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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
//******** define a js object to implement nsITreeView
function pageInfoTreeView(treeid, copycol)
// copycol is the index number for the column that we want to add to
// the copy-n-paste buffer when the user hits accel-c
this.treeid = treeid;
this.copycol = copycol;
this.rows = 0;
this.tree = null;
this.data = [ ];
this.selection = null;
this.sortcol = -1;
this.sortdir = false;
pageInfoTreeView.prototype = {
set rowCount(c) { throw "rowCount is a readonly property"; },
get rowCount() { return this.rows; },
setTree: function(tree)
this.tree = tree;
getCellText: function(row, column)
// row can be null, but js arrays are 0-indexed.
// colidx cannot be null, but can be larger than the number
// of columns in the array. In this case it's the fault of
// whoever typoed while calling this function.
return this.data[row][column.index] || "";
setCellValue: function(row, column, value)
setCellText: function(row, column, value)
this.data[row][column.index] = value;
addRow: function(row)
this.rows = this.data.push(row);
this.rowCountChanged(this.rows - 1, 1);
if (this.selection.count == 0 && this.rowCount && !gImageElement) {
addRows: function(rows)
this.data = this.data.concat(rows);
this.rowCountChanged(this.rows, rows.length);
this.rows = this.data.length;
if (this.selection.count == 0 && this.rowCount && !gImageElement) {
rowCountChanged: function(index, count)
this.tree.rowCountChanged(index, count);
invalidate: function()
clear: function()
if (this.tree)
this.tree.rowCountChanged(0, -this.rows);
this.rows = 0;
this.data = [ ];
handleCopy: function(row)
return (row < 0 || this.copycol < 0) ? "" : (this.data[row][this.copycol] || "");
performActionOnRow: function(action, row)
if (action == "copy") {
var data = this.handleCopy(row)
this.tree.treeBody.parentNode.setAttribute("copybuffer", data);
onPageMediaSort : function(columnname)
var tree = document.getElementById(this.treeid);
var treecol = tree.columns.getNamedColumn(columnname);
this.sortdir =
function textComparator(a, b) { return (a || "").toLowerCase().localeCompare((b || "").toLowerCase()); },
Array.forEach(tree.columns, function(col) {
treecol.element.setAttribute("sortActive", "true");
treecol.element.setAttribute("sortDirection", this.sortdir ?
"ascending" : "descending");
this.sortcol = treecol.index;
getRowProperties: function(row) { return ""; },
getCellProperties: function(row, column) { return ""; },
getColumnProperties: function(column) { return ""; },
isContainer: function(index) { return false; },
isContainerOpen: function(index) { return false; },
isSeparator: function(index) { return false; },
isSorted: function() { return this.sortcol > -1 },
canDrop: function(index, orientation) { return false; },
drop: function(row, orientation) { return false; },
getParentIndex: function(index) { return 0; },
hasNextSibling: function(index, after) { return false; },
getLevel: function(index) { return 0; },
getImageSrc: function(row, column) { },
getProgressMode: function(row, column) { },
getCellValue: function(row, column) { },
toggleOpenState: function(index) { },
cycleHeader: function(col) { },
selectionChanged: function() { },
cycleCell: function(row, column) { },
isEditable: function(row, column) { return false; },
isSelectable: function(row, column) { return false; },
performAction: function(action) { },
performActionOnCell: function(action, row, column) { }
// mmm, yummy. global variables.
