Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

488 lines
14 KiB

// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Home"];
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
// Keep this in sync with the constant defined in PanelAuthCache.java
const PREFS_PANEL_AUTH_PREFIX = "home_panels_auth_";
// Default weight for a banner message.
const DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 100;
// See bug 915424
function resolveGeckoURI(aURI) {
if (!aURI)
throw "Can't resolve an empty uri";
if (aURI.startsWith("chrome://")) {
let registry = Cc['@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1'].getService(Ci["nsIChromeRegistry"]);
return registry.convertChromeURL(Services.io.newURI(aURI, null, null)).spec;
} else if (aURI.startsWith("resource://")) {
let handler = Services.io.getProtocolHandler("resource").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIResProtocolHandler);
return handler.resolveURI(Services.io.newURI(aURI, null, null));
return aURI;
function BannerMessage(options) {
let uuidgen = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator);
this.id = uuidgen.generateUUID().toString();
if ("text" in options && options.text != null)
this.text = options.text;
if ("icon" in options && options.icon != null)
this.iconURI = resolveGeckoURI(options.icon);
if ("onshown" in options && typeof options.onshown === "function")
this.onshown = options.onshown;
if ("onclick" in options && typeof options.onclick === "function")
this.onclick = options.onclick;
if ("ondismiss" in options && typeof options.ondismiss === "function")
this.ondismiss = options.ondismiss;
let weight = parseInt(options.weight, 10);
this.weight = weight > 0 ? weight : DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
// We need this object to have access to the HomeBanner
// private members without leaking it outside Home.jsm.
var HomeBannerMessageHandlers;
var HomeBanner = (function () {
// Whether there is a "HomeBanner:Get" request we couldn't fulfill.
let _pendingRequest = false;
// Functions used to handle messages sent from Java.
HomeBannerMessageHandlers = {
"HomeBanner:Get": function handleBannerGet(data) {
if (Object.keys(_messages).length > 0) {
} else {
_pendingRequest = true;
// Holds the messages that will rotate through the banner.
let _messages = {};
// Choose a random message from the set of messages, biasing towards those with higher weight.
// Weight logic copied from desktop snippets:
// https://github.com/mozilla/snippets-service/blob/7d80edb8b1cddaed075275c2fc7cdf69a10f4003/snippets/base/templates/base/includes/snippet_js.html#L119
let _sendBannerData = function() {
let totalWeight = 0;
for (let key in _messages) {
let message = _messages[key];
totalWeight += message.weight;
message.totalWeight = totalWeight;
let threshold = Math.random() * totalWeight;
for (let key in _messages) {
let message = _messages[key];
if (threshold < message.totalWeight) {
type: "HomeBanner:Data",
id: message.id,
text: message.text,
iconURI: message.iconURI
let _handleShown = function(id) {
let message = _messages[id];
if (message.onshown)
let _handleClick = function(id) {
let message = _messages[id];
if (message.onclick)
let _handleDismiss = function(id) {
let message = _messages[id];
if (message.ondismiss)
return Object.freeze({
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
switch(topic) {
case "HomeBanner:Shown":
case "HomeBanner:Click":
case "HomeBanner:Dismiss":
* Adds a new banner message to the rotation.
* @return id Unique identifer for the message.
add: function(options) {
let message = new BannerMessage(options);
_messages[message.id] = message;
// If this is the first message we're adding, add
// observers to listen for requests from the Java UI.
if (Object.keys(_messages).length == 1) {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "HomeBanner:Shown", false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "HomeBanner:Click", false);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "HomeBanner:Dismiss", false);
// Send a message to Java if there's a pending "HomeBanner:Get" request.
if (_pendingRequest) {
_pendingRequest = false;
return message.id;
* Removes a banner message from the rotation.
* @param id The id of the message to remove.
remove: function(id) {
if (!(id in _messages)) {
throw "Home.banner: Can't remove message that doesn't exist: id = " + id;
delete _messages[id];
// If there are no more messages, remove the observers.
if (Object.keys(_messages).length == 0) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "HomeBanner:Shown");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "HomeBanner:Click");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "HomeBanner:Dismiss");
// We need this object to have access to the HomePanels
// private members without leaking it outside Home.jsm.
var HomePanelsMessageHandlers;
var HomePanels = (function () {
// Functions used to handle messages sent from Java.
HomePanelsMessageHandlers = {
"HomePanels:Get": function handlePanelsGet(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
let requestId = data.requestId;
let ids = data.ids || null;
let panels = [];
for (let id in _registeredPanels) {
// Null ids means we want to fetch all available panels
if (ids == null || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
try {
} catch(e) {
Cu.reportError("Home.panels: Invalid options, panel.id = " + id + ": " + e);
type: "HomePanels:Data",
panels: panels,
requestId: requestId
"HomePanels:Authenticate": function handlePanelsAuthenticate(id) {
// Generate panel options to get auth handler.
