Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

2922 lines
146 KiB

module.exports = {
"!name": "browser",
"location": {
"assign": {
"!type": "fn(url: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Load the document at the provided URL."
"replace": {
"!type": "fn(url: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Replace the current document with the one at the provided URL. The difference from the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session history, meaning the user won't be able to use the Back button to navigate to it."
"reload": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Reload the document from the current URL. forceget is a boolean, which, when it is true, causes the page to always be reloaded from the server. If it is false or not specified, the browser may reload the page from its cache."
"origin": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The origin of the URL."
"hash": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "https://developer.mthat follows the # symbol, including the # symbol."
"search": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The part of the URL that follows the ? symbol, including the ? symbol."
"pathname": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The path (relative to the host)."
"port": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The port number of the URL."
"hostname": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The host name (without the port number or square brackets)."
"host": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The host name and port number."
"protocol": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The protocol of the URL."
"href": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The entire URL."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a location object with information about the current location of the document. Assigning to the location property changes the current page to the new address."
"Node": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"parentElement": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the DOM node's parent Element, or null if the node either has no parent, or its parent isn't a DOM Element."
"textContent": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets or sets the text content of a node and its descendants."
"baseURI": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The absolute base URI of a node or null if unable to obtain an absolute URI."
"localName": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the local part of the qualified name of this node."
"prefix": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the namespace prefix of the specified node, or null if no prefix is specified. This property is read only."
"namespaceURI": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The namespace URI of the node, or null if the node is not in a namespace (read-only). When the node is a document, it returns the XML namespace for the current document."
"ownerDocument": {
"!type": "+Document",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The ownerDocument property returns the top-level document object for this node."
"attributes": {
"!type": "+NamedNodeMap",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A collection of all attribute nodes registered to the specified node. It is a NamedNodeMap,not an Array, so it has no Array methods and the Attr nodes' indexes may differ among browsers."
"nextSibling": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the node immediately following the specified one in its parent's childNodes list, or null if the specified node is the last node in that list."
"previousSibling": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the node immediately preceding the specified one in its parent's childNodes list, null if the specified node is the first in that list."
"lastChild": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the last child of a node."
"firstChild": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the node's first child in the tree, or null if the node is childless. If the node is a Document, it returns the first node in the list of its direct children."
"childNodes": {
"!type": "+NodeList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a collection of child nodes of the given element."
"parentNode": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the parent of the specified node in the DOM tree."
"nodeType": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an integer code representing the type of the node."
"nodeValue": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns or sets the value of the current node."
"nodeName": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the name of the current node as a string."
"tagName": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the name of the current node as a string."
"insertBefore": {
"!type": "fn(newElt: +Element, before: +Element) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Inserts the specified node before a reference element as a child of the current node."
"replaceChild": {
"!type": "fn(newElt: +Element, oldElt: +Element) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Replaces one child node of the specified element with another."
"removeChild": {
"!type": "fn(oldElt: +Element) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes a child node from the DOM. Returns removed node."
"appendChild": {
"!type": "fn(newElt: +Element) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds a node to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node. If the node already exists it is removed from current parent node, then added to new parent node."
"hasChildNodes": {
"!type": "fn() -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the current Node has child nodes or not."
"cloneNode": {
"!type": "fn(deep: bool) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a duplicate of the node on which this method was called."
"normalize": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Puts the specified node and all of its subtree into a \"normalized\" form. In a normalized subtree, no text nodes in the subtree are empty and there are no adjacent text nodes."
"isSupported": {
"!type": "fn(features: string, version: number) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Tests whether the DOM implementation implements a specific feature and that feature is supported by this node."
"hasAttributes": {
"!type": "fn() -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a boolean value of true or false, indicating if the current element has any attributes or not."
"lookupPrefix": {
"!type": "fn(uri: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the prefix for a given namespaceURI if present, and null if not. When multiple prefixes are possible, the result is implementation-dependent."
"isDefaultNamespace": {
"!type": "fn(uri: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Accepts a namespace URI as an argument and returns true if the namespace is the default namespace on the given node or false if not."
"lookupNamespaceURI": {
"!type": "fn(uri: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Takes a prefix and returns the namespaceURI associated with it on the given node if found (and null if not). Supplying null for the prefix will return the default namespace."
"addEventListener": {
"!type": "fn(type: string, listener: fn(e: +Event), capture: bool)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Registers a single event listener on a single target. The event target may be a single element in a document, the document itself, a window, or an XMLHttpRequest."
"removeEventListener": {
"!type": "fn(type: string, listener: fn(), capture: bool)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Allows the removal of event listeners from the event target."
"isSameNode": {
"!type": "fn(other: +Node) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Tests whether two nodes are the same, that is they reference the same object."
"isEqualNode": {
"!type": "fn(other: +Node) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Tests whether two nodes are equal."
"compareDocumentPosition": {
"!type": "fn(other: +Node) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Compares the position of the current node against another node in any other document."
"contains": {
"!type": "fn(other: +Node) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates whether a node is a descendent of a given node."
"dispatchEvent": {
"!type": "fn(event: +Event) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Dispatches an event into the event system. The event is subject to the same capturing and bubbling behavior as directly dispatched events."
"ELEMENT_NODE": "number",
"ATTRIBUTE_NODE": "number",
"TEXT_NODE": "number",
"ENTITY_NODE": "number",
"COMMENT_NODE": "number",
"DOCUMENT_NODE": "number",
"NOTATION_NODE": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A Node is an interface from which a number of DOM types inherit, and allows these various types to be treated (or tested) similarly."
"Element": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"!proto": "Node.prototype",
"getAttribute": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the value of the named attribute on the specified element. If the named attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or \"\" (the empty string)."
"setAttribute": {
"!type": "fn(name: string, value: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute on the specified element."
"removeAttribute": {
"!type": "fn(name: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes an attribute from the specified element."
"getAttributeNode": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> +Attr",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the specified attribute of the specified element, as an Attr node."
"getElementsByTagName": {
"!type": "fn(tagName: string) -> +NodeList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of elements with the given tag name. The subtree underneath the specified element is searched, excluding the element itself. The returned list is live, meaning that it updates itself with the DOM tree automatically. Consequently, there is no need to call several times element.getElementsByTagName with the same element and arguments."
"getElementsByTagNameNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, tagName: string) -> +NodeList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace."
"getAttributeNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the string value of the attribute with the specified namespace and name. If the named attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or \"\" (the empty string)."
"setAttributeNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string, value: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name."
"removeAttributeNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "removeAttributeNS removes the specified attribute from an element."
"getAttributeNodeNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string) -> +Attr",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the Attr node for the attribute with the given namespace and name."
"hasAttribute": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "hasAttribute returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not."
"hasAttributeNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "hasAttributeNS returns a boolean value indicating whether the current element has the specified attribute."
"focus": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets focus on the specified element, if it can be focused."
"blur": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The blur method removes keyboard focus from the current element."
"scrollIntoView": {
"!type": "fn(top: bool)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The scrollIntoView() method scrolls the element into view."
"scrollByLines": {
"!type": "fn(lines: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Scrolls the document by the given number of lines."
"scrollByPages": {
"!type": "fn(pages: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Scrolls the current document by the specified number of pages."
"getElementsByClassName": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> +NodeList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a set of elements which have all the given class names. When called on the document object, the complete document is searched, including the root node. You may also call getElementsByClassName on any element; it will return only elements which are descendants of the specified root element with the given class names."
"querySelector": {
"!type": "fn(selectors: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the first element that is a descendent of the element on which it is invoked that matches the specified group of selectors."
"querySelectorAll": {
"!type": "fn(selectors: string) -> +NodeList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a non-live NodeList of all elements descended from the element on which it is invoked that match the specified group of CSS selectors."
