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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/*global intl_Collator: false, */
* A helper function implementing the logic for both String.prototype.padStart
* and String.prototype.padEnd as described in ES7 Draft March 29, 2016
function String_pad(maxLength, fillString, padEnd=false) {
// Steps 1-2.
let str = ToString(this);
// Steps 3-4.
let intMaxLength = ToLength(maxLength);
let strLen = str.length;
// Step 5.
if (intMaxLength <= strLen)
return str;
// Steps 6-7.
let filler = fillString === undefined ? " " : ToString(fillString);
// Step 8.
if (filler === "")
return str;
// Step 9.
let fillLen = intMaxLength - strLen;
// Step 10.
let truncatedStringFiller = callFunction(String_repeat, filler,
fillLen / filler.length);
truncatedStringFiller += callFunction(String_substr, filler, 0,
fillLen % filler.length);
// Step 11.
if (padEnd === true)
return str + truncatedStringFiller;
return truncatedStringFiller + str;
function String_pad_start(maxLength, fillString=" ") {
return callFunction(String_pad, this, maxLength, fillString, false);
function String_pad_end(maxLength, fillString=" ") {
return callFunction(String_pad, this, maxLength, fillString, true);
/* ES6 Draft Oct 14, 2014 */
function String_substring(start, end) {
// Steps 1-3.
var str = ToString(this);
// Step 4.
var len = str.length;
// Step 5.
var intStart = ToInteger(start);
// Step 6.
var intEnd = (end === undefined) ? len : ToInteger(end);
// Step 7.
var finalStart = std_Math_min(std_Math_max(intStart, 0), len);
// Step 8.
var finalEnd = std_Math_min(std_Math_max(intEnd, 0), len);
// Steps 9-10.
var from, to;
if (finalStart < finalEnd) {
from = finalStart;
to = finalEnd;
} else {
from = finalEnd;
to = finalStart;
// Step 11.
// While |from| and |to - from| are bounded to the length of |str| and this
// and thus definitely in the int32 range, they can still be typed as
// double. Eagerly truncate since SubstringKernel only accepts int32.
return SubstringKernel(str, from | 0, (to - from) | 0);
function String_static_substring(string, start, end) {
if (arguments.length < 1)
ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_MISSING_FUN_ARG, 0, 'String.substring');
return callFunction(String_substring, string, start, end);
/* ES6 Draft Oct 14, 2014 B.2.3.1 */
function String_substr(start, length) {
// Steps 1-2.
var str = ToString(this);
// Steps 3-4.
var intStart = ToInteger(start);
// Steps 5-7.
var size = str.length;
// Use |size| instead of +Infinity to avoid performing calculations with
// doubles. (The result is the same either way.)
var end = (length === undefined) ? size : ToInteger(length);
// Step 8.
if (intStart < 0)
intStart = std_Math_max(intStart + size, 0);
// Step 9.
var resultLength = std_Math_min(std_Math_max(end, 0), size - intStart)
// Step 10.
if (resultLength <= 0)
return "";
// Step 11.
// While |intStart| and |resultLength| are bounded to the length of |str|
// and thus definitely in the int32 range, they can still be typed as
// double. Eagerly truncate since SubstringKernel only accepts int32.
return SubstringKernel(str, intStart | 0, resultLength | 0);
function String_static_substr(string, start, length) {
if (arguments.length < 1)
ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_MISSING_FUN_ARG, 0, 'String.substr');
return callFunction(String_substr, string, start, length);
/* ES6 Draft Oct 14, 2014 */
function String_slice(start, end) {
// Steps 1-3.
var str = ToString(this);
// Step 4.
var len = str.length;
// Step 5.
var intStart = ToInteger(start);
// Step 6.
var intEnd = (end === undefined) ? len : ToInteger(end);
// Step 7.
var from = (intStart < 0) ? std_Math_max(len + intStart, 0) : std_Math_min(intStart, len);
// Step 8.
var to = (intEnd < 0) ? std_Math_max(len + intEnd, 0) : std_Math_min(intEnd, len);
// Step 9.
var span = std_Math_max(to - from, 0);
// Step 10.
// While |from| and |span| are bounded to the length of |str|
// and thus definitely in the int32 range, they can still be typed as
// double. Eagerly truncate since SubstringKernel only accepts int32.
return SubstringKernel(str, from | 0, span | 0);
function String_static_slice(string, start, end) {
if (arguments.length < 1)
ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_MISSING_FUN_ARG, 0, 'String.slice');
return callFunction(String_slice, string, start, end);
/* ES6 Draft September 5, 2013 */
function String_codePointAt(pos) {
// Steps 1-3.
var S = ToString(this);
// Steps 4-5.
var position = ToInteger(pos);
// Step 6.
var size = S.length;
// Step 7.
if (position < 0 || position >= size)
return undefined;
// Steps 8-9.
var first = callFunction(std_String_charCodeAt, S, position);
if (first < 0xD800 || first > 0xDBFF || position + 1 === size)
return first;
// Steps 10-11.
var second = callFunction(std_String_charCodeAt, S, position + 1);
if (second < 0xDC00 || second > 0xDFFF)
return first;
// Step 12.
return (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (second - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
var collatorCache = new Record();
/* ES6 20121122 draft */
function String_repeat(count) {
// Steps 1-3.
var S = ToString(this);
// Steps 4-5.
var n = ToInteger(count);
// Steps 6-7.
if (n < 0)
if (!(n * S.length < (1 << 28)))
// Communicate |n|'s possible range to the compiler.
n = n & ((1 << 28) - 1);
// Steps 8-9.
var T = "";
for (;;) {
if (n & 1)
T += S;
n >>= 1;
if (n)
S += S;
return T;
// ES6 draft specification, section, version 2013-09-27.
function String_iterator() {
var S = ToString(this);
var iterator = NewStringIterator();
UnsafeSetReservedSlot(iterator, ITERATOR_SLOT_TARGET, S);
UnsafeSetReservedSlot(iterator, ITERATOR_SLOT_NEXT_INDEX, 0);
return iterator;
function StringIteratorNext() {
if (!IsObject(this) || !IsStringIterator(this)) {
return callFunction(CallStringIteratorMethodIfWrapped, this,
var S = UnsafeGetStringFromReservedSlot(this, ITERATOR_SLOT_TARGET);
// We know that JSString::MAX_LENGTH <= INT32_MAX (and assert this in
// SelfHostring.cpp) so our current index can never be anything other than
// an Int32Value.
var index = UnsafeGetInt32FromReservedSlot(this, ITERATOR_SLOT_NEXT_INDEX);
var size = S.length;
var result = { value: undefined, done: false };
if (index >= size) {
result.done = true;
return result;
var charCount = 1;
var first = callFunction(std_String_charCodeAt, S, index);
if (first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && index + 1 < size) {
var second = callFunction(std_String_charCodeAt, S, index + 1);
if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {
charCount = 2;
UnsafeSetReservedSlot(this, ITERATOR_SLOT_NEXT_INDEX, index + charCount);
result.value = callFunction(String_substring, S, index, index + charCount);
return result;
* Compare this String against that String, using the locale and collation
* options provided.
* Spec: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification, 13.1.1.
function String_localeCompare(that) {
// Steps 1-3.
var S = ToString(this);
var That = ToString(that);
// Steps 4-5.
var locales = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined;
var options = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
// Step 6.
var collator;
if (locales === undefined && options === undefined) {
// This cache only optimizes for the old ES5 localeCompare without
// locales and options.
if (collatorCache.collator === undefined)
collatorCache.collator = intl_Collator(locales, options);
collator = collatorCache.collator;
} else {
collator = intl_Collator(locales, options);
// Step 7.
return intl_CompareStrings(collator, S, That);
// ES6 draft rev27 (2014/08/24) String.fromCodePoint(...codePoints)
function String_static_fromCodePoint(codePoints) {
// Step 1. is not relevant
// Step 2.
var length = arguments.length;
// Step 3.
var elements = new List();
// Step 4-5., 5g.
for (var nextIndex = 0; nextIndex < length; nextIndex++) {
// Step 5a.
var next = arguments[nextIndex];
// Step 5b-c.
var nextCP = ToNumber(next);
// Step 5d.
if (nextCP !== ToInteger(nextCP) || Number_isNaN(nextCP))
ThrowRangeError(JSMSG_NOT_A_CODEPOINT, ToString(nextCP));
// Step 5e.
if (nextCP < 0 || nextCP > 0x10FFFF)
ThrowRangeError(JSMSG_NOT_A_CODEPOINT, ToString(nextCP));
// Step 5f.
// Inlined UTF-16 Encoding
if (nextCP <= 0xFFFF) {
callFunction(std_Array_push, elements, nextCP);
callFunction(std_Array_push, elements, (((nextCP - 0x10000) / 0x400) | 0) + 0xD800);
callFunction(std_Array_push, elements, (nextCP - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00);
// Step 6.
return callFunction(std_Function_apply, std_String_fromCharCode, null, elements);
/* ES6 Draft May 22, 2014 */
function String_static_raw(callSite, ...substitutions) {
// Step 1 (implicit).
// Step 2.
var numberOfSubstitutions = substitutions.length;
// Steps 3-4.
var cooked = ToObject(callSite);
// Steps 5-7.
var raw = ToObject(cooked.raw);
// Steps 8-10.
var literalSegments = ToLength(raw.length);
// Step 11.
if (literalSegments <= 0)
return "";
// Step 12.
var resultString = "";
// Step 13.
var nextIndex = 0;
// Step 14.
while (true) {
// Steps a-d.
var nextSeg = ToString(raw[nextIndex]);
// Step e.
resultString = resultString + nextSeg;
// Step f.
if (nextIndex + 1 === literalSegments)
// Step f.i.
return resultString;
// Steps g-j.
var nextSub;
if (nextIndex < numberOfSubstitutions)
nextSub = ToString(substitutions[nextIndex]);
nextSub = "";
// Step k.
resultString = resultString + nextSub;
// Step l.
* Compare String str1 against String str2, using the locale and collation
* options provided.
* Mozilla proprietary.
* Spec: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String#String_generic_methods
function String_static_localeCompare(str1, str2) {
if (arguments.length < 1)
ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_MISSING_FUN_ARG, 0, "String.localeCompare");
var locales = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
var options = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : undefined;
return callFunction(String_localeCompare, str1, str2, locales, options);
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.3
function String_big() {
return "<big>" + ToString(this) + "</big>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.4
function String_blink() {
return "<blink>" + ToString(this) + "</blink>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.5
function String_bold() {
return "<b>" + ToString(this) + "</b>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.6
function String_fixed() {
return "<tt>" + ToString(this) + "</tt>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.9
function String_italics() {
return "<i>" + ToString(this) + "</i>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.11
function String_small() {
return "<small>" + ToString(this) + "</small>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.12
function String_strike() {
return "<strike>" + ToString(this) + "</strike>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.13
function String_sub() {
return "<sub>" + ToString(this) + "</sub>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.14
function String_sup() {
return "<sup>" + ToString(this) + "</sup>";
function EscapeAttributeValue(v) {
var inputStr = ToString(v);
var inputLen = inputStr.length;
var outputStr = "";
var chunkStart = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < inputLen; i++) {
if (inputStr[i] === '"') {
outputStr += callFunction(String_substring, inputStr, chunkStart, i) + '&quot;';
chunkStart = i + 1;
if (chunkStart === 0)
return inputStr;
if (chunkStart < inputLen)
outputStr += callFunction(String_substring, inputStr, chunkStart);
return outputStr;
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.2
function String_anchor(name) {
var S = ToString(this);
return '<a name="' + EscapeAttributeValue(name) + '">' + S + "</a>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.7
function String_fontcolor(color) {
var S = ToString(this);
return '<font color="' + EscapeAttributeValue(color) + '">' + S + "</font>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.8
function String_fontsize(size) {
var S = ToString(this);
return '<font size="' + EscapeAttributeValue(size) + '">' + S + "</font>";
// ES6 draft 2014-04-27 B.2.3.10
function String_link(url) {
var S = ToString(this);
return '<a href="' + EscapeAttributeValue(url) + '">' + S + "</a>";