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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["MobileIdentityManager"];
const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MobileIdentityCredentialsStore",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MobileIdentityClient",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MobileIdentitySmsMtVerificationFlow",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "MobileIdentitySmsMoMtVerificationFlow",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PhoneNumberUtils",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "jwcrypto",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "uuidgen",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "permissionManager",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "securityManager",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService",
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "Ril",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "IccService",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "MobileConnectionService",
this.MobileIdentityManager = {
init: function() {
log.debug("MobileIdentityManager init");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
ppmm.addMessageListener(GET_ASSERTION_IPC_MSG, this);
this.messageManagers = {};
this.keyPairs = {};
this.certificates = {};
receiveMessage: function(aMessage) {
log.debug("Received " + aMessage.name);
if (aMessage.name !== GET_ASSERTION_IPC_MSG) {
let msg = aMessage.json;
// We save the message target message manager so we can later dispatch
// back messages without broadcasting to all child processes.
let promiseId = msg.promiseId;
this.messageManagers[promiseId] = aMessage.target;
this.getMobileIdAssertion(aMessage.principal, promiseId, msg.options);
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
if (topic != "xpcom-shutdown") {
ppmm.removeMessageListener(GET_ASSERTION_IPC_MSG, this);
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
this.messageManagers = null;
* Getters
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
// We have these getters to allow mocking RIL stuff from the tests.
get ril() {
if (this._ril) {
return this._ril;
return Ril;
get iccService() {
if (this._iccService) {
return this._iccService;
return IccService;
get mobileConnectionService() {
if (this._mobileConnectionService) {
return this._mobileConnectionService;
return MobileConnectionService;
get iccInfo() {
if (this._iccInfo) {
return this._iccInfo;
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
let self = this;
let iccListener = {
notifyStkCommand: function() {},
notifyStkSessionEnd: function() {},
notifyCardStateChanged: function() {},
notifyIccInfoChanged: function() {
// If we receive a notification about an ICC info change, we clear
// the ICC related caches so they can be rebuilt with the new changes.
log.debug("ICC info changed observed. Clearing caches");
// We don't need to keep listening for changes until we rebuild the
// cache again.
for (let i = 0; i < self._iccInfo.length; i++) {
let icc = self.iccService.getIccByServiceId(i);
if (icc) {
self._iccInfo = null;
self._iccIds = null;
// _iccInfo is a local cache containing the information about the SIM cards
// that is interesting for the Mobile ID flow.
// The index of this array does not necesarily need to match the real
// identifier of the SIM card ("clientId" or "serviceId" in RIL language).
this._iccInfo = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.ril.numRadioInterfaces; i++) {
let icc = this.iccService.getIccByServiceId(i);
if (!icc) {
log.warn("Tried to get the Icc instance for an invalid service ID " + i);
let info = icc.iccInfo;
if (!info || !info.iccid ||
!info.mcc || !info.mcc.length ||
!info.mnc || !info.mnc.length) {
log.warn("Absent or invalid ICC info");
// GSM SIMs may have MSISDN while CDMA SIMs may have MDN
let phoneNumber = null;
try {
if (info.iccType === "sim" || info.iccType === "usim") {
let gsmInfo = info.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIGsmIccInfo);
phoneNumber = gsmInfo.msisdn;
} else if (info.iccType === "ruim" || info.iccType === "csim") {
let cdmaInfo = info.QueryInterface(Ci.nsICdmaIccInfo);
phoneNumber = cdmaInfo.mdn;
} catch (e) {
log.error("Failed to retrieve phoneNumber: " + e);
let connection = this.mobileConnectionService.getItemByServiceId(i);
let voice = connection && connection.voice;
let data = connection && connection.data;
let operator = null;
if (voice &&
voice.network &&
voice.network.shortName &&
voice.network.shortName.length) {
operator = voice.network.shortName;
} else if (data &&
data.network &&
data.network.shortName &&
data.network.shortName.length) {
operator = data.network.shortName;
// Because it is possible that the _iccInfo array index doesn't match
// the real client ID, we need to store this value for later usage.
