Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

305 lines
10 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* import-globals-from ../debugger-controller.js */
/* import-globals-from ../debugger-view.js */
/* import-globals-from ../utils.js */
/* globals document, window */
"use strict";
* Functions handling the variables bubble UI.
function VariableBubbleView(DebuggerController, DebuggerView) {
dumpn("VariableBubbleView was instantiated");
this.StackFrames = DebuggerController.StackFrames;
this.Parser = DebuggerController.Parser;
this.DebuggerView = DebuggerView;
this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this);
this._onMouseOut = this._onMouseOut.bind(this);
this._onPopupHiding = this._onPopupHiding.bind(this);
VariableBubbleView.prototype = {
* Initialization function, called when the debugger is started.
initialize: function() {
dumpn("Initializing the VariableBubbleView");
this._toolbox = DebuggerController._toolbox;
this._editorContainer = document.getElementById("editor");
this._editorContainer.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, false);
this._editorContainer.addEventListener("mouseout", this._onMouseOut, false);
this._tooltip = new Tooltip(document, {
closeOnEvents: [{
emitter: this._toolbox,
event: "select"
}, {
emitter: this._editorContainer,
event: "scroll",
useCapture: true
this._tooltip.defaultPosition = EDITOR_VARIABLE_POPUP_POSITION;
this._tooltip.defaultShowDelay = EDITOR_VARIABLE_HOVER_DELAY;
this._tooltip.panel.addEventListener("popuphiding", this._onPopupHiding);
* Destruction function, called when the debugger is closed.
destroy: function() {
dumpn("Destroying the VariableBubbleView");
this._tooltip.panel.removeEventListener("popuphiding", this._onPopupHiding);
this._editorContainer.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, false);
this._editorContainer.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._onMouseOut, false);
* Specifies whether literals can be (redundantly) inspected in a popup.
* This behavior is deprecated, but still tested in a few places.
_ignoreLiterals: true,
* Searches for an identifier underneath the specified position in the
* source editor, and if found, opens a VariablesView inspection popup.
* @param number x, y
* The left/top coordinates where to look for an identifier.
_findIdentifier: function(x, y) {
let editor = this.DebuggerView.editor;
// Calculate the editor's line and column at the current x and y coords.
let hoveredPos = editor.getPositionFromCoords({ left: x, top: y });
let hoveredOffset = editor.getOffset(hoveredPos);
let hoveredLine = hoveredPos.line;
let hoveredColumn = hoveredPos.ch;
// A source contains multiple scripts. Find the start index of the script
// containing the specified offset relative to its parent source.
let contents = editor.getText();
let location = this.DebuggerView.Sources.selectedValue;
let parsedSource = this.Parser.get(contents, location);
let scriptInfo = parsedSource.getScriptInfo(hoveredOffset);
// If the script length is negative, we're not hovering JS source code.
if (scriptInfo.length == -1) {
// Using the script offset, determine the actual line and column inside the
// script, to use when finding identifiers.
let scriptStart = editor.getPosition(scriptInfo.start);
let scriptLineOffset = scriptStart.line;
let scriptColumnOffset = (hoveredLine == scriptStart.line ? scriptStart.ch : 0);
let scriptLine = hoveredLine - scriptLineOffset;
let scriptColumn = hoveredColumn - scriptColumnOffset;
let identifierInfo = parsedSource.getIdentifierAt({
line: scriptLine + 1,
column: scriptColumn,
scriptIndex: scriptInfo.index,
ignoreLiterals: this._ignoreLiterals
// If the info is null, we're not hovering any identifier.
if (!identifierInfo) {
// Transform the line and column relative to the parsed script back
// to the context of the parent source.
let { start: identifierStart, end: identifierEnd } = identifierInfo.location;
let identifierCoords = {
line: identifierStart.line + scriptLineOffset,
column: identifierStart.column + scriptColumnOffset,
length: identifierEnd.column - identifierStart.column
// Evaluate the identifier in the current stack frame and show the
// results in a VariablesView inspection popup.
.then(frameFinished => {
if ("return" in frameFinished) {
coords: identifierCoords,
evalPrefix: identifierInfo.evalString,
objectActor: frameFinished.return
} else {
let msg = "Evaluation has thrown for: " + identifierInfo.evalString;
.then(null, err => {
let msg = "Couldn't evaluate: " + err.message;
* Shows an inspection popup for a specified object actor grip.