let options = _registeredPanels[id]();
if (!options.auth) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid auth for panel.id = " + id;
if (!options.auth.authenticate || typeof options.auth.authenticate !== "function") {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid auth authenticate function: panel.id = " + this.id;
"HomePanels:RefreshView": function handlePanelsRefreshView(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
let options = _registeredPanels[data.panelId]();
let view = options.views[data.viewIndex];
if (!view) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid view for panel.id = " + data.panelId
+ ", view.index = " + data.viewIndex;
if (!view.onrefresh || typeof view.onrefresh !== "function") {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid onrefresh for panel.id = " + data.panelId
+ ", view.index = " + data.viewIndex;
"HomePanels:Installed": function handlePanelsInstalled(id) {
let options = _registeredPanels[id]();
if (!options.oninstall) {
if (typeof options.oninstall !== "function") {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid oninstall function: panel.id = " + this.id;
"HomePanels:Uninstalled": function handlePanelsUninstalled(id) {
let options = _registeredPanels[id]();
if (!options.onuninstall) {
if (typeof options.onuninstall !== "function") {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid onuninstall function: panel.id = " + this.id;
// Holds the current set of registered panels that can be
// installed, updated, uninstalled, or unregistered. It maps
// panel ids with the functions that dynamically generate
// their respective panel options. This is used to retrieve
// the current list of available panels in the system.
// See HomePanels:Get handler.
let _registeredPanels = {};
// Valid layouts for a panel.
let Layout = Object.freeze({
FRAME: "frame"
// Valid types of views for a dataset.
let View = Object.freeze({
LIST: "list",
GRID: "grid"
// Valid item types for a panel view.
let Item = Object.freeze({
ARTICLE: "article",
IMAGE: "image",
ICON: "icon"
// Valid item handlers for a panel view.
let ItemHandler = Object.freeze({
BROWSER: "browser",
INTENT: "intent"
function Panel(id, options) {
this.id = id;
this.title = options.title;
this.layout = options.layout;
this.views = options.views;
this.default = !!options.default;
if (!this.id || !this.title) {
throw "Home.panels: Can't create a home panel without an id and title!";
if (!this.layout) {
// Use FRAME layout by default
this.layout = Layout.FRAME;
} else if (!_valueExists(Layout, this.layout)) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid layout for panel: panel.id = " + this.id + ", panel.layout =" + this.layout;
for (let view of this.views) {
if (!_valueExists(View, view.type)) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid view type: panel.id = " + this.id + ", view.type = " + view.type;
if (!view.itemType) {
if (view.type == View.LIST) {
// Use ARTICLE item type by default in LIST views
view.itemType = Item.ARTICLE;
} else if (view.type == View.GRID) {
// Use IMAGE item type by default in GRID views
view.itemType = Item.IMAGE;
} else if (!_valueExists(Item, view.itemType)) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid item type: panel.id = " + this.id + ", view.itemType = " + view.itemType;
if (!view.itemHandler) {
// Use BROWSER item handler by default
view.itemHandler = ItemHandler.BROWSER;
} else if (!_valueExists(ItemHandler, view.itemHandler)) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid item handler: panel.id = " + this.id + ", view.itemHandler = " + view.itemHandler;
if (!view.dataset) {
throw "Home.panels: No dataset provided for view: panel.id = " + this.id + ", view.type = " + view.type;
if (view.onrefresh) {
view.refreshEnabled = true;
if (options.auth) {
if (!options.auth.messageText) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid auth messageText: panel.id = " + this.id;
if (!options.auth.buttonText) {
throw "Home.panels: Invalid auth buttonText: panel.id = " + this.id;
this.authConfig = {
messageText: options.auth.messageText,
buttonText: options.auth.buttonText
// Include optional image URL if it is specified.
if (options.auth.imageUrl) {
this.authConfig.imageUrl = options.auth.imageUrl;
if (options.position && typeof options.position === "number") {
this.position = options.position;
let _generatePanel = function(id) {
let options = _registeredPanels[id]();
return new Panel(id, options);
// Helper function used to see if a value is in an object.
let _valueExists = function(obj, value) {
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj[key] == value) {
return true;
return false;
let _assertPanelExists = function(id) {
if (!(id in _registeredPanels)) {
throw "Home.panels: Panel doesn't exist: id = " + id;
return Object.freeze({
Layout: Layout,
View: View,
Item: Item,
ItemHandler: ItemHandler,
register: function(id, optionsCallback) {
// Bail if the panel already exists
if (id in _registeredPanels) {
throw "Home.panels: Panel already exists: id = " + id;
if (!optionsCallback || typeof optionsCallback !== "function") {
throw "Home.panels: Panel callback must be a function: id = " + id;
_registeredPanels[id] = optionsCallback;
unregister: function(id) {
delete _registeredPanels[id];
install: function(id) {
type: "HomePanels:Install",
panel: _generatePanel(id)
uninstall: function(id) {
type: "HomePanels:Uninstall",
id: id
update: function(id) {
type: "HomePanels:Update",
panel: _generatePanel(id)
setAuthenticated: function(id, isAuthenticated) {
let authKey = PREFS_PANEL_AUTH_PREFIX + id;
let sharedPrefs = SharedPreferences.forProfile();
sharedPrefs.setBoolPref(authKey, isAuthenticated);
// Public API
this.Home = Object.freeze({
banner: HomeBanner,
panels: HomePanels,
// Lazy notification observer registered in browser.js
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
if (topic in HomeBannerMessageHandlers) {
} else if (topic in HomePanelsMessageHandlers) {
} else {
Cu.reportError("Home.observe: message handler not found for topic: " + topic);