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synced 2025-02-19 13:31:00 +00:00
409 lines
12 KiB
409 lines
12 KiB
"use strict";
function run_test() {
// Get one notification, none exists
add_test(function test_get_none() {
let requestID = 0;
let msgReply = "Notification:GetAll:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
do_check_eq(0, message.data.notifications.length);
addAndSend("Notification:GetAll", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
requestID: requestID
// Store one notification
add_test(function test_send_one() {
let requestID = 1;
let msgReply = "Notification:Save:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
addAndSend("Notification:Save", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
notification: systemNotification,
requestID: requestID
// Get one notification, one exists
add_test(function test_get_one() {
let requestID = 2;
let msgReply = "Notification:GetAll:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
do_check_eq(1, message.data.notifications.length);
// compare the content
compareNotification(systemNotification, message.data.notifications[0]);
addAndSend("Notification:GetAll", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
requestID: requestID
// Delete one notification
add_test(function test_delete_one() {
let requestID = 3;
let msgReply = "Notification:Delete:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
addAndSend("Notification:Delete", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
id: systemNotification.id,
requestID: requestID
// Get one notification, none exists
add_test(function test_get_none_again() {
let requestID = 4;
let msgReply = "Notification:GetAll:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
do_check_eq(0, message.data.notifications.length);
addAndSend("Notification:GetAll", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
requestID: requestID
// Delete one notification that do not exists anymore
add_test(function test_delete_one_nonexistent() {
let requestID = 5;
let msgReply = "Notification:Delete:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
addAndSend("Notification:Delete", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
id: systemNotification.id,
requestID: requestID
// Store two notifications with the same id
add_test(function test_send_two_get_one() {
let requestID = 6;
let calls = 0;
let msgGetReply = "Notification:GetAll:Return:OK";
let msgGetHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID + 2, message.data.requestID);
do_check_eq(1, message.data.notifications.length);
// compare the content
compareNotification(systemNotification, message.data.notifications[0]);
let msgSaveReply = "Notification:Save:Return:OK";
let msgSaveHandler = function(message) {
calls += 1;
if (calls === 2) {
addAndSend("Notification:GetAll", msgGetReply, msgGetHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
requestID: (requestID + 2)
addAndSend("Notification:Save", msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
notification: systemNotification,
requestID: requestID
}, false);
addAndSend("Notification:Save", msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
notification: systemNotification,
requestID: (requestID + 1)
}, false);
// Delete previous notification
add_test(function test_delete_previous() {
let requestID = 8;
let msgReply = "Notification:Delete:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
addAndSend("Notification:Delete", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
id: systemNotification.id,
requestID: requestID
// Store two notifications from same origin with the same tag
add_test(function test_send_two_get_one() {
let requestID = 10;
let tag = "voicemail";
let systemNotification1 =
getNotificationObject("system", "{f271f9ee-3955-4c10-b1f2-af552fb270ee}", tag);
let systemNotification2 =
getNotificationObject("system", "{8ef9a628-f0f4-44b4-820d-c117573c33e3}", tag);
let msgGetReply = "Notification:GetAll:Return:OK";
let msgGetNotifHandler = {
receiveMessage: function(message) {
if (message.name === msgGetReply) {
cpmm.removeMessageListener(msgGetReply, msgGetNotifHandler);
let notifications = message.data.notifications;
// same tag, so replaced
do_check_eq(1, notifications.length);
// compare the content
compareNotification(systemNotification2, notifications[0]);
cpmm.addMessageListener(msgGetReply, msgGetNotifHandler);
let msgSaveReply = "Notification:Save:Return:OK";
let msgSaveCalls = 0;
let msgSaveHandler = function(message) {
// Once both request have been sent, trigger getall
if (msgSaveCalls === 2) {
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Notification:GetAll", {
origin: systemNotification1.origin,
requestID: message.data.requestID + 2 // 12, 13
addAndSend("Notification:Save", msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler, {
origin: systemNotification1.origin,
notification: systemNotification1,
requestID: requestID // 10
}, false);
addAndSend("Notification:Save", msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler, {
origin: systemNotification2.origin,
notification: systemNotification2,
requestID: (requestID + 1) // 11
}, false);
// Delete previous notification
