
1342 lines
40 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "builtin/Object.h"
#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "builtin/Eval.h"
#include "frontend/BytecodeCompiler.h"
#include "jit/InlinableNatives.h"
#include "vm/StringBuffer.h"
#include "jsobjinlines.h"
#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/Shape-inl.h"
using namespace js;
using js::frontend::IsIdentifier;
using mozilla::ArrayLength;
using mozilla::UniquePtr;
js::obj_construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
RootedObject obj(cx, nullptr);
if (args.isConstructing() && (&args.newTarget().toObject() != &args.callee())) {
RootedObject newTarget(cx, &args.newTarget().toObject());
obj = CreateThis(cx, &PlainObject::class_, newTarget);
if (!obj)
return false;
} else if (args.length() > 0 && !args[0].isNullOrUndefined()) {
obj = ToObject(cx, args[0]);
if (!obj)
return false;
} else {
/* Make an object whether this was called with 'new' or not. */
if (!NewObjectScriptedCall(cx, &obj))
return false;
return true;
/* ES5 */
js::obj_propertyIsEnumerable(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
HandleValue idValue = args.get(0);
// As an optimization, provide a fast path when rooting is not necessary and
// we can safely retrieve the attributes from the object's shape.
/* Steps 1-2. */
jsid id;
if (args.thisv().isObject() && ValueToId<NoGC>(cx, idValue, &id)) {
JSObject* obj = &args.thisv().toObject();
/* Step 3. */
Shape* shape;
if (obj->isNative() &&
NativeLookupOwnProperty<NoGC>(cx, &obj->as<NativeObject>(), id, &shape))
/* Step 4. */
if (!shape) {
return true;
/* Step 5. */
unsigned attrs = GetShapeAttributes(obj, shape);
args.rval().setBoolean((attrs & JSPROP_ENUMERATE) != 0);
return true;
/* Step 1. */
RootedId idRoot(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, idValue, &idRoot))
return false;
/* Step 2. */
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
/* Step 3. */
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
if (!GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, obj, idRoot, &desc))
return false;
/* Steps 4-5. */
args.rval().setBoolean(desc.object() && desc.enumerable());
return true;
static bool
obj_toSource(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false);
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
JSString* str = ObjectToSource(cx, obj);
if (!str)
return false;
return true;
* Given a function source string, return the offset and length of the part
* between '(function $name' and ')'.
template <typename CharT>
static bool
ArgsAndBodySubstring(mozilla::Range<const CharT> chars, size_t* outOffset, size_t* outLen)
const CharT* const start = chars.start().get();
const CharT* const end = chars.end().get();
const CharT* s = start;
uint8_t parenChomp = 0;
if (s[0] == '(') {
parenChomp = 1;
/* Try to jump "function" keyword. */
s = js_strchr_limit(s, ' ', end);
if (!s)
return false;
* Jump over the function's name: it can't be encoded as part
* of an ECMA getter or setter.