"getClientRects": {
"!type": "fn() -> [+ClientRect]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a collection of rectangles that indicate the bounding rectangles for each box in a client."
"getBoundingClientRect": {
"!type": "fn() -> +ClientRect",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a text rectangle object that encloses a group of text rectangles."
"setAttributeNode": {
"!type": "fn(attr: +Attr) -> +Attr",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds a new Attr node to the specified element."
"removeAttributeNode": {
"!type": "fn(attr: +Attr) -> +Attr",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes the specified attribute from the current element."
"setAttributeNodeNS": {
"!type": "fn(attr: +Attr) -> +Attr",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds a new namespaced attribute node to an element."
"insertAdjacentHTML": {
"!type": "fn(position: string, text: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Parses the specified text as HTML or XML and inserts the resulting nodes into the DOM tree at a specified position. It does not reparse the element it is being used on and thus it does not corrupt the existing elements inside the element. This, and avoiding the extra step of serialization make it much faster than direct innerHTML manipulation."
"children": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a collection of child elements of the given element."
"childElementCount": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of child elements of the given element."
"className": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets and sets the value of the class attribute of the specified element."
"style": {
"cssText": "string",
"alignmentBaseline": "string",
"background": "string",
"backgroundAttachment": "string",
"backgroundClip": "string",
"backgroundColor": "string",
"backgroundImage": "string",
"backgroundOrigin": "string",
"backgroundPosition": "string",
"backgroundPositionX": "string",
"backgroundPositionY": "string",
"backgroundRepeat": "string",
"backgroundRepeatX": "string",
"backgroundRepeatY": "string",
"backgroundSize": "string",
"baselineShift": "string",
"border": "string",
"borderBottom": "string",
"borderBottomColor": "string",
"borderBottomLeftRadius": "string",
"borderBottomRightRadius": "string",
"borderBottomStyle": "string",
"borderBottomWidth": "string",
"borderCollapse": "string",
"borderColor": "string",
"borderImage": "string",
"borderImageOutset": "string",
"borderImageRepeat": "string",
"borderImageSlice": "string",
"borderImageSource": "string",
"borderImageWidth": "string",
"borderLeft": "string",
"borderLeftColor": "string",
"borderLeftStyle": "string",
"borderLeftWidth": "string",
"borderRadius": "string",
"borderRight": "string",
"borderRightColor": "string",
"borderRightStyle": "string",
"borderRightWidth": "string",
"borderSpacing": "string",
"borderStyle": "string",
"borderTop": "string",
"borderTopColor": "string",
"borderTopLeftRadius": "string",
"borderTopRightRadius": "string",
"borderTopStyle": "string",
"borderTopWidth": "string",
"borderWidth": "string",
"bottom": "string",
"boxShadow": "string",
"boxSizing": "string",
"captionSide": "string",
"clear": "string",
"clip": "string",
"clipPath": "string",
"clipRule": "string",
"color": "string",
"colorInterpolation": "string",
"colorInterpolationFilters": "string",
"colorProfile": "string",
"colorRendering": "string",
"content": "string",
"counterIncrement": "string",
"counterReset": "string",
"cursor": "string",
"direction": "string",
"display": "string",
"dominantBaseline": "string",
"emptyCells": "string",
"enableBackground": "string",
"fill": "string",
"fillOpacity": "string",
"fillRule": "string",
"filter": "string",
"float": "string",
"floodColor": "string",
"floodOpacity": "string",
"font": "string",
"fontFamily": "string",
"fontSize": "string",
"fontStretch": "string",
"fontStyle": "string",
"fontVariant": "string",
"fontWeight": "string",
"glyphOrientationHorizontal": "string",
"glyphOrientationVertical": "string",
"height": "string",
"imageRendering": "string",
"kerning": "string",
"left": "string",
"letterSpacing": "string",
"lightingColor": "string",
"lineHeight": "string",
"listStyle": "string",
"listStyleImage": "string",
"listStylePosition": "string",
"listStyleType": "string",
"margin": "string",
"marginBottom": "string",
"marginLeft": "string",
"marginRight": "string",
"marginTop": "string",
"marker": "string",
"markerEnd": "string",
"markerMid": "string",
"markerStart": "string",
"mask": "string",
"maxHeight": "string",
"maxWidth": "string",
"minHeight": "string",
"minWidth": "string",
"opacity": "string",
"orphans": "string",
"outline": "string",
"outlineColor": "string",
"outlineOffset": "string",
"outlineStyle": "string",
"outlineWidth": "string",
"overflow": "string",
"overflowWrap": "string",
"overflowX": "string",
"overflowY": "string",
"padding": "string",
"paddingBottom": "string",
"paddingLeft": "string",
"paddingRight": "string",
"paddingTop": "string",
"page": "string",
"pageBreakAfter": "string",
"pageBreakBefore": "string",
"pageBreakInside": "string",
"pointerEvents": "string",
"position": "string",
"quotes": "string",
"resize": "string",
"right": "string",
"shapeRendering": "string",
"size": "string",
"speak": "string",
"src": "string",
"stopColor": "string",
"stopOpacity": "string",
"stroke": "string",
"strokeDasharray": "string",
"strokeDashoffset": "string",
"strokeLinecap": "string",
"strokeLinejoin": "string",
"strokeMiterlimit": "string",
"strokeOpacity": "string",
"strokeWidth": "string",
"tabSize": "string",
"tableLayout": "string",
"textAlign": "string",
"textAnchor": "string",
"textDecoration": "string",
"textIndent": "string",
"textLineThrough": "string",
"textLineThroughColor": "string",
"textLineThroughMode": "string",
"textLineThroughStyle": "string",
"textLineThroughWidth": "string",
"textOverflow": "string",
"textOverline": "string",
"textOverlineColor": "string",
"textOverlineMode": "string",
"textOverlineStyle": "string",
"textOverlineWidth": "string",
"textRendering": "string",
"textShadow": "string",
"textTransform": "string",
"textUnderline": "string",
"textUnderlineColor": "string",
"textUnderlineMode": "string",
"textUnderlineStyle": "string",
"textUnderlineWidth": "string",
"top": "string",
"unicodeBidi": "string",
"unicodeRange": "string",
"vectorEffect": "string",
"verticalAlign": "string",
"visibility": "string",
"whiteSpace": "string",
"width": "string",
"wordBreak": "string",
"wordSpacing": "string",
"wordWrap": "string",
"writingMode": "string",
"zIndex": "string",
"zoom": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an object that represents the element's style attribute."
"classList": {
"!type": "+DOMTokenList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a token list of the class attribute of the element."
"contentEditable": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates whether or not the element is editable."
"firstElementChild": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the element's first child element or null if there are no child elements."
"lastElementChild": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the element's last child element or null if there are no child elements."
"nextElementSibling": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the element immediately following the specified one in its parent's children list, or null if the specified element is the last one in the list."
"previousElementSibling": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the element immediately prior to the specified one in its parent's children list, or null if the specified element is the first one in the list."
"tabIndex": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets/sets the tab order of the current element."
"title": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Establishes the text to be displayed in a 'tool tip' popup when the mouse is over the displayed node."
"width": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the layout width of an element."
"height": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Height of an element relative to the element's offsetParent."
"getContext": {
"!type": "fn(id: string) -> CanvasRenderingContext2D",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "DOM canvas elements expose the HTMLCanvasElement interface, which provides properties and methods for manipulating the layout and presentation of canvas elements. The HTMLCanvasElement interface inherits the properties and methods of the element object interface."
"supportsContext": "fn(id: string) -> bool",
"oncopy": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The oncopy property returns the onCopy event handler code on the current element."
"oncut": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The oncut property returns the onCut event handler code on the current element."
"onpaste": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onpaste property returns the onPaste event handler code on the current element."
"onbeforeunload": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The HTML <body> element represents the main content of an HTML document. There is only one <body> element in a document."
