Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

769 lines
24 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const TYPE_WIFI = "wifi";
const TYPE_BLUETOOTH = "bt";
const TYPE_USB = "usb";
* General tethering setting.
* Wifi tethering setting.
const TETHERING_SETTING_SSID = "FirefoxHotSpot";
const TETHERING_SETTING_KEY = "1234567890";
const SETTINGS_RIL_DATA_ENABLED = 'ril.data.enabled';
const SETTINGS_KEY_DATA_APN_SETTINGS = "ril.data.apnSettings";
// Emulate Promise.jsm semantics.
Promise.defer = function() { return new Deferred(); }
function Deferred() {
this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
var gTestSuite = (function() {
let suite = {};
let tetheringManager;
let pendingEmulatorShellCount = 0;
* A wrapper function of "is".
* Calls the marionette function "is" as well as throws an exception
* if the givens values are not equal.
* @param value1
* Any type of value to compare.
* @param value2
* Any type of value to compare.
* @param message
* Debug message for this check.
function isOrThrow(value1, value2, message) {
is(value1, value2, message);
if (value1 !== value2) {
throw message;
* Send emulator shell command with safe guard.
* We should only call |finish()| after all emulator command transactions
* end, so here comes with the pending counter. Resolve when the emulator
* gives positive response, and reject otherwise.
* Fulfill params:
* result -- an array of emulator response lines.
* Reject params:
* result -- an array of emulator response lines.
* @param aCommand
* A string command to be passed to emulator through its telnet console.
* @return A deferred promise.
function runEmulatorShellSafe(aCommand) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
runEmulatorShell(aCommand, function(aResult) {
ok(true, "Emulator shell response: " + JSON.stringify(aResult));
if (Array.isArray(aResult)) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
* Wait for timeout.
* Resolve when the given duration elapsed. Never reject.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* @param aTimeoutMs
* The duration after which the timeout event should occurs.
* @return A deferred promise.
function waitForTimeout(aTimeoutMs) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
setTimeout(function() {
}, aTimeoutMs);
return deferred.promise;
* Get mozSettings value specified by @aKey.
* Resolve if that mozSettings value is retrieved successfully, reject
* otherwise.
* Fulfill params:
* The corresponding mozSettings value of the key.
* Reject params: (none)
* @param aKey
* A string.
* @return A deferred promise.
function getSettings(aKey) {
let request = navigator.mozSettings.createLock().get(aKey);
return wrapDomRequestAsPromise(request)
.then(function resolve(aEvent) {
ok(true, "getSettings(" + aKey + ") - success");
return aEvent.target.result[aKey];
}, function reject(aEvent) {
ok(false, "getSettings(" + aKey + ") - error");
throw aEvent.target.error;
* Set mozSettings values.
* Resolve if that mozSettings value is set successfully, reject otherwise.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: (none)
* @param aSettings
* An object of format |{key1: value1, key2: value2, ...}|.
* @return A deferred promise.
function setSettings(aSettings) {
let lock = window.navigator.mozSettings.createLock();
let request = lock.set(aSettings);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
lock.onsettingstransactionsuccess = function () {
ok(true, "setSettings(" + JSON.stringify(aSettings) + ")");
lock.onsettingstransactionfailure = function (aEvent) {
ok(false, "setSettings(" + JSON.stringify(aSettings) + ")");
throw aEvent.target.error;
return deferred.promise;
* Set mozSettings value with only one key.
* Resolve if that mozSettings value is set successfully, reject otherwise.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: (none)
* @param aKey
* A string key.
* @param aValue
* An object value.
* @param aAllowError [optional]
* A boolean value. If set to true, an error response won't be treated
* as test failure. Default: false.
* @return A deferred promise.
function setSettings1(aKey, aValue, aAllowError) {
let settings = {};
settings[aKey] = aValue;
return setSettings(settings, aAllowError);
* Convenient MozSettings getter for SETTINGS_KEY_DATA_APN_SETTINGS.
function getDataApnSettings(aAllowError) {
return getSettings(SETTINGS_KEY_DATA_APN_SETTINGS, aAllowError);
* Convenient MozSettings setter for SETTINGS_KEY_DATA_APN_SETTINGS.
function setDataApnSettings(aApnSettings, aAllowError) {
return setSettings1(SETTINGS_KEY_DATA_APN_SETTINGS, aApnSettings, aAllowError);
* Set 'ro.tethering.dun_required' system property to 1. Note that this is a
* 'ro' property, it can only be set once.
function setTetheringDunRequired() {
return runEmulatorShellSafe(['setprop', 'ro.tethering.dun_required', '1']);
* Wrap DOMRequest onsuccess/onerror events to Promise resolve/reject.
