mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 20:36:18 +00:00
600 lines
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600 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var Cu = Components.utils;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PageThumbUtils",
if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "CrashReporter",
function makeInputStream(aString) {
let stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"].
stream.data = aString;
return stream; // XPConnect will QI this to nsIInputStream for us.
var WebProgressListener = {
init: function() {
this._filter = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/component/browser-status-filter;1"]
this._filter.addProgressListener(this, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL);
let webProgress = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
webProgress.addProgressListener(this._filter, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL);
uninit() {
let webProgress = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
this._filter = null;
_requestSpec: function (aRequest, aPropertyName) {
if (!aRequest || !(aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIChannel))
return null;
return aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel)[aPropertyName].spec;
_setupJSON: function setupJSON(aWebProgress, aRequest) {
let innerWindowID = null;
if (aWebProgress) {
let domWindowID = null;
try {
let utils = aWebProgress.DOMWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
domWindowID = utils.outerWindowID;
innerWindowID = utils.currentInnerWindowID;
} catch (e) {
// If nsDocShell::Destroy has already been called, then we'll
// get NS_NOINTERFACE when trying to get the DOM window.
// If there is no current inner window, we'll get
aWebProgress = {
isTopLevel: aWebProgress.isTopLevel,
isLoadingDocument: aWebProgress.isLoadingDocument,
loadType: aWebProgress.loadType,
DOMWindowID: domWindowID
return {
webProgress: aWebProgress || null,
requestURI: this._requestSpec(aRequest, "URI"),
originalRequestURI: this._requestSpec(aRequest, "originalURI"),
documentContentType: content.document && content.document.contentType,
_setupObjects: function setupObjects(aWebProgress, aRequest) {
let domWindow;
try {
domWindow = aWebProgress && aWebProgress.DOMWindow;
} catch (e) {
// If nsDocShell::Destroy has already been called, then we'll
// get NS_NOINTERFACE when trying to get the DOM window. Ignore
// that here.
domWindow = null;
return {
contentWindow: content,
// DOMWindow is not necessarily the content-window with subframes.
DOMWindow: domWindow,
webProgress: aWebProgress,
request: aRequest,
_send(name, data, objects) {
if (RemoteAddonsChild.useSyncWebProgress) {
sendRpcMessage(name, data, objects);
} else {
sendAsyncMessage(name, data, objects);
onStateChange: function onStateChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) {
let json = this._setupJSON(aWebProgress, aRequest);
let objects = this._setupObjects(aWebProgress, aRequest);
json.stateFlags = aStateFlags;
json.status = aStatus;
this._send("Content:StateChange", json, objects);
onProgressChange: function onProgressChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelf, aMaxSelf, aCurTotal, aMaxTotal) {
let json = this._setupJSON(aWebProgress, aRequest);
let objects = this._setupObjects(aWebProgress, aRequest);
json.curSelf = aCurSelf;
json.maxSelf = aMaxSelf;
json.curTotal = aCurTotal;
json.maxTotal = aMaxTotal;
this._send("Content:ProgressChange", json, objects);
onProgressChange64: function onProgressChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelf, aMaxSelf, aCurTotal, aMaxTotal) {
this.onProgressChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aCurSelf, aMaxSelf, aCurTotal, aMaxTotal);
onLocationChange: function onLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocationURI, aFlags) {
let json = this._setupJSON(aWebProgress, aRequest);
let objects = this._setupObjects(aWebProgress, aRequest);
json.location = aLocationURI ? aLocationURI.spec : "";
json.flags = aFlags;
// These properties can change even for a sub-frame navigation.
let webNav = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
json.canGoBack = webNav.canGoBack;
json.canGoForward = webNav.canGoForward;
if (aWebProgress && aWebProgress.isTopLevel) {
json.documentURI = content.document.documentURIObject.spec;
json.title = content.document.title;
json.charset = content.document.characterSet;
json.mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu = docShell.mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu;
json.principal = content.document.nodePrincipal;
json.synthetic = content.document.mozSyntheticDocument;
if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER && CrashReporter.enabled) {
let uri = aLocationURI.clone();
try {
// If the current URI contains a username/password, remove it.