clientId: i,
iccId: info.iccid,
mcc: info.mcc,
mnc: info.mnc,
msisdn: phoneNumber,
operator: operator,
roaming: voice && voice.roaming
// We need to subscribe to ICC change notifications so we can refresh
// the cache if any change is observed.
return this._iccInfo;
return null;
get iccIds() {
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
if (this._iccIds) {
return this._iccIds;
this._iccIds = [];
if (!this.iccInfo) {
return this._iccIds;
for (let i = 0; i < this.iccInfo.length; i++) {
return this._iccIds;
return null;
get credStore() {
if (!this._credStore) {
this._credStore = new MobileIdentityCredentialsStore();
return this._credStore;
get ui() {
if (!this._ui) {
this._ui = Cc["@mozilla.org/services/mobileid-ui-glue;1"]
this._ui.oncancel = this.onUICancel.bind(this);
this._ui.onresendcode = this.onUIResendCode.bind(this);
return this._ui;
get client() {
if (!this._client) {
this._client = new MobileIdentityClient();
return this._client;
get isMultiSim() {
return this.iccInfo && this.iccInfo.length > 1;
getVerificationOptionsForIcc: function(aServiceId) {
log.debug("getVerificationOptionsForIcc " + aServiceId);
log.debug("iccInfo ${}", this.iccInfo[aServiceId]);
// First of all we need to check if we already have existing credentials
// for the given SIM information (ICC ID or MSISDN). If we have no valid
// credentials, we have to check with the server which options do we have
// to verify the associated phone number.
return this.credStore.getByIccId(this.iccInfo[aServiceId].iccId)
(creds) => {
if (creds) {
return creds;
return this.credStore.getByMsisdn(this.iccInfo[aServiceId].msisdn);
(creds) => {
if (creds) {
this.iccInfo[aServiceId].credentials = creds;
// We have no credentials for this SIM, so we need to ask the server
// which options do we have to verify the phone number.
// But we need to be online...
if (Services.io.offline) {
return Promise.reject(ERROR_OFFLINE);
return this.client.discover(this.iccInfo[aServiceId].msisdn,
(result) => {
// If we already have credentials for this ICC and no discover request
// is done, we just bail out.
if (!result || !result.verificationMethods) {
log.debug("Discover result ${}", result);
this.iccInfo[aServiceId].verificationMethods = result.verificationMethods;
this.iccInfo[aServiceId].verificationDetails = result.verificationDetails;
this.iccInfo[aServiceId].canDoSilentVerification =
(result.verificationMethods.indexOf(SMS_MO_MT) != -1);
getVerificationOptions: function() {
// We try to get if we already have credentials for any of the inserted
// SIM cards if any is available and we try to get the possible
// verification mechanisms for these SIM cards.
// All this information will be stored in iccInfo.