"onfocus": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onfocus property returns the onFocus event handler code on the current element."
"onblur": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onblur property returns the onBlur event handler code, if any, that exists on the current element."
"onchange": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onchange property sets and returns the onChange event handler code for the current element."
"onclick": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onclick property returns the onClick event handler code on the current element."
"ondblclick": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The ondblclick property returns the onDblClick event handler code on the current element."
"onmousedown": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmousedown property returns the onMouseDown event handler code on the current element."
"onmouseup": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmouseup property returns the onMouseUp event handler code on the current element."
"onmousewheel": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The wheel event is fired when a wheel button of a pointing device (usually a mouse) is rotated. This event deprecates the legacy mousewheel event."
"onmouseover": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmouseover property returns the onMouseOver event handler code on the current element."
"onmouseout": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmouseout property returns the onMouseOut event handler code on the current element."
"onmousemove": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmousemove property returns the mousemove event handler code on the current element."
"oncontextmenu": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler property for right-click events on the window. Unless the default behavior is prevented, the browser context menu will activate. Note that this event will occur with any non-disabled right-click event and does not depend on an element possessing the \"contextmenu\" attribute."
"onkeydown": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onkeydown property returns the onKeyDown event handler code on the current element."
"onkeyup": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onkeyup property returns the onKeyUp event handler code for the current element."
"onkeypress": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onkeypress property sets and returns the onKeyPress event handler code for the current element."
"onresize": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "onresize returns the element's onresize event handler code. It can also be used to set the code to be executed when the resize event occurs."
"onscroll": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onscroll property returns the onScroll event handler code on the current element."
"ondragstart": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The following describes the steps that occur during a drag and drop operation."
"ondragover": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragover event is fired when an element or text selection is being dragged over a valid drop target (every few hundred milliseconds)."
"ondragleave": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragleave event is fired when a dragged element or text selection leaves a valid drop target."
"ondragenter": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragenter event is fired when a dragged element or text selection enters a valid drop target."
"ondragend": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragend event is fired when a drag operation is being ended (by releasing a mouse button or hitting the escape key)."
"ondrag": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The drag event is fired when an element or text selection is being dragged (every few hundred milliseconds)."
"offsetTop": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the distance of the current element relative to the top of the offsetParent node."
"offsetLeft": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of pixels that the upper left corner of the current element is offset to the left within the offsetParent node."
"offsetHeight": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Height of an element relative to the element's offsetParent."
"offsetWidth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the layout width of an element."
"scrollTop": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets or sets the number of pixels that the content of an element is scrolled upward."
"scrollLeft": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets or sets the number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled to the left."
"scrollHeight": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Height of the scroll view of an element; it includes the element padding but not its margin."
"scrollWidth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Read-only property that returns either the width in pixels of the content of an element or the width of the element itself, whichever is greater."
"clientTop": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The width of the top border of an element in pixels. It does not include the top margin or padding. clientTop is read-only."
"clientLeft": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The width of the left border of an element in pixels. It includes the width of the vertical scrollbar if the text direction of the element is right-to-left and if there is an overflow causing a left vertical scrollbar to be rendered. clientLeft does not include the left margin or the left padding. clientLeft is read-only."
"clientHeight": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the inner height of an element in pixels, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin."
"clientWidth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The inner width of an element in pixels. It includes padding but not the vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered), border or margin."
"innerHTML": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets or gets the HTML syntax describing the element's descendants."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Represents an element in an HTML or XML document."
"Text": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"!proto": "Node.prototype",
"wholeText": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns all text of all Text nodes logically adjacent to the node. The text is concatenated in document order. This allows you to specify any text node and obtain all adjacent text as a single string."
"splitText": {
"!type": "fn(offset: number) -> +Text",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Breaks the Text node into two nodes at the specified offset, keeping both nodes in the tree as siblings."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "In the DOM, the Text interface represents the textual content of an Element or Attr. If an element has no markup within its content, it has a single child implementing Text that contains the element's text. However, if the element contains markup, it is parsed into information items and Text nodes that form its children."
"Document": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"!proto": "Node.prototype",
"activeElement": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the currently focused element, that is, the element that will get keystroke events if the user types any. This attribute is read only."
"compatMode": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates whether the document is rendered in Quirks mode or Strict mode."
"designMode": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Can be used to make any document editable, for example in a <iframe />:"
"dir": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This property should indicate and allow the setting of the directionality of the text of the document, whether left to right (default) or right to left."
"height": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the height of the <body> element of the current document."
"width": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the width of the <body> element of the current document in pixels."
"characterSet": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the character encoding of the current document."
"readyState": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns \"loading\" while the document is loading, \"interactive\" once it is finished parsing but still loading sub-resources, and \"complete\" once it has loaded."
"location": {
"!type": "location",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a Location object, which contains information about the URL of the document and provides methods for changing that URL."
"lastModified": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string containing the date and time on which the current document was last modified."
"head": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the <head> element of the current document. If there are more than one <head> elements, the first one is returned."
"body": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the <body> or <frameset> node of the current document."
"cookie": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Get and set the cookies associated with the current document."
"URL": "string",
"domain": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets/sets the domain portion of the origin of the current document, as used by the same origin policy."
"referrer": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page."
"title": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets or sets the title of the document."
"defaultView": {
"!url": "",
"!doc": "In browsers returns the window object associated with the document or null if none available."
"documentURI": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the document location as string. It is read-only per DOM4 specification."
"xmlStandalone": "bool",
"xmlVersion": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the version number as specified in the XML declaration (e.g., <?xml version=\"1.0\"?>) or \"1.0\" if the declaration is absent."
"xmlEncoding": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the encoding as determined by the XML declaration. Should be null if unspecified or unknown."
"inputEncoding": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string representing the encoding under which the document was parsed (e.g. ISO-8859-1)."
"documentElement": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Read-only"
"implementation": {
"hasFeature": "fn(feature: string, version: number) -> bool",
"createDocumentType": {
"!type": "fn(qualifiedName: string, publicId: string, systemId: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a DocumentType object which can either be used with DOMImplementation.createDocument upon document creation or they can be put into the document via Node.insertBefore() or Node.replaceChild(): (less ideal due to features not likely being as accessible: ). In any case, entity declarations and notations will not be available: "
"createHTMLDocument": {
"!type": "fn(title: string) -> +Document",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This method (available from document.implementation) creates a new HTML document."
"createDocument": {
"!type": "fn(namespaceURI: string, qualifiedName: string, type: +Node) -> +Document",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This method creates a new HTML document."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a DOMImplementation object associated with the current document."
"doctype": {
"!type": "+Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the Document Type Declaration (DTD) associated with current document. The returned object implements the DocumentType interface. Use DOMImplementation.createDocumentType() to create a DocumentType."
"open": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The method opens a document for writing."
"close": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The document.close() method finishes writing to a document, opened with"
"write": {
"!type": "fn(html: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Writes a string of text to a document stream opened by"
"writeln": {
"!type": "fn(html: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Writes a string of text followed by a newline character to a document."
"clear": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "In recent versions of Mozilla-based applications as well as in Internet Explorer and Netscape 4 this method does nothing."
"hasFocus": {
"!type": "fn() -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the document or any element inside the document has focus. This method can be used to determine whether the active element in a document has focus."
"createElement": {
"!type": "fn(tagName: string) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates the specified element."
"createElementNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, tagName: string) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates an element with the specified namespace URI and qualified name."
"createDocumentFragment": {
"!type": "fn() -> +DocumentFragment",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new empty DocumentFragment."
"createTextNode": {
"!type": "fn(content: string) -> +Text",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new Text node."
"createComment": {
"!type": "fn(content: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new comment node, and returns it."
"createCDATASection": {
"!type": "fn(content: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new CDATA section node, and returns it. "
"createProcessingInstruction": {
"!type": "fn(content: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new processing instruction node, and returns it."