* Fulfill params: A DOMEvent.
* Reject params: A DOMEvent.
* @param aRequest
* A DOMRequest instance.
* @return A deferred promise.
function wrapDomRequestAsPromise(aRequest) {
let deffered = Promise.defer();
ok(aRequest instanceof DOMRequest,
"aRequest is instanceof" + aRequest.constructor);
aRequest.onsuccess = function(aEvent) {
aRequest.onerror = function(aEvent) {
return deffered.promise;
* Wait for one named MozMobileConnection event.
* Resolve if that named event occurs. Never reject.
* Fulfill params: the DOMEvent passed.
* @param aEventName
* A string event name.
* @return A deferred promise.
function waitForMobileConnectionEventOnce(aEventName, aServiceId) {
aServiceId = aServiceId || 0;
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let mobileconnection = navigator.mozMobileConnections[aServiceId];
mobileconnection.addEventListener(aEventName, function onevent(aEvent) {
mobileconnection.removeEventListener(aEventName, onevent);
ok(true, "Mobile connection event '" + aEventName + "' got.");
return deferred.promise;
* Wait for RIL data being connected.
* This function will check |MozMobileConnection.data.connected| on
* every 'datachange' event. Resolve when |MozMobileConnection.data.connected|
* becomes the expected state. Never reject.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: (none)
* @param aConnected
* Boolean that indicates the desired data state.
* @param aServiceId [optional]
* A numeric DSDS service id. Default: 0.
* @return A deferred promise.
function waitForRilDataConnected(aConnected, aServiceId) {
aServiceId = aServiceId || 0;
return waitForMobileConnectionEventOnce('datachange', aServiceId)
.then(function () {
let mobileconnection = navigator.mozMobileConnections[aServiceId];
if (mobileconnection.data.connected !== aConnected) {
return waitForRilDataConnected(aConnected, aServiceId);
* Verify everything about routing when the wifi tethering is either on or off.
* We use two unix commands to verify the routing: 'netcfg' and 'ip route'.
* For now the following two things will be checked:
* 1) The default route interface should be 'rmnet0'.
* 2) wlan0 is up and its ip is set to a private subnet.
* We also verify iptables output as netd's NatController will execute
* $ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o rmnet0 -j MASQUERADE
* For tethering through dun, we use 'ip rule' to find the secondary routing
* table and look for default route on that table.
* Resolve when the verification is successful and reject otherwise.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: String that indicates the reason of rejection.
* @return A deferred promise.
function verifyTetheringRouting(aEnabled, aIsDun) {
let netcfgResult = {};
let ipRouteResult = {};
let ipSecondaryRouteResult = {};
// Execute 'netcfg' and parse to |netcfgResult|, each key of which is the
// interface name and value is { ip(string) }.
function exeAndParseNetcfg() {
return runEmulatorShellSafe(['netcfg'])
.then(function (aLines) {
// Sample output:
// lo UP 0x00000049 00:00:00:00:00:00
// eth0 UP 0x00001043 52:54:00:12:34:56
// rmnet1 DOWN 0x00001002 52:54:00:12:34:58
// rmnet2 DOWN 0x00001002 52:54:00:12:34:59
// rmnet3 DOWN 0x00001002 52:54:00:12:34:5a
// wlan0 UP 0x00001043 52:54:00:12:34:5b
// sit0 DOWN 0x00000080 00:00:00:00:00:00
// rmnet0 UP 0x00001043 52:54:00:12:34:57
aLines.forEach(function (aLine) {
let tokens = aLine.split(/\s+/);
if (tokens.length < 5) {
let ifname = tokens[0];
let ip = (tokens[2].split('/'))[0];
netcfgResult[ifname] = { ip: ip };
// Execute 'ip route' and parse to |ipRouteResult|, each key of which is the
// interface name and value is { src(string), default(boolean) }.
function exeAndParseIpRoute() {
return runEmulatorShellSafe(['ip', 'route'])
.then(function (aLines) {
// Sample output:
// via dev rmnet0
// via dev rmnet0
// dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src
// dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
// dev rmnet0 proto kernel scope link src
// default via dev rmnet0
// default via dev eth0 metric 2
// Parse source ip for each interface.
aLines.forEach(function (aLine) {
let tokens = aLine.trim().split(/\s+/);
let srcIndex = tokens.indexOf('src');
if (srcIndex < 0 || srcIndex + 1 >= tokens.length) {
let ifname = tokens[2];
let src = tokens[srcIndex + 1];
ipRouteResult[ifname] = { src: src, default: false };
// Parse default interfaces.