var gDocInfo = null;
var gImageElement = null;
// column number to help using the data array
const COL_IMAGE_TYPE = 1;
const COL_IMAGE_SIZE = 2;
const COL_IMAGE_ALT = 3;
const COL_IMAGE_COUNT = 4;
const COL_IMAGE_NODE = 5;
const COL_IMAGE_BG = 6;
// column number to copy from, second argument to pageInfoTreeView's constructor
const COPYCOL_NONE = -1;
// one nsITreeView for each tree in the window
var gMetaView = new pageInfoTreeView('metatree', COPYCOL_META_CONTENT);
var gImageView = new pageInfoTreeView('imagetree', COPYCOL_IMAGE);
gImageView.getCellProperties = function(row, col) {
var data = gImageView.data[row];
var item = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_NODE];
var props = "";
if (!checkProtocol(data) ||
item instanceof HTMLEmbedElement ||
(item instanceof HTMLObjectElement && !item.type.startsWith("image/")))
props += "broken";
if (col.element.id == "image-address")
props += " ltr";
return props;
gImageView.getCellText = function(row, column) {
var value = this.data[row][column.index];
if (column.index == COL_IMAGE_SIZE) {
if (value == -1) {
return gStrings.unknown;
} else {
var kbSize = Number(Math.round(value / 1024 * 100) / 100);
return gBundle.getFormattedString("mediaFileSize", [kbSize]);
return value || "";
gImageView.onPageMediaSort = function(columnname) {
var tree = document.getElementById(this.treeid);
var treecol = tree.columns.getNamedColumn(columnname);
var comparator;
var index = treecol.index;
if (index == COL_IMAGE_SIZE || index == COL_IMAGE_COUNT) {
comparator = function numComparator(a, b) { return a - b; };
} else {
comparator = function textComparator(a, b) { return (a || "").toLowerCase().localeCompare((b || "").toLowerCase()); };
this.sortdir =
Array.forEach(tree.columns, function(col) {
treecol.element.setAttribute("sortActive", "true");
treecol.element.setAttribute("sortDirection", this.sortdir ?
"ascending" : "descending");
this.sortcol = index;
var gImageHash = { };
// localized strings (will be filled in when the document is loaded)
// this isn't all of them, these are just the ones that would otherwise have been loaded inside a loop
var gStrings = { };
var gBundle;
const PERMISSION_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1";
const PREFERENCES_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1";
const ATOM_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/atom-service;1";
// a number of services I'll need later
// the cache services
const nsICacheStorageService = Components.interfaces.nsICacheStorageService;
const nsICacheStorage = Components.interfaces.nsICacheStorage;
const cacheService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/netwerk/cache-storage-service;1"].getService(nsICacheStorageService);
var loadContextInfo = LoadContextInfo.fromLoadContext(
.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILoadContext), false);
var diskStorage = cacheService.diskCacheStorage(loadContextInfo, false);
const nsICookiePermission = Components.interfaces.nsICookiePermission;
const nsIPermissionManager = Components.interfaces.nsIPermissionManager;
const nsICertificateDialogs = Components.interfaces.nsICertificateDialogs;
const CERTIFICATEDIALOGS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/nsCertificateDialogs;1"
// clipboard helper
function getClipboardHelper() {
try {
return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper);
} catch(e) {
// do nothing, later code will handle the error
const gClipboardHelper = getClipboardHelper();
// Interface for image loading content
const nsIImageLoadingContent = Components.interfaces.nsIImageLoadingContent;
// namespaces, don't need all of these yet...
const XLinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
const XULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
const XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
const XHTMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
const XHTML2NS = "http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
const XHTMLNSre = "^http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/1999\/xhtml$";
const XHTML2NSre = "^http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/2002\/06\/xhtml2$";
const XHTMLre = RegExp(XHTMLNSre + "|" + XHTML2NSre, "");
/* Overlays register functions here.
* These arrays are used to hold callbacks that Page Info will call at
* various stages. Use them by simply appending a function to them.
* For example, add a function to onLoadRegistry by invoking
* "onLoadRegistry.push(XXXLoadFunc);"
* The XXXLoadFunc should be unique to the overlay module, and will be
* invoked as "XXXLoadFunc();"
// These functions are called to build the data displayed in the Page Info window.
var onLoadRegistry = [ ];
// These functions are called to remove old data still displayed in
// the window when the document whose information is displayed
// changes. For example, at this time, the list of images of the Media
// tab is cleared.
var onResetRegistry = [ ];
// These functions are called once when all the elements in all of the target
// document (and all of its subframes, if any) have been processed
var onFinished = [ ];
// These functions are called once when the Page Info window is closed.