s = js_strchr_limit(s, '(', end);
if (!s)
return false;
if (*s == ' ')
*outOffset = s - start;
*outLen = end - s - parenChomp;
MOZ_ASSERT(*outOffset + *outLen <= chars.length());
return true;
js::ObjectToSource(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj)
/* If outermost, we need parentheses to be an expression, not a block. */
bool outermost = (cx->cycleDetectorSet.count() == 0);
AutoCycleDetector detector(cx, obj);
if (!detector.init())
return nullptr;
if (detector.foundCycle())
return NewStringCopyZ<CanGC>(cx, "{}");
StringBuffer buf(cx);
if (outermost && !buf.append('('))
return nullptr;
if (!buf.append('{'))
return nullptr;
RootedValue v0(cx), v1(cx);
MutableHandleValue val[2] = {&v0, &v1};
RootedString str0(cx), str1(cx);
MutableHandleString gsop[2] = {&str0, &str1};
AutoIdVector idv(cx);
if (!GetPropertyKeys(cx, obj, JSITER_OWNONLY | JSITER_SYMBOLS, &idv))
return nullptr;
bool comma = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < idv.length(); ++i) {
RootedId id(cx, idv[i]);
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
if (!GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, obj, id, &desc))
return nullptr;
int valcnt = 0;
if (desc.object()) {
if (desc.isAccessorDescriptor()) {
if (desc.hasGetterObject() && desc.getterObject()) {
if (desc.hasSetterObject() && desc.setterObject()) {
} else {
valcnt = 1;
/* Convert id to a string. */
RootedString idstr(cx);
if (JSID_IS_SYMBOL(id)) {
RootedValue v(cx, SymbolValue(JSID_TO_SYMBOL(id)));
idstr = ValueToSource(cx, v);
if (!idstr)
return nullptr;
} else {
RootedValue idv(cx, IdToValue(id));
idstr = ToString<CanGC>(cx, idv);
if (!idstr)
return nullptr;
* If id is a string that's not an identifier, or if it's a negative
* integer, then it must be quoted.
if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id)
? !IsIdentifier(JSID_TO_ATOM(id))
: JSID_TO_INT(id) < 0)
idstr = QuoteString(cx, idstr, char16_t('\''));
if (!idstr)
return nullptr;
for (int j = 0; j < valcnt; j++) {
/* Convert val[j] to its canonical source form. */
JSString* valsource = ValueToSource(cx, val[j]);
if (!valsource)
return nullptr;
RootedLinearString valstr(cx, valsource->ensureLinear(cx));
if (!valstr)
return nullptr;
size_t voffset = 0;
size_t vlength = valstr->length();
* Remove '(function ' from the beginning of valstr and ')' from the
* end so that we can put "get" in front of the function definition.
if (gsop[j] && IsFunctionObject(val[j])) {
bool success;
JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
if (valstr->hasLatin1Chars())
success = ArgsAndBodySubstring(valstr->latin1Range(nogc), &voffset, &vlength);
success = ArgsAndBodySubstring(valstr->twoByteRange(nogc), &voffset, &vlength);
if (!success)
if (comma && !buf.append(", "))
return nullptr;
comma = true;
if (gsop[j]) {
if (!buf.append(gsop[j]) || !buf.append(' '))
return nullptr;
if (JSID_IS_SYMBOL(id) && !buf.append('['))
return nullptr;
if (!buf.append(idstr))
return nullptr;
if (JSID_IS_SYMBOL(id) && !buf.append(']'))
return nullptr;
if (!buf.append(gsop[j] ? ' ' : ':'))
return nullptr;
if (!buf.appendSubstring(valstr, voffset, vlength))
return nullptr;
if (!buf.append('}'))
return nullptr;
if (outermost && !buf.append(')'))
return nullptr;
return buf.finishString();
#endif /* JS_HAS_TOSOURCE */
/* ES6 (after bug 1114580/TenFourFox issue 392) */
js::obj_toString(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
if (args.thisv().isUndefined()) {
return true;
// Step 2.
if (args.thisv().isNull()) {
return true;
// Step 3.
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
// Step 4.
bool isArray;
if (!IsArray(cx, obj, &isArray))
return false;
// Step 5.
RootedString builtinTag(cx);
if (isArray) {
builtinTag = cx->names().objectArray;
} else {
// Steps 6-13.
ESClassValue cls;
if (!GetBuiltinClass(cx, obj, &cls))
return false;
switch (cls) {
case ESClass_String:
builtinTag = cx->names().objectString;
case ESClass_Arguments: // NYI XXX
builtinTag = cx->names().objectArguments;
case ESClass_Error: // NYI XXX
builtinTag = cx->names().objectError;
case ESClass_Boolean:
builtinTag = cx->names().objectBoolean;
case ESClass_Number:
builtinTag = cx->names().objectNumber;
case ESClass_Date:
builtinTag = cx->names().objectDate;
case ESClass_RegExp:
builtinTag = cx->names().objectRegExp;
if (obj->isCallable()) {
// Non-standard: Prevent <object> from showing up as Function.
