Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

387 lines
14 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
* This file contains the tree view, displaying all the samples and frames
* received from the proviler in a tree-like structure.
const { Cc, Ci, Cu, Cr } = require("chrome");
const { L10N } = require("devtools/client/performance/modules/global");
const { Heritage } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/ViewHelpers.jsm");
const { AbstractTreeItem } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/AbstractTreeItem.jsm");
const URL_LABEL_TOOLTIP = L10N.getStr("table.url.tooltiptext");
const VIEW_OPTIMIZATIONS_TOOLTIP = L10N.getStr("table.view-optimizations.tooltiptext2");
const CALL_TREE_INDENTATION = 16; // px
// Used for rendering values in cells
const FORMATTERS = {
TIME: (value) => L10N.getFormatStr("table.ms2", L10N.numberWithDecimals(value, 2)),
PERCENT: (value) => L10N.getFormatStr("table.percentage2", L10N.numberWithDecimals(value, 2)),
NUMBER: (value) => value || 0,
BYTESIZE: (value) => L10N.getFormatStr("table.bytes", (value || 0))
* Definitions for rendering cells. Triads of class name, property name from
* `frame.getInfo()`, and a formatter function.
const CELLS = {
duration: ["duration", "totalDuration", FORMATTERS.TIME],
percentage: ["percentage", "totalPercentage", FORMATTERS.PERCENT],
selfDuration: ["self-duration", "selfDuration", FORMATTERS.TIME],
selfPercentage: ["self-percentage", "selfPercentage", FORMATTERS.PERCENT],
samples: ["samples", "samples", FORMATTERS.NUMBER],
selfSize: ["self-size", "selfSize", FORMATTERS.BYTESIZE],
selfSizePercentage: ["self-size-percentage", "selfSizePercentage", FORMATTERS.PERCENT],
selfCount: ["self-count", "selfCount", FORMATTERS.NUMBER],
selfCountPercentage: ["self-count-percentage", "selfCountPercentage", FORMATTERS.PERCENT],
size: ["size", "totalSize", FORMATTERS.BYTESIZE],
sizePercentage: ["size-percentage", "totalSizePercentage", FORMATTERS.PERCENT],
count: ["count", "totalCount", FORMATTERS.NUMBER],
countPercentage: ["count-percentage", "totalCountPercentage", FORMATTERS.PERCENT],
const CELL_TYPES = Object.keys(CELLS);
const DEFAULT_SORTING_PREDICATE = (frameA, frameB) => {
let dataA = frameA.getDisplayedData();
let dataB = frameB.getDisplayedData();
let isAllocations = "totalSize" in dataA;
if (isAllocations) {
return this.inverted && dataA.selfSize !== dataB.selfSize ?
(dataA.selfSize < dataB.selfSize ? 1 : - 1) :
(dataA.totalSize < dataB.totalSize ? 1 : -1);
return this.inverted && dataA.selfPercentage !== dataB.selfPercentage ?
(dataA.selfPercentage < dataB.selfPercentage ? 1 : - 1) :
(dataA.totalPercentage < dataB.totalPercentage ? 1 : -1);
const DEFAULT_AUTO_EXPAND_DEPTH = 3; // depth
duration: true,
percentage: true,
selfDuration: true,
selfPercentage: true,
samples: true,
function: true,
// allocation columns
count: false,
selfCount: false,
size: false,
selfSize: false,
countPercentage: false,
selfCountPercentage: false,
sizePercentage: false,
selfSizePercentage: false,
const clamp = (val, min, max) => Math.max(min, Math.min(max, val));
const sum = vals => vals.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
* An item in a call tree view, which looks like this:
* Time (ms) | Cost | Calls | Function
* ============================================================================
* 1,000.00 | 100.00% | | ▼ (root)
* 500.12 | 50.01% | 300 | ▼ foo Categ. 1
* 300.34 | 30.03% | 1500 | ▼ bar Categ. 2
* 10.56 | 0.01% | 42 | ▶ call_with_children Categ. 3
* 90.78 | 0.09% | 25 | call_without_children Categ. 4
* Every instance of a `CallView` represents a row in the call tree. The same
* parent node is used for all rows.