var onUnloadRegistry = [ ];
/* Called when PageInfo window is loaded. Arguments are:
* window.arguments[0] - (optional) an object consisting of
* - doc: (optional) document to use for source. if not provided,
* the calling window's document will be used
* - initialTab: (optional) id of the inital tab to display
function onLoadPageInfo()
gBundle = document.getElementById("pageinfobundle");
gStrings.unknown = gBundle.getString("unknown");
gStrings.notSet = gBundle.getString("notset");
gStrings.mediaImg = gBundle.getString("mediaImg");
gStrings.mediaBGImg = gBundle.getString("mediaBGImg");
gStrings.mediaBorderImg = gBundle.getString("mediaBorderImg");
gStrings.mediaListImg = gBundle.getString("mediaListImg");
gStrings.mediaCursor = gBundle.getString("mediaCursor");
gStrings.mediaObject = gBundle.getString("mediaObject");
gStrings.mediaEmbed = gBundle.getString("mediaEmbed");
gStrings.mediaLink = gBundle.getString("mediaLink");
gStrings.mediaInput = gBundle.getString("mediaInput");
gStrings.mediaVideo = gBundle.getString("mediaVideo");
gStrings.mediaAudio = gBundle.getString("mediaAudio");
var args = "arguments" in window &&
window.arguments.length >= 1 &&
// init media view
var imageTree = document.getElementById("imagetree");
imageTree.view = gImageView;
/* Select the requested tab, if the name is specified */
.notifyObservers(window, "page-info-dialog-loaded", null);
function loadPageInfo(frameOuterWindowID, imageElement)
let mm = window.opener.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager;
gStrings["application/rss+xml"] = gBundle.getString("feedRss");
gStrings["application/atom+xml"] = gBundle.getString("feedAtom");
gStrings["text/xml"] = gBundle.getString("feedXML");
gStrings["application/xml"] = gBundle.getString("feedXML");
gStrings["application/rdf+xml"] = gBundle.getString("feedXML");
// Look for pageInfoListener in content.js. Sends message to listener with arguments.
mm.sendAsyncMessage("PageInfo:getData", {strings: gStrings,
frameOuterWindowID: frameOuterWindowID},
{ imageElement });
let pageInfoData;
// Get initial pageInfoData needed to display the general, feeds, permission and security tabs.
mm.addMessageListener("PageInfo:data", function onmessage(message) {
mm.removeMessageListener("PageInfo:data", onmessage);
pageInfoData = message.data;
let docInfo = pageInfoData.docInfo;
let windowInfo = pageInfoData.windowInfo;
let uri = makeURI(docInfo.documentURIObject.spec,
gDocInfo = docInfo;
gImageElement = pageInfoData.imageInfo;
var titleFormat = windowInfo.isTopWindow ? "pageInfo.page.title"
: "pageInfo.frame.title";
document.title = gBundle.getFormattedString(titleFormat, [docInfo.location]);
document.getElementById("main-window").setAttribute("relatedUrl", docInfo.location);
makeGeneralTab(pageInfoData.metaViewRows, docInfo);
securityOnLoad(uri, windowInfo);
// Get the media elements from content script to setup the media tab.
mm.addMessageListener("PageInfo:mediaData", function onmessage(message) {
// Page info window was closed.
if (window.closed) {
mm.removeMessageListener("PageInfo:mediaData", onmessage);
// The page info media fetching has been completed.
if (message.data.isComplete) {
mm.removeMessageListener("PageInfo:mediaData", onmessage);
onFinished.forEach(function(func) { func(pageInfoData); });
/* Call registered overlay init functions */
onLoadRegistry.forEach(function(func) { func(); });
function resetPageInfo(args)
/* Reset Meta tags part */
/* Reset Media tab */
var mediaTab = document.getElementById("mediaTab");
if (!mediaTab.hidden) {
.removeObserver(imagePermissionObserver, "perm-changed");
mediaTab.hidden = true;
gImageHash = {};
/* Reset Feeds Tab */
var feedListbox = document.getElementById("feedListbox");
while (feedListbox.firstChild)
/* Call registered overlay reset functions */
onResetRegistry.forEach(function(func) { func(); });
/* Rebuild the data */
function onUnloadPageInfo()
// Remove the observer, only if there is at least 1 image.
if (!document.getElementById("mediaTab").hidden) {
.removeObserver(imagePermissionObserver, "perm-changed");
/* Call registered overlay unload functions */
onUnloadRegistry.forEach(function(func) { func(); });
function doHelpButton()
const helpTopics = {
"generalPanel": "pageinfo_general",
"mediaPanel": "pageinfo_media",
"feedPanel": "pageinfo_feed",
"permPanel": "pageinfo_permissions",
"securityPanel": "pageinfo_security"
var deck = document.getElementById("mainDeck");
var helpdoc = helpTopics[deck.selectedPanel.id] || "pageinfo_general";
function showTab(id)
var deck = document.getElementById("mainDeck");
var pagel = document.getElementById(id + "Panel");
deck.selectedPanel = pagel;
function loadTab(args)
// If the "View Image Info" context menu item was used, the related image
// element is provided as an argument. This can't be a background image.