if (!this.iccInfo || !this.iccInfo.length) {
let deferred = Promise.defer();
return deferred.promise;
let promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.iccInfo.length; i++) {
return Promise.all(promises);
getKeyPair: function(aSessionToken) {
if (this.keyPairs[aSessionToken] &&
this.keyPairs[aSessionToken].validUntil > this.client.hawk.now()) {
return Promise.resolve(this.keyPairs[aSessionToken].keyPair);
let validUntil = this.client.hawk.now() + KEY_LIFETIME;
let deferred = Promise.defer();
jwcrypto.generateKeyPair("DS160", (error, kp) => {
if (error) {
return deferred.reject(error);
this.keyPairs[aSessionToken] = {
keyPair: kp,
validUntil: validUntil
delete this.certificates[aSessionToken];
return deferred.promise;
getCertificate: function(aSessionToken, aPublicKey) {
if (this.certificates[aSessionToken] &&
this.certificates[aSessionToken].validUntil > this.client.hawk.now()) {
return Promise.resolve(this.certificates[aSessionToken].cert);
if (Services.io.offline) {
return Promise.reject(ERROR_OFFLINE);
let validUntil = this.client.hawk.now() + KEY_LIFETIME;
let deferred = Promise.defer();
this.client.sign(aSessionToken, CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME,
(signedCert) => {
log.debug("Got signed certificate");
this.certificates[aSessionToken] = {
cert: signedCert.cert,
validUntil: validUntil
return deferred.promise;
* Setters (for test only purposes)
set ui(aUi) {
this._ui = aUi;
set credStore(aCredStore) {
this._credStore = aCredStore;
set client(aClient) {
this._client = aClient;
set iccInfo(aIccInfo) {
this._iccInfo = aIccInfo;
* UI callbacks
onUICancel: function() {
log.debug("UI cancel");
if (this.activeVerificationFlow) {
onUIResendCode: function() {
log.debug("UI resend code");
if (!this.activeVerificationFlow) {
* Result helpers
success: function(aPromiseId, aResult) {
let mm = this.messageManagers[aPromiseId];
mm.sendAsyncMessage("MobileId:GetAssertion:Return:OK", {
promiseId: aPromiseId,
result: aResult
error: function(aPromiseId, aError) {
let mm = this.messageManagers[aPromiseId];
mm.sendAsyncMessage("MobileId:GetAssertion:Return:KO", {
promiseId: aPromiseId,
error: aError
* Permissions helper
addPermission: function(aPrincipal) {
permissionManager.addFromPrincipal(aPrincipal, MOBILEID_PERM,
* Phone number verification
rejectVerification: function(aReason) {
if (!this.activeVerificationDeferred) {
this.activeVerificationDeferred = null;
this.cleanupVerification(true /* unregister */);
resolveVerification: function(aResult) {
if (!this.activeVerificationDeferred) {
this.activeVerificationDeferred = null;
cleanupVerification: function(aUnregister = false) {
if (!this.activeVerificationFlow) {
this.activeVerificationFlow = null;
doVerification: function() {
(verificationResult) => {
log.debug("onVerificationResult ");
if (!verificationResult || !verificationResult.sessionToken ||
!verificationResult.msisdn) {
return this.rejectVerification(
reason => {
// Verification timeout.
log.warn("doVerification " + reason);
_verificationFlow: function(aToVerify, aOrigin) {
log.debug("toVerify ${}", aToVerify);
// We create the corresponding verification flow and save its instance
// in case that we need to cancel it or retrigger it because the user
// requested its cancelation or a resend of the verification code.
if (aToVerify.verificationMethod.indexOf(SMS_MT) != -1 &&
aToVerify.msisdn &&
aToVerify.verificationDetails &&
aToVerify.verificationDetails.mtSender) {
this.activeVerificationFlow = new MobileIdentitySmsMtVerificationFlow({
origin: aOrigin,
msisdn: aToVerify.msisdn,
mcc: aToVerify.mcc,
mnc: aToVerify.mnc,
iccId: aToVerify.iccId,
external: aToVerify.serviceId === undefined,
mtSender: aToVerify.verificationDetails.mtSender
#ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
} else if (aToVerify.verificationMethod.indexOf(SMS_MO_MT) != -1 &&
aToVerify.serviceId &&
aToVerify.verificationDetails &&
aToVerify.verificationDetails.moVerifier &&
aToVerify.verificationDetails.mtSender) {
this.activeVerificationFlow = new MobileIdentitySmsMoMtVerificationFlow({
origin: aOrigin,
serviceId: aToVerify.serviceId,
iccId: aToVerify.iccId,
mtSender: aToVerify.verificationDetails.mtSender,
moVerifier: aToVerify.verificationDetails.moVerifier
} else {
if (!this.activeVerificationFlow) {
this.activeVerificationDeferred = Promise.defer();
return this.activeVerificationDeferred.promise;
verificationFlow: function(aUserSelection, aOrigin) {
log.debug("verificationFlow ${}", aUserSelection);
if (!aUserSelection) {
let serviceId = aUserSelection.serviceId || undefined;
// We check if the user entered phone number corresponds with any of the
// inserted SIMs known phone numbers.