"createAttribute": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> +Attr",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new attribute node, and returns it."
"createAttributeNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string) -> +Attr",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object. In most DOM methods, you will probably directly retrieve the attribute as a string (e.g., Element.getAttribute(), but certain functions (e.g., Element.getAttributeNode()) or means of iterating give Attr types."
"importNode": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Node, deep: bool) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a copy of a node from an external document that can be inserted into the current document."
"getElementById": {
"!type": "fn(id: string) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a reference to the element by its ID."
"getElementsByTagName": {
"!type": "fn(tagName: string) -> +NodeList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a NodeList of elements with the given tag name. The complete document is searched, including the root node. The returned NodeList is live, meaning that it updates itself automatically to stay in sync with the DOM tree without having to call document.getElementsByTagName again."
"getElementsByTagNameNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, tagName: string) -> +NodeList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of elements with the given tag name belonging to the given namespace. The complete document is searched, including the root node."
"createEvent": {
"!type": "fn(type: string) -> +Event",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates an event of the type specified. The returned object should be first initialized and can then be passed to element.dispatchEvent."
"createRange": {
"!type": "fn() -> +Range",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a new Range object."
"evaluate": {
"!type": "fn(expr: ?) -> +XPathResult",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an XPathResult based on an XPath expression and other given parameters."
"execCommand": {
"!type": "fn(cmd: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Run command to manipulate the contents of an editable region."
"queryCommandEnabled": {
"!type": "fn(cmd: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns true if the Midas command can be executed on the current range."
"queryCommandIndeterm": {
"!type": "fn(cmd: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns true if the Midas command is in a indeterminate state on the current range."
"queryCommandState": {
"!type": "fn(cmd: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns true if the Midas command has been executed on the current range."
"queryCommandSupported": {
"!type": "fn(cmd: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Reports whether or not the specified editor query command is supported by the browser."
"queryCommandValue": {
"!type": "fn(cmd: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the current value of the current range for Midas command."
"getElementsByName": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> +HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of elements with a given name in the HTML document."
"elementFromPoint": {
"!type": "fn(x: number, y: number) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the element from the document whose elementFromPoint method is being called which is the topmost element which lies under the given point. To get an element, specify the point via coordinates, in CSS pixels, relative to the upper-left-most point in the window or frame containing the document."
"getSelection": {
"!type": "fn() -> +Selection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM getSelection() method is available on the Window and Document interfaces."
"adoptNode": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Node) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adopts a node from an external document. The node and its subtree is removed from the document it's in (if any), and its ownerDocument is changed to the current document. The node can then be inserted into the current document."
"createTreeWalker": {
"!type": "fn(root: +Node, mask: number) -> ?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a new TreeWalker object."
"createExpression": {
"!type": "fn(text: string) -> ?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This method compiles an XPathExpression which can then be used for (repeated) evaluations."
"createNSResolver": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Node)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates an XPathNSResolver which resolves namespaces with respect to the definitions in scope for a specified node."
"scripts": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of the <script> elements in the document. The returned object is an HTMLCollection."
"plugins": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an HTMLCollection object containing one or more HTMLEmbedElements or null which represent the <embed> elements in the current document."
"embeds": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of the embedded OBJECTS within the current document."
"anchors": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of all of the anchors in the document."
"links": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The links property returns a collection of all AREA elements and anchor elements in a document with a value for the href attribute. "
"forms": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a collection (an HTMLCollection) of the form elements within the current document."
"styleSheets": {
"!type": "+HTMLCollection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a list of stylesheet objects for stylesheets explicitly linked into or embedded in a document."
"querySelector": "Element.prototype.querySelector",
"querySelectorAll": "Element.prototype.querySelectorAll"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Each web page loaded in the browser has its own document object. This object serves as an entry point to the web page's content (the DOM tree, including elements such as <body> and <table>) and provides functionality global to the document (such as obtaining the page's URL and creating new elements in the document)."
"document": {
"!type": "+Document",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Each web page loaded in the browser has its own document object. This object serves as an entry point to the web page's content (the DOM tree, including elements such as <body> and <table>) and provides functionality global to the document (such as obtaining the page's URL and creating new elements in the document)."
"XMLDocument": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Document.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The Web platform provides the following objects for parsing and serializing XML:"
"Attr": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"isId": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object. In most DOM methods, you will probably directly retrieve the attribute as a string (e.g., Element.getAttribute(), but certain functions (e.g., Element.getAttributeNode()) or means of iterating give Attr types."
"name": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object. In most DOM methods, you will probably directly retrieve the attribute as a string (e.g., Element.getAttribute(), but certain functions (e.g., Element.getAttributeNode()) or means of iterating give Attr types."
"value": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object. In most DOM methods, you will probably directly retrieve the attribute as a string (e.g., Element.getAttribute(), but certain functions (e.g., Element.getAttributeNode()) or means of iterating give Attr types."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This type represents a DOM element's attribute as an object. In most DOM methods, you will probably directly retrieve the attribute as a string (e.g., Element.getAttribute(), but certain functions (e.g., Element.getAttributeNode()) or means of iterating give Attr types."
"NodeList": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of items in a NodeList."
"item": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a node from a NodeList by index."
"<i>": "+Element"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "NodeList objects are collections of nodes returned by getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, Node.childNodes, querySelectorAll, getElementsByClassName, etc."
"HTMLCollection": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The number of items in the collection."
"item": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the specific node at the given zero-based index into the list. Returns null if the index is out of range."
"namedItem": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> +Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the specific node whose ID or, as a fallback, name matches the string specified by name. Matching by name is only done as a last resort, only in HTML, and only if the referenced element supports the name attribute. Returns null if no node exists by the given name."
"<i>": "+Element"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "HTMLCollection is an interface representing a generic collection of elements (in document order) and offers methods and properties for traversing the list."
"NamedNodeMap": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The number of items in the map."
"getNamedItem": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets a node by name."
"setNamedItem": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Node) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds (or replaces) a node by its nodeName."
"removeNamedItem": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes a node (or if an attribute, may reveal a default if present)."
"item": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the item at the given index (or null if the index is higher or equal to the number of nodes)."
"getNamedItemNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gets a node by namespace and localName."
"setNamedItemNS": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Node) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds (or replaces) a node by its localName and namespaceURI."
"removeNamedItemNS": {
"!type": "fn(ns: string, name: string) -> +Node",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes a node (or if an attribute, may reveal a default if present)."
"<i>": "+Node"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A collection of nodes returned by Element.attributes (also potentially for DocumentType.entities, DocumentType.notations). NamedNodeMaps are not in any particular order (unlike NodeList), although they may be accessed by an index as in an array (they may also be accessed with the item() method). A NamedNodeMap object are live and will thus be auto-updated if changes are made to their contents internally or elsewhere."
"DocumentFragment": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"!proto": "Node.prototype"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a new empty DocumentFragment."
"DOMTokenList": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The amount of items in the list."
"item": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an item in the list by its index."
"contains": {
"!type": "fn(token: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Return true if the underlying string contains token, otherwise false."
"add": {
"!type": "fn(token: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds token to the underlying string."
"remove": {
"!type": "fn(token: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Remove token from the underlying string."
"toggle": {
"!type": "fn(token: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes token from string and returns false. If token doesn't exist it's added and the function returns true."
"<i>": "string"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This type represents a set of space-separated tokens. Commonly returned by HTMLElement.classList, HTMLLinkElement.relList, HTMLAnchorElement.relList or HTMLAreaElement.relList. It is indexed beginning with 0 as with JavaScript arrays. DOMTokenList is always case-sensitive."
