Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

1007 lines
32 KiB

import logging, re, os
import data, parser, functions, util
from cStringIO import StringIO
from pymake.globrelative import hasglob, glob
_log = logging.getLogger('pymake.data')
_tabwidth = 4
class Location(object):
A location within a makefile.
For the moment, locations are just path/line/column, but in the future
they may reference parent locations for more accurate "included from"
or "evaled at" error reporting.
__slots__ = ('path', 'line', 'column')
def __init__(self, path, line, column):
self.path = path
self.line = line
self.column = column
def offset(self, s, start, end):
Returns a new location offset by
the specified string.
if start == end:
return self
skiplines = s.count('\n', start, end)
line = self.line + skiplines
if skiplines:
lastnl = s.rfind('\n', start, end)
assert lastnl != -1
start = lastnl + 1
column = 0
column = self.column
while True:
j = s.find('\t', start, end)
if j == -1:
column += end - start
column += j - start
column += _tabwidth
column -= column % _tabwidth
start = j + 1
return Location(self.path, line, column)
def __str__(self):
return "%s:%s:%s" % (self.path, self.line, self.column)
def _expandwildcards(makefile, tlist):
for t in tlist:
if not hasglob(t):
yield t
l = glob(makefile.workdir, t)
for r in l:
yield r
_flagescape = re.compile(r'([\s\\])')
def parsecommandlineargs(args):
Given a set of arguments from a command-line invocation of make,
parse out the variable definitions and return (stmts, arglist, overridestr)
overrides = []
stmts = StatementList()
r = []
for i in xrange(0, len(args)):
a = args[i]
vname, t, val = util.strpartition(a, ':=')
if t == '':
vname, t, val = util.strpartition(a, '=')
if t != '':
overrides.append(_flagescape.sub(r'\\\1', a))
vname = vname.strip()
vnameexp = data.Expansion.fromstring(vname, "Command-line argument")
stmts.append(ExportDirective(vnameexp, concurrent_set=True))
stmts.append(SetVariable(vnameexp, token=t,
value=val, valueloc=Location('<command-line>', i, len(vname) + len(t)),
targetexp=None, source=data.Variables.SOURCE_COMMANDLINE))
return stmts, r, ' '.join(overrides)
class Statement(object):
Represents parsed make file syntax.
This is an abstract base class. Child classes are expected to implement
basic methods defined below.
def execute(self, makefile, context):
"""Executes this Statement within a make file execution context."""
raise Exception("%s must implement execute()." % self.__class__)
def to_source(self):
"""Obtain the make file "source" representation of the Statement.
This converts an individual Statement back to a string that can again
be parsed into this Statement.
raise Exception("%s must implement to_source()." % self.__class__)
def __eq__(self, other):
raise Exception("%s must implement __eq__." % self.__class__)
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.__eq__(other)
class DummyRule(object):
__slots__ = ()
def addcommand(self, r):
class Rule(Statement):
Rules represent how to make specific targets.
See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Rules.
An individual rule is composed of a target, dependencies, and a recipe.
This class only contains references to the first 2. The recipe will be
contained in Command classes which follow this one in a stream of Statement
Instances also contain a boolean property `doublecolon` which says whether
this is a doublecolon rule. Doublecolon rules are rules that are always
executed, if they are evaluated. Normally, rules are only executed if their
target is out of date.
__slots__ = ('targetexp', 'depexp', 'doublecolon')
def __init__(self, targetexp, depexp, doublecolon):
assert isinstance(targetexp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
assert isinstance(depexp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.targetexp = targetexp
self.depexp = depexp
self.doublecolon = doublecolon
def execute(self, makefile, context):
if context.weak:
self._executeweak(makefile, context)
self._execute(makefile, context)
def _executeweak(self, makefile, context):
If the context is weak (we're just handling dependencies) we can make a number of assumptions here.
