mirror of https://github.com/classilla/tenfourfox.git synced 2025-02-16 09:31:27 +00:00
Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

523 lines
20 KiB

// Tests that the suggestion popup appears at the right times in response to
// focus and user events (mouse, keyboard, drop).
// Instead of loading ChromeUtils.js into the test scope in browser-test.js for all tests,
// we only need ChromeUtils.js for a few files which is why we are using loadSubScript.
var ChromeUtils = {};
this._scriptLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].
this._scriptLoader.loadSubScript("chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/ChromeUtils.js", ChromeUtils);
const searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
const searchIcon = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(searchbar, "anonid", "searchbar-search-button");
const goButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(searchbar, "anonid", "search-go-button");
const textbox = searchbar._textbox;
const searchPopup = document.getElementById("PopupSearchAutoComplete");
const kValues = ["long text", "long text 2", "long text 3"];
const isWindows = Services.appinfo.OS == "WINNT";
const mouseDown = isWindows ? 2 : 1;
const mouseUp = isWindows ? 4 : 2;
const utils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
const scale = utils.screenPixelsPerCSSPixel;
function* synthesizeNativeMouseClick(aElement) {
let rect = aElement.getBoundingClientRect();
let win = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
let x = win.mozInnerScreenX + (rect.left + rect.right) / 2;
let y = win.mozInnerScreenY + (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2;
// Wait for the mouseup event to occur before continuing.
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function eventOccurred(e)
aElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", eventOccurred, true);
aElement.addEventListener("mouseup", eventOccurred, true);
utils.sendNativeMouseEvent(x * scale, y * scale, mouseDown, 0, null);
utils.sendNativeMouseEvent(x * scale, y * scale, mouseUp, 0, null);
add_task(function* init() {
yield promiseNewEngine("testEngine.xml");
// First cleanup the form history in case other tests left things there.
yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
info("cleanup the search history");
searchbar.FormHistory.update({op: "remove", fieldname: "searchbar-history"},
{handleCompletion: resolve,
handleError: reject});
yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
info("adding search history values: " + kValues);
let ops = kValues.map(value => { return {op: "add",
fieldname: "searchbar-history",
value: value}
searchbar.FormHistory.update(ops, {
handleCompletion: function() {
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
info("removing search history values: " + kValues);
let ops =
kValues.map(value => { return {op: "remove",
fieldname: "searchbar-history",
value: value}
handleError: reject
// Adds a task that shouldn't show the search suggestions popup.
function add_no_popup_task(task) {
add_task(function*() {
let sawPopup = false;
function listener() {
sawPopup = true;
info("Entering test " + task.name);
searchPopup.addEventListener("popupshowing", listener, false);
yield Task.spawn(task);
searchPopup.removeEventListener("popupshowing", listener, false);
ok(!sawPopup, "Shouldn't have seen the suggestions popup");
info("Leaving test " + task.name);
// Simulates the full set of events for a context click
function context_click(target) {
for (let event of ["mousedown", "contextmenu", "mouseup"])
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(target, { type: event, button: 2 });
// Right clicking the icon should not open the popup.
add_no_popup_task(function* open_icon_context() {
let toolbarPopup = document.getElementById("toolbar-context-menu");
let promise = promiseEvent(toolbarPopup, "popupshown");
yield promise;
promise = promiseEvent(toolbarPopup, "popuphidden");
yield promise;
// With no text in the search box left clicking the icon should open the popup.
// Clicking the icon again should hide the popup and not show it again.
add_task(function* open_empty() {
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
info("Clicking icon");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchIcon, {});
yield promise;
is(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should only show the settings");
is(textbox.mController.searchString, "", "Should be an empty search string");
// By giving the textbox some text any next attempt to open the search popup
// from the click handler will try to search for this text.
textbox.value = "foo";
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
let clickPromise = promiseEvent(searchIcon, "click");
info("Hiding popup");
yield synthesizeNativeMouseClick(searchIcon);
yield promise;
is(textbox.mController.searchString, "", "Should not have started to search for the new text");
// Cancel the search if it started.
if (textbox.mController.searchString != "") {
textbox.value = "";
// With no text in the search box left clicking it should not open the popup.
add_no_popup_task(function* click_doesnt_open_popup() {
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, {});
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
// Left clicking in a non-empty search box when unfocused should focus it and open the popup.
add_task(function* click_opens_popup() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";
// Right clicking in a non-empty search box when unfocused should open the edit context menu.
add_no_popup_task(function* right_click_doesnt_open_popup() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let contextPopup = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(textbox.inputField.parentNode, "anonid", "input-box-contextmenu");
let promise = promiseEvent(contextPopup, "popupshown");
yield promise;
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(contextPopup, "popuphidden");
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";
// Moving focus away from the search box should close the popup
add_task(function* focus_change_closes_popup() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
let promise2 = promiseEvent(searchbar, "blur");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", { shiftKey: true });
yield promise;
yield promise2;
textbox.value = "";
// Moving focus away from the search box should close the small popup
add_task(function* focus_change_closes_small_popup() {
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
// For some reason sending the mouse event immediately doesn't open the popup.
