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synced 2025-02-02 07:30:08 +00:00
406 lines
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406 lines
14 KiB
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// How to run this file:
// 1. [obtain firefox source code]
// 2. [build/obtain firefox binaries]
// 3. run `[path to]/run-mozilla.sh [path to]/xpcshell \
// [path to]/getHSTSPreloadlist.js \
// [absolute path to]/nsSTSPreloadlist.inc'
// <https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPConnect/xpcshell/HOWTO>
// <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=546628>
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var Cu = Components.utils;
var Cr = Components.results;
// Register resource://app/ URI
var ios = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
var resHandler = ios.getProtocolHandler("resource")
var mozDir = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
.get("CurProcD", Ci.nsILocalFile);
var mozDirURI = ios.newFileURI(mozDir);
resHandler.setSubstitution("app", mozDirURI);
const SOURCE = "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/net/+/master/http/transport_security_state_static.json?format=TEXT";
const OUTPUT = "nsSTSPreloadList.inc";
const ERROR_OUTPUT = "nsSTSPreloadList.errors";
const MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAX_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 18;
const MAX_RETRIES = 3;
const REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 30 * 1000;
const ERROR_NONE = "no error";
const ERROR_CONNECTING_TO_HOST = "could not connect to host";
const ERROR_NO_HSTS_HEADER = "did not receive HSTS header";
const ERROR_MAX_AGE_TOO_LOW = "max-age too low: ";
const HEADER = "/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\n" +
" * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\n" +
" * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */\n" +
"\n" +
"/*****************************************************************************/\n" +
"/* This is an automatically generated file. If you're not */\n" +
"/* nsSiteSecurityService.cpp, you shouldn't be #including it. */\n" +
"/*****************************************************************************/\n" +
"\n" +
"#include <stdint.h>\n";
const PREFIX = "\n" +
"class nsSTSPreload\n" +
"{\n" +
" public:\n" +
" const char *mHost;\n" +
" const bool mIncludeSubdomains;\n" +
"};\n" +
"\n" +
"static const nsSTSPreload kSTSPreloadList[] = {\n";
const POSTFIX = "};\n";
function download() {
var req = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
req.open("GET", SOURCE, false); // doing the request synchronously
try {
catch (e) {
throw "ERROR: problem downloading '" + SOURCE + "': " + e;
if (req.status != 200) {
throw "ERROR: problem downloading '" + SOURCE + "': status " + req.status;
var resultDecoded;
try {
resultDecoded = atob(req.responseText);
catch (e) {
throw "ERROR: could not decode data as base64 from '" + SOURCE + "': " + e;
// we have to filter out '//' comments, while not mangling the json
var result = resultDecoded.replace(/^(\s*)?\/\/[^\n]*\n/mg, "");
var data = null;
try {
data = JSON.parse(result);
catch (e) {
throw "ERROR: could not parse data from '" + SOURCE + "': " + e;
return data;
function getHosts(rawdata) {
var hosts = [];
if (!rawdata || !rawdata.entries) {
throw "ERROR: source data not formatted correctly: 'entries' not found";
for (let entry of rawdata.entries) {
if (entry.mode && entry.mode == "force-https") {
if (entry.name) {
// We trim the entry name here to avoid malformed URI exceptions when we
// later try to connect to the domain.
entry.name = entry.name.trim();
entry.retries = MAX_RETRIES;
entry.originalIncludeSubdomains = entry.include_subdomains;
} else {
throw "ERROR: entry not formatted correctly: no name found";
return hosts;
var gSSService = Cc["@mozilla.org/ssservice;1"]
function processStsHeader(host, header, status, securityInfo) {
var maxAge = { value: 0 };
var includeSubdomains = { value: false };
var error = ERROR_NONE;
if (header != null && securityInfo != null) {
try {
var uri = Services.io.newURI("https://" + host.name, null, null);
var sslStatus = securityInfo.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISSLStatusProvider)
uri, header, sslStatus, 0, maxAge,
catch (e) {
dump("ERROR: could not process header '" + header + "' from " +
host.name + ": " + e + "\n");
error = e;
else {
if (status == 0) {
} else {
let forceInclude = (host.forceInclude || host.pins == "google");
if (error == ERROR_NONE && maxAge.value < MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAX_AGE) {
return { name: host.name,
maxAge: maxAge.value,
includeSubdomains: includeSubdomains.value,
error: error,
retries: host.retries - 1,
forceInclude: forceInclude,
originalIncludeSubdomains: host.originalIncludeSubdomains };
// RedirectAndAuthStopper prevents redirects and HTTP authentication
function RedirectAndAuthStopper() {};
RedirectAndAuthStopper.prototype = {
// nsIChannelEventSink
asyncOnChannelRedirect: function(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback) {
// nsIAuthPrompt2
promptAuth: function(channel, level, authInfo) {
return false;
asyncPromptAuth: function(channel, callback, context, level, authInfo) {
getInterface: function(iid) {
return this.QueryInterface(iid);
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIChannelEventSink,
function getHSTSStatus(host, resultList) {
var req = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
var inResultList = false;
var uri = "https://" + host.name + "/";
req.open("GET", uri, true);
req.timeout = REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
req.channel.notificationCallbacks = new RedirectAndAuthStopper();
req.onreadystatechange = function(event) {
if (!inResultList && req.readyState == 4) {
inResultList = true;
var header = req.getResponseHeader("strict-transport-security");
resultList.push(processStsHeader(host, header, req.status,
try {
catch (e) {
dump("ERROR: exception making request to " + host.name + ": " + e + "\n");
function compareHSTSStatus(a, b) {
return (a.name > b.name ? 1 : (a.name < b.name ? -1 : 0));
function writeTo(string, fos) {
fos.write(string, string.length);
// Determines and returns a string representing a declaration of when this
// preload list should no longer be used.