if (aUserSelection.msisdn && this.iccInfo) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.iccInfo.length; i++) {
if (aUserSelection.msisdn == this.iccInfo[i].msisdn) {
serviceId = i;
let toVerify = {};
if (serviceId !== undefined) {
log.debug("iccInfo ${}", this.iccInfo[serviceId]);
toVerify.serviceId = serviceId;
toVerify.iccId = this.iccInfo[serviceId].iccId;
toVerify.msisdn = this.iccInfo[serviceId].msisdn;
toVerify.mcc = this.iccInfo[serviceId].mcc;
toVerify.mnc = this.iccInfo[serviceId].mnc;
toVerify.verificationMethod =
toVerify.verificationDetails =
return this._verificationFlow(toVerify, aOrigin);
} else {
toVerify.msisdn = aUserSelection.msisdn;
toVerify.mcc = aUserSelection.mcc;
return this.client.discover(aUserSelection.msisdn,
(discoverResult) => {
if (!discoverResult || !discoverResult.verificationMethods) {
return Promise.reject(ERROR_INTERNAL_UNEXPECTED);
log.debug("discoverResult ${}", discoverResult);
toVerify.verificationMethod = discoverResult.verificationMethods[0];
toVerify.verificationDetails =
return this._verificationFlow(toVerify, aOrigin);
* UI prompt functions.
// The phone number prompt will be used to confirm that the user wants to
// verify and share a known phone number and to allow her to introduce an
// external phone or to select between phone numbers or SIM cards (if the
// phones are not known) in a multi-SIM scenario.
// This prompt will be considered as the permission prompt and its choice
// will be remembered per origin by default.
prompt: function prompt(aPrincipal, aManifestURL, aPhoneInfo) {
log.debug("prompt ${principal} ${manifest} ${phoneInfo}", {
principal: aPrincipal,
manifest: aManifestURL,
phoneInfo: aPhoneInfo
let phoneInfoArray = [];
if (aPhoneInfo) {
if (this.iccInfo) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.iccInfo.length; i++) {
// If we don't know the msisdn, there is no previous credentials and
// a silent verification is not possible or if the msisdn is the one
// that is already chosen, we don't list this SIM as an option.
if ((!this.iccInfo[i].msisdn && !this.iccInfo[i].credentials &&
!this.iccInfo[i].canDoSilentVerification) ||
((aPhoneInfo) &&
(this.iccInfo[i].msisdn == aPhoneInfo.msisdn ||
this.iccInfo[i].iccId == aPhoneInfo.iccId))) {
let phoneInfo = new MobileIdentityUIGluePhoneInfo(
i, // service ID
this.iccInfo[i].iccId, // iccId
false // primary
return this.ui.startFlow(aManifestURL, phoneInfoArray)
(result) => {
log.debug("startFlow result ${} ", result);
if (!result ||
(!result.phoneNumber && (result.serviceId === undefined))) {
let msisdn;
let mcc;
// If the user selected one of the existing SIM cards we have to check
// that we either have the MSISDN for that SIM, we have already existing
// credentials or we can do a silent verification that does not require
// us to have the MSISDN in advance.
// result.serviceId can be "0".
if (result.serviceId !== undefined &&
result.serviceId !== null) {
let icc = this.iccInfo[result.serviceId];
log.debug("icc ${}", icc);
if (!icc || !icc.msisdn && !icc.canDoSilentVerification &&
!icc.credentials) {
msisdn = icc.msisdn;
mcc = icc.mcc;
} else {
msisdn = result.prefix ? result.prefix + result.phoneNumber
: result.phoneNumber;
mcc = result.mcc;
// We need to check that the selected phone number is valid and
// if it is not notify the UI about the error and allow the user to
// retry.