RootedObject unwrapped(cx, CheckedUnwrap(obj));
if (!unwrapped || !unwrapped->getClass()->isDOMClass())
builtinTag = cx->names().objectFunction;
// Step 14.
// Currently omitted for non-standard fallback.
// Step 15.
RootedValue tag(cx);
RootedId toStringTagId(cx, SYMBOL_TO_JSID(cx->wellKnownSymbols().toStringTag));
if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, toStringTagId, &tag)) {
if (IsProxy(obj)) {
// XXX: This is a dirty hack for jit-test/tests/basic/bug807623.js.
// Just pass through if the property lookup fails; assume that we
// didn't have a tag set in that situation. Proxy::get sets the tag
// to undefined for us in that case. TenFourFox issue 392.
// Note that this isn't an issue for current Firefox because
// Proxy.create() was removed. We can't do this because of our
// backwards compatibility, and other tests also rely on it
// currently (see M892903), but fortunately using proper ES6 Proxy
// methods works as expected even without this hack:
// var h={}; var p=new Proxy({[Symbol.toStringTag]:"abc"}, h);
// print(Object.prototype.toString.call(p)); /* [object abc] */
// Thus, this code path is only entered in the legacy case, which
// shouldn't know about @@toStringTag anyway.
RootedValue receiver(cx, ObjectValue(*obj));
(void)proxy_GetProperty(cx, obj, receiver, toStringTagId, &tag);
} else
return false;
// Step 16.
if (!tag.isString()) {
// Non-standard (bug 1277801): Use ClassName as a fallback in the interim
if (!builtinTag) {
const char* className = GetObjectClassName(cx, obj);
StringBuffer sb(cx);
if (!sb.append("[object ") || !sb.append(className, strlen(className)) ||
return false;
builtinTag = sb.finishString();
if (!builtinTag)
return false;
return true;
// Step 17.
StringBuffer sb(cx);
if (!sb.append("[object ") || !sb.append(tag.toString()) || !sb.append("]"))
return false;
RootedString str(cx, sb.finishString());
if (!str)
return false;
return true;
js::obj_valueOf(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
return true;
static bool
obj_setPrototypeOf(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
RootedObject setPrototypeOf(cx, &args.callee());
if (!GlobalObject::warnOnceAboutPrototypeMutation(cx, setPrototypeOf))
return false;
if (args.length() < 2) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
"Object.setPrototypeOf", "1", "");
return false;
/* Step 1-2. */
if (args[0].isNullOrUndefined()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CANT_CONVERT_TO,
args[0].isNull() ? "null" : "undefined", "object");
return false;
/* Step 3. */
if (!args[1].isObjectOrNull()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_NOT_EXPECTED_TYPE,
"Object.setPrototypeOf", "an object or null", InformalValueTypeName(args[1]));
return false;
/* Step 4. */
if (!args[0].isObject()) {
return true;
/* Step 5-7. */
RootedObject obj(cx, &args[0].toObject());
RootedObject newProto(cx, args[1].toObjectOrNull());
if (!SetPrototype(cx, obj, newProto))
return false;
/* Step 8. */
return true;
js::WatchHandler(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj_, jsid id_, JS::Value old,
JS::Value* nvp, void* closure)
RootedObject obj(cx, obj_);
RootedId id(cx, id_);
/* Avoid recursion on (obj, id) already being watched on cx. */
AutoResolving resolving(cx, obj, id, AutoResolving::WATCH);
if (resolving.alreadyStarted())
return true;
JSObject* callable = (JSObject*)closure;
Value argv[] = { IdToValue(id), old, *nvp };
RootedValue rv(cx);
if (!Invoke(cx, ObjectValue(*obj), ObjectOrNullValue(callable), ArrayLength(argv), argv, &rv))
return false;
*nvp = rv;
return true;