SimpleTest.executeSoon(() => {
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchIcon, {});
yield promise;
is(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the small popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
let promise2 = promiseEvent(searchbar, "blur");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", { shiftKey: true });
yield promise;
yield promise2;
// Pressing escape should close the popup.
add_task(function* escape_closes_popup() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";
// Pressing contextmenu should close the popup.
add_task(function* contextmenu_closes_popup() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
//synthesizeKey does not work with VK_CONTEXT_MENU (bug 1127368)
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, { type: "contextmenu", button: null });
yield promise;
let contextPopup =
"anonid", "input-box-contextmenu");
promise = promiseEvent(contextPopup, "popuphidden");
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";
// Tabbing to the search box should open the popup if it contains text.
add_task(function* tab_opens_popup() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";
// Tabbing to the search box should not open the popup if it doesn't contain text.
add_no_popup_task(function* tab_doesnt_open_popup() {
textbox.value = "foo";
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {});
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
textbox.value = "";
// Switching back to the window when the search box has focus from mouse should not open the popup.
add_task(function* refocus_window_doesnt_open_popup_mouse() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchbar, {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
let newWin = OpenBrowserWindow();
yield new Promise(resolve => waitForFocus(resolve, newWin));
yield promise;
function listener() {
ok(false, "Should not have shown the popup.");
searchPopup.addEventListener("popupshowing", listener, false);
promise = promiseEvent(searchbar, "focus");
yield promise;
// Wait a few ticks to allow any focus handlers to show the popup if they are going to.
yield new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
yield new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
yield new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
searchPopup.removeEventListener("popupshowing", listener, false);
textbox.value = "";
// Switching back to the window when the search box has focus from keyboard should not open the popup.
add_task(function* refocus_window_doesnt_open_popup_keyboard() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_TAB", {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
let newWin = OpenBrowserWindow();
yield new Promise(resolve => waitForFocus(resolve, newWin));
yield promise;
function listener() {
ok(false, "Should not have shown the popup.");
searchPopup.addEventListener("popupshowing", listener, false);
promise = promiseEvent(searchbar, "focus");
yield promise;
// Wait a few ticks to allow any focus handlers to show the popup if they are going to.
yield new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
yield new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
yield new Promise(resolve => executeSoon(resolve));
searchPopup.removeEventListener("popupshowing", listener, false);
textbox.value = "";
// Clicking the search go button shouldn't open the popup
add_no_popup_task(function* search_go_doesnt_open_popup() {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseOnLoad();
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(goButton, {});
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";
// Clicks outside the search popup should close the popup but not consume the click.
add_task(function* dont_consume_clicks() {
textbox.value = "foo";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, {});
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have selected all of the text");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 3, "Should have selected all of the text");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
yield synthesizeNativeMouseClick(gURLBar);
yield promise;
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, gURLBar.inputField, "Should have focused the URL bar");
textbox.value = "";
// Dropping text to the searchbar should open the popup
add_task(function* drop_opens_popup() {
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
ChromeUtils.synthesizeDrop(searchIcon, textbox.inputField, [[ {type: "text/plain", data: "foo" } ]], "move", window);
yield promise;
isnot(searchPopup.getAttribute("showonlysettings"), "true", "Should show the full popup");
is(Services.focus.focusedElement, textbox.inputField, "Should have focused the search bar");
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";
// Moving the caret using the cursor keys should not close the popup.
add_task(function* dont_rollup_oncaretmove() {
textbox.value = "long text";
let promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popupshown");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(textbox, {});
yield promise;
// Deselect the text
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RIGHT", {});
is(textbox.selectionStart, 9, "Should have moved the caret (selectionStart after deselect right)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 9, "Should have moved the caret (selectionEnd after deselect right)");
is(searchPopup.state, "open", "Popup should still be open");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", {});
is(textbox.selectionStart, 8, "Should have moved the caret (selectionStart after left)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 8, "Should have moved the caret (selectionEnd after left)");
is(searchPopup.state, "open", "Popup should still be open");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RIGHT", {});
is(textbox.selectionStart, 9, "Should have moved the caret (selectionStart after right)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 9, "Should have moved the caret (selectionEnd after right)");
is(searchPopup.state, "open", "Popup should still be open");
// Ensure caret movement works while a suggestion is selected.
is(textbox.popup.selectedIndex, -1, "No selected item in list");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {});
is(textbox.popup.selectedIndex, 0, "Selected item in list");
is(textbox.selectionStart, 9, "Should have moved the caret to the end (selectionStart after selection)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 9, "Should have moved the caret to the end (selectionEnd after selection)");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", {});
is(textbox.selectionStart, 8, "Should have moved the caret again (selectionStart after left)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 8, "Should have moved the caret again (selectionEnd after left)");
is(searchPopup.state, "open", "Popup should still be open");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_LEFT", {});
is(textbox.selectionStart, 7, "Should have moved the caret (selectionStart after left)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 7, "Should have moved the caret (selectionEnd after left)");
is(searchPopup.state, "open", "Popup should still be open");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RIGHT", {});
is(textbox.selectionStart, 8, "Should have moved the caret (selectionStart after right)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 8, "Should have moved the caret (selectionEnd after right)");
is(searchPopup.state, "open", "Popup should still be open");
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == -1) {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_HOME", {});
is(textbox.selectionStart, 0, "Should have moved the caret (selectionStart after home)");
is(textbox.selectionEnd, 0, "Should have moved the caret (selectionEnd after home)");
is(searchPopup.state, "open", "Popup should still be open");
// Close the popup again
promise = promiseEvent(searchPopup, "popuphidden");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
yield promise;
textbox.value = "";