if (msisdn && mcc &&
!PhoneNumberUtils.parseWithMCC(msisdn, mcc)) {
return this.prompt(aPrincipal, aManifestURL, aPhoneInfo);
log.debug("Selected msisdn (if any): " + msisdn + " - " + mcc);
// The user gave permission for the requester origin, so we store it.
return {
msisdn: msisdn,
mcc: mcc,
serviceId: result.serviceId
promptAndVerify: function(aPrincipal, aManifestURL, aCreds) {
log.debug("promptAndVerify " + aPrincipal + ", " + aManifestURL +
", ${}", aCreds);
let userSelection;
if (Services.io.offline) {
return Promise.reject(ERROR_OFFLINE);
// Before prompting the user we need to check with the server the
// phone number verification methods that are possible with the
// SIMs inserted in the device.
return this.getVerificationOptions()
() => {
// If we have an exisiting credentials, we add its associated
// phone number information to the list of choices to present
// to the user within the selection prompt.
let phoneInfo;
if (aCreds) {
phoneInfo = new MobileIdentityUIGluePhoneInfo(
null, // operator
undefined, // service ID
aCreds.iccId, // iccId
true // primary
return this.prompt(aPrincipal, aManifestURL, phoneInfo);
(promptResult) => {
log.debug("promptResult ${}", promptResult);
// If we had credentials and the user didn't change her
// selection we return them. Otherwise, we need to verify
// the new number.
if (promptResult.msisdn && aCreds &&
promptResult.msisdn == aCreds.msisdn) {
return aCreds;
// We might already have credentials for the user selected icc. In
// that case, we update the credentials store with the new origin and
// return the credentials.
if (promptResult.serviceId) {
let creds = this.iccInfo[promptResult.serviceId].credentials;
if (creds) {
this.credStore.add(creds.iccId, creds.msisdn, aPrincipal.originNoSuffix,
creds.sessionToken, this.iccIds);
return creds;
// Or we might already have credentials for the selected phone
// number and so we do the same: update the credentials store with the
// new origin and return the credentials.
return this.credStore.getByMsisdn(promptResult.msisdn)
(creds) => {
if (creds) {
this.credStore.add(creds.iccId, creds.msisdn, aPrincipal.originNoSuffix,
creds.sessionToken, this.iccIds);
return creds;
// Otherwise, we need to verify the new number selected by the
// user.
return this.verificationFlow(promptResult, aPrincipal.originNoSuffix);
* Credentials check
checkNewCredentials: function(aOldCreds, aNewCreds, aOrigin) {
// If there were previous credentials and the user changed her
// choice, we need to remove the origin from the old credentials.
if (aNewCreds.msisdn != aOldCreds.msisdn) {
return this.credStore.removeOrigin(aOldCreds.msisdn,
() => {
return aNewCreds;
} else {
// Otherwise, we update the status of the SIM cards in the device
// so we know that the user decided not to take the chance to change
// her selection. We won't bother her again until a new SIM card
// change is detected.
return this.credStore.setDeviceIccIds(aOldCreds.msisdn, this.iccIds)
() => {
return aOldCreds;
* Assertion generation
generateAssertion: function(aCredentials, aOrigin) {
if (!aCredentials.sessionToken) {
return Promise.reject(ERROR_INTERNAL_INVALID_TOKEN);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
(keyPair) => {
log.debug("keyPair " + keyPair.serializedPublicKey);
let options = {
now: this.client.hawk.now(),
localtimeOffsetMsec: this.client.hawk.localtimeOffsetMsec
(signedCert) => {
log.debug("generateAssertion " + signedCert);
jwcrypto.generateAssertion(signedCert, keyPair,
aOrigin, options,
(error, assertion) => {
if (error) {
log.error("Error generating assertion " + err);
() => {
}, deferred.reject
return deferred.promise;
getMobileIdAssertion: function(aPrincipal, aPromiseId, aOptions) {
log.debug("getMobileIdAssertion ${}", aPrincipal);
let principal = aPrincipal;
let manifestURL = appsService.getManifestURLByLocalId(aPrincipal.appId);
let permission = permissionManager.testPermissionFromPrincipal(
if (permission == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION ||
permission == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.UNKNOWN_ACTION) {
this.error(aPromiseId, ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED);
let _creds;
// First of all we look if we already have credentials for this origin.