// This is the current time plus MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAX_AGE.
function getExpirationTimeString() {
var now = new Date();
var nowMillis = now.getTime();
// MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAX_AGE is in seconds, so convert to milliseconds
var expirationMillis = nowMillis + (MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAX_AGE * 1000);
var expirationMicros = expirationMillis * 1000;
return "const PRTime gPreloadListExpirationTime = INT64_C(" + expirationMicros + ");\n";
function errorToString(status) {
return (status.error == ERROR_MAX_AGE_TOO_LOW
? status.error + status.maxAge
: status.error);
function writeEntry(status, outputStream) {
let incSubdomainsBool = (status.forceInclude && status.error != ERROR_NONE
? status.originalIncludeSubdomains
: status.includeSubdomains);
let includeSubdomains = (incSubdomainsBool ? "true" : "false");
writeTo(" { \"" + status.name + "\", " + includeSubdomains + " },\n",
function output(sortedStatuses, currentList) {
try {
var file = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", [OUTPUT]);
var errorFile = FileUtils.getFile("CurWorkD", [ERROR_OUTPUT]);
var fos = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(file);
var eos = FileUtils.openSafeFileOutputStream(errorFile);
writeTo(HEADER, fos);
writeTo(getExpirationTimeString(), fos);
writeTo(PREFIX, fos);
for (var status of sortedStatuses) {
// If we've encountered an error for this entry (other than the site not
// sending an HSTS header), be safe and don't remove it from the list
// (given that it was already on the list).
if (status.error != ERROR_NONE &&
status.error != ERROR_NO_HSTS_HEADER &&
status.error != ERROR_MAX_AGE_TOO_LOW &&
status.name in currentList) {
dump("INFO: error connecting to or processing " + status.name + " - using previous status on list\n");
writeTo(status.name + ": " + errorToString(status) + "\n", eos);
status.includeSubdomains = currentList[status.name];
if (status.maxAge >= MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAX_AGE || status.forceInclude) {
writeEntry(status, fos);
dump("INFO: " + status.name + " ON the preload list\n");
if (status.forceInclude && status.error != ERROR_NONE) {
writeTo(status.name + ": " + errorToString(status) + " (error "
+ "ignored - included regardless)\n", eos);
else {
dump("INFO: " + status.name + " NOT ON the preload list\n");
writeTo(status.name + ": " + errorToString(status) + "\n", eos);
writeTo(POSTFIX, fos);
catch (e) {
dump("ERROR: problem writing output to '" + OUTPUT + "': " + e + "\n");
function shouldRetry(response) {
return (response.error != ERROR_NO_HSTS_HEADER &&
response.error != ERROR_MAX_AGE_TOO_LOW &&
response.error != ERROR_NONE && response.retries > 0);
function getHSTSStatuses(inHosts, outStatuses) {
var expectedOutputLength = inHosts.length;
var tmpOutput = [];
for (var i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS && inHosts.length > 0; i++) {
var host = inHosts.shift();
dump("spinning off request to '" + host.name + "' (remaining retries: " +
host.retries + ")\n");
getHSTSStatus(host, tmpOutput);
while (outStatuses.length != expectedOutputLength) {
var response = tmpOutput.shift();
dump("request to '" + response.name + "' finished\n");
if (shouldRetry(response))
if (inHosts.length > 0) {
var host = inHosts.shift();
dump("spinning off request to '" + host.name + "' (remaining retries: " +
host.retries + ")\n");
getHSTSStatus(host, tmpOutput);
// Since all events are processed on the main thread, and since event
// handlers are not preemptible, there shouldn't be any concurrency issues.
function waitForAResponse(outputList) {
// From <https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPConnect/xpcshell/HOWTO>
var threadManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"]
var mainThread = threadManager.currentThread;
while (outputList.length == 0) {
function readCurrentList(filename) {
var currentHosts = {};
var file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
var fis = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
fis.init(file, -1, -1, Ci.nsIFileInputStream.CLOSE_ON_EOF);
var line = {};
var entryRegex = / { "([^"]*)", (true|false) },/;
while (fis.readLine(line)) {
var match = entryRegex.exec(line.value);
if (match) {
currentHosts[match[1]] = (match[2] == "true");
return currentHosts;
function combineLists(newHosts, currentHosts) {
for (let currentHost in currentHosts) {
let found = false;
for (let newHost of newHosts) {
if (newHost.name == currentHost) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
newHosts.push({ name: currentHost, retries: MAX_RETRIES });
// ****************************************************************************
// This is where the action happens:
if (arguments.length < 1) {
throw "Usage: getHSTSPreloadList.js <absolute path to current nsSTSPreloadList.inc>";
// get the current preload list
var currentHosts = readCurrentList(arguments[0]);
// disable the current preload list so it won't interfere with requests we make
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.stricttransportsecurity.preloadlist", false);
// download and parse the raw json file from the Chromium source
var rawdata = download();
// get just the hosts with mode: "force-https"
var hosts = getHosts(rawdata);
// add hosts in the current list to the new list (avoiding duplicates)
combineLists(hosts, currentHosts);
// get the HSTS status of each host
var hstsStatuses = [];
getHSTSStatuses(hosts, hstsStatuses);
// sort the hosts alphabetically
// write the results to a file (this is where we filter out hosts that we
// either couldn't connect to, didn't receive an HSTS header from, couldn't
// parse the header, or had a header with too short a max-age)
output(hstsStatuses, currentHosts);
// ****************************************************************************