uri.userPass = "";
} catch (ex) { /* Ignore failures on about: URIs. */ }
CrashReporter.annotateCrashReport("URL", uri.spec);
this._send("Content:LocationChange", json, objects);
onStatusChange: function onStatusChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStatus, aMessage) {
let json = this._setupJSON(aWebProgress, aRequest);
let objects = this._setupObjects(aWebProgress, aRequest);
json.status = aStatus;
json.message = aMessage;
this._send("Content:StatusChange", json, objects);
onSecurityChange: function onSecurityChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aState) {
let json = this._setupJSON(aWebProgress, aRequest);
let objects = this._setupObjects(aWebProgress, aRequest);
json.state = aState;
json.status = SecurityUI.getSSLStatusAsString();
this._send("Content:SecurityChange", json, objects);
onRefreshAttempted: function onRefreshAttempted(aWebProgress, aURI, aDelay, aSameURI) {
return true;
QueryInterface: function QueryInterface(aIID) {
if (aIID.equals(Ci.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
aIID.equals(Ci.nsIWebProgressListener2) ||
aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
aIID.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) {
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
addEventListener("unload", () => {
var WebNavigation = {
init: function() {
addMessageListener("WebNavigation:GoBack", this);
addMessageListener("WebNavigation:GoForward", this);
addMessageListener("WebNavigation:GotoIndex", this);
addMessageListener("WebNavigation:LoadURI", this);
addMessageListener("WebNavigation:Reload", this);
addMessageListener("WebNavigation:Stop", this);
get webNavigation() {
return docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
receiveMessage: function(message) {
switch (message.name) {
case "WebNavigation:GoBack":
case "WebNavigation:GoForward":
case "WebNavigation:GotoIndex":
case "WebNavigation:LoadURI":
this.loadURI(message.data.uri, message.data.flags,
message.data.referrer, message.data.referrerPolicy,
message.data.postData, message.data.headers,
case "WebNavigation:Reload":
case "WebNavigation:Stop":
goBack: function() {
if (this.webNavigation.canGoBack) {
goForward: function() {
if (this.webNavigation.canGoForward)
gotoIndex: function(index) {
loadURI: function(uri, flags, referrer, referrerPolicy, postData, headers, baseURI) {
if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER && CrashReporter.enabled) {
let annotation = uri;
try {
let url = Services.io.newURI(uri, null, null);
// If the current URI contains a username/password, remove it.
url.userPass = "";
annotation = url.spec;
} catch (ex) { /* Ignore failures to parse and failures
on about: URIs. */ }
CrashReporter.annotateCrashReport("URL", annotation);
if (referrer)
referrer = Services.io.newURI(referrer, null, null);
if (postData)
postData = makeInputStream(postData);
if (headers)
headers = makeInputStream(headers);
if (baseURI)
baseURI = Services.io.newURI(baseURI, null, null);
this.webNavigation.loadURIWithOptions(uri, flags, referrer, referrerPolicy,
postData, headers, baseURI);
reload: function(flags) {
stop: function(flags) {
var SecurityUI = {
getSSLStatusAsString: function() {
let status = docShell.securityUI.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISSLStatusProvider).SSLStatus;
if (status) {
let helper = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/serialization-helper;1"]
return helper.serializeToString(status);
return null;
var ControllerCommands = {
init: function () {
addMessageListener("ControllerCommands:Do", this);
receiveMessage: function(message) {
switch(message.name) {
case "ControllerCommands:Do":
if (docShell.isCommandEnabled(message.data))
addEventListener("DOMTitleChanged", function (aEvent) {
let document = content.document;
switch (aEvent.type) {
case "DOMTitleChanged":
if (!aEvent.isTrusted || aEvent.target.defaultView != content)
sendAsyncMessage("DOMTitleChanged", { title: document.title });
}, false);
addEventListener("DOMWindowClose", function (aEvent) {
if (!aEvent.isTrusted)
}, false);
addEventListener("ImageContentLoaded", function (aEvent) {
if (content.document instanceof Ci.nsIImageDocument) {
let req = content.document.imageRequest;
if (!req.image)
sendAsyncMessage("ImageDocumentLoaded", { width: req.image.width,
height: req.image.height });
}, false);
const ZoomManager = {
get fullZoom() {
return this._cache.fullZoom;
get textZoom() {
return this._cache.textZoom;
set fullZoom(value) {
this._cache.fullZoom = value;
this._markupViewer.fullZoom = value;
set textZoom(value) {
this._cache.textZoom = value;
this._markupViewer.textZoom = value;
refreshFullZoom: function() {
return this._refreshZoomValue('fullZoom');
refreshTextZoom: function() {
return this._refreshZoomValue('textZoom');
* Retrieves specified zoom property value from markupViewer and refreshes
* cache if needed.
* @param valueName Either 'fullZoom' or 'textZoom'.
* @returns Returns true if cached value was actually refreshed.
