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synced 2025-02-18 21:30:42 +00:00
245 lines
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245 lines
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// target for window.open()
const KID_URL = "child-window.html";
// formats final results
const SERVER_URL = "http://jrgm.mcom.com/cgi-bin/window-open-2.0/openreport.pl";
// let system settle between each window.open
const OPENER_DELAY = 1000;
// three phases: single open/close; overlapped open/close; open-all/close-all
var PHASE_ONE = 10;
var PHASE_TWO = 0;
var PHASE_THREE = 0;
// keep this many windows concurrently open during overlapped phase
// repeat three phases CYCLES times
var CYCLES = 1;
// autoclose flag
var AUTOCLOSE = 1;
// Chrome url for child windows.
var KID_CHROME = null;
var SAVED_CHROME = null;
// URL options and correspnding vars.
const options = [ [ "phase1", "PHASE_ONE", false ],
[ "phase2", "PHASE_TWO", false ],
[ "phase3", "PHASE_THREE", false ],
[ "overlap", "OVERLAP_COUNT", false ],
[ "cycles", "CYCLES", false ],
[ "chrome", "KID_CHROME", true ],
[ "close", "AUTOCLOSE", false ] ];
// Note: You can attach search options to the url for this file to control
// any of the options in the array above. E.g., specifying
// mozilla --chrome "file:///D|/mozilla/xpfe/test/winopen.xul?phase1=16&close=0"
// will run this script with PHASE_ONE=16 and AUTOCLOSE=0.
// On Win32, you must enclose the --chrome option in quotes in order pass funny Win32 shell
// characters such as '&' or '|'!
var opts = window.location.search.substring(1).split( '&' );
for ( opt in opts ) {
for ( var i in options ) {
if ( opts[opt].indexOf( options[i][0]+"=" ) == 0 ) {
var newVal = opts[opt].split( '=' )[ 1 ];
// wrap with quotes, if required.
if ( options[i][2] ) {
newVal = '"' + newVal + '"';
eval( options[i][1] + "=" + newVal + ";" );
var prefs = null;
if ( KID_CHROME ) {
// Reset browser.chromeURL so it points to KID_CHROME.
// This will cause window.open in openWindow to open that chrome.
prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
.getService( Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch );
SAVED_CHROME = prefs.getCharPref( "browser.chromeURL" );
prefs.setCharPref( "browser.chromeURL", KID_CHROME );
const MAX_INDEX = CYCLE_SIZE * CYCLES; // total number of windows to open
var windowList = []; // handles to opened windows
var startingTimes = []; // time that window.open is called
var openingTimes = []; // time that child window took to fire onload
var closingTimes = []; // collect stats for case of closing >1 windows
var currentIndex = 0;
function childIsOpen(aTime) {
openingTimes[currentIndex] = aTime - startingTimes[currentIndex];
updateDisplay(currentIndex, openingTimes[currentIndex]);
if (currentIndex < MAX_INDEX)
window.setTimeout(reportResults, OPENER_DELAY);
function updateDisplay(index, time) {
var formIndex = document.getElementById("formIndex");
if (formIndex)
formIndex.setAttribute("value", index+1);
var formTime = document.getElementById("formTime");
if (formTime)
formTime.setAttribute("value", time);
function scheduleNextWindow() {
window.setTimeout(openWindow, OPENER_DELAY);
function closeOneWindow(aIndex) {
var win = windowList[aIndex];
// no-op if window is already closed
if (win && !win.closed) {
windowList[aIndex] = null;
function closeAllWindows(aRecordTimeToClose) {
var timeToClose = (new Date()).getTime();
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < windowList.length; i++) {
if (windowList[i])
if (aRecordTimeToClose && count > 0) {
timeToClose = (new Date()).getTime() - timeToClose;
// close some, none, or all open windows in the list
function reapWindows() {
var modIndex = currentIndex % CYCLE_SIZE;
if (modIndex < PHASE_ONE-1) {
// first phase in each "cycle", are single open/close sequences
else if (PHASE_ONE-1 <= modIndex && modIndex < PHASE_ONE+PHASE_TWO-1) {
// next phase in each "cycle", keep N windows concurrently open
closeOneWindow(currentIndex - OVERLAP_COUNT);
else if (modIndex == PHASE_ONE+PHASE_TWO-1) {
// end overlapping windows cycle; close all windows
else if (PHASE_ONE+PHASE_TWO <= modIndex && modIndex < CYCLE_SIZE-1) {
// do nothing; keep adding windows
else if (modIndex == CYCLE_SIZE-1) {
// end open-all/close-all phase; close windows, recording time to close
function calcMedian( numbers ) {
if ( numbers.length == 0 ) {
return 0;
} else if ( numbers.length == 1 ) {
return numbers[0];
} else if ( numbers.length == 2 ) {
return ( numbers[0] + numbers[1] ) / 2;
} else {
numbers.sort( function (a,b){ return a-b; } );
var n = Math.floor( numbers.length / 2 );
return numbers.length % 2 ? numbers[n] : ( numbers[n-1] + numbers[n] ) / 2;
function reportResults() {
//XXX need to create a client-side method to do this?
var opening = openingTimes.join(':'); // times for each window open
var closing = closingTimes.join(':'); // these are for >1 url, as a group
//var ua = escape(navigator.userAgent).replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); // + == ' ', on servers
//var reportURL = SERVER_URL +
// "?opening=" + opening +
// "&closing=" + closing +
// "&maxIndex=" + MAX_INDEX +
// "&cycleSize=" + CYCLE_SIZE +
//"&ua=" + ua;
//window.open(reportURL, "test-results");
var avgOpenTime = 0;
var minOpenTime = 99999;
var maxOpenTime = 0;
var medOpenTime = calcMedian( openingTimes.slice(1) );
// ignore first open
for (i = 1; i < MAX_INDEX; i++) {
avgOpenTime += openingTimes[i];
if ( minOpenTime > openingTimes[i] ) {
minOpenTime = openingTimes[i];
if ( maxOpenTime < openingTimes[i] ) {
maxOpenTime = openingTimes[i];
avgOpenTime = Math.round(avgOpenTime / (MAX_INDEX - 1));
dump("avgOpenTime:" + avgOpenTime + "\n" );
dump("minOpenTime:" + minOpenTime + "\n" );
dump("maxOpenTime:" + maxOpenTime + "\n" );
dump("medOpenTime:" + medOpenTime + "\n" );
dump("__xulWinOpenTime:" + medOpenTime + "\n");
// Close the root window, if required.
if ( AUTOCLOSE ) {
} else {
document.getElementById("formTimes").value = openingTimes.slice(1);
document.getElementById("formAvg").value = avgOpenTime;
document.getElementById("formMin").value = minOpenTime;
document.getElementById("formMax").value = maxOpenTime;
document.getElementById("formMed").value = medOpenTime;
document.getElementById("formAgain").setAttribute( "disabled", "false" );
function tryAgain() {
document.getElementById("formAgain").setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );
windowList = [];
startingTimes = [];
openingTimes = [];
closingTimes = [];
currentIndex = 0;
function restoreChromeURL() {
// Restore browser.chromeURL pref.
if ( KID_CHROME && SAVED_CHROME.length ) {
prefs.setCharPref( "browser.chromeURL", SAVED_CHROME );
function openWindow() {
startingTimes[currentIndex] = (new Date()).getTime();
var path = window.location.pathname.substring( 0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') );
var url = window.location.protocol + "//" +
window.location.hostname + path + "/" +
windowList[currentIndex] = window.open(url, currentIndex);