Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

286 lines
7.9 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
// Tests that the DOM Template engine works properly
* These tests run both in Mozilla/Mochitest and plain browsers (as does
* domtemplate)
* We should endevour to keep the source in sync.
const template = Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/gcli/Templater.jsm", {}).template;
const TEST_URI = TEST_URI_ROOT + "browser_templater_basic.html";
var test = Task.async(function*() {
yield addTab("about:blank");
let [host, win, doc] = yield createHost("bottom", TEST_URI);
info("Starting DOM Templater Tests");
runTest(0, host, doc);
function runTest(index, host, doc) {
var options = tests[index] = tests[index]();
var holder = doc.createElement('div');
holder.id = options.name;
var body = doc.body;
holder.innerHTML = options.template;
info('Running ' + options.name);
template(holder, options.data, options.options);
if (typeof options.result == 'string') {
is(holder.innerHTML, options.result, options.name);
else {
ok(holder.innerHTML.match(options.result) != null,
options.name + ' result=\'' + holder.innerHTML + '\'');
if (options.also) {
function runNextTest() {
if (index < tests.length) {
runTest(index, host, doc);
else {
if (options.later) {
var ais = is.bind(this);
function createTester(holder, options) {
return () => {
ais(holder.innerHTML, options.later, options.name + ' later');
executeSoon(createTester(holder, options));
else {
function finished(host) {
info("Finishing DOM Templater Tests");
tests = null;
* Why have an array of functions that return data rather than just an array
* of the data itself? Some of these tests contain calls to delayReply() which
* sets up async processing using executeSoon(). Since the execution of these
* tests is asynchronous, the delayed reply will probably arrive before the
* test is executed, making the test be synchronous. So we wrap the data in a
* function so we only set it up just before we use it.
var tests = [
function() { return {
name: 'simpleNesting',
template: '<div id="ex1">${nested.value}</div>',
data: { nested:{ value:'pass 1' } },
result: '<div id="ex1">pass 1</div>'
function() { return {
name: 'returnDom',
template: '<div id="ex2">${__element.ownerDocument.createTextNode(\'pass 2\')}</div>',
options: { allowEval: true },
data: {},
result: '<div id="ex2">pass 2</div>'
function() { return {
name: 'srcChange',
template: '<img _src="${fred}" id="ex3">',
data: { fred:'green.png' },
result: /<img( id="ex3")? src="green.png"( id="ex3")?>/
function() { return {
name: 'ifTrue',
template: '<p if="${name !== \'jim\'}">hello ${name}</p>',
options: { allowEval: true },
data: { name: 'fred' },
result: '<p>hello fred</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'ifFalse',
template: '<p if="${name !== \'jim\'}">hello ${name}</p>',
options: { allowEval: true },
data: { name: 'jim' },
result: ''
function() { return {
name: 'simpleLoop',
template: '<p foreach="index in ${[ 1, 2, 3 ]}">${index}</p>',
options: { allowEval: true },
data: {},
result: '<p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'loopElement',
template: '<loop foreach="i in ${array}">${i}</loop>',
data: { array: [ 1, 2, 3 ] },
result: '123'
// Bug 692028: DOMTemplate memory leak with asynchronous arrays
// Bug 692031: DOMTemplate async loops do not drop the loop element
function() { return {
name: 'asyncLoopElement',
template: '<loop foreach="i in ${array}">${i}</loop>',
data: { array: delayReply([1, 2, 3]) },
result: '<span></span>',
later: '123'
function() { return {
name: 'saveElement',
template: '<p save="${element}">${name}</p>',
data: { name: 'pass 8' },
result: '<p>pass 8</p>',
also: function(options) {
ok(options.data.element.innerHTML, 'pass 9', 'saveElement saved');
delete options.data.element;
function() { return {
name: 'useElement',
template: '<p id="pass9">${adjust(__element)}</p>',
options: { allowEval: true },
data: {
adjust: function(element) {
is('pass9', element.id, 'useElement adjust');
return 'pass 9b'
result: '<p id="pass9">pass 9b</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'asyncInline',
template: '${delayed}',
data: { delayed: delayReply('inline') },
result: '<span></span>',
later: 'inline'
// Bug 692028: DOMTemplate memory leak with asynchronous arrays
function() { return {
name: 'asyncArray',
template: '<p foreach="i in ${delayed}">${i}</p>',
data: { delayed: delayReply([1, 2, 3]) },
result: '<span></span>',
later: '<p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'asyncMember',
template: '<p foreach="i in ${delayed}">${i}</p>',
data: { delayed: [delayReply(4), delayReply(5), delayReply(6)] },
result: '<span></span><span></span><span></span>',
later: '<p>4</p><p>5</p><p>6</p>'
// Bug 692028: DOMTemplate memory leak with asynchronous arrays
function() { return {
name: 'asyncBoth',
template: '<p foreach="i in ${delayed}">${i}</p>',
data: {
delayed: delayReply([
result: '<span></span>',
later: '<p>4</p><p>5</p><p>6</p>'
// Bug 701762: DOMTemplate fails when ${foo()} returns undefined
function() { return {
name: 'functionReturningUndefiend',
template: '<p>${foo()}</p>',
options: { allowEval: true },
data: {
foo: function() {}
result: '<p>undefined</p>'
// Bug 702642: DOMTemplate is relatively slow when evaluating JS ${}
function() { return {
name: 'propertySimple',
template: '<p>${a.b.c}</p>',
data: { a: { b: { c: 'hello' } } },
result: '<p>hello</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'propertyPass',
template: '<p>${Math.max(1, 2)}</p>',
options: { allowEval: true },
result: '<p>2</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'propertyFail',
template: '<p>${Math.max(1, 2)}</p>',
result: '<p>${Math.max(1, 2)}</p>'
// Bug 723431: DOMTemplate should allow customisation of display of
// null/undefined values
function() { return {
name: 'propertyUndefAttrFull',
template: '<p>${nullvar}|${undefinedvar1}|${undefinedvar2}</p>',
data: { nullvar: null, undefinedvar1: undefined },
result: '<p>null|undefined|undefined</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'propertyUndefAttrBlank',
template: '<p>${nullvar}|${undefinedvar1}|${undefinedvar2}</p>',
data: { nullvar: null, undefinedvar1: undefined },
options: { blankNullUndefined: true },
result: '<p>||</p>'
function() { return {
name: 'propertyUndefAttrFull',
template: '<div><p value="${nullvar}"></p><p value="${undefinedvar1}"></p><p value="${undefinedvar2}"></p></div>',
data: { nullvar: null, undefinedvar1: undefined },
result: '<div><p value="null"></p><p value="undefined"></p><p value="undefined"></p></div>'
function() { return {
name: 'propertyUndefAttrBlank',
template: '<div><p value="${nullvar}"></p><p value="${undefinedvar1}"></p><p value="${undefinedvar2}"></p></div>',
data: { nullvar: null, undefinedvar1: undefined },
options: { blankNullUndefined: true },
result: '<div><p value=""></p><p value=""></p><p value=""></p></div>'
function delayReply(data) {
return new Promise(resolve => resolve(data));