static bool
obj_watch(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
if (!GlobalObject::warnOnceAboutWatch(cx, obj))
return false;
if (args.length() <= 1) {
ReportMissingArg(cx, args.calleev(), 1);
return false;
RootedObject callable(cx, ValueToCallable(cx, args[1], args.length() - 2));
if (!callable)
return false;
RootedId propid(cx);
if (!ValueToId<CanGC>(cx, args[0], &propid))
return false;
if (!WatchProperty(cx, obj, propid, callable))
return false;
return true;
static bool
obj_unwatch(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
if (!GlobalObject::warnOnceAboutWatch(cx, obj))
return false;
RootedId id(cx);
if (args.length() != 0) {
if (!ValueToId<CanGC>(cx, args[0], &id))
return false;
} else {
if (!UnwatchProperty(cx, obj, id))
return false;
return true;
/* ECMA */
js::obj_hasOwnProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
HandleValue idValue = args.get(0);
// As an optimization, provide a fast path when rooting is not necessary and
// we can safely retrieve the object's shape.
/* Step 1, 2. */
jsid id;
if (args.thisv().isObject() && ValueToId<NoGC>(cx, idValue, &id)) {
JSObject* obj = &args.thisv().toObject();
Shape* prop;
if (obj->isNative() &&
NativeLookupOwnProperty<NoGC>(cx, &obj->as<NativeObject>(), id, &prop))
return true;
/* Step 1. */
RootedId idRoot(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, idValue, &idRoot))
return false;
/* Step 2. */
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
/* Step 3. */
bool found;
if (!HasOwnProperty(cx, obj, idRoot, &found))
return false;
/* Step 4,5. */
return true;
/* ES5 */
static bool
obj_isPrototypeOf(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
/* Step 1. */
if (args.length() < 1 || !args[0].isObject()) {
return true;
/* Step 2. */
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.thisv()));
if (!obj)
return false;
/* Step 3. */
bool isDelegate;
if (!IsDelegate(cx, obj, args[0], &isDelegate))
return false;
return true;
js::ObjectCreateImpl(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proto, NewObjectKind newKind,
HandleObjectGroup group)
// Give the new object a small number of fixed slots, like we do for empty
// object literals ({}).
gc::AllocKind allocKind = GuessObjectGCKind(0);
if (!proto) {
// Object.create(null) is common, optimize it by using an allocation
// site specific ObjectGroup. Because GetCallerInitGroup is pretty
// slow, the caller can pass in the group if it's known and we use that
// instead.
RootedObjectGroup ngroup(cx, group);
if (!ngroup) {
ngroup = ObjectGroup::callingAllocationSiteGroup(cx, JSProto_Null);
if (!ngroup)
return nullptr;
return NewObjectWithGroup<PlainObject>(cx, ngroup, allocKind, newKind);
return NewObjectWithGivenProto<PlainObject>(cx, proto, allocKind, newKind);
js::ObjectCreateWithTemplate(JSContext* cx, HandlePlainObject templateObj)
RootedObject proto(cx, templateObj->getProto());
RootedObjectGroup group(cx, templateObj->group());
return ObjectCreateImpl(cx, proto, GenericObject, group);
// ES6 draft rev34 (2015/02/20) Object.create(O [, Properties])
js::obj_create(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
if (args.length() == 0) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
"Object.create", "0", "s");
return false;
if (!args[0].isObjectOrNull()) {
RootedValue v(cx, args[0]);
UniquePtr<char[], JS::FreePolicy> bytes =
DecompileValueGenerator(cx, JSDVG_SEARCH_STACK, v, nullptr);
if (!bytes)
return false;
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_UNEXPECTED_TYPE,
bytes.get(), "not an object or null");
return false;
// Step 2.