This lets us go really fast and is generally good.
assert context.weak
deps = self.depexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables)
# Skip targets with no rules and no dependencies
if not deps:
targets = data.stripdotslashes(self.targetexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables))
rule = data.Rule(list(data.stripdotslashes(deps)), self.doublecolon, loc=self.targetexp.loc, weakdeps=True)
for target in targets:
context.currule = rule
def _execute(self, makefile, context):
assert not context.weak
atargets = data.stripdotslashes(self.targetexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables))
targets = [data.Pattern(p) for p in _expandwildcards(makefile, atargets)]
if not len(targets):
context.currule = DummyRule()
ispatterns = set((t.ispattern() for t in targets))
if len(ispatterns) == 2:
raise data.DataError("Mixed implicit and normal rule", self.targetexp.loc)
ispattern, = ispatterns
deps = list(_expandwildcards(makefile, data.stripdotslashes(self.depexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables))))
if ispattern:
rule = data.PatternRule(targets, map(data.Pattern, deps), self.doublecolon, loc=self.targetexp.loc)
rule = data.Rule(deps, self.doublecolon, loc=self.targetexp.loc, weakdeps=False)
for t in targets:
context.currule = rule
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sRule %s: %s" % (indent, self.targetexp, self.depexp)
def to_source(self):
sep = ':'
if self.doublecolon:
sep = '::'
deps = self.depexp.to_source()
if len(deps) > 0 and not deps[0].isspace():
sep += ' '
return '\n%s%s%s' % (
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Rule):
return False
return self.targetexp == other.targetexp \
and self.depexp == other.depexp \
and self.doublecolon == other.doublecolon
class StaticPatternRule(Statement):
Static pattern rules are rules which specify multiple targets based on a
string pattern.
See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Static-Pattern
They are like `Rule` instances except an added property, `patternexp` is
present. It contains the Expansion which represents the rule pattern.
__slots__ = ('targetexp', 'patternexp', 'depexp', 'doublecolon')
def __init__(self, targetexp, patternexp, depexp, doublecolon):
assert isinstance(targetexp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
assert isinstance(patternexp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
assert isinstance(depexp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.targetexp = targetexp
self.patternexp = patternexp
self.depexp = depexp
self.doublecolon = doublecolon
def execute(self, makefile, context):
if context.weak:
raise data.DataError("Static pattern rules not allowed in includedeps", self.targetexp.loc)
targets = list(_expandwildcards(makefile, data.stripdotslashes(self.targetexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables))))
if not len(targets):
context.currule = DummyRule()
patterns = list(data.stripdotslashes(self.patternexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables)))
if len(patterns) != 1:
raise data.DataError("Static pattern rules must have a single pattern", self.patternexp.loc)
pattern = data.Pattern(patterns[0])
deps = [data.Pattern(p) for p in _expandwildcards(makefile, data.stripdotslashes(self.depexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables)))]
rule = data.PatternRule([pattern], deps, self.doublecolon, loc=self.targetexp.loc)
for t in targets:
if data.Pattern(t).ispattern():
raise data.DataError("Target '%s' of a static pattern rule must not be a pattern" % (t,), self.targetexp.loc)
stem = pattern.match(t)
if stem is None:
raise data.DataError("Target '%s' does not match the static pattern '%s'" % (t, pattern), self.targetexp.loc)
makefile.gettarget(t).addrule(data.PatternRuleInstance(rule, '', stem, pattern.ismatchany()))
context.currule = rule
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sStaticPatternRule %s: %s: %s" % (indent, self.targetexp, self.patternexp, self.depexp)
def to_source(self):
sep = ':'
if self.doublecolon:
sep = '::'
pattern = self.patternexp.to_source()
deps = self.depexp.to_source()
if len(pattern) > 0 and pattern[0] not in (' ', '\t'):
sep += ' '
return '\n%s%s%s:%s' % (
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, StaticPatternRule):
return False
return self.targetexp == other.targetexp \
and self.patternexp == other.patternexp \
and self.depexp == other.depexp \
and self.doublecolon == other.doublecolon
class Command(Statement):
Commands are things that get executed by a rule.
A rule's recipe is composed of 0 or more Commands.
