappings from the single char alias to a longer more recognizable form.
'o': 'opt',
'd': 'debug'
class InvalidCommitException(Exception):
def escape_whitspace_in_brackets(input_str):
In tests you may restrict them by platform [] inside of the brackets
whitespace may occur this is typically invalid shell syntax so we escape it
with backslash sequences .
result = ""
in_brackets = False
for char in input_str:
if char == '[':
in_brackets = True
result += char
if char == ']':
in_brackets = False
result += char
if char == ' ' and in_brackets:
result += '\ '
result += char
return result
def normalize_platform_list(alias, all_builds, build_list):
if build_list == 'all':
return all_builds
results = []
for build in build_list.split(','):
if build in alias:
build = alias[build]
return results
def normalize_test_list(aliases, all_tests, job_list):
Normalize a set of jobs (builds or tests) there are three common cases:
- job_list is == 'none' (meaning an empty list)
- job_list is == 'all' (meaning use the list of jobs for that job type)
- job_list is comma delimited string which needs to be split
:param dict aliases: Alias mapping for jobs...
:param list all_tests: test flags from job_flags.yml structure.
:param str job_list: see above examples.
:returns: List of jobs
# Empty job list case...
if job_list is None or job_list == 'none':
return []
tests = parse_test_opts(job_list)
if not tests:
return []
# Special case where tests is 'all' and must be expanded
if tests[0]['test'] == 'all':
results = []
all_entry = tests[0]
for test in all_tests:
entry = { 'test': test }
# If there are platform restrictions copy them across the list.
if 'platforms' in all_entry:
entry['platforms'] = list(all_entry['platforms'])
return parse_test_chunks(aliases, all_tests, results)
return parse_test_chunks(aliases, all_tests, tests)
def handle_alias(test, aliases, all_tests):
Expand a test if its name refers to an alias, returning a list of test
dictionaries cloned from the first (to maintain any metadata).
:param dict test: the test to expand
:param dict aliases: Dict of alias name -> real name.
:param list all_tests: test flags from job_flags.yml structure.
if test['test'] not in aliases:
return [test]
alias = aliases[test['test']]
def mktest(name):
newtest = copy.deepcopy(test)
newtest['test'] = name
return newtest
def exprmatch(alias):
if not alias.startswith('/') or not alias.endswith('/'):
return [alias]
regexp = re.compile('^' + alias[1:-1] + '$')
return [t for t in all_tests if regexp.match(t)]
if isinstance(alias, str):
return [mktest(t) for t in exprmatch(alias)]
elif isinstance(alias, list):
names = sum([exprmatch(a) for a in alias], [])
return [mktest(t) for t in set(names)]
return [test]
def parse_test_chunks(aliases, all_tests, tests):
Test flags may include parameters to narrow down the number of chunks in a
given push. We don't model 1 chunk = 1 job in taskcluster so we must check
each test flag to see if it is actually specifying a chunk.
:param dict aliases: Dict of alias name -> real name.
:param list all_tests: test flags from job_flags.yml structure.
:param list tests: Result from normalize_test_list
:returns: List of jobs
results = []
seen_chunks = {}
for test in tests:
matches = TEST_CHUNK_SUFFIX.match(test['test'])
if not matches:
results.extend(handle_alias(test, aliases, all_tests))
name = matches.group(1)
chunk = int(matches.group(2))
test['test'] = name
for test in handle_alias(test, aliases, all_tests):
name = test['test']
if name in seen_chunks:
seen_chunks[name] = set([chunk])
test['test'] = name
test['only_chunks'] = seen_chunks[name]
# uniquify the results over the test names
results = {test['test']: test for test in results}.values()
return results
def extract_tests_from_platform(test_jobs, build_platform, build_task, tests):
Build the list of tests from the current build.
:param dict test_jobs: Entire list of tests (from job_flags.yml).
:param dict build_platform: Current build platform.
:param str build_task: Build task path.
:param list tests: Test flags.
:return: List of tasks (ex: [{ task: 'test_task.yml' }]
if tests is None:
return []
results = []
for test_entry in tests:
if test_entry['test'] not in test_jobs:
test_job = test_jobs[test_entry['test']]
# Verify that this job can actually be run on this build task...
if 'allowed_build_tasks' in test_job and build_task not in test_job['allowed_build_tasks']:
if 'platforms' in test_entry:
# The default here is _exclusive_ rather then inclusive so if the
# build platform does not specify what platform(s) it belongs to
# then we must skip it.
if 'platforms' not in build_platform:
# Sorta hack to see if the two lists intersect at all if they do not
# then we must skip this set.
common_platforms = set(test_entry['platforms']) & set(build_platform['platforms'])
if not common_platforms:
# Tests should not run on this platform...
# Add the job to the list and ensure to copy it so we don't accidentally
# mutate the state of the test job in the future...
specific_test_job = copy.deepcopy(test_job)
# Update the task configuration for all tests in the matrix...
for build_name in specific_test_job:
for test_task_name in specific_test_job[build_name]:
test_task = specific_test_job[build_name][test_task_name]
# Copy over the chunk restrictions if given...
if 'only_chunks' in test_entry:
test_task['only_chunks'] = \
return results
This module exists to deal with parsing the options flags that try uses. We do
not try to build a graph or anything here but match up build flags to tasks via
the "jobs" datastructure (see job_flags.yml)
def parse_commit(message, jobs):
:param message: Commit message that is typical to a try push.
:param jobs: Dict (see job_flags.yml)
# shlex used to ensure we split correctly when giving values to argparse.
parts = shlex.split(escape_whitspace_in_brackets(message))
try_idx = None
for idx, part in enumerate(parts):
if part == TRY_DELIMITER:
try_idx = idx
if try_idx is None:
raise InvalidCommitException('Invalid commit format contain ' +
# Argument parser based on try flag flags
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', dest='build_types')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', nargs='?', dest='platforms', const='all', default='all')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--unittests', nargs='?', dest='tests', const='all', default='all')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', dest='interactive', action='store_true', default=False)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(parts[try_idx:])
# Then builds...
if args.build_types is None:
return []
build_types = [ BUILD_TYPE_ALIASES.get(build_type, build_type) for
build_type in args.build_types ]
aliases = jobs['flags'].get('aliases', {})
platforms = normalize_platform_list(aliases, jobs['flags']['builds'], args.platforms)
tests = normalize_test_list(aliases, jobs['flags']['tests'], args.tests)
result = []
# Expand the matrix of things!
for platform in platforms:
# Silently skip unknown platforms.
if platform not in jobs['builds']:
platform_builds = jobs['builds'][platform]
for build_type in build_types:
# Not all platforms have debug builds, etc...
if build_type not in platform_builds['types']:
platform_build = platform_builds['types'][build_type]
build_task = platform_build['task']
if 'additional-parameters' in platform_build:
additional_parameters = platform_build['additional-parameters']
additional_parameters = {}
# Generate list of post build tasks that run on this build
post_build_jobs = []
for job_flag in jobs['flags'].get('post-build', []):
job = jobs['post-build'][job_flag]
if ('allowed_build_tasks' in job and
build_task not in job['allowed_build_tasks']):
# Node for this particular build type
'task': build_task,
'post-build': post_build_jobs,
'dependents': extract_tests_from_platform(
jobs['tests'], platform_builds, build_task, tests
'additional-parameters': additional_parameters,
'build_name': platform,
'build_type': build_type,
'interactive': args.interactive,
return result