Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

113 lines
4.4 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
var ZoomHelper = {
zoomOut: function() {
Messaging.sendRequest({ type: "Browser:ZoomToPageWidth" });
isRectZoomedIn: function(aRect, aViewport) {
// This function checks to see if the area of the rect visible in the
// viewport (i.e. the "overlapArea" variable below) is approximately
// the max area of the rect we can show. It also checks that the rect
// is actually on-screen by testing the left and right edges of the rect.
// In effect, this tells us whether or not zooming in to this rect
// will significantly change what the user is seeing.
const minDifference = -20;
const maxDifference = 20;
const maxZoomAllowed = 4; // keep this in sync with mobile/android/base/ui/PanZoomController.MAX_ZOOM
let vRect = new Rect(aViewport.cssX, aViewport.cssY, aViewport.cssWidth, aViewport.cssHeight);
let overlap = vRect.intersect(aRect);
let overlapArea = overlap.width * overlap.height;
let availHeight = Math.min(aRect.width * vRect.height / vRect.width, aRect.height);
let showing = overlapArea / (aRect.width * availHeight);
let dw = (aRect.width - vRect.width);
let dx = (aRect.x - vRect.x);
if (fuzzyEquals(aViewport.zoom, maxZoomAllowed) && overlap.width / aRect.width > 0.9) {
// we're already at the max zoom and the block is not spilling off the side of the screen so that even
// if the block isn't taking up most of the viewport we can't pan/zoom in any more. return true so that we zoom out
return true;
return (showing > 0.9 &&
dx > minDifference && dx < maxDifference &&
dw > minDifference && dw < maxDifference);
/* Zoom to an element, optionally keeping a particular part of it
* in view if it is really tall.
zoomToElement: function(aElement, aClickY = -1, aCanZoomOut = true, aCanScrollHorizontally = true) {
let rect = ElementTouchHelper.getBoundingContentRect(aElement);
const margin = 15;
let viewport = BrowserApp.selectedTab.getViewport();
rect = new Rect(aCanScrollHorizontally ? Math.max(viewport.cssPageLeft, rect.x - margin) : viewport.cssX,
aCanScrollHorizontally ? rect.w + 2 * margin : viewport.cssWidth,
// constrict the rect to the screen's right edge
rect.width = Math.min(rect.width, viewport.cssPageRight - rect.x);
// if the rect is already taking up most of the visible area and is stretching the
// width of the page, then we want to zoom out instead.
if (aElement) {
if (BrowserEventHandler.mReflozPref) {
let zoomFactor = BrowserApp.selectedTab.getZoomToMinFontSize(aElement);
rect.width = zoomFactor <= 1.0 ? rect.width : gScreenWidth / zoomFactor;
rect.height = zoomFactor <= 1.0 ? rect.height : rect.height / zoomFactor;
if (zoomFactor == 1.0 || ZoomHelper.isRectZoomedIn(rect, viewport)) {
if (aCanZoomOut) {
} else if (ZoomHelper.isRectZoomedIn(rect, viewport)) {
if (aCanZoomOut) {
ZoomHelper.zoomToRect(rect, aClickY);
/* Zoom to a specific part of the screen defined by a rect,
* optionally keeping a particular part of it in view
* if it is really tall.
zoomToRect: function(aRect, aClickY = -1) {
let viewport = BrowserApp.selectedTab.getViewport();
let rect = {
x: aRect.x,
y: aRect.y,
w: aRect.width,
h: Math.min(aRect.width * viewport.cssHeight / viewport.cssWidth, aRect.height)
rect.type = "Browser:ZoomToRect";
if (aClickY >= 0) {
// if the block we're zooming to is really tall, and we want to keep a particular
// part of it in view, then adjust the y-coordinate of the target rect accordingly.
// the 1.2 multiplier is just a little fuzz to compensate for aRect including horizontal
// margins but not vertical ones.
let cssTapY = viewport.cssY + aClickY;
if ((aRect.height > rect.h) && (cssTapY > rect.y + (rect.h * 1.2))) {
rect.y = cssTapY - (rect.h / 2);