RootedObject proto(cx, args[0].toObjectOrNull());
RootedPlainObject obj(cx, ObjectCreateImpl(cx, proto));
if (!obj)
return false;
// Step 3.
if (args.hasDefined(1)) {
RootedValue val(cx, args[1]);
RootedObject props(cx, ToObject(cx, val));
if (!props || !DefineProperties(cx, obj, props))
return false;
// Step 4.
return true;
// ES6 draft rev27 (2014/08/24) Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P)
js::obj_getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Steps 1-2.
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.get(0)));
if (!obj)
return false;
// Steps 3-4.
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, args.get(1), &id))
return false;
// Steps 5-7.
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
return GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, obj, id, &desc) &&
FromPropertyDescriptor(cx, desc, args.rval());
enum EnumerableOwnPropertiesKind {
// ES7 proposal 2015-12-14
// http://tc39.github.io/proposal-object-values-entries/#EnumerableOwnProperties
static bool
EnumerableOwnProperties(JSContext* cx, const JS::CallArgs& args, EnumerableOwnPropertiesKind kind)
// Step 1. (Step 1 of Object.{keys,values,entries}, really.)
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.get(0)));
if (!obj)
return false;
// Step 2.
AutoIdVector ids(cx);
if (!GetPropertyKeys(cx, obj, JSITER_OWNONLY | JSITER_HIDDEN, &ids))
return false;
// Step 3.
AutoValueVector properties(cx);
size_t len = ids.length();
if (!properties.resize(len))
return false;
RootedId id(cx);
RootedValue key(cx);
RootedValue value(cx);
RootedShape shape(cx);
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
// Step 4.
size_t out = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
id = ids[i];
// Step 4.a. (Symbols were filtered out in step 2.)
if (kind != Values) {
if (!IdToStringOrSymbol(cx, id, &key))
return false;
// Step 4.a.i.
if (obj->is<NativeObject>()) {
HandleNativeObject nobj = obj.as<NativeObject>();
if (JSID_IS_INT(id) && nobj->containsDenseElement(JSID_TO_INT(id))) {
value = nobj->getDenseOrTypedArrayElement(JSID_TO_INT(id));
} else {
shape = nobj->lookup(cx, id);
if (!shape || !(GetShapeAttributes(nobj, shape) & JSPROP_ENUMERATE))
if (!shape->isAccessorShape()) {
if (!NativeGetExistingProperty(cx, nobj, nobj, shape, &value))
return false;
} else if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, id, &value)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(cx, obj, id, &desc))
return false;
// Step 4.a.ii. (inverted.)
if (!desc.object() || !desc.enumerable())
// Step 4.a.ii.1.
// (Omitted because Object.keys doesn't use this implementation.)
// Step 4.a.ii.2.a.
if (obj->isNative() && desc.hasValue())
value = desc.value();
else if (!GetProperty(cx, obj, obj, id, &value))
return false;
// Steps 4.a.ii.2.b-c.
if (kind == Values)
else if (!NewValuePair(cx, key, value, properties[out++]))
return false;
// Step 5.
// (Implemented in step 2.)
// Step 3 of Object.{keys,values,entries}
JSObject* aobj = NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, out, properties.begin());
if (!aobj)
return false;
return true;
// ES7 proposal 2015-12-14
// http://tc39.github.io/proposal-object-values-entries/#Object.keys
static bool
obj_keys(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return GetOwnPropertyKeys(cx, args, JSITER_OWNONLY);
// ES7 proposal 2015-12-14
// http://tc39.github.io/proposal-object-values-entries/#Object.values
static bool
obj_values(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return EnumerableOwnProperties(cx, args, Values);
// ES7 proposal 2015-12-14
// http://tc39.github.io/proposal-object-values-entries/#Object.entries
static bool
obj_entries(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return EnumerableOwnProperties(cx, args, KeysAndValues);
/* ES6 draft */
static bool
obj_is(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
bool same;
if (!SameValue(cx, args.get(0), args.get(1), &same))
return false;
return true;
js::IdToStringOrSymbol(JSContext* cx, HandleId id, MutableHandleValue result)
if (JSID_IS_INT(id)) {
JSString* str = Int32ToString<CanGC>(cx, JSID_TO_INT(id));
if (!str)
return false;
} else if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id)) {
} else {
return true;
/* ES6 draft rev 25 (2014 May 22) */
js::GetOwnPropertyKeys(JSContext* cx, const JS::CallArgs& args, unsigned flags)
// Steps 1-2.