let imageElement = args && args.imageElement;
let frameOuterWindowID = args && args.frameOuterWindowID;
/* Load the page info */
loadPageInfo(frameOuterWindowID, imageElement);
var initialTab = (args && args.initialTab) || "generalTab";
var radioGroup = document.getElementById("viewGroup");
initialTab = document.getElementById(initialTab) || document.getElementById("generalTab");
radioGroup.selectedItem = initialTab;
function toggleGroupbox(id)
var elt = document.getElementById(id);
if (elt.hasAttribute("closed")) {
if (elt.flexWhenOpened)
elt.flex = elt.flexWhenOpened;
else {
elt.setAttribute("closed", "true");
if (elt.flex) {
elt.flexWhenOpened = elt.flex;
elt.flex = 0;
function openCacheEntry(key, cb)
var checkCacheListener = {
onCacheEntryCheck: function(entry, appCache) {
return Components.interfaces.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.ENTRY_WANTED;
onCacheEntryAvailable: function(entry, isNew, appCache, status) {
diskStorage.asyncOpenURI(Services.io.newURI(key, null, null), "", nsICacheStorage.OPEN_READONLY, checkCacheListener);
function makeGeneralTab(metaViewRows, docInfo)
var title = (docInfo.title) ? gBundle.getFormattedString("pageTitle", [docInfo.title]) : gBundle.getString("noPageTitle");
document.getElementById("titletext").value = title;
var url = docInfo.location;
setItemValue("urltext", url);
var referrer = ("referrer" in docInfo && docInfo.referrer);
setItemValue("refertext", referrer);
var mode = ("compatMode" in docInfo && docInfo.compatMode == "BackCompat") ? "generalQuirksMode" : "generalStrictMode";
document.getElementById("modetext").value = gBundle.getString(mode);
// find out the mime type
var mimeType = docInfo.contentType;
setItemValue("typetext", mimeType);
// get the document characterset
var encoding = docInfo.characterSet;
document.getElementById("encodingtext").value = encoding;
let length = metaViewRows.length;
var metaGroup = document.getElementById("metaTags");
if (!length)
metaGroup.collapsed = true;
else {
var metaTagsCaption = document.getElementById("metaTagsCaption");
if (length == 1)
metaTagsCaption.label = gBundle.getString("generalMetaTag");
metaTagsCaption.label = gBundle.getFormattedString("generalMetaTags", [length]);
var metaTree = document.getElementById("metatree");
metaTree.view = gMetaView;
// Add the metaViewRows onto the general tab's meta info tree.
metaGroup.collapsed = false;
// get the date of last modification
var modifiedText = formatDate(docInfo.lastModified, gStrings.notSet);
document.getElementById("modifiedtext").value = modifiedText;
// get cache info
var cacheKey = url.replace(/#.*$/, "");
openCacheEntry(cacheKey, function(cacheEntry) {
var sizeText;
if (cacheEntry) {
var pageSize = cacheEntry.dataSize;
var kbSize = formatNumber(Math.round(pageSize / 1024 * 100) / 100);
sizeText = gBundle.getFormattedString("generalSize", [kbSize, formatNumber(pageSize)]);
setItemValue("sizetext", sizeText);
function addImage(imageViewRow)
let [url, type, alt, elem, isBg] = imageViewRow;
if (!url)
if (!gImageHash.hasOwnProperty(url))
gImageHash[url] = { };
if (!gImageHash[url].hasOwnProperty(type))
gImageHash[url][type] = { };
if (!gImageHash[url][type].hasOwnProperty(alt)) {
gImageHash[url][type][alt] = gImageView.data.length;
var row = [url, type, -1, alt, 1, elem, isBg];
// Fill in cache data asynchronously
openCacheEntry(url, function(cacheEntry) {
// The data at row[2] corresponds to the data size.
if (cacheEntry) {
row[2] = cacheEntry.dataSize;
// Invalidate the row to trigger a repaint.
// Add the observer, only once.
if (gImageView.data.length == 1) {
document.getElementById("mediaTab").hidden = false;
.addObserver(imagePermissionObserver, "perm-changed", false);
else {
var i = gImageHash[url][type][alt];
// The same image can occur several times on the page at different sizes.