"XPathResult": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"boolValue": "bool",
"invalidIteratorState": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This document describes the interface for using XPath in JavaScript internally, in extensions, and from websites. Mozilla implements a fair amount of the DOM 3 XPath. Which means that XPath expressions can be run against both HTML and XML documents."
"numberValue": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Refer to nsIDOMXPathResult for more detail."
"resultType": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an XPathResult based on an XPath expression and other given parameters."
"singleNodeValue": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This document describes the interface for using XPath in JavaScript internally, in extensions, and from websites. Mozilla implements a fair amount of the DOM 3 XPath. Which means that XPath expressions can be run against both HTML and XML documents."
"snapshotLength": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Refer to nsIDOMXPathResult for more detail."
"stringValue": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This document describes the interface for using XPath in JavaScript internally, in extensions, and from websites. Mozilla implements a fair amount of the DOM 3 XPath. Which means that XPath expressions can be run against both HTML and XML documents."
"iterateNext": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This document describes the interface for using XPath in JavaScript internally, in extensions, and from websites. Mozilla implements a fair amount of the DOM 3 XPath. Which means that XPath expressions can be run against both HTML and XML documents."
"snapshotItem": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": ""
"ANY_TYPE": "number",
"NUMBER_TYPE": "number",
"STRING_TYPE": "number",
"BOOL_TYPE": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Refer to nsIDOMXPathResult for more detail."
"ClientRect": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"top": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Top of the box, in pixels, relative to the viewport."
"left": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Left of the box, in pixels, relative to the viewport."
"bottom": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Bottom of the box, in pixels, relative to the viewport."
"right": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Right of the box, in pixels, relative to the viewport."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a collection of rectangles that indicate the bounding rectangles for each box in a client."
"Event": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"stopPropagation": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Prevents further propagation of the current event."
"preventDefault": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event."
"initEvent": {
"!type": "fn(type: string, bubbles: bool, cancelable: bool)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The initEvent method is used to initialize the value of an event created using document.createEvent."
"stopImmediatePropagation": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Prevents other listeners of the same event to be called."
"NONE": "number",
"CAPTURING_PHASE": "number",
"AT_TARGET": "number",
"BUBBLING_PHASE": "number",
"MOUSEDOWN": "number",
"MOUSEUP": "number",
"MOUSEOVER": "number",
"MOUSEOUT": "number",
"MOUSEMOVE": "number",
"MOUSEDRAG": "number",
"CLICK": "number",
"DBLCLICK": "number",
"KEYDOWN": "number",
"KEYUP": "number",
"KEYPRESS": "number",
"DRAGDROP": "number",
"FOCUS": "number",
"BLUR": "number",
"SELECT": "number",
"CHANGE": "number",
"target": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An EventTarget is a DOM interface implemented by objects that can receive DOM events and have listeners for them. The most common EventTargets are DOM elements, although other objects can be EventTargets too, for example document, window, XMLHttpRequest, and others."
"relatedTarget": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Identifies a secondary target for the event."
"pageX": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the horizontal coordinate of the event relative to whole document."
"pageY": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the vertical coordinate of the event relative to the whole document."
"clientX": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the horizontal coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientX value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled horizontally."
"clientY": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the vertical coordinate within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed to the coordinates within the page). For example, clicking in the top-left corner of the client area will always result in a mouse event with a clientY value of 0, regardless of whether the page is scrolled vertically."
"keyCode": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the Unicode value of a non-character key in a keypress event or any key in any other type of keyboard event."
"charCode": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the Unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event."
"which": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the numeric keyCode of the key pressed, or the character code (charCode) for an alphanumeric key pressed."
"button": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates which mouse button caused the event."
"shiftKey": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates whether the SHIFT key was pressed when the event fired."
"ctrlKey": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates whether the CTRL key was pressed when the event fired."
"altKey": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates whether the ALT key was pressed when the event fired."
"metaKey": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates whether the META key was pressed when the event fired."
"returnValue": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event that fires when a window is about to unload its resources. The document is still visible and the event is still cancelable."
"cancelBubble": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "bool is the boolean value of true or false."
"dataTransfer": {
"dropEffect": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The actual effect that will be used, and should always be one of the possible values of effectAllowed."
"effectAllowed": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Specifies the effects that are allowed for this drag."
"files": {
"!type": "+FileList",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Contains a list of all the local files available on the data transfer."
"types": {
"!type": "[string]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Holds a list of the format types of the data that is stored for the first item, in the same order the data was added. An empty list will be returned if no data was added."
"addElement": {
"!type": "fn(element: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Set the drag source."
"clearData": {
"!type": "fn(type?: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Remove the data associated with a given type."
"getData": {
"!type": "fn(type: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Retrieves the data for a given type, or an empty string if data for that type does not exist or the data transfer contains no data."
"setData": {
"!type": "fn(type: string, data: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Set the data for a given type."
"setDragImage": {
"!type": "fn(image: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Set the image to be used for dragging if a custom one is desired."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This object is available from the dataTransfer property of all drag events. It cannot be created separately."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM Event interface is accessible from within the handler function, via the event object passed as the first argument."
"TouchEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "In order to provide quality support for touch-based user interfaces, touch events offer the ability to interpret finger activity on touch screens or trackpads."
"WheelEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM WheelEvent represents events that occur due to the user moving a mouse wheel or similar input device."
"MouseEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM MouseEvent represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse). It's represented by the nsINSDOMMouseEvent interface, which extends the nsIDOMMouseEvent interface."
"KeyboardEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "KeyboardEvent objects describe a user interaction with the keyboard. Each event describes a key; the event type (keydown, keypress, or keyup) identifies what kind of activity was performed."
"HashChangeEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The hashchange event fires when a window's hash changes."
"ErrorEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The error event is fired whenever a resource fails to load."
"CustomEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM CustomEvent are events initialized by an application for any purpose."
"BeforeLoadEvent": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": "Event.prototype",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This section provides a brief reference for all of the methods, properties, and events available through the DOM window object. The window object implements the Window interface, which in turn inherits from the AbstractView interface. Some additional global functions, namespaces objects, and constructors, not typically associated with the window, but available on it, are listed in the JavaScript Reference."
"WebSocket": {
"!type": "fn(url: string)",
"prototype": {
"close": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A CloseEvent is sent to clients using WebSockets when the connection is closed. This is delivered to the listener indicated by the WebSocket object's onclose attribute."
"send": {
"!type": "fn(data: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The WebSocket object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection."
"binaryType": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The WebSocket object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection."
"bufferedAmount": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "WebSockets is a technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. Using a WebSocket connection, Web applications can perform real-time communication instead of having to poll for changes back and forth."
"extensions": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The WebSocket object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection."
"onclose": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A CloseEvent is sent to clients using WebSockets when the connection is closed. This is delivered to the listener indicated by the WebSocket object's onclose attribute."
"onerror": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "WebSockets is a technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. Using a WebSocket connection, Web applications can perform real-time communication instead of having to poll for changes back and forth."
"onmessage": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The WebSocket object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection."
"onopen": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The WebSocket object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection."
"protocol": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "WebSockets is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply."
"url": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "WebSockets is a technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. Using a WebSocket connection, Web applications can perform real-time communication instead of having to poll for changes back and forth."
"CONNECTING": "number",
"OPEN": "number",
"CLOSING": "number",
"CLOSED": "number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "WebSockets is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply."
"Worker": {
"!type": "fn(scriptURL: string)",
"prototype": {
"postMessage": {
"!type": "fn(message: ?)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sends a message to the worker's inner scope. This accepts a single parameter, which is the data to send to the worker. The data may be any value or JavaScript object handled by the structured clone algorithm, which includes cyclical references."
"terminate": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Immediately terminates the worker. This does not offer the worker an opportunity to finish its operations; it is simply stopped at once."
"onmessage": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event listener that is called whenever a MessageEvent with type message bubbles through the worker. The message is stored in the event's data member."
