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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const TEST_MSG = "ContentSearchTest";
const CONTENT_SEARCH_MSG = "ContentSearch";
const TEST_CONTENT_SCRIPT_BASENAME = "contentSearch.js";
// This timeout is absurdly high to avoid random failures like bug 1087120.
// That bug was reported when the timeout was 5 seconds, so let's try 10.
var gMsgMan;
add_task(function* GetState() {
yield addTab();
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "GetState",
let msg = yield waitForTestMsg("State");
checkMsg(msg, {
type: "State",
data: yield currentStateObj(),
add_task(function* SetCurrentEngine() {
yield addTab();
let newCurrentEngine = null;
let oldCurrentEngine = Services.search.currentEngine;
let engines = Services.search.getVisibleEngines();
for (let engine of engines) {
if (engine != oldCurrentEngine) {
newCurrentEngine = engine;
if (!newCurrentEngine) {
info("Couldn't find a non-selected search engine, " +
"skipping this part of the test");
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "SetCurrentEngine",
data: newCurrentEngine.name,
let deferred = Promise.defer();
Services.obs.addObserver(function obs(subj, topic, data) {
info("Test observed " + data);
if (data == "engine-current") {
ok(true, "Test observed engine-current");
Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, "browser-search-engine-modified");
}, "browser-search-engine-modified", false);
let searchPromise = waitForTestMsg("CurrentEngine");
info("Waiting for test to observe engine-current...");
yield deferred.promise;
let msg = yield searchPromise;
checkMsg(msg, {
type: "CurrentEngine",
data: yield currentEngineObj(newCurrentEngine),
Services.search.currentEngine = oldCurrentEngine;
msg = yield waitForTestMsg("CurrentEngine");
checkMsg(msg, {
type: "CurrentEngine",
data: yield currentEngineObj(oldCurrentEngine),
add_task(function* modifyEngine() {
yield addTab();
let engine = Services.search.currentEngine;
let oldAlias = engine.alias;
engine.alias = "ContentSearchTest";
let msg = yield waitForTestMsg("CurrentState");
checkMsg(msg, {
type: "CurrentState",
data: yield currentStateObj(),
engine.alias = oldAlias;
msg = yield waitForTestMsg("CurrentState");
checkMsg(msg, {
type: "CurrentState",
data: yield currentStateObj(),
add_task(function* search() {
yield addTab();
let engine = Services.search.currentEngine;
let data = {
engineName: engine.name,
searchString: "ContentSearchTest",
healthReportKey: "ContentSearchTest",
searchPurpose: "ContentSearchTest",
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "Search",
data: data,
let submissionURL =
engine.getSubmission(data.searchString, "", data.whence).uri.spec;
yield waitForLoadAndStopIt(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, submissionURL);
add_task(function* searchInBackgroundTab() {
// This test is like search(), but it opens a new tab after starting a search
// in another. In other words, it performs a search in a background tab. The
// search page should be loaded in the same tab that performed the search, in
// the background tab.
yield addTab();
let searchBrowser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
let engine = Services.search.currentEngine;
let data = {
engineName: engine.name,
searchString: "ContentSearchTest",
healthReportKey: "ContentSearchTest",
searchPurpose: "ContentSearchTest",
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "Search",
data: data,
let newTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
registerCleanupFunction(() => gBrowser.removeTab(newTab));
let submissionURL =
engine.getSubmission(data.searchString, "", data.whence).uri.spec;
yield waitForLoadAndStopIt(searchBrowser, submissionURL);
add_task(function* badImage() {
yield addTab();
// If the bad image URI caused an exception to be thrown within ContentSearch,
// then we'll hang waiting for the CurrentState responses triggered by the new
// engine. That's what we're testing, and obviously it shouldn't happen.
let vals = yield waitForNewEngine("contentSearchBadImage.xml", 1);
let engine = vals[0];
let finalCurrentStateMsg = vals[vals.length - 1];
let expectedCurrentState = yield currentStateObj();
let expectedEngine =
expectedCurrentState.engines.find(e => e.name == engine.name);
ok(!!expectedEngine, "Sanity check: engine should be in expected state");
ok(expectedEngine.iconBuffer === null,
"Sanity check: icon array buffer of engine in expected state " +
"should be null: " + expectedEngine.iconBuffer);
checkMsg(finalCurrentStateMsg, {
type: "CurrentState",
data: expectedCurrentState,
// Removing the engine triggers a final CurrentState message. Wait for it so
// it doesn't trip up subsequent tests.
yield waitForTestMsg("CurrentState");
add_task(function* GetSuggestions_AddFormHistoryEntry_RemoveFormHistoryEntry() {
yield addTab();
// Add the test engine that provides suggestions.
let vals = yield waitForNewEngine("contentSearchSuggestions.xml", 0);
let engine = vals[0];
let searchStr = "browser_ContentSearch.js-suggestions-";
// Add a form history suggestion and wait for Satchel to notify about it.
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "AddFormHistoryEntry",
data: searchStr + "form",
let deferred = Promise.defer();
Services.obs.addObserver(function onAdd(subj, topic, data) {
if (data == "formhistory-add") {
Services.obs.removeObserver(onAdd, "satchel-storage-changed");
executeSoon(() => deferred.resolve());
}, "satchel-storage-changed", false);
yield deferred.promise;
// Send GetSuggestions using the test engine. Its suggestions should appear
// in the remote suggestions in the Suggestions response below.
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "GetSuggestions",
data: {
engineName: engine.name,
searchString: searchStr,
// Check the Suggestions response.
let msg = yield waitForTestMsg("Suggestions");
checkMsg(msg, {
type: "Suggestions",
data: {
engineName: engine.name,
searchString: searchStr,
formHistory: [searchStr + "form"],
remote: [searchStr + "foo", searchStr + "bar"],
// Delete the form history suggestion and wait for Satchel to notify about it.