aLines.forEach(function (aLine) {
let tokens = aLine.split(/\s+/);
if (tokens.length < 2) {
if ('default' === tokens[0]) {
let ifnameIndex = tokens.indexOf('dev');
if (ifnameIndex < 0 || ifnameIndex + 1 >= tokens.length) {
let ifname = tokens[ifnameIndex + 1];
if (ipRouteResult[ifname]) {
ipRouteResult[ifname].default = true;
// Find MASQUERADE in POSTROUTING section. 'MASQUERADE' should be found
// when tethering is enabled. 'MASQUERADE' shouldn't be found when tethering
// is disabled.
function verifyIptables() {
return runEmulatorShellSafe(['iptables', '-t', 'nat', '-L', 'POSTROUTING'])
.then(function(aLines) {
// $ iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING
// Sample output (tethering on):
// Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
// target prot opt source destination
// MASQUERADE all -- anywhere anywhere
let found = (function find_MASQUERADE() {
// Skip first two lines.
for (let i = 2; i < aLines.length; i++) {
if (-1 !== aLines[i].indexOf('MASQUERADE')) {
return true;
return false;
if ((aEnabled && !found) || (!aEnabled && found)) {
throw 'MASQUERADE' + (found ? '' : ' not') + ' found while tethering is ' +
(aEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
// Execute 'ip rule show', there must be one rule for tethering network
// address to lookup for a secondary routing table, return that table id.
function verifyIpRule() {
if (!aIsDun) {
return runEmulatorShellSafe(['ip', 'rule', 'show'])
.then(function (aLines) {
// Sample output:
// 0: from all lookup local
// 32765: from lookup 60
// 32766: from all lookup main
// 32767: from all lookup default
let tableId = (function findTableId() {
for (let i = 0; i < aLines.length; i++) {
let tokens = aLines[i].split(/\s+/);
if (-1 != tokens.indexOf(TETHERING_NETWORK_ADDR)) {
let lookupIndex = tokens.indexOf('lookup');
if (lookupIndex < 0 || lookupIndex + 1 >= tokens.length) {
return tokens[lookupIndex + 1];
if ((aEnabled && !tableId) || (!aEnabled && tableId)) {
throw 'Secondary table' + (tableId ? '' : ' not') + ' found while tethering is ' +
(aEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
return tableId;
// Given the table id, use 'ip rule show table <table id>' to find the
// default route on that secondary routing table.
function execAndParseSecondaryTable(aTableId) {
if (!aIsDun || !aEnabled) {
return runEmulatorShellSafe(['ip', 'route', 'show', 'table', aTableId])
.then(function (aLines) {
// We only look for default route in secondary table.
aLines.forEach(function (aLine) {
let tokens = aLine.split(/\s+/);
if (tokens.length < 2) {
if ('default' === tokens[0]) {
let ifnameIndex = tokens.indexOf('dev');
if (ifnameIndex < 0 || ifnameIndex + 1 >= tokens.length) {
let ifname = tokens[ifnameIndex + 1];
ipSecondaryRouteResult[ifname] = { default: true };
function verifyDefaultRouteAndIp(aExpectedWifiTetheringIp) {
if (aEnabled) {
isOrThrow(ipRouteResult['rmnet0'].src, netcfgResult['rmnet0'].ip, 'rmnet0.ip');
isOrThrow(ipRouteResult['rmnet0'].default, true, 'rmnet0.default');
isOrThrow(ipRouteResult['wlan0'].src, netcfgResult['wlan0'].ip, 'wlan0.ip');
isOrThrow(ipRouteResult['wlan0'].src, aExpectedWifiTetheringIp, 'expected ip');
isOrThrow(ipRouteResult['wlan0'].default, false, 'wlan0.default');
if (aIsDun) {
isOrThrow(ipRouteResult['rmnet1'].src, netcfgResult['rmnet1'].ip, 'rmnet1.ip');
isOrThrow(ipRouteResult['rmnet1'].default, false, 'rmnet1.default');
// Dun's network default route is set on secondary routing table.
isOrThrow(ipSecondaryRouteResult['rmnet1'].default, true, 'secondary rmnet1.default');
return verifyIptables()
.then(tableId => execAndParseSecondaryTable(tableId))
.then(() => verifyDefaultRouteAndIp(TETHERING_SETTING_IP));
* Request to enable/disable wifi tethering.
* Enable/disable wifi tethering by using setTetheringEnabled API
* Resolve when the routing is verified to set up successfully in 20 seconds. The polling
* period is 1 second.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: The error message.
* @param aEnabled
* Boolean that indicates to enable or disable wifi tethering.
