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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["proxy"];
const MARIONETTE_OK = "Marionette:ok";
const MARIONETTE_DONE = "Marionette:done";
const MARIONETTE_ERROR = "Marionette:error";
const logger = Log.repository.getLogger("Marionette");
const uuidgen = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator);
// Proxy handler that traps requests to get a property. Will prioritise
// properties that exist on the object's own prototype.
var ownPriorityGetterTrap = {
get: (obj, prop) => {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return obj[prop];
return (...args) => obj.send(prop, args);
this.proxy = {};
* Creates a transparent interface between the chrome- and content
* contexts.
* Calls to this object will be proxied via the message manager to the active
* browsing context (content) and responses will be provided back as
* promises.
* The argument sequence is serialised and passed as an array, unless it
* consists of a single object type that isn't null, in which case it's
* passed literally. The latter specialisation is temporary to achieve
* backwards compatibility with listener.js.
* @param {function(): (nsIMessageSender|nsIMessageBroadcaster)} mmFn
* Function returning the current message manager.
* @param {function(string, Object, number)} sendAsyncFn
* Callback for sending async messages to the current listener.
proxy.toListener = function(mmFn, sendAsyncFn) {
let sender = new AsyncContentSender(mmFn, sendAsyncFn);
return new Proxy(sender, ownPriorityGetterTrap);
* The AsyncContentSender allows one to make synchronous calls to the
* message listener of the content frame of the current browsing context.
* Presumptions about the responses from content space are made so we
* can provide a nicer API on top of the message listener primitives that
* make calls from chrome- to content space seem synchronous by leveraging
* promises.
* The promise is guaranteed not to resolve until the execution of the
* command in content space is complete.
this.AsyncContentSender = class {
constructor(mmFn, sendAsyncFn) {
this.curId = null;
this.sendAsync = sendAsyncFn;
this.mmFn_ = mmFn;
this._listeners = [];
get mm() {
return this.mmFn_();
removeListeners() {
this._listeners.map(l => this.mm.removeMessageListener(l[0], l[1]));
this._listeners = [];
* Call registered function in the frame script environment of the
* current browsing context's content frame.
* @param {string} name
* Function to call in the listener, e.g. for "Marionette:foo8",
* use "foo".
* @param {Array} args
* Argument list to pass the function. If args has a single entry
* that is an object, we assume it's an old style dispatch, and
* the object will passed literally.
* @return {Promise}
* A promise that resolves to the result of the command.
send(name, args) {
if (this._listeners[0]) {
// A prior (probably timed-out) request has left listeners behind.
// Remove them before proceeding.
logger.warn("A previous failed command left content listeners behind!");
this.curId = uuidgen.generateUUID().toString();
let proxy = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let removeListeners = (n, fn) => {
let rmFn = msg => {
if (this.curId !== msg.json.command_id) {
logger.warn("Skipping out-of-sync response from listener: " +
`Expected response to ${name} with ID ${this.curId}, ` +
"but got: " + msg.name + msg.json.toSource());
this.curId = null;
this._listeners.push([n, rmFn]);
return rmFn;
let okListener = () => resolve();
let valListener = msg => resolve(msg.json.value);
let errListener = msg => reject(msg.objects.error);
let handleDialog = (subject, topic) => {
// start content process listeners, and install observers for global-
// and tab modal dialogues
this.mm.addMessageListener(MARIONETTE_OK, removeListeners(MARIONETTE_OK, okListener));
this.mm.addMessageListener(MARIONETTE_DONE, removeListeners(MARIONETTE_DONE, valListener));
this.mm.addMessageListener(MARIONETTE_ERROR, removeListeners(MARIONETTE_ERROR, errListener));
this.sendAsync(name, marshal(args), this.curId);
return proxy;
* Creates a transparent interface from the content- to the chrome context.
* Calls to this object will be proxied via the frame's sendSyncMessage
* (nsISyncMessageSender) function. Since the message is synchronous,
* the return value is presented as a return value.
* Example on how to use from a frame content script:
* let chrome = proxy.toChrome(sendSyncMessage.bind(this));
* let cookie = chrome.getCookie("foo");
* @param {nsISyncMessageSender} sendSyncMessageFn
* The frame message manager's sendSyncMessage function.
proxy.toChrome = function(sendSyncMessageFn) {
let sender = new SyncChromeSender(sendSyncMessageFn);
return new Proxy(sender, ownPriorityGetterTrap);
* The SyncChromeSender sends synchronous RPC messages to the chrome
* context, using a frame's sendSyncMessage (nsISyncMessageSender) function.
* Example on how to use from a frame content script:
* let sender = new SyncChromeSender(sendSyncMessage.bind(this));
* let res = sender.send("addCookie", cookie);
this.SyncChromeSender = class {
constructor(sendSyncMessage) {
this.sendSyncMessage_ = sendSyncMessage;
send(func, args) {
let name = "Marionette:" + func;
return this.sendSyncMessage_(name, marshal(args));
var marshal = function(args) {
if (args.length == 1 && typeof args[0] == "object") {
return args[0];
return args;