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "RemoveFormHistoryEntry",
data: searchStr + "form",
deferred = Promise.defer();
Services.obs.addObserver(function onRemove(subj, topic, data) {
if (data == "formhistory-remove") {
Services.obs.removeObserver(onRemove, "satchel-storage-changed");
executeSoon(() => deferred.resolve());
}, "satchel-storage-changed", false);
yield deferred.promise;
// Send GetSuggestions again.
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(TEST_MSG, {
type: "GetSuggestions",
data: {
engineName: engine.name,
searchString: searchStr,
// The formHistory suggestions in the Suggestions response should be empty.
msg = yield waitForTestMsg("Suggestions");
checkMsg(msg, {
type: "Suggestions",
data: {
engineName: engine.name,
searchString: searchStr,
formHistory: [],
remote: [searchStr + "foo", searchStr + "bar"],
// Finally, clean up by removing the test engine.
yield waitForTestMsg("CurrentState");
function buffersEqual(actualArrayBuffer, expectedArrayBuffer) {
let expectedView = new Int8Array(expectedArrayBuffer);
let actualView = new Int8Array(actualArrayBuffer);
for (let i = 0; i < expectedView.length; i++) {
if (actualView[i] != expectedView[i]) {
return false;
return true;
function arrayBufferEqual(actualArrayBuffer, expectedArrayBuffer) {
ok(actualArrayBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer, "Actual value is ArrayBuffer.");
ok(expectedArrayBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer, "Expected value is ArrayBuffer.");
Assert.equal(actualArrayBuffer.byteLength, expectedArrayBuffer.byteLength,
"Array buffers have the same length.");
ok(buffersEqual(actualArrayBuffer, expectedArrayBuffer), "Buffers are equal.");
function checkArrayBuffers(actual, expected) {
if (actual instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
arrayBufferEqual(actual, expected);
if (typeof actual == "object") {
for (let i in actual) {
checkArrayBuffers(actual[i], expected[i]);
function checkMsg(actualMsg, expectedMsgData) {
let actualMsgData = actualMsg.data;
SimpleTest.isDeeply(actualMsg.data, expectedMsgData, "Checking message");
// Engines contain ArrayBuffers which we have to compare byte by byte and
// not as Objects (like SimpleTest.isDeeply does).
checkArrayBuffers(actualMsgData, expectedMsgData);
function waitForMsg(name, type) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
info("Waiting for " + name + " message " + type + "...");
gMsgMan.addMessageListener(name, function onMsg(msg) {
info("Received " + name + " message " + msg.data.type + "\n");
if (msg.data.type == type) {
gMsgMan.removeMessageListener(name, onMsg);
return deferred.promise;
function waitForTestMsg(type) {
return waitForMsg(TEST_MSG, type);
function waitForNewEngine(basename, numImages) {
info("Waiting for engine to be added: " + basename);
// Wait for the search events triggered by adding the new engine.
// engine-added engine-loaded
let expectedSearchEvents = ["CurrentState", "CurrentState"];
// engine-changed for each of the images
for (let i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
let eventPromises = expectedSearchEvents.map(e => waitForTestMsg(e));
// Wait for addEngine().
let addDeferred = Promise.defer();
let url = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + basename;
Services.search.addEngine(url, null, "", false, {
onSuccess: function (engine) {
info("Search engine added: " + basename);
onError: function (errCode) {
ok(false, "addEngine failed with error code " + errCode);
return Promise.all([addDeferred.promise].concat(eventPromises));
function waitForLoadAndStopIt(browser, expectedURL) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let listener = {
onStateChange: function (webProg, req, flags, status) {
if (req instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) {
let url = req.originalURI.spec;
info("onStateChange " + url);
let docStart = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_DOCUMENT |
if ((flags & docStart) && webProg.isTopLevel && url == expectedURL) {
ok(true, "Expected URL loaded");
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
info("Waiting for URL to load: " + expectedURL);
return deferred.promise;
function addTab() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let tab = gBrowser.addTab();
gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function load() {
tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", load, true);
let url = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + TEST_CONTENT_SCRIPT_BASENAME;
gMsgMan = tab.linkedBrowser.messageManager;
gMsgMan.sendAsyncMessage(CONTENT_SEARCH_MSG, {
type: "AddToWhitelist",
data: ["about:blank"],
waitForMsg(CONTENT_SEARCH_MSG, "AddToWhitelistAck").then(() => {
gMsgMan.loadFrameScript(url, false);
}, true);
registerCleanupFunction(() => gBrowser.removeTab(tab));
return deferred.promise;
var currentStateObj = Task.async(function* () {
let state = {
engines: [],
currentEngine: yield currentEngineObj(),
for (let engine of Services.search.getVisibleEngines()) {
let uri = engine.getIconURLBySize(16, 16);
name: engine.name,
iconBuffer: yield arrayBufferFromDataURI(uri),
return state;
var currentEngineObj = Task.async(function* () {
let engine = Services.search.currentEngine;
let uriFavicon = engine.getIconURLBySize(16, 16);
let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://global/locale/autocomplete.properties");
return {
name: engine.name,
placeholder: bundle.formatStringFromName("searchWithEngine", [engine.name], 1),
iconBuffer: yield arrayBufferFromDataURI(uriFavicon),
function arrayBufferFromDataURI(uri) {
if (!uri) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].
xhr.open("GET", uri, true);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.onloadend = () => {
try {
catch (err) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return deferred.promise;