// If the "View Image Info" context menu item was used, ensure we select
// the correct element.
if (!gImageView.data[i][COL_IMAGE_BG] &&
gImageElement && url == gImageElement.currentSrc &&
gImageElement.width == elem.width &&
gImageElement.height == elem.height &&
gImageElement.imageText == elem.imageText) {
gImageView.data[i][COL_IMAGE_NODE] = elem;
//******** Link Stuff
function openURL(target)
var url = target.parentNode.childNodes[2].value;
window.open(url, "_blank", "chrome");
function onBeginLinkDrag(event,urlField,descField)
if (event.originalTarget.localName != "treechildren")
var tree = event.target;
if (!("treeBoxObject" in tree))
tree = tree.parentNode;
var row = tree.treeBoxObject.getRowAt(event.clientX, event.clientY);
if (row == -1)
// Adding URL flavor
var col = tree.columns[urlField];
var url = tree.view.getCellText(row, col);
col = tree.columns[descField];
var desc = tree.view.getCellText(row, col);
var dt = event.dataTransfer;
dt.setData("text/x-moz-url", url + "\n" + desc);
dt.setData("text/url-list", url);
dt.setData("text/plain", url);
//******** Image Stuff
function getSelectedRows(tree)
var start = { };
var end = { };
var numRanges = tree.view.selection.getRangeCount();
var rowArray = [ ];
for (var t = 0; t < numRanges; t++) {
tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(t, start, end);
for (var v = start.value; v <= end.value; v++)
return rowArray;
function getSelectedRow(tree)
var rows = getSelectedRows(tree);
return (rows.length == 1) ? rows[0] : -1;
function selectSaveFolder(aCallback)
const nsILocalFile = Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile;
const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
let titleText = gBundle.getString("mediaSelectFolder");
let fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].
let fpCallback = function fpCallback_done(aResult) {
if (aResult == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) {
} else {
fp.init(window, titleText, nsIFilePicker.modeGetFolder);
try {
let prefs = Components.classes[PREFERENCES_CONTRACTID].
let initialDir = prefs.getComplexValue("browser.download.dir", nsILocalFile);
if (initialDir) {
fp.displayDirectory = initialDir;
} catch (ex) {
function saveMedia()
var tree = document.getElementById("imagetree");
var rowArray = getSelectedRows(tree);
if (rowArray.length == 1) {
var row = rowArray[0];
var item = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_NODE];
var url = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_ADDRESS];
if (url) {
var titleKey = "SaveImageTitle";
if (item instanceof HTMLVideoElement)
titleKey = "SaveVideoTitle";
else if (item instanceof HTMLAudioElement)
titleKey = "SaveAudioTitle";
saveURL(url, null, titleKey, false, false, makeURI(item.baseURI),
null, gDocInfo.isContentWindowPrivate);
} else {
selectSaveFolder(function(aDirectory) {
if (aDirectory) {
var saveAnImage = function(aURIString, aChosenData, aBaseURI) {
internalSave(aURIString, null, null, null, null, false, "SaveImageTitle",
aChosenData, aBaseURI, null, false, null, gDocInfo.isContentWindowPrivate);
for (var i = 0; i < rowArray.length; i++) {
var v = rowArray[i];
var dir = aDirectory.clone();
var item = gImageView.data[v][COL_IMAGE_NODE];
var uriString = gImageView.data[v][COL_IMAGE_ADDRESS];
var uri = makeURI(uriString);
try {
} catch(ex) {
// data:/blob: uris
// Supply a dummy filename, otherwise Download Manager
// will try to delete the base directory on failure.
if (i == 0) {
saveAnImage(uriString, new AutoChosen(dir, uri), makeURI(item.baseURI));
} else {
// This delay is a hack which prevents the download manager
// from opening many times. See bug 377339.
setTimeout(saveAnImage, 200, uriString, new AutoChosen(dir, uri),
function onBlockImage()
var permissionManager = Components.classes[PERMISSION_CONTRACTID]
var checkbox = document.getElementById("blockImage");
var uri = makeURI(document.getElementById("imageurltext").value);
if (checkbox.checked)
permissionManager.add(uri, "image", nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION);
permissionManager.remove(uri, "image");
function onImageSelect()
var previewBox = document.getElementById("mediaPreviewBox");
var mediaSaveBox = document.getElementById("mediaSaveBox");
var splitter = document.getElementById("mediaSplitter");
var tree = document.getElementById("imagetree");
var count = tree.view.selection.count;
if (count == 0) {
previewBox.collapsed = true;
mediaSaveBox.collapsed = true;
splitter.collapsed = true;
tree.flex = 1;
else if (count > 1) {
splitter.collapsed = true;
previewBox.collapsed = true;
mediaSaveBox.collapsed = false;
tree.flex = 1;
else {
mediaSaveBox.collapsed = true;
splitter.collapsed = false;
previewBox.collapsed = false;
tree.flex = 0;
// Makes the media preview (image, video, etc) for the selected row on the media tab.