* @param CallView caller
* The CallView considered the "caller" frame. This newly created
* instance will be represent the "callee". Should be null for root nodes.
* @param ThreadNode | FrameNode frame
* Details about this function, like { samples, duration, calls } etc.
* @param number level [optional]
* The indentation level in the call tree. The root node is at level 0.
* @param boolean hidden [optional]
* Whether this node should be hidden and not contribute to depth/level
* calculations. Defaults to false.
* @param boolean inverted [optional]
* Whether the call tree has been inverted (bottom up, rather than
* top-down). Defaults to false.
* @param function sortingPredicate [optional]
* The predicate used to sort the tree items when created. Defaults to
* the caller's `sortingPredicate` if a caller exists, otherwise defaults
* to DEFAULT_SORTING_PREDICATE. The two passed arguments are FrameNodes.
* @param number autoExpandDepth [optional]
* The depth to which the tree should automatically expand. Defualts to
* the caller's `autoExpandDepth` if a caller exists, otherwise defaults
* @param object visibleCells
* An object specifying which cells are visible in the tree. Defaults to
* the caller's `visibleCells` if a caller exists, otherwise defaults
* @param boolean showOptimizationHint [optional]
* Whether or not to show an icon indicating if the frame has optimization
* data.
function CallView({
caller, frame, level, hidden, inverted,
sortingPredicate, autoExpandDepth, visibleCells,
}) {
AbstractTreeItem.call(this, {
parent: caller,
level: level|0 - (hidden ? 1 : 0)
this.sortingPredicate = sortingPredicate != null
? sortingPredicate
: caller ? caller.sortingPredicate
this.autoExpandDepth = autoExpandDepth != null
? autoExpandDepth
: caller ? caller.autoExpandDepth
this.visibleCells = visibleCells != null
? visibleCells
: caller ? caller.visibleCells
this.caller = caller;
this.frame = frame;
this.hidden = hidden;
this.inverted = inverted;
this.showOptimizationHint = showOptimizationHint;
this._onUrlClick = this._onUrlClick.bind(this);
CallView.prototype = Heritage.extend(AbstractTreeItem.prototype, {
* Creates the view for this tree node.
* @param nsIDOMNode document
* @param nsIDOMNode arrowNode
* @return nsIDOMNode
_displaySelf: function(document, arrowNode) {
let frameInfo = this.getDisplayedData();
let cells = [];
for (let type of CELL_TYPES) {
if (this.visibleCells[type]) {
// Inline for speed, but pass in the formatted value via
// cell definition, as well as the element type.
cells.push(this._createCell(document, CELLS[type][2](frameInfo[CELLS[type][1]]), CELLS[type][0]));
if (this.visibleCells.function) {
cells.push(this._createFunctionCell(document, arrowNode, frameInfo.name, frameInfo, this.level));
let targetNode = document.createElement("hbox");
targetNode.className = "call-tree-item";
targetNode.setAttribute("origin", frameInfo.isContent ? "content" : "chrome");
targetNode.setAttribute("category", frameInfo.categoryData.abbrev || "");
targetNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", frameInfo.tooltiptext);
if (this.hidden) {
targetNode.style.display = "none";
for (let i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
return targetNode;
* Populates this node in the call tree with the corresponding "callees".
* These are defined in the `frame` data source for this call view.
* @param array:AbstractTreeItem children
_populateSelf: function(children) {
let newLevel = this.level + 1;
for (let newFrame of this.frame.calls) {
children.push(new CallView({
caller: this,
frame: newFrame,
level: newLevel,
inverted: this.inverted
// Sort the "callees" asc. by samples, before inserting them in the tree,
// if no other sorting predicate was specified on this on the root item.
* Functions creating each cell in this call view.
* Invoked by `_displaySelf`.