* @private
_refreshZoomValue: function(valueName) {
let actualZoomValue = this._markupViewer[valueName];
// Round to remove any floating-point error.
actualZoomValue = Number(actualZoomValue.toFixed(2));
if (actualZoomValue != this._cache[valueName]) {
this._cache[valueName] = actualZoomValue;
return true;
return false;
get _markupViewer() {
return docShell.contentViewer;
_cache: {
fullZoom: NaN,
textZoom: NaN
addMessageListener("FullZoom", function (aMessage) {
ZoomManager.fullZoom = aMessage.data.value;
addMessageListener("TextZoom", function (aMessage) {
ZoomManager.textZoom = aMessage.data.value;
addEventListener("FullZoomChange", function () {
if (ZoomManager.refreshFullZoom()) {
sendAsyncMessage("FullZoomChange", { value: ZoomManager.fullZoom});
}, false);
addEventListener("TextZoomChange", function (aEvent) {
if (ZoomManager.refreshTextZoom()) {
sendAsyncMessage("TextZoomChange", { value: ZoomManager.textZoom});
}, false);
addEventListener("ZoomChangeUsingMouseWheel", function () {
sendAsyncMessage("ZoomChangeUsingMouseWheel", {});
}, false);
addMessageListener("UpdateCharacterSet", function (aMessage) {
docShell.charset = aMessage.data.value;
* Remote thumbnail request handler for PageThumbs thumbnails.
addMessageListener("Browser:Thumbnail:Request", function (aMessage) {
let snapshotWidth = aMessage.data.canvasWidth;
let snapshotHeight = aMessage.data.canvasHeight;
let canvas = PageThumbUtils.createCanvas(content, snapshotWidth, snapshotHeight);
let snapshot = PageThumbUtils.createSnapshotThumbnail(content, canvas);
snapshot.toBlob(function (aBlob) {
sendAsyncMessage("Browser:Thumbnail:Response", {
thumbnail: aBlob,
id: aMessage.data.id
* Remote isSafeForCapture request handler for PageThumbs.
addMessageListener("Browser:Thumbnail:CheckState", function (aMessage) {
let result = PageThumbUtils.shouldStoreContentThumbnail(content, docShell);
sendAsyncMessage("Browser:Thumbnail:CheckState:Response", {
result: result
// The AddonsChild needs to be rooted so that it stays alive as long as
// the tab.
var AddonsChild = RemoteAddonsChild.init(this);
if (AddonsChild) {
addEventListener("unload", () => {
addMessageListener("NetworkPrioritizer:AdjustPriority", (msg) => {
let webNav = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation);
let loadGroup = webNav.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocumentLoader)
var AutoCompletePopup = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup]),
init: function() {
// Hook up the form fill autocomplete controller.
let controller = Cc["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-fill-controller;1"]
controller.attachToBrowser(docShell, this.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup));
this._input = null;
this._popupOpen = false;
addMessageListener("FormAutoComplete:HandleEnter", message => {
this.selectedIndex = message.data.selectedIndex;
let controller = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/controller;1"].
addEventListener("unload", function() {
destroy: function() {
let controller = Cc["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-fill-controller;1"]
get input () { return this._input; },
get overrideValue () { return null; },
set selectedIndex (index) { },
get selectedIndex () {
// selectedIndex getter must be synchronous because we need the
// correct value when the controller is in controller::HandleEnter.
// We can't easily just let the parent inform us the new value every
// time it changes because not every action that can change the
// selectedIndex is trivial to catch (e.g. moving the mouse over the
// list).
return sendSyncMessage("FormAutoComplete:GetSelectedIndex", {});
get popupOpen () {
return this._popupOpen;
openAutocompletePopup: function (input, element) {
if (!this._popupOpen) {
// The search itself normally opens the popup itself, but in some cases,
// nsAutoCompleteController tries to use cached results so notify our
// popup to reuse the last results.
sendAsyncMessage("FormAutoComplete:MaybeOpenPopup", {});
this._input = input;
this._popupOpen = true;
closePopup: function () {
this._popupOpen = false;
sendAsyncMessage("FormAutoComplete:ClosePopup", {});
invalidate: function () {
selectBy: function(reverse, page) {
this._index = sendSyncMessage("FormAutoComplete:SelectBy", {
reverse: reverse,
page: page
addMessageListener("InPermitUnload", msg => {
let inPermitUnload = docShell.contentViewer && docShell.contentViewer.inPermitUnload;
sendAsyncMessage("InPermitUnload", {id: msg.data.id, inPermitUnload});
addMessageListener("PermitUnload", msg => {
sendAsyncMessage("PermitUnload", {id: msg.data.id, kind: "start"});
let permitUnload = true;
if (docShell && docShell.contentViewer) {
permitUnload = docShell.contentViewer.permitUnload();
sendAsyncMessage("PermitUnload", {id: msg.data.id, kind: "end", permitUnload});
// We may not get any responses to Browser:Init if the browser element
// is torn down too quickly.
var outerWindowID = content.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
var initData = sendSyncMessage("Browser:Init", {outerWindowID: outerWindowID});
if (initData.length) {
docShell.useGlobalHistory = initData[0].useGlobalHistory;
if (initData[0].initPopup) {
setTimeout(() => AutoCompletePopup.init(), 0);