"onerror": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event listener that is called whenever an ErrorEvent with type error bubbles through the worker."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Workers are background tasks that can be easily created and can send messages back to their creators. Creating a worker is as simple as calling the Worker() constructor, specifying a script to be run in the worker thread."
"localStorage": {
"setItem": {
"!type": "fn(name: string, value: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Store an item in storage."
"getItem": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Retrieve an item from storage."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM Storage mechanism is a means through which string key/value pairs can be securely stored and later retrieved for use."
"sessionStorage": {
"setItem": {
"!type": "fn(name: string, value: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Store an item in storage."
"getItem": {
"!type": "fn(name: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Retrieve an item from storage."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This is a global object (sessionStorage) that maintains a storage area that's available for the duration of the page session. A page session lasts for as long as the browser is open and survives over page reloads and restores. Opening a page in a new tab or window will cause a new session to be initiated."
"FileList": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A read-only value indicating the number of files in the list."
"item": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> +File",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a File object representing the file at the specified index in the file list."
"<i>": "+File"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An object of this type is returned by the files property of the HTML input element; this lets you access the list of files selected with the <input type=\"file\"> element. It's also used for a list of files dropped into web content when using the drag and drop API."
"File": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"!proto": "Blob.prototype",
"fileName": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the name of the file. For security reasons the path is excluded from this property."
"fileSize": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the size of a file in bytes."
"lastModifiedDate": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the last modified date of the file. Files without a known last modified date use the current date instead."
"name": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the name of the file. For security reasons, the path is excluded from this property."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The File object provides information about -- and access to the contents of -- files. These are generally retrieved from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the input element, or from a drag and drop operation's DataTransfer object."
"Blob": {
"!type": "fn(parts: [?], properties?: ?)",
"prototype": {
"size": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The size, in bytes, of the data contained in the Blob object. Read only."
"type": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An ASCII-encoded string, in all lower case, indicating the MIME type of the data contained in the Blob. If the type is unknown, this string is empty. Read only."
"slice": {
"!type": "fn(start: number, end?: number, type?: string) -> +Blob",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a new Blob object containing the data in the specified range of bytes of the source Blob."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A Blob object represents a file-like object of immutable, raw data. Blobs represent data that isn't necessarily in a JavaScript-native format. The File interface is based on Blob, inheriting blob functionality and expanding it to support files on the user's system."
"FileReader": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"abort": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Aborts the read operation. Upon return, the readyState will be DONE."
"readAsArrayBuffer": {
"!type": "fn(blob: +Blob)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Starts reading the contents of the specified Blob, producing an ArrayBuffer."
"readAsBinaryString": {
"!type": "fn(blob: +Blob)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Starts reading the contents of the specified Blob, producing raw binary data."
"readAsDataURL": {
"!type": "fn(blob: +Blob)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Starts reading the contents of the specified Blob, producing a data: url."
"readAsText": {
"!type": "fn(blob: +Blob, encoding?: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Starts reading the contents of the specified Blob, producing a string."
"EMPTY": "number",
"LOADING": "number",
"DONE": "number",
"error": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The error that occurred while reading the file. Read only."
"readyState": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates the state of the FileReader. This will be one of the State constants. Read only."
"result": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The file's contents. This property is only valid after the read operation is complete, and the format of the data depends on which of the methods was used to initiate the read operation. Read only."
"onabort": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Called when the read operation is aborted."
"onerror": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Called when an error occurs."
"onload": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Called when the read operation is successfully completed."
"onloadend": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Called when the read is completed, whether successful or not. This is called after either onload or onerror."
"onloadstart": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Called when reading the data is about to begin."
"onprogress": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Called periodically while the data is being read."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The FileReader object lets web applications asynchronously read the contents of files (or raw data buffers) stored on the user's computer, using File or Blob objects to specify the file or data to read. File objects may be obtained from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the <input> element, from a drag and drop operation's DataTransfer object, or from the mozGetAsFile() API on an HTMLCanvasElement."
"Range": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"collapsed": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a boolean indicating whether the range's start and end points are at the same position."
"commonAncestorContainer": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the deepest Node that contains the startContainer and endContainer Nodes."
"endContainer": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the Node within which the Range ends."
"endOffset": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a number representing where in the endContainer the Range ends."
"startContainer": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the Node within which the Range starts."
"startOffset": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a number representing where in the startContainer the Range starts."
"setStart": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element, offset: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the start position of a Range."
"setEnd": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element, offset: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the end position of a Range."
"setStartBefore": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the start position of a Range relative to another Node."
"setStartAfter": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the start position of a Range relative to a Node."
"setEndBefore": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the end position of a Range relative to another Node."
"setEndAfter": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the end position of a Range relative to another Node."
"selectNode": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the Range to contain the Node and its contents."
"selectNodeContents": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the Range to contain the contents of a Node."
"collapse": {
"!type": "fn(toStart: bool)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Collapses the Range to one of its boundary points."
"cloneContents": {
"!type": "fn() -> +DocumentFragment",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a DocumentFragment copying the Nodes of a Range."
"deleteContents": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes the contents of a Range from the Document."
"extractContents": {
"!type": "fn() -> +DocumentFragment",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Moves contents of a Range from the document tree into a DocumentFragment."
"insertNode": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Insert a node at the start of a Range."
"surroundContents": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Moves content of a Range into a new node, placing the new node at the start of the specified range."
"compareBoundaryPoints": {
"!type": "fn(how: number, other: +Range) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Compares the boundary points of two Ranges."
"cloneRange": {
"!type": "fn() -> +Range",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a Range object with boundary points identical to the cloned Range."
"detach": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Releases a Range from use to improve performance. This lets the browser choose to release resources associated with this Range. Subsequent attempts to use the detached range will result in a DOMException being thrown with an error code of INVALID_STATE_ERR."
"END_TO_END": "number",
"END_TO_START": "number",
"START_TO_END": "number",
"START_TO_START": "number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Releases a Range from use to improve performance. This lets the browser choose to release resources associated with this Range. Subsequent attempts to use the detached range will result in a DOMException being thrown with an error code of INVALID_STATE_ERR."
"XMLHttpRequest": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"abort": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Aborts the request if it has already been sent."
"getAllResponseHeaders": {
"!type": "fn() -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns all the response headers as a string, or null if no response has been received. Note: For multipart requests, this returns the headers from the current part of the request, not from the original channel."
"getResponseHeader": {
"!type": "fn(header: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the string containing the text of the specified header, or null if either the response has not yet been received or the header doesn't exist in the response."
"open": {
"!type": "fn(method: string, url: string, async?: bool, user?: string, password?: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Initializes a request."
"overrideMimeType": {
"!type": "fn(type: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Overrides the MIME type returned by the server."
"send": {
"!type": "fn(data?: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sends the request. If the request is asynchronous (which is the default), this method returns as soon as the request is sent. If the request is synchronous, this method doesn't return until the response has arrived."
"setRequestHeader": {
"!type": "fn(header: string, value: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets the value of an HTTP request header.You must call setRequestHeader() after open(), but before send()."
"onreadystatechange": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A JavaScript function object that is called whenever the readyState attribute changes."
"readyState": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The state of the request. (0=unsent, 1=opened, 2=headers_received, 3=loading, 4=done)"
"response": {
"!type": "+Document",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The response entity body according to responseType, as an ArrayBuffer, Blob, Document, JavaScript object (for \"json\"), or string. This is null if the request is not complete or was not successful."
"responseText": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The response to the request as text, or null if the request was unsuccessful or has not yet been sent."
"responseType": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Can be set to change the response type."
"responseXML": {
"!type": "+Document",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The response to the request as a DOM Document object, or null if the request was unsuccessful, has not yet been sent, or cannot be parsed as XML or HTML."