function makePreview(row)
var imageTree = document.getElementById("imagetree");
var item = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_NODE];
var url = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_ADDRESS];
var isBG = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_BG];
var isAudio = false;
setItemValue("imageurltext", url);
setItemValue("imagetext", item.imageText);
setItemValue("imagelongdesctext", item.longDesc);
// get cache info
var cacheKey = url.replace(/#.*$/, "");
openCacheEntry(cacheKey, function(cacheEntry) {
// find out the file size
var sizeText;
if (cacheEntry) {
let imageSize = cacheEntry.dataSize;
var kbSize = Math.round(imageSize / 1024 * 100) / 100;
sizeText = gBundle.getFormattedString("generalSize",
[formatNumber(kbSize), formatNumber(imageSize)]);
sizeText = gBundle.getString("mediaUnknownNotCached");
setItemValue("imagesizetext", sizeText);
var mimeType = item.mimeType || this.getContentTypeFromHeaders(cacheEntry);
var numFrames = item.numFrames;
var imageType;
if (mimeType) {
// We found the type, try to display it nicely
let imageMimeType = /^image\/(.*)/i.exec(mimeType);
if (imageMimeType) {
imageType = imageMimeType[1].toUpperCase();
if (numFrames > 1)
imageType = gBundle.getFormattedString("mediaAnimatedImageType",
[imageType, numFrames]);
imageType = gBundle.getFormattedString("mediaImageType", [imageType]);
else {
// the MIME type doesn't begin with image/, display the raw type
imageType = mimeType;
else {
// We couldn't find the type, fall back to the value in the treeview
imageType = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_TYPE];
setItemValue("imagetypetext", imageType);
var imageContainer = document.getElementById("theimagecontainer");
var oldImage = document.getElementById("thepreviewimage");
var isProtocolAllowed = checkProtocol(gImageView.data[row]);
var newImage = new Image;
newImage.id = "thepreviewimage";
var physWidth = 0, physHeight = 0;
var width = 0, height = 0;
if ((item.HTMLLinkElement || item.HTMLInputElement ||
item.HTMLImageElement || item.SVGImageElement ||
(item.HTMLObjectElement && mimeType && mimeType.startsWith("image/")) ||
isBG) && isProtocolAllowed) {
newImage.setAttribute("src", url);
physWidth = newImage.width || 0;
physHeight = newImage.height || 0;
// "width" and "height" attributes must be set to newImage,
// even if there is no "width" or "height attribute in item;
// otherwise, the preview image cannot be displayed correctly.
// Since the image might have been loaded out-of-process, we expect
// the item to tell us its width / height dimensions. Failing that
// the item should tell us the natural dimensions of the image. Finally
// failing that, we'll assume that the image was never loaded in the
// other process (this can be true for favicons, for example), and so
// we'll assume that we can use the natural dimensions of the newImage
// we just created. If the natural dimensions of newImage are not known
// then the image is probably broken.
if (!isBG) {
newImage.width = ("width" in item && item.width) || newImage.naturalWidth;
newImage.height = ("height" in item && item.height) || newImage.naturalHeight;
else {
// the Width and Height of an HTML tag should not be used for its background image
// (for example, "table" can have "width" or "height" attributes)
newImage.width = item.naturalWidth || newImage.naturalWidth;
newImage.height = item.naturalHeight || newImage.naturalHeight;
if (item.SVGImageElement) {
newImage.width = item.SVGImageElementWidth;
newImage.height = item.SVGImageElementHeight;
width = newImage.width;
height = newImage.height;
document.getElementById("theimagecontainer").collapsed = false
document.getElementById("brokenimagecontainer").collapsed = true;
else if (item.HTMLVideoElement && isProtocolAllowed) {
newImage = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "video");
newImage.id = "thepreviewimage";
newImage.src = url;
newImage.controls = true;
width = physWidth = item.videoWidth;
height = physHeight = item.videoHeight;
document.getElementById("theimagecontainer").collapsed = false;
document.getElementById("brokenimagecontainer").collapsed = true;
else if (item.HTMLAudioElement && isProtocolAllowed) {
newImage = new Audio;
newImage.id = "thepreviewimage";
newImage.src = url;
newImage.controls = true;
isAudio = true;
document.getElementById("theimagecontainer").collapsed = false;
document.getElementById("brokenimagecontainer").collapsed = true;
else {
// fallback image for protocols not allowed (e.g., javascript:)
// or elements not [yet] handled (e.g., object, embed).