add_test(function test_delete_previous() {
let requestID = 15;
let msgReply = "Notification:Delete:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
addAndSend("Notification:Delete", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
id: "{8ef9a628-f0f4-44b4-820d-c117573c33e3}",
requestID: requestID
// Store two notifications from two origins with the same tag
add_test(function test_send_two_get_two() {
let requestID = 20;
let tag = "voicemail";
let systemNotification1 = systemNotification;
systemNotification1.tag = tag;
let calendarNotification2 = calendarNotification;
calendarNotification2.tag = tag;
let msgGetReply = "Notification:GetAll:Return:OK";
let msgGetCalls = 0;
let msgGetHandler = {
receiveMessage: function(message) {
if (message.name === msgGetReply) {
let notifications = message.data.notifications;
// one notification per origin
do_check_eq(1, notifications.length);
// first call should be system notification
if (msgGetCalls === 1) {
compareNotification(systemNotification1, notifications[0]);
// second and last call should be calendar notification
if (msgGetCalls === 2) {
cpmm.removeMessageListener(msgGetReply, msgGetHandler);
compareNotification(calendarNotification2, notifications[0]);
cpmm.addMessageListener(msgGetReply, msgGetHandler);
let msgSaveReply = "Notification:Save:Return:OK";
let msgSaveCalls = 0;
let msgSaveHandler = {
receiveMessage: function(message) {
if (message.name === msgSaveReply) {
if (msgSaveCalls === 2) {
cpmm.removeMessageListener(msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler);
// Trigger getall for each origin
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Notification:GetAll", {
origin: systemNotification1.origin,
requestID: message.data.requestID + 1 // 22
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Notification:GetAll", {
origin: calendarNotification2.origin,
requestID: message.data.requestID + 2 // 23
cpmm.addMessageListener(msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler);
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Notification:Save", {
origin: systemNotification1.origin,
notification: systemNotification1,
requestID: requestID // 20
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Notification:Save", {
origin: calendarNotification2.origin,
notification: calendarNotification2,
requestID: (requestID + 1) // 21
// Cleanup previous notification
add_test(function test_delete_previous() {
let requestID = 25;
let msgReply = "Notification:Delete:Return:OK";
let msgHandler = function(message) {
do_check_eq(requestID, message.data.requestID);
addAndSend("Notification:Delete", msgReply, msgHandler, {
origin: systemNotification.origin,
id: "{2bc883bf-2809-4432-b0f4-f54e10372764}",
requestID: requestID
// Store two notifications, one without alertName and one with
add_test(function test_send_two_alertName() {
let requestID = 30;
let notifications = [
origin: "app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp",
id: "{27ead857-4f43-457f-a770-93b82fbfc223}",
title: "Notification title",
dir: "auto",
lang: "",
body: "Notification body",
tag: "",
icon: "icon.png",
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
}, {
origin: "app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp",
id: "{40275e04-58d0-47be-8cc7-540578f793a4}",
title: "Notification title",
dir: "auto",
lang: "",
body: "Notification body",
tag: "",
icon: "icon.png",
alertName: "alertName",
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
let origin = notifications[0].origin;
let msgGetCrossOriginReply = "Notification:GetAllCrossOrigin:Return:OK";
let msgGetCrossOriginHandler = {
receiveMessage: function(message) {
if (message.name === msgGetCrossOriginReply) {
msgGetCrossOriginReply, msgGetCrossOriginHandler);
let gotNotifications = message.data.notifications;
// we expect to have one notification
do_check_eq(1, gotNotifications.length);
// compare the only notification we should have got back
compareNotification(gotNotifications[0], notifications[1]);
cpmm.addMessageListener(msgGetCrossOriginReply, msgGetCrossOriginHandler);
let msgGetReply = "Notification:GetAll:Return:OK";
let msgGetHandler = {
receiveMessage: function(message) {
if (message.name === msgGetReply) {
cpmm.removeMessageListener(msgGetReply, msgGetHandler);
let gotNotifications = message.data.notifications;
// we expect to have two notifications
do_check_eq(2, gotNotifications.length);
// compare each notification
for (let i = 0; i < gotNotifications.length; i++) {
compareNotification(gotNotifications[i], notifications[i]);
cpmm.addMessageListener(msgGetReply, msgGetHandler);
let msgSaveReply = "Notification:Save:Return:OK";
let msgSaveCalls = 0;
let msgSaveHandler = {
receiveMessage: function(message) {
if (message.name === msgSaveReply) {
if (msgSaveCalls === 2) {
cpmm.removeMessageListener(msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler);
// Trigger getall
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Notification:GetAll", {
origin: origin
cpmm.addMessageListener(msgSaveReply, msgSaveHandler);
notifications.forEach(function(n) {
cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("Notification:Save", {
origin: origin,
notification: n