"status": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The status of the response to the request. This is the HTTP result code"
"statusText": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The response string returned by the HTTP server. Unlike status, this includes the entire text of the response message (\"200 OK\", for example)."
"timeout": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. A value of 0 (which is the default) means there is no timeout."
"UNSENT": "number",
"OPENED": "number",
"LOADING": "number",
"DONE": "number"
"!url": "",
"!doc": "XMLHttpRequest is a JavaScript object that was designed by Microsoft and adopted by Mozilla, Apple, and Google. It's now being standardized in the W3C. It provides an easy way to retrieve data at a URL. Despite its name, XMLHttpRequest can be used to retrieve any type of data, not just XML, and it supports protocols other than HTTP (including file and ftp)."
"DOMParser": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"parseFromString": {
"!type": "fn(data: string, mime: string) -> +Document",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "DOMParser can parse XML or HTML source stored in a string into a DOM Document. DOMParser is specified in DOM Parsing and Serialization."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "DOMParser can parse XML or HTML source stored in a string into a DOM Document. DOMParser is specified in DOM Parsing and Serialization."
"Selection": {
"!type": "fn()",
"prototype": {
"anchorNode": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the node in which the selection begins."
"anchorOffset": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of characters that the selection's anchor is offset within the anchorNode."
"focusNode": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the node in which the selection ends."
"focusOffset": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of characters that the selection's focus is offset within the focusNode. "
"isCollapsed": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a boolean indicating whether the selection's start and end points are at the same position."
"rangeCount": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of ranges in the selection."
"getRangeAt": {
"!type": "fn(i: number) -> +Range",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a range object representing one of the ranges currently selected."
"collapse": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Collapses the current selection to a single point. The document is not modified. If the content is focused and editable, the caret will blink there."
"extend": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element, offset: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Moves the focus of the selection to a specified point. The anchor of the selection does not move. The selection will be from the anchor to the new focus regardless of direction."
"collapseToStart": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Collapses the selection to the start of the first range in the selection. If the content of the selection is focused and editable, the caret will blink there."
"collapseToEnd": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Collapses the selection to the end of the last range in the selection. If the content the selection is in is focused and editable, the caret will blink there."
"selectAllChildren": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds all the children of the specified node to the selection. Previous selection is lost."
"addRange": {
"!type": "fn(range: +Range)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Adds a Range to a Selection."
"removeRange": {
"!type": "fn(range: +Range)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes a range from the selection."
"removeAllRanges": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Removes all ranges from the selection, leaving the anchorNode and focusNode properties equal to null and leaving nothing selected. "
"deleteFromDocument": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Deletes the actual text being represented by a selection object from the document's DOM."
"containsNode": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Indicates if the node is part of the selection."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Selection is the class of the object returned by window.getSelection() and other methods. It represents the text selection in the greater page, possibly spanning multiple elements, when the user drags over static text and other parts of the page. For information about text selection in an individual text editing element."
"console": {
"error": {
"!type": "fn(text: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Outputs an error message to the Web Console."
"info": {
"!type": "fn(text: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Outputs an informational message to the Web Console."
"log": {
"!type": "fn(text: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Outputs a message to the Web Console."
"warn": {
"!type": "fn(text: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Outputs a warning message to the Web Console."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The console object provides access to the browser's debugging console. The specifics of how it works vary from browser to browser, but there is a de facto set of features that are typically provided."
"top": {
"!type": "<top>",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy."
"parent": {
"!type": "<top>",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "A reference to the parent of the current window or subframe."
"window": {
"!type": "<top>",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This section provides a brief reference for all of the methods, properties, and events available through the DOM window object. The window object implements the Window interface, which in turn inherits from the AbstractView interface. Some additional global functions, namespaces objects, and constructors, not typically associated with the window, but available on it, are listed in the JavaScript Reference."
"opener": {
"!type": "<top>",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a reference to the window that opened this current window."
"self": {
"!type": "<top>",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns an object reference to the window object. "
"devicePixelRatio": "number",
"name": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The name of the function."
"closed": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This property indicates whether the referenced window is closed or not."
"pageYOffset": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically."
"pageXOffset": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically."
"scrollY": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically."
"scrollX": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically."
"screenTop": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the distance in pixels from the top side of the current screen."
"screenLeft": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the distance in pixels from the left side of the main screen to the left side of the current screen."
"screenY": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the vertical coordinate of the event within the screen as a whole."
"screenX": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the horizontal coordinate of the event within the screen as a whole."
"innerWidth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Width (in pixels) of the browser window viewport including, if rendered, the vertical scrollbar."
"innerHeight": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Height (in pixels) of the browser window viewport including, if rendered, the horizontal scrollbar."
"outerWidth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "window.outerWidth gets the width of the outside of the browser window. It represents the width of the whole browser window including sidebar (if expanded), window chrome and window resizing borders/handles."
"outerHeight": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "window.outerHeight gets the height in pixels of the whole browser window."
"frameElement": {
"!type": "+Element",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the element (such as <iframe> or <object>) in which the window is embedded, or null if the window is top-level."
"crypto": {
"getRandomValues": {
"!type": "fn([number])",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This methods lets you get cryptographically random values."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This methods lets you get cryptographically random values."
"navigator": {
"appName": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the name of the browser. The HTML5 specification also allows any browser to return \"Netscape\" here, for compatibility reasons."
"appVersion": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the version of the browser as a string. It may be either a plain version number, like \"5.0\", or a version number followed by more detailed information. The HTML5 specification also allows any browser to return \"4.0\" here, for compatibility reasons."
"language": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string representing the language version of the browser."
"platform": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a string representing the platform of the browser."
"plugins": {
"!type": "[?]",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a PluginArray object, listing the plugins installed in the application."
"userAgent": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the user agent string for the current browser."
"vendor": {
"!type": "string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the name of the browser vendor for the current browser."
"javaEnabled": {
"!type": "bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "This method indicates whether the current browser is Java-enabled or not."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a reference to the navigator object, which can be queried for information about the application running the script."
"history": {
"state": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack."
"length": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack."
"go": {
"!type": "fn(delta: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a reference to the History object, which provides an interface for manipulating the browser session history (pages visited in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in)."
"forward": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack."
"back": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack."
"pushState": {
"!type": "fn(data: ?, title: string, url?: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack."
"replaceState": {
"!type": "fn(data: ?, title: string, url?: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM window object provides access to the browser's history through the history object. It exposes useful methods and properties that let you move back and forth through the user's history, as well as -- starting with HTML5 -- manipulate the contents of the history stack."
"screen": {
"availWidth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the amount of horizontal space in pixels available to the window."
"availHeight": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the amount of vertical space available to the window on the screen."
"availTop": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Specifies the y-coordinate of the first pixel that is not allocated to permanent or semipermanent user interface features."
"availLeft": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the first available pixel available from the left side of the screen."
"pixelDepth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the bit depth of the screen."
"colorDepth": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the color depth of the screen."
"width": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the width of the screen."
"height": {
"!type": "number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns the height of the screen in pixels."
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a reference to the screen object associated with the window."
"postMessage": {
"!type": "fn(message: string, targetOrigin: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "window.postMessage, when called, causes a MessageEvent to be dispatched at the target window when any pending script that must be executed completes (e.g. remaining event handlers if window.postMessage is called from an event handler, previously-set pending timeouts, etc.). The MessageEvent has the type message, a data property which is set to the value of the first argument provided to window.postMessage, an origin property corresponding to the origin of the main document in the window calling window.postMessage at the time window.postMessage was called, and a source property which is the window from which window.postMessage is called. (Other standard properties of events are present with their expected values.)"
"close": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Closes the current window, or a referenced window."
"blur": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The blur method removes keyboard focus from the current element."
"focus": {
"!type": "fn()",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Sets focus on the specified element, if it can be focused."
"onload": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for the load event of a window."