_createCell: function (doc, value, type) {
let cell = doc.createElement("description");
cell.className = "plain call-tree-cell";
cell.setAttribute("type", type);
cell.setAttribute("crop", "end");
cell.setAttribute("value", value);
return cell;
_createFunctionCell: function(doc, arrowNode, frameName, frameInfo, frameLevel) {
let cell = doc.createElement("hbox");
cell.className = "call-tree-cell";
cell.style.MozMarginStart = (frameLevel * CALL_TREE_INDENTATION) + "px";
cell.setAttribute("type", "function");
// Render optimization hint if this frame has opt data.
if (this.root.showOptimizationHint && frameInfo.hasOptimizations && !frameInfo.isMetaCategory) {
let icon = doc.createElement("description");
icon.setAttribute("tooltiptext", VIEW_OPTIMIZATIONS_TOOLTIP);
icon.className = "opt-icon";
// Don't render a name label node if there's no function name. A different
// location label node will be rendered instead.
if (frameName) {
let nameNode = doc.createElement("description");
nameNode.className = "plain call-tree-name";
nameNode.setAttribute("flex", "1");
nameNode.setAttribute("crop", "end");
nameNode.setAttribute("value", frameName);
// Don't render detailed labels for meta category frames
if (!frameInfo.isMetaCategory) {
this._appendFunctionDetailsCells(doc, cell, frameInfo);
// Don't render an expando-arrow for leaf nodes.
let hasDescendants = Object.keys(this.frame.calls).length > 0;
if (!hasDescendants) {
arrowNode.setAttribute("invisible", "");
return cell;
_appendFunctionDetailsCells: function(doc, cell, frameInfo) {
if (frameInfo.fileName) {
let urlNode = doc.createElement("description");
urlNode.className = "plain call-tree-url";
urlNode.setAttribute("flex", "1");
urlNode.setAttribute("crop", "end");
urlNode.setAttribute("value", frameInfo.fileName);
urlNode.setAttribute("tooltiptext", URL_LABEL_TOOLTIP + " → " + frameInfo.url);
urlNode.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onUrlClick);
if (frameInfo.line) {
let lineNode = doc.createElement("description");
lineNode.className = "plain call-tree-line";
lineNode.setAttribute("value", ":" + frameInfo.line);
if (frameInfo.column) {
let columnNode = doc.createElement("description");
columnNode.className = "plain call-tree-column";
columnNode.setAttribute("value", ":" + frameInfo.column);
if (frameInfo.host) {
let hostNode = doc.createElement("description");
hostNode.className = "plain call-tree-host";
hostNode.setAttribute("value", frameInfo.host);
let spacerNode = doc.createElement("spacer");
spacerNode.setAttribute("flex", "10000");
if (frameInfo.categoryData.label) {
let categoryNode = doc.createElement("description");
categoryNode.className = "plain call-tree-category";
categoryNode.style.color = frameInfo.categoryData.color;
categoryNode.setAttribute("value", frameInfo.categoryData.label);
* Gets the data displayed about this tree item, based on the FrameNode
* model associated with this view.
* @return object
getDisplayedData: function() {
if (this._cachedDisplayedData) {
return this._cachedDisplayedData;
return this._cachedDisplayedData = this.frame.getInfo({
root: this.root.frame,
allocations: (this.visibleCells.count || this.visibleCells.selfCount)
* When inverting call tree, the costs and times are dependent on position
* in the tree. We must only count leaf nodes with self cost, and total costs
* dependent on how many times the leaf node was found with a full stack path.
* Total | Self | Calls | Function
* ============================================================================
* 100% | 100% | 100 | ▼ C
* 50% | 0% | 50 | ▼ B
* 50% | 0% | 50 | ▼ A
* 50% | 0% | 50 | ▼ B
* Every instance of a `CallView` represents a row in the call tree. The same
* container node is used for all rows.
* Toggles the category information hidden or visible.
* @param boolean visible
toggleCategories: function(visible) {
if (!visible) {
this.container.setAttribute("categories-hidden", "");
} else {
* Handler for the "click" event on the url node of this call view.
_onUrlClick: function(e) {
// Only emit for left click events
if (e.button === 0) {
this.root.emit("link", this);
exports.CallView = CallView;