RootedObject obj(cx, ToObject(cx, args.get(0)));
if (!obj)
return false;
// Steps 3-10.
AutoIdVector keys(cx);
if (!GetPropertyKeys(cx, obj, flags, &keys))
return false;
// Step 11.
AutoValueVector vals(cx);
if (!vals.resize(keys.length()))
return false;
for (size_t i = 0, len = keys.length(); i < len; i++) {
if (!IdToStringOrSymbol(cx, keys[i], vals[i]))
return false;
JSObject* aobj = NewDenseCopiedArray(cx, vals.length(), vals.begin());
if (!aobj)
return false;
return true;
js::obj_getOwnPropertyNames(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return GetOwnPropertyKeys(cx, args, JSITER_OWNONLY | JSITER_HIDDEN);
/* ES6 draft rev 25 (2014 May 22) */
static bool
obj_getOwnPropertySymbols(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return GetOwnPropertyKeys(cx, args,
/* ES6 draft rev 32 (2015 Feb 2) Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) */
js::obj_defineProperty(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Steps 1-3.
RootedObject obj(cx);
if (!GetFirstArgumentAsObject(cx, args, "Object.defineProperty", &obj))
return false;
RootedId id(cx);
if (!ToPropertyKey(cx, args.get(1), &id))
return false;
// Steps 4-5.
Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
if (!ToPropertyDescriptor(cx, args.get(2), true, &desc))
return false;
// Steps 6-8.
if (!DefineProperty(cx, obj, id, desc))
return false;
return true;
/* ES5 Object.defineProperties(O, Properties) */
static bool
obj_defineProperties(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
/* Steps 1 and 7. */
RootedObject obj(cx);
if (!GetFirstArgumentAsObject(cx, args, "Object.defineProperties", &obj))
return false;
/* Step 2. */
if (args.length() < 2) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_MORE_ARGS_NEEDED,
"Object.defineProperties", "0", "s");
return false;
RootedValue val(cx, args[1]);
RootedObject props(cx, ToObject(cx, val));
if (!props)
return false;
/* Steps 3-6. */
return DefineProperties(cx, obj, props);
// ES6 20141014 draft Object.preventExtensions(O)
static bool
obj_preventExtensions(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
if (!args.get(0).isObject())
return true;
// Steps 2-5.
RootedObject obj(cx, &args.get(0).toObject());
return PreventExtensions(cx, obj);
// ES6 draft rev27 (2014/08/24) Object.freeze(O)
static bool
obj_freeze(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
if (!args.get(0).isObject())
return true;
// Steps 2-5.
RootedObject obj(cx, &args.get(0).toObject());
return SetIntegrityLevel(cx, obj, IntegrityLevel::Frozen);
// ES6 draft rev27 (2014/08/24) Object.isFrozen(O)
static bool
obj_isFrozen(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
bool frozen = true;
// Step 2.
if (args.get(0).isObject()) {
RootedObject obj(cx, &args.get(0).toObject());
if (!TestIntegrityLevel(cx, obj, IntegrityLevel::Frozen, &frozen))
return false;
return true;
// ES6 draft rev27 (2014/08/24) Object.seal(O)
static bool
obj_seal(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
if (!args.get(0).isObject())
return true;
// Steps 2-5.