// If we don't have credentials it means that it is the first time that
// the caller requested an assertion.
(creds) => {
log.debug("creds ${creds} - ${origin}", { creds: creds,
origin: aPrincipal.originNoSuffix });
if (!creds || !creds.sessionToken) {
log.debug("No credentials");
_creds = creds;
// Even if we already have credentials for this origin, the consumer
// of the API might want to force the identity selection dialog.
if (aOptions.forceSelection || aOptions.refreshCredentials) {
return this.promptAndVerify(principal, manifestURL, creds)
(newCreds) => {
return this.checkNewCredentials(creds, newCreds,
// SIM change scenario.
// It is possible that the SIM cards inserted in the device at the
// moment of the previous verification where we obtained the credentials
// has changed. In that case, we need to let the user knowabout this
// situation. Otherwise, we just return the credentials.
log.debug("Looking for SIM changes. Credentials ICCS ${creds} " +
"Device ICCS ${device}", { creds: creds.deviceIccIds,
device: this.iccIds });
let simChanged = (creds.deviceIccIds == null && this.iccIds != null) ||
(creds.deviceIccIds != null && this.iccIds == null);
if (!simChanged &&
creds.deviceIccIds != null &&
this.iccIds != null) {
simChanged = creds.deviceIccIds.length != this.iccIds.length;
if (!simChanged &&
creds.deviceIccIds != null &&
this.iccIds != null) {
let intersection = creds.deviceIccIds.filter((n) => {
return this.iccIds.indexOf(n) != -1;
simChanged = intersection.length != creds.deviceIccIds.length ||
intersection.length != this.iccIds.length;
if (!simChanged) {
return creds;
// At this point we know that the SIM associated with the credentials
// is not present in the device any more or a new SIM has been detected,
// so we need to ask the user what to do.
return this.promptAndVerify(principal, manifestURL, creds)
(newCreds) => {
return this.checkNewCredentials(creds, newCreds,
(creds) => {
// Even if we have credentails it is possible that the user has
// removed the permission to share its mobile id with this origin, so
// we check the permission and if it is not granted, we ask the user
// before generating and sharing the assertion.
// If we've just prompted the user in the previous step, the permission
// is already granted and stored so we just progress the credentials.
// But we have to refresh the cached permission before checking.
if (creds) {
permission = permissionManager.testPermissionFromPrincipal(
if (permission == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION) {
return creds;
return this.promptAndVerify(principal, manifestURL, creds);
return this.promptAndVerify(principal, manifestURL);
(creds) => {
if (creds) {
return this.generateAssertion(creds, principal.originNoSuffix);
(assertion) => {
if (!assertion) {
// Get the verified phone number from the assertion.
let segments = assertion.split(".");
if (!segments) {
return Promise.reject(ERROR_INVALID_ASSERTION);
// We need to translate the base64 alphabet used in JWT to our base64
// alphabet before calling atob.
let decodedPayload = JSON.parse(atob(segments[1].replace(/-/g, '+')
.replace(/_/g, '/')));
if (!decodedPayload || !decodedPayload.verifiedMSISDN) {
return Promise.reject(ERROR_INVALID_ASSERTION);
this.success(aPromiseId, assertion);
(error) => {
log.error("getMobileIdAssertion rejected with ${}", error);
// If we got an invalid token error means that the credentials that
// we have are not valid anymore and so we need to refresh them. We
// do that removing the stored credentials and starting over. We also
// make sure that we do this only once.
!aOptions.refreshCredentials) {
log.debug("Need to get new credentials");
aOptions.refreshCredentials = true;
_creds && this.credStore.delete(_creds.msisdn);
this.getMobileIdAssertion(aPrincipal, aPromiseId, aOptions);
// Notify the error to the UI.
this.error(aPromiseId, error);