* @param string object
* An object containing the following properties:
* - coords: the inspected identifier coordinates in the editor,
* containing the { line, column, length } properties.
* - evalPrefix: a prefix for the variables view evaluation macros.
* - objectActor: the value grip for the object actor.
showContents: function({ coords, evalPrefix, objectActor }) {
let editor = this.DebuggerView.editor;
let { line, column, length } = coords;
// Highlight the function found at the mouse position.
this._markedText = editor.markText(
{ line: line - 1, ch: column },
{ line: line - 1, ch: column + length });
// If the grip represents a primitive value, use a more lightweight
// machinery to display it.
if (VariablesView.isPrimitive({ value: objectActor })) {
let className = VariablesView.getClass(objectActor);
let textContent = VariablesView.getString(objectActor);
messages: [textContent],
messagesClass: className,
containerClass: "plain"
}, [{
label: L10N.getStr('addWatchExpressionButton'),
className: "dbg-expression-button",
command: () => {
this.DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.addExpression(evalPrefix, true);
} else {
this._tooltip.setVariableContent(objectActor, {
searchPlaceholder: L10N.getStr("emptyPropertiesFilterText"),
searchEnabled: Prefs.variablesSearchboxVisible,
eval: (variable, value) => {
let string = variable.evaluationMacro(variable, value);
}, {
getEnvironmentClient: aObject => gThreadClient.environment(aObject),
getObjectClient: aObject => gThreadClient.pauseGrip(aObject),
simpleValueEvalMacro: this._getSimpleValueEvalMacro(evalPrefix),
getterOrSetterEvalMacro: this._getGetterOrSetterEvalMacro(evalPrefix),
overrideValueEvalMacro: this._getOverrideValueEvalMacro(evalPrefix)
}, {
fetched: (aEvent, aType) => {
if (aType == "properties") {
}, [{
label: L10N.getStr("addWatchExpressionButton"),
className: "dbg-expression-button",
command: () => {
this.DebuggerView.WatchExpressions.addExpression(evalPrefix, true);
}], this._toolbox);
* Hides the inspection popup.
hideContents: function() {
* Checks whether the inspection popup is shown.
* @return boolean
* True if the panel is shown or showing, false otherwise.
contentsShown: function() {
return this._tooltip.isShown();
* Functions for getting customized variables view evaluation macros.
* @param string aPrefix
* See the corresponding VariablesView.* functions.
_getSimpleValueEvalMacro: function(aPrefix) {
return (item, string) =>
VariablesView.simpleValueEvalMacro(item, string, aPrefix);
_getGetterOrSetterEvalMacro: function(aPrefix) {
return (item, string) =>
VariablesView.getterOrSetterEvalMacro(item, string, aPrefix);
_getOverrideValueEvalMacro: function(aPrefix) {
return (item, string) =>
VariablesView.overrideValueEvalMacro(item, string, aPrefix);
* The mousemove listener for the source editor.
_onMouseMove: function(e) {
// Prevent the variable inspection popup from showing when the thread client
// is not paused, or while a popup is already visible, or when the user tries
// to select text in the editor.
let isResumed = gThreadClient && gThreadClient.state != "paused";
let isSelecting = this.DebuggerView.editor.somethingSelected() && e.buttons > 0;
let isPopupVisible = !this._tooltip.isHidden();
if (isResumed || isSelecting || isPopupVisible) {
// Allow events to settle down first. If the mouse hovers over
// a certain point in the editor long enough, try showing a variable bubble.
EDITOR_VARIABLE_HOVER_DELAY, () => this._findIdentifier(e.clientX, e.clientY));
* The mouseout listener for the source editor container node.
_onMouseOut: function() {
* Listener handling the popup hiding event.
_onPopupHiding: function({ target }) {
if (this._tooltip.panel != target) {
if (this._markedText) {
this._markedText = null;
if (!this._tooltip.isEmpty()) {
_editorContainer: null,
_markedText: null,
_tooltip: null
DebuggerView.VariableBubble = new VariableBubbleView(DebuggerController, DebuggerView);