RootedObject obj(cx, &args.get(0).toObject());
return SetIntegrityLevel(cx, obj, IntegrityLevel::Sealed);
// ES6 draft rev27 (2014/08/24) Object.isSealed(O)
static bool
obj_isSealed(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Step 1.
bool sealed = true;
// Step 2.
if (args.get(0).isObject()) {
RootedObject obj(cx, &args.get(0).toObject());
if (!TestIntegrityLevel(cx, obj, IntegrityLevel::Sealed, &sealed))
return false;
return true;
static bool
ProtoGetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
HandleValue thisv = args.thisv();
if (thisv.isNullOrUndefined()) {
ReportIncompatible(cx, args);
return false;
if (thisv.isPrimitive() && !BoxNonStrictThis(cx, args))
return false;
RootedObject obj(cx, &args.thisv().toObject());
RootedObject proto(cx);
if (!GetPrototype(cx, obj, &proto))
return false;
return true;
namespace js {
size_t sSetProtoCalled = 0;
} // namespace js
static bool
ProtoSetter(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
// Do this here, rather than after the this-check so even likely-buggy
// use of the __proto__ setter on unacceptable values, where no subsequent
// use occurs on an acceptable value, will trigger a warning.
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
if (!GlobalObject::warnOnceAboutPrototypeMutation(cx, callee))
return false;
HandleValue thisv = args.thisv();
if (thisv.isNullOrUndefined()) {
ReportIncompatible(cx, args);
return false;
if (thisv.isPrimitive()) {
// Mutating a boxed primitive's [[Prototype]] has no side effects.
return true;
if (!cx->runningWithTrustedPrincipals())
Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &args.thisv().toObject());
/* Do nothing if __proto__ isn't being set to an object or null. */
if (args.length() == 0 || !args[0].isObjectOrNull()) {
return true;
Rooted<JSObject*> newProto(cx, args[0].toObjectOrNull());
if (!SetPrototype(cx, obj, newProto))
return false;
return true;
static const JSFunctionSpec object_methods[] = {
JS_FN(js_toSource_str, obj_toSource, 0,0),
JS_FN(js_toString_str, obj_toString, 0,0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN(js_toLocaleString_str, "Object_toLocaleString", 0,JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_FN(js_valueOf_str, obj_valueOf, 0,0),
#if (0) // JS_HAS_OBJ_WATCHPOINT // TenFourFox issue 575 // flip this for confidence testing
JS_FN(js_watch_str, obj_watch, 2,0),
JS_FN(js_unwatch_str, obj_unwatch, 1,0),
JS_FN(js_hasOwnProperty_str, obj_hasOwnProperty, 1,0),
JS_FN(js_isPrototypeOf_str, obj_isPrototypeOf, 1,0),
JS_FN(js_propertyIsEnumerable_str, obj_propertyIsEnumerable, 1,0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN(js_defineGetter_str, "ObjectDefineGetter", 2,JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN(js_defineSetter_str, "ObjectDefineSetter", 2,JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN(js_lookupGetter_str, "ObjectLookupGetter", 1,JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN(js_lookupSetter_str, "ObjectLookupSetter", 1,JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
static const JSPropertySpec object_properties[] = {
JS_PSGS("__proto__", ProtoGetter, ProtoSetter, 0),
static const JSFunctionSpec object_static_methods[] = {
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("assign", "ObjectStaticAssign", 2, JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("getPrototypeOf", "ObjectGetPrototypeOf", 1, JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_FN("setPrototypeOf", obj_setPrototypeOf, 2, 0),
JS_FN("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", obj_getOwnPropertyDescriptor,2, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("getOwnPropertyDescriptors", "ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors", 1, JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_FN("keys", obj_keys, 1, 0),