document.getElementById("brokenimagecontainer").collapsed = false;
document.getElementById("theimagecontainer").collapsed = true;
let imageSize = "";
if (url && !isAudio) {
if (width != physWidth || height != physHeight) {
imageSize = gBundle.getFormattedString("mediaDimensionsScaled",
else {
imageSize = gBundle.getFormattedString("mediaDimensions",
setItemValue("imagedimensiontext", imageSize);
function makeBlockImage(url)
var permissionManager = Components.classes[PERMISSION_CONTRACTID]
var prefs = Components.classes[PREFERENCES_CONTRACTID]
var checkbox = document.getElementById("blockImage");
var imagePref = prefs.getIntPref("permissions.default.image");
if (!(/^https?:/.test(url)) || imagePref == 2)
// We can't block the images from this host because either is is not
// for http(s) or we don't load images at all
checkbox.hidden = true;
else {
var uri = makeURI(url);
if (uri.host) {
checkbox.hidden = false;
checkbox.label = gBundle.getFormattedString("mediaBlockImage", [uri.host]);
var perm = permissionManager.testPermission(uri, "image");
checkbox.checked = perm == nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION;
checkbox.hidden = true;
var imagePermissionObserver = {
observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData)
if (document.getElementById("mediaPreviewBox").collapsed)
if (aTopic == "perm-changed") {
var permission = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPermission);
if (permission.type == "image") {
var imageTree = document.getElementById("imagetree");
var row = getSelectedRow(imageTree);
var item = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_NODE];
var url = gImageView.data[row][COL_IMAGE_ADDRESS];
if (permission.matchesURI(makeURI(url), true)) {
function getContentTypeFromHeaders(cacheEntryDescriptor)
if (!cacheEntryDescriptor)
return null;
let headers = cacheEntryDescriptor.getMetaDataElement("response-head");
let type = /^Content-Type:\s*(.*?)\s*(?:\;|$)/mi.exec(headers);
return type && type[1];
function setItemValue(id, value)
var item = document.getElementById(id);
if (value) {
item.parentNode.collapsed = false;
item.value = value;
item.parentNode.collapsed = true;
function formatNumber(number)
return (+number).toLocaleString(); // coerce number to a numeric value before calling toLocaleString()
function formatDate(datestr, unknown)
// scriptable date formatter, for pretty printing dates
var dateService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptabledateformat;1"]
var date = new Date(datestr);
if (!date.valueOf())
return unknown;
return dateService.FormatDateTime("", dateService.dateFormatLong,
date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate(),
date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds());
function doCopy()
if (!gClipboardHelper)
var elem = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
if (elem && "treeBoxObject" in elem) {
var view = elem.view;
var selection = view.selection;
var text = [], tmp = '';
var min = {}, max = {};
var count = selection.getRangeCount();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
selection.getRangeAt(i, min, max);
for (var row = min.value; row <= max.value; row++) {
view.performActionOnRow("copy", row);
tmp = elem.getAttribute("copybuffer");
if (tmp)
function doSelectAllMedia()
var tree = document.getElementById("imagetree");
if (tree)
function doSelectAll()
var elem = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
if (elem && "treeBoxObject" in elem)
function selectImage()
if (!gImageElement)
var tree = document.getElementById("imagetree");
for (var i = 0; i < tree.view.rowCount; i++) {
// If the image row element is the image selected from the "View Image Info" context menu item.
let image = gImageView.data[i][COL_IMAGE_NODE];
if (!gImageView.data[i][COL_IMAGE_BG] &&
gImageElement.currentSrc == gImageView.data[i][COL_IMAGE_ADDRESS] &&
gImageElement.width == image.width &&
gImageElement.height == image.height &&
gImageElement.imageText == image.imageText) {
function checkProtocol(img)
var url = img[COL_IMAGE_ADDRESS];
return /^data:image\//i.test(url) ||