Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

291 lines
10 KiB

<!doctype html>
<title>Editing event tests</title>
<style>body { font-family: serif }</style>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<div id=test></div>
<div id=log></div>
"use strict";
var div = document.querySelector("#test");
add_completion_callback(function() { div.parentNode.removeChild(div) });
function copyEvent(e) {
var ret = {};
ret.original = e;
["type", "target", "currentTarget", "eventPhase", "bubbles", "cancelable",
"defaultPrevented", "isTrusted", "command", "value"].forEach(function(k) {
ret[k] = e[k];
return ret;
var tests = [
name: "Simple editable div",
html: "<div contenteditable>foo<b>bar</b>baz</div>",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.querySelector("b").firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(div.querySelector("b"), 1);
target: function() { return div.firstChild },
command: "bold",
value: "",
name: "Editable b",
html: "foo<b contenteditable>bar</b>baz",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.querySelector("b").firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(div.querySelector("b"), 1);
target: function() { return div.querySelector("b") },
command: "bold",
value: "",
name: "No editable content",
html: "foo<b>bar</b>baz",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.querySelector("b").firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(div.querySelector("b"), 1);
target: function() { return null },
command: "bold",
value: "",
name: "Partially-selected editable content",
html: "foo<b contenteditable>bar</b>baz",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.querySelector("b").firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(div, 3);
target: function() { return null },
command: "bold",
value: "",
name: "Selection spans two editing hosts",
html: "<div contenteditable>foo</div><div contenteditable>bar</div>",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.querySelector("div").firstChild, 2);
range.setEnd(div.querySelector("div + div").firstChild, 1);
target: function() { return null },
command: "bold",
value: "",
name: "Selection includes two editing hosts",
html: "foo<div contenteditable>bar</div>baz<div contenteditable>quz</div>qoz",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.firstChild, 2);
range.setEnd(div.lastChild, 1);
target: function() { return null },
command: "bold",
value: "",
name: "Changing selection from handler",
html: "<div contenteditable>foo</div><div contenteditable>bar</div>",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.querySelector("div").firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(div.querySelector("div").firstChild, 3);
target: function() { return div.firstChild },
finalTarget: function() { return div.lastChild },
beforeInputAction: function() {
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(div.querySelector("div + div").firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(div.querySelector("div + div").firstChild, 3);
command: "bold",
value: "",
var commandTests = {
backColor: ["green"],
createLink: ["http://www.w3.org/community/editing/"],
fontName: ["serif", "Helvetica"],
fontSize: ["6", "15px"],
foreColor: ["green"],
hiliteColor: ["green"],
italic: [],
removeFormat: [],
strikeThrough: [],
subscript: [],
superscript: [],
underline: [],
unlink: [],
delete: [],
formatBlock: ["p"],
forwardDelete: [],
indent: [],
insertHorizontalRule: ["id"],
insertHTML: ["<b>hi</b>"],
insertImage: ["../images/green.png"],
insertLineBreak: [],
insertOrderedList: [],
insertParagraph: [],
insertText: ["abc"],
insertUnorderedList: [],
justifyCenter: [],
justifyFull: [],
justifyLeft: [],
justifyRight: [],
outdent: [],
redo: [],
selectAll: [],
styleWithCSS: [],
undo: [],
useCSS: [],
Object.keys(commandTests).forEach(function(command) {
commandTests[command] = ["", "quasit"].concat(commandTests[command]);
commandTests[command].forEach(function(value) {
name: "Command " + command + ", value " + format_value(value),
html: "<div contenteditable>foo<b>bar</b>baz</div>",
initRange: function(range) {
range.setStart(div.querySelector("b").firstChild, 0);
range.setEnd(div.querySelector("b"), 1);
target: function() {
return ["redo", "selectAll", "styleWithCSS", "undo", "useCSS"]
.indexOf(command) == -1 ? div.firstChild : null;
command: command,
value: value,
tests.forEach(function(obj) {
[true, false].forEach(function(cancel) {
// Kill all event handlers first
var newDiv = div.cloneNode(false);
div.parentNode.insertBefore(newDiv, div);
div = newDiv;
div.innerHTML = obj.html;
var originalContents = div.cloneNode(true);
var range = document.createRange();
var target = obj.target();
var finalTarget = "finalTarget" in obj ? obj.finalTarget() : target;
var command = obj.command;
var value = obj.value;
var beforeInputEvents = [];
var inputEvents = [];
div.addEventListener("beforeinput", function(e) {
var copied = copyEvent(e);
copied.inputEventsLength = inputEvents.length;
if (cancel) {
if ("beforeInputAction" in obj) {
div.addEventListener("input", function(e) { inputEvents.push(copyEvent(e)) });
// Uncomment this code instead of the execCommand() to make all the
// tests pass, as a sanity check
//var e = new Event("beforeinput", {bubbles: true, cancelable: true});
//e.command = command;
//e.value = value;
//var ret = target ? target.dispatchEvent(e) : false;
//if (ret) {
// var e = new Event("input", {bubbles: true});
// e.command = command;
// e.value = value;
// finalTarget.dispatchEvent(e);
var exception = null;
try {
document.execCommand(command, false, value);
} catch(e) {
exception = e;
test(function() {
assert_equals(exception, null, "Unexpected exception");
}, obj.name + ": execCommand() must not throw, "
+ (cancel ? "canceled" : "uncanceled"));
test(function() {
assert_equals(beforeInputEvents.length, target ? 1 : 0,
"number of beforeinput events fired");
if (beforeInputEvents.length == 0) {
assert_equals(inputEvents.length, 0, "number of input events fired");
var e = beforeInputEvents[0];
assert_equals(e.inputEventsLength, 0, "number of input events fired");
assert_equals(e.type, "beforeinput", "event.type");
assert_equals(e.target, target, "event.target");
assert_equals(e.currentTarget, div, "event.currentTarget");
assert_equals(e.eventPhase, Event.BUBBLING_PHASE, "event.eventPhase");
assert_equals(e.bubbles, true, "event.bubbles");
assert_equals(e.cancelable, true, "event.cancelable");
assert_equals(e.defaultPrevented, false, "event.defaultPrevented");
assert_equals(e.command, command, "e.command");
assert_equals(e.value, value, "e.value");
assert_own_property(window, "EditingBeforeInputEvent",
"window.EditingBeforeInputEvent must exist");
"event prototype");
"div contents not yet changed");
assert_equals(e.isTrusted, true, "event.isTrusted");
}, obj.name + ": beforeinput event, " + (cancel ? "canceled" : "uncanceled"));
test(function() {
assert_equals(inputEvents.length, target && !cancel ? 1 : 0,
"number of input events fired");
if (!target || cancel) {
"div contents must not be changed");
var e = inputEvents[0];
assert_equals(e.type, "input", "event.type");
assert_equals(e.target, finalTarget, "event.target");
assert_equals(e.currentTarget, div, "event.currentTarget");
assert_equals(e.eventPhase, Event.BUBBLING_PHASE, "event.eventPhase");
assert_equals(e.bubbles, true, "event.bubbles");
assert_equals(e.cancelable, false, "event.cancelable");
assert_equals(e.defaultPrevented, false, "event.defaultPrevented");
assert_equals(e.command, command, "e.command");
assert_equals(e.value, value, "e.value");
assert_own_property(window, "EditingInputEvent",
"window.EditingInputEvent must exist");
"event prototype");
assert_equals(e.isTrusted, true, "event.isTrusted");
}, obj.name + ": input event, " + (cancel ? "canceled" : "uncanceled"));
// Thanks, Gecko.
document.body.bgColor = "";