JS_FN("values", obj_values, 1, 0),
JS_FN("entries", obj_entries, 1, 0),
JS_FN("is", obj_is, 2, 0),
JS_FN("defineProperty", obj_defineProperty, 3, 0),
JS_FN("defineProperties", obj_defineProperties, 2, 0),
JS_INLINABLE_FN("create", obj_create, 2, 0, ObjectCreate),
JS_FN("getOwnPropertyNames", obj_getOwnPropertyNames, 1, 0),
JS_FN("getOwnPropertySymbols", obj_getOwnPropertySymbols, 1, 0),
JS_SELF_HOSTED_FN("isExtensible", "ObjectIsExtensible", 1, JSPROP_DEFINE_LATE),
JS_FN("preventExtensions", obj_preventExtensions, 1, 0),
JS_FN("freeze", obj_freeze, 1, 0),
JS_FN("isFrozen", obj_isFrozen, 1, 0),
JS_FN("seal", obj_seal, 1, 0),
JS_FN("isSealed", obj_isSealed, 1, 0),
static JSObject*
CreateObjectConstructor(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key)
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, cx->global());
if (!GlobalObject::ensureConstructor(cx, self, JSProto_Function))
return nullptr;
/* Create the Object function now that we have a [[Prototype]] for it. */
return NewNativeConstructor(cx, obj_construct, 1, HandlePropertyName(cx->names().Object),
gc::AllocKind::FUNCTION, SingletonObject);
static JSObject*
CreateObjectPrototype(JSContext* cx, JSProtoKey key)
* Create |Object.prototype| first, mirroring CreateBlankProto but for the
* prototype of the created object.
RootedPlainObject objectProto(cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto<PlainObject>(cx, nullptr,
if (!objectProto)
return nullptr;
bool succeeded;
if (!SetImmutablePrototype(cx, objectProto, &succeeded))
return nullptr;
"should have been able to make a fresh Object.prototype's "
"[[Prototype]] immutable");
* The default 'new' type of Object.prototype is required by type inference
* to have unknown properties, to simplify handling of e.g. heterogenous
* objects in JSON and script literals.
if (!JSObject::setNewGroupUnknown(cx, &PlainObject::class_, objectProto))
return nullptr;
return objectProto;
static bool
FinishObjectClassInit(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject ctor, JS::HandleObject proto)
Rooted<GlobalObject*> global(cx, cx->global());
/* ES5 */
RootedId evalId(cx, NameToId(cx->names().eval));
JSObject* evalobj = DefineFunction(cx, global, evalId, IndirectEval, 1,
if (!evalobj)
return false;
Rooted<NativeObject*> holder(cx, GlobalObject::getIntrinsicsHolder(cx, global));
if (!holder)
return false;
* Define self-hosted functions after setting the intrinsics holder
* (which is needed to define self-hosted functions)
if (!cx->runtime()->isSelfHostingGlobal(global)) {
if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, ctor, object_static_methods, OnlyDefineLateProperties))
return false;
if (!JS_DefineFunctions(cx, proto, object_methods, OnlyDefineLateProperties))
return false;
* The global object should have |Object.prototype| as its [[Prototype]].
* Eventually we'd like to have standard classes be there from the start,
* and thus we would know we were always setting what had previously been a
* null [[Prototype]], but right now some code assumes it can set the
* [[Prototype]] before standard classes have been initialized. For now,
* only set the [[Prototype]] if it hasn't already been set.
Rooted<TaggedProto> tagged(cx, TaggedProto(proto));
if (global->shouldSplicePrototype(cx)) {
if (!global->splicePrototype(cx, global->getClass(), tagged))
return false;
return true;
const Class PlainObject::class_ = {
nullptr, /* addProperty */
nullptr, /* delProperty */
nullptr, /* getProperty */
nullptr, /* setProperty */
nullptr, /* enumerate */
nullptr, /* resolve */
nullptr, /* mayResolve */
nullptr, /* finalize */
nullptr, /* call */
nullptr, /* hasInstance */
nullptr, /* construct */
nullptr, /* trace */
const Class* const js::ObjectClassPtr = &PlainObject::class_;