A command is simply an expansion. Commands typically represent strings to
be executed in a shell (e.g. via system()). Although, since make files
allow arbitrary shells to be used for command execution, this isn't a
__slots__ = ('exp',)
def __init__(self, exp):
assert isinstance(exp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.exp = exp
def execute(self, makefile, context):
assert context.currule is not None
if context.weak:
raise data.DataError("rules not allowed in includedeps", self.exp.loc)
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sCommand %s" % (indent, self.exp,)
def to_source(self):
# Commands have some interesting quirks when it comes to source
# formatting. First, they can be multi-line. Second, a tab needs to be
# inserted at the beginning of every line. Finally, there might be
# variable references inside the command. This means we need to escape
# variable references inside command strings. Luckily, this is handled
# by the Expansion.
s = self.exp.to_source(escape_variables=True)
return '\n'.join(['\t%s' % line for line in s.split('\n')])
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Command):
return False
return self.exp == other.exp
class SetVariable(Statement):
Represents a variable assignment.
Variable assignment comes in two different flavors.
Simple assignment has the form:
<Expansion> <Assignment Token> <string>
e.g. FOO := bar
These correspond to the fields `vnameexp`, `token`, and `value`. In
addition, `valueloc` will be a Location and `source` will be a
pymake.data.Variables.SOURCE_* constant.
There are also target-specific variables. These are variables that only
apply in the context of a specific target. They are like the aforementioned
assignment except the `targetexp` field is set to an Expansion representing
the target they apply to.
__slots__ = ('vnameexp', 'token', 'value', 'valueloc', 'targetexp', 'source')
def __init__(self, vnameexp, token, value, valueloc, targetexp, source=None):
assert isinstance(vnameexp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
assert isinstance(value, str)
assert targetexp is None or isinstance(targetexp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
if source is None:
source = data.Variables.SOURCE_MAKEFILE
self.vnameexp = vnameexp
self.token = token
self.value = value
self.valueloc = valueloc
self.targetexp = targetexp
self.source = source
def execute(self, makefile, context):
vname = self.vnameexp.resolvestr(makefile, makefile.variables)
if len(vname) == 0:
raise data.DataError("Empty variable name", self.vnameexp.loc)
if self.targetexp is None:
setvariables = [makefile.variables]
setvariables = []
targets = [data.Pattern(t) for t in data.stripdotslashes(self.targetexp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables))]
for t in targets:
if t.ispattern():
for v in setvariables:
if self.token == '+=':
v.append(vname, self.source, self.value, makefile.variables, makefile)
if self.token == '?=':
flavor = data.Variables.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE
oldflavor, oldsource, oldval = v.get(vname, expand=False)
if oldval is not None:
value = self.value
elif self.token == '=':
flavor = data.Variables.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE
value = self.value
assert self.token == ':='
flavor = data.Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE
d = parser.Data.fromstring(self.value, self.valueloc)
e, t, o = parser.parsemakesyntax(d, 0, (), parser.iterdata)
value = e.resolvestr(makefile, makefile.variables)
v.set(vname, flavor, self.source, value)
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sSetVariable<%s> %s %s\n%s %r" % (indent, self.valueloc, self.vnameexp, self.token, indent, self.value)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SetVariable):
return False
return self.vnameexp == other.vnameexp \
and self.token == other.token \
and self.value == other.value \
and self.targetexp == other.targetexp \
and self.source == other.source
def to_source(self):
chars = []
for i in xrange(0, len(self.value)):
c = self.value[i]
# Literal # is escaped in variable assignment otherwise it would be
# a comment.
if c == '#':
# If a backslash precedes this, we need to escape it as well.
if i > 0 and self.value[i-1] == '\\':
value = ''.join(chars)
prefix = ''
if self.source == data.Variables.SOURCE_OVERRIDE:
prefix = 'override '
# SetVariable come in two flavors: simple and target-specific.
# We handle the target-specific syntax first.
if self.targetexp is not None:
return '%s: %s %s %s' % (
# The variable could be multi-line or have leading whitespace. For
# regular variable assignment, whitespace after the token but before
# the value is ignored. If we see leading whitespace in the value here,
# the variable must have come from a define.
if value.count('\n') > 0 or (len(value) and value[0].isspace()):
# The parser holds the token in vnameexp for whatever reason.
return '%sdefine %s\n%s\nendef' % (
return '%s%s %s %s' % (
class Condition(object):
An abstract "condition", either ifeq or ifdef, perhaps negated.
See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Conditional-Syntax
Subclasses must implement:
def evaluate(self, makefile)
def __eq__(self, other):
raise Exception("%s must implement __eq__." % __class__)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class EqCondition(Condition):
Represents an ifeq or ