Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

223 lines
7.9 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* import-globals-from ../performance-controller.js */
/* import-globals-from ../performance-view.js */
/* globals document, window */
"use strict";
* Functions handling the recordings UI.
var RecordingsView = Heritage.extend(WidgetMethods, {
* Initialization function, called when the tool is started.
initialize: function() {
this.widget = new SideMenuWidget($("#recordings-list"));
this._onSelect = this._onSelect.bind(this);
this._onRecordingStateChange = this._onRecordingStateChange.bind(this);
this._onNewRecording = this._onNewRecording.bind(this);
this._onSaveButtonClick = this._onSaveButtonClick.bind(this);
this._onRecordingDeleted = this._onRecordingDeleted.bind(this);
this._onRecordingExported = this._onRecordingExported.bind(this);
this.emptyText = L10N.getStr("noRecordingsText");
PerformanceController.on(EVENTS.RECORDING_STATE_CHANGE, this._onRecordingStateChange);
PerformanceController.on(EVENTS.NEW_RECORDING, this._onNewRecording);
PerformanceController.on(EVENTS.RECORDING_DELETED, this._onRecordingDeleted);
PerformanceController.on(EVENTS.RECORDING_EXPORTED, this._onRecordingExported);
this.widget.addEventListener("select", this._onSelect, false);
* Destruction function, called when the tool is closed.
destroy: function() {
PerformanceController.off(EVENTS.RECORDING_STATE_CHANGE, this._onRecordingStateChange);
PerformanceController.off(EVENTS.NEW_RECORDING, this._onNewRecording);
PerformanceController.off(EVENTS.RECORDING_DELETED, this._onRecordingDeleted);
PerformanceController.off(EVENTS.RECORDING_EXPORTED, this._onRecordingExported);
this.widget.removeEventListener("select", this._onSelect, false);
* Adds an empty recording to this container.
* @param RecordingModel recording
* A model for the new recording item created.
addEmptyRecording: function (recording) {
let titleNode = document.createElement("label");
titleNode.className = "plain recording-item-title";
titleNode.setAttribute("value", recording.getLabel() ||
L10N.getFormatStr("recordingsList.itemLabel", this.itemCount + 1));
let durationNode = document.createElement("label");
durationNode.className = "plain recording-item-duration";
let saveNode = document.createElement("label");
saveNode.className = "plain recording-item-save";
saveNode.addEventListener("click", this._onSaveButtonClick);
let hspacer = document.createElement("spacer");
hspacer.setAttribute("flex", "1");
let footerNode = document.createElement("hbox");
footerNode.className = "recording-item-footer";
let vspacer = document.createElement("spacer");
vspacer.setAttribute("flex", "1");
let contentsNode = document.createElement("vbox");
contentsNode.className = "recording-item";
contentsNode.setAttribute("flex", "1");
// Append a recording item to this container.
return this.push([contentsNode], {
// Store the recording model that contains all the data to be
// rendered in the item.
attachment: recording
* Called when a new recording is stored in the UI. This handles
* when recordings are lazily loaded (like a console.profile occurring
* before the tool is loaded) or imported. In normal manual recording cases,
* this will also be fired.
_onNewRecording: function (_, recording) {
this._onRecordingStateChange(_, null, recording);
* Signals that a recording has changed state.
* @param string state
* Can be "recording-started", "recording-stopped", "recording-stopping"
* @param RecordingModel recording
* Model of the recording that was started.
_onRecordingStateChange: function (_, state, recording) {
let recordingItem = this.getItemForPredicate(e => e.attachment === recording);
if (!recordingItem) {
recordingItem = this.addEmptyRecording(recording);
// If this is a manual recording, immediately select it, or
// select a console profile if its the only one
if (!recording.isConsole() || this.selectedIndex === -1) {
this.selectedItem = recordingItem;
recordingItem.isRecording = recording.isRecording();
// This recording is in the process of stopping.
if (!recording.isRecording() && !recording.isCompleted()) {
// Mark the corresponding item as loading.
let durationNode = $(".recording-item-duration", recordingItem.target);
durationNode.setAttribute("value", L10N.getStr("recordingsList.loadingLabel"));
// Render the recording item with finalized information (timing, etc)
if (recording.isCompleted() && !recordingItem.finalized) {
// Select the recording if it was a manual recording only
if (!recording.isConsole()) {
// Auto select imported items.
if (recording.isImported()) {
this.selectedItem = recordingItem;
* Clears out all non-console recordings.
_onRecordingDeleted: function (_, recording) {
let recordingItem = this.getItemForPredicate(e => e.attachment === recording);
* Adds recording data to a recording item in this container.
* @param Item recordingItem
* An item inserted via `RecordingsView.addEmptyRecording`.
finalizeRecording: function (recordingItem) {
let model = recordingItem.attachment;
recordingItem.finalized = true;
let saveNode = $(".recording-item-save", recordingItem.target);
let durationMillis = model.getDuration().toFixed(0);
let durationNode = $(".recording-item-duration", recordingItem.target);
L10N.getFormatStr("recordingsList.durationLabel", durationMillis));
* The select listener for this container.
_onSelect: Task.async(function*({ detail: recordingItem }) {
if (!recordingItem) {
let model = recordingItem.attachment;
* The click listener for the "save" button of each item in this container.
_onSaveButtonClick: function (e) {
let fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
fp.init(window, L10N.getStr("recordingsList.saveDialogTitle"), Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
fp.appendFilter(L10N.getStr("recordingsList.saveDialogJSONFilter"), "*.json");
fp.appendFilter(L10N.getStr("recordingsList.saveDialogAllFilter"), "*.*");
fp.defaultString = "profile.json";
fp.open({ done: result => {
if (result == Ci.nsIFilePicker.returnCancel) {
let recordingItem = this.getItemForElement(e.target);
this.emit(EVENTS.UI_EXPORT_RECORDING, recordingItem.attachment, fp.file);
_onRecordingExported: function (_, recording, file) {
if (recording.isConsole()) {
let recordingItem = this.getItemForPredicate(e => e.attachment === recording);
let titleNode = $(".recording-item-title", recordingItem.target);
titleNode.setAttribute("value", file.leafName.replace(/\..+$/, ""));
toString: () => "[object RecordingsView]"
* Convenient way of emitting events from the RecordingsView.