* @param aIsDun
* Boolean that indicates whether dun is required.
* @return A deferred promise.
function setWifiTetheringEnabled(aEnabled, aIsDun) {
let retryCnt = 20;
let config = {
"wifiConfig": {
return tetheringManager.setTetheringEnabled(aEnabled, TYPE_WIFI, config)
.then(function waitForRoutingVerified() {
return verifyTetheringRouting(aEnabled, aIsDun)
.then(null, function onreject(aReason) {
log('verifyTetheringRouting rejected due to ' + aReason +
' (' + retryCnt + ')');
if (!retryCnt--) {
throw aReason;
return waitForTimeout(RETRY_INTERVAL_MS).then(waitForRoutingVerified);
* Ensure wifi is enabled/disabled.
* Issue a wifi enable/disable request if wifi is not in the desired state;
* return a resolved promise otherwise.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: (none)
* @return a resolved promise or deferred promise.
function ensureWifiEnabled(aEnabled) {
let wifiManager = window.navigator.mozWifiManager;
if (wifiManager.enabled === aEnabled) {
return Promise.resolve();
let request = wifiManager.setWifiEnabled(aEnabled);
return wrapDomRequestAsPromise(request)
* Ensure tethering manager exists.
* Check navigator property |mozTetheringManager| to ensure we could access
* tethering related function.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: (none)
* @return A deferred promise.
function ensureTetheringManager() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
tetheringManager = window.navigator.mozTetheringManager;
if (tetheringManager instanceof MozTetheringManager) {
} else {
log("navigator.mozTetheringManager is unavailable");
return deferred.promise;
* Add required permissions for tethering. Never reject.
* The permissions required for wifi testing are 'wifi-manage' and 'settings-write'.
* Never reject.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* @return A deferred promise.
function acquirePermission() {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
let permissions = [{ 'type': 'wifi-manage', 'allow': 1, 'context': window.document },
{ 'type': 'settings-write', 'allow': 1, 'context': window.document },
{ 'type': 'settings-read', 'allow': 1, 'context': window.document },
{ 'type': 'settings-api-write', 'allow': 1, 'context': window.document },
{ 'type': 'settings-api-read', 'allow': 1, 'context': window.document },
{ 'type': 'mobileconnection', 'allow': 1, 'context': window.document }];
SpecialPowers.pushPermissions(permissions, function() {
return deferred.promise;
* Common test routine.
* Start a test with the given test case chain. The test environment will be
* settled down before the test. After the test, all the affected things will
* be restored.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: (none)
* @param aTestCaseChain
* The test case entry point, which can be a function or a promise.
* @return A deferred promise.
suite.startTest = function(aTestCaseChain) {
function setUp() {
return ensureTetheringManager()
function tearDown() {
waitFor(finish, function() {
return pendingEmulatorShellCount === 0;
return setUp()
.then(function onresolve() {
}, function onreject(aReason) {
ok(false, 'Promise rejects during test' + (aReason ? '(' + aReason + ')' : ''));
// Public test suite functions
suite.ensureWifiEnabled = ensureWifiEnabled;
suite.setWifiTetheringEnabled = setWifiTetheringEnabled;
suite.getDataApnSettings = getDataApnSettings;
suite.setDataApnSettings = setDataApnSettings;
suite.setTetheringDunRequired = setTetheringDunRequired;
* The common test routine for wifi tethering.
* Set 'ril.data.enabled' to true
* before testing and restore it afterward. It will also verify 'ril.data.enabled'
* and 'tethering.wifi.enabled' to be false in the beginning. Note that this routine
* will NOT change the state of 'tethering.wifi.enabled' so the user should enable
* than disable on his/her own. This routine will only check if tethering is turned
* off after testing.
* Fulfill params: (none)
* Reject params: (none)
* @param aTestCaseChain
* The test case entry point, which can be a function or a promise.
* @return A deferred promise.
suite.startTetheringTest = function(aTestCaseChain) {
let oriDataEnabled;
function verifyInitialState() {
.then(enabled => initTetheringTestEnvironment(enabled));
function initTetheringTestEnvironment(aEnabled) {
oriDataEnabled = aEnabled;
if (aEnabled) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
return Promise.all([waitForRilDataConnected(true),
setSettings1(SETTINGS_RIL_DATA_ENABLED, true)]);
function restoreToInitialState() {
return setSettings1(SETTINGS_RIL_DATA_ENABLED, oriDataEnabled);
return suite.startTest(function() {
return verifyInitialState()
.then(restoreToInitialState, function onreject(aReason) {
return restoreToInitialState()
.then(() => { throw aReason; }); // Re-throw the orignal reject reason.
return suite;