Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

142 lines
4.9 KiB

/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
// A helper frame-script for brower/devtools/styleinspector tests.
// Most listeners in the script expect "Test:"-namespaced messages from chrome,
// then execute code upon receiving, and immediately send back a message.
// This is so that chrome test code can execute code in content and wait for a
// response this way:
// let response = yield executeInContent(browser, "Test:MessageName", data, true);
// The response message should have the same name "Test:MessageName"
// Some listeners do not send a response message back.
var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
var {require} = Cu.import("resource://devtools/shared/Loader.jsm", {});
var {CssLogic} = require("devtools/shared/styleinspector/css-logic");
var promise = require("promise");
* Get a value for a given property name in a css rule in a stylesheet, given
* their indexes
* @param {Object} data Expects a data object with the following properties
* - {Number} styleSheetIndex
* - {Number} ruleIndex
* - {String} name
* @return {String} The value, if found, null otherwise
addMessageListener("Test:GetRulePropertyValue", function(msg) {
let {name, styleSheetIndex, ruleIndex} = msg.data;
let value = null;
dumpn("Getting the value for property name " + name + " in sheet " +
styleSheetIndex + " and rule " + ruleIndex);
let sheet = content.document.styleSheets[styleSheetIndex];
if (sheet) {
let rule = sheet.cssRules[ruleIndex];
if (rule) {
value = rule.style.getPropertyValue(name);
sendAsyncMessage("Test:GetRulePropertyValue", value);
* Get information about all the stylesheets that contain rules that apply to
* a given node. The information contains the sheet href and whether or not the
* sheet is a content sheet or not
* @param {Object} objects Expects a 'target' CPOW object
* @return {Array} A list of stylesheet info objects
addMessageListener("Test:GetStyleSheetsInfoForNode", function(msg) {
let target = msg.objects.target;
let sheets = [];
let domUtils = Cc["@mozilla.org/inspector/dom-utils;1"]
let domRules = domUtils.getCSSStyleRules(target);
for (let i = 0, n = domRules.Count(); i < n; i++) {
let sheet = domRules.GetElementAt(i).parentStyleSheet;
href: sheet.href,
isContentSheet: CssLogic.isContentStylesheet(sheet)
sendAsyncMessage("Test:GetStyleSheetsInfoForNode", sheets);
* Get the property value from the computed style for an element.
* @param {Object} data Expects a data object with the following properties
* - {String} selector: The selector used to obtain the element.
* - {String} pseudo: pseudo id to query, or null.
* - {String} name: name of the property
* @return {String} The value, if found, null otherwise
addMessageListener("Test:GetComputedStylePropertyValue", function(msg) {
let {selector, pseudo, name} = msg.data;
let element = content.document.querySelector(selector);
let value = content.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, pseudo).getPropertyValue(name);
sendAsyncMessage("Test:GetComputedStylePropertyValue", value);
* Wait the property value from the computed style for an element and
* compare it with the expected value
* @param {Object} data Expects a data object with the following properties
* - {String} selector: The selector used to obtain the element.
* - {String} pseudo: pseudo id to query, or null.
* - {String} name: name of the property
* - {String} expected: the expected value for property
addMessageListener("Test:WaitForComputedStylePropertyValue", function(msg) {
let {selector, pseudo, name, expected} = msg.data;
let element = content.document.querySelector(selector);
waitForSuccess(() => {
let value = content.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, pseudo)
return value === expected;
}).then(() => {
var dumpn = msg => dump(msg + "\n");
* Polls a given function waiting for it to return true.
* @param {Function} validatorFn A validator function that returns a boolean.
* This is called every few milliseconds to check if the result is true. When
* it is true, the promise resolves.
* @param {String} name Optional name of the test. This is used to generate
* the success and failure messages.
* @return a promise that resolves when the function returned true or rejects
* if the timeout is reached
function waitForSuccess(validatorFn, name="untitled") {
let def = promise.defer();
function wait(validatorFn) {
if (validatorFn()) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => wait(validatorFn), 200);
return def.promise;