"onunload": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The unload event is raised when the window is unloading its content and resources. The resources removal is processed after the unload event occurs."
"onscroll": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Specifies the function to be called when the window is scrolled."
"onresize": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for the resize event on the window."
"ononline": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": ",fgh s dgkljgsdfl dfjg sdlgj sdlg sdlfj dlg jkdfkj dfjgdfkglsdfjsdlfkgj hdflkg hdlkfjgh dfkjgh"
"onoffline": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Some browsers implement Online/Offline events from the WHATWG Web Applications 1.0 specification."
"onmousewheel": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM mousewheel event is fired asynchronously when mouse wheel or similar device is operated. It's represented by the MouseWheelEvent interface."
"onmouseup": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for the mouseup event on the window."
"onmouseover": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmouseover property returns the onMouseOver event handler code on the current element."
"onmouseout": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmouseout property returns the onMouseOut event handler code on the current element."
"onmousemove": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onmousemove property returns the mousemove event handler code on the current element."
"onmousedown": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for the mousedown event on the window."
"onclick": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onclick property returns the onClick event handler code on the current element."
"ondblclick": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The ondblclick property returns the onDblClick event handler code on the current element."
"onmessage": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Dedicated Web Workers provide a simple means for web content to run scripts in background threads. Once created, a worker can send messages to the spawning task by posting messages to an event handler specified by the creator."
"onkeyup": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onkeyup property returns the onKeyUp event handler code for the current element."
"onkeypress": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onkeypress property sets and returns the onKeyPress event handler code for the current element."
"onkeydown": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for the keydown event on the window."
"oninput": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The DOM input event is fired synchronously when the value of an <input> or <textarea> element is changed. Additionally, it's also fired on contenteditable editors when its contents are changed. In this case, the event target is the editing host element. If there are two or more elements which have contenteditable as true, \"editing host\" is the nearest ancestor element whose parent isn't editable. Similarly, it's also fired on root element of designMode editors."
"onpopstate": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for the popstate event on the window."
"onhashchange": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The hashchange event fires when a window's hash changes."
"onfocus": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onfocus property returns the onFocus event handler code on the current element."
"onblur": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onblur property returns the onBlur event handler code, if any, that exists on the current element."
"onerror": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for runtime script errors."
"ondrop": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The drop event is fired when an element or text selection is dropped on a valid drop target."
"ondragstart": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragstart event is fired when the user starts dragging an element or text selection."
"ondragover": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragover event is fired when an element or text selection is being dragged over a valid drop target (every few hundred milliseconds)."
"ondragleave": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragleave event is fired when a dragged element or text selection leaves a valid drop target."
"ondragenter": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragenter event is fired when a dragged element or text selection enters a valid drop target."
"ondragend": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The dragend event is fired when a drag operation is being ended (by releasing a mouse button or hitting the escape key)."
"ondrag": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The drag event is fired when an element or text selection is being dragged (every few hundred milliseconds)."
"oncontextmenu": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler property for right-click events on the window. Unless the default behavior is prevented, the browser context menu will activate (though IE8 has a bug with this and will not activate the context menu if a contextmenu event handler is defined). Note that this event will occur with any non-disabled right-click event and does not depend on an element possessing the \"contextmenu\" attribute."
"onchange": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "The onchange property sets and returns the onChange event handler code for the current element."
"onbeforeunload": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event that fires when a window is about to unload its resources. The document is still visible and the event is still cancelable."
"onabort": {
"!type": "?",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "An event handler for abort events sent to the window."
"getSelection": {
"!type": "fn() -> +Selection",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Returns a selection object representing the range of text selected by the user. "
"alert": {
"!type": "fn(message: string)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Display an alert dialog with the specified content and an OK button."
"confirm": {
"!type": "fn(message: string) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Displays a modal dialog with a message and two buttons, OK and Cancel."
"prompt": {
"!type": "fn(message: string, value: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Displays a dialog with a message prompting the user to input some text."
"scrollBy": {
"!type": "fn(x: number, y: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Scrolls the document in the window by the given amount."
"scrollTo": {
"!type": "fn(x: number, y: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates in the document."
"scroll": {
"!type": "fn(x: number, y: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Scrolls the window to a particular place in the document."
"setTimeout": {
"!type": "fn(f: fn(), ms: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Calls a function or executes a code snippet after specified delay."
"clearTimeout": {
"!type": "fn(timeout: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Clears the delay set by window.setTimeout()."
"setInterval": {
"!type": "fn(f: fn(), ms: number) -> number",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Calls a function or executes a code snippet repeatedly, with a fixed time delay between each call to that function."
"clearInterval": {
"!type": "fn(interval: number)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Cancels repeated action which was set up using setInterval."
"atob": {
"!type": "fn(encoded: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding."
"btoa": {
"!type": "fn(data: string) -> string",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Creates a base-64 encoded ASCII string from a string of binary data."
"addEventListener": {
"!type": "fn(type: string, listener: fn(e: +Event), capture: bool)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Registers a single event listener on a single target. The event target may be a single element in a document, the document itself, a window, or an XMLHttpRequest."
"removeEventListener": {
"!type": "fn(type: string, listener: fn(), capture: bool)",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Allows the removal of event listeners from the event target."
"dispatchEvent": {
"!type": "fn(event: +Event) -> bool",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Dispatches an event into the event system. The event is subject to the same capturing and bubbling behavior as directly dispatched events."
"getComputedStyle": {
"!type": "fn(node: +Element, pseudo?: string) ->",
"!url": "",
"!doc": "Gives the final used values of all the CSS properties of an element."
"CanvasRenderingContext2D": {
"canvas": "+Element",
"width": "number",
"height": "number",
"commit": "fn()",
"save": "fn()",
"restore": "fn()",
"currentTransform": "?",
"scale": "fn(x: number, y: number)",
"rotate": "fn(angle: number)",
"translate": "fn(x: number, y: number)",
"transform": "fn(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number)",
"setTransform": "fn(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, e: number, f: number)",
"resetTransform": "fn()",
"globalAlpha": "number",
"globalCompositeOperation": "string",
"imageSmoothingEnabled": "bool",
"strokeStyle": "string",
"fillStyle": "string",
"createLinearGradient": "fn(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) -> ?",
"createPattern": "fn(image: ?, repetition: string) -> ?",
"shadowOffsetX": "number",
"shadowOffsetY": "number",
"shadowBlur": "number",
"shadowColor": "string",
"clearRect": "fn(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number)",
"fillRect": "fn(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number)",
"strokeRect": "fn(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number)",
"fillRule": "string",
"fill": "fn()",
"beginPath": "fn()",
"stroke": "fn()",
"clip": "fn()",
"resetClip": "fn()",
"measureText": "fn(text: string) -> ?",
"drawImage": "fn(image: ?, dx: number, dy: number)",
"createImageData": "fn(sw: number, sh: number) -> ?",
"getImageData": "fn(sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number) -> ?",
"putImageData": "fn(imagedata: ?, dx: number, dy: number)",
"lineWidth": "number",
"lineCap": "string",
"lineJoin": "string",
"miterLimit": "number",
"setLineDash": "fn(segments: [number])",
"getLineDash": "fn() -> [number]",
"lineDashOffset": "number",
"font": "string",
"textAlign": "string",
"textBaseline": "string",
"direction": "string",
"closePath": "fn()",
"moveTo": "fn(x: number, y: number)",
"lineTo": "fn(x: number, y: number)",
"quadraticCurveTo": "fn(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number)",
"bezierCurveTo": "fn(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number)",
"arcTo": "fn(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, radius: number)",
"rect": "fn(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number)",
"arc": "fn(x: number, y: number, radius: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number, anticlockwise?: bool)",
"ellipse": "fn(x: number, y: number, radiusX: number, radiusY: number, rotation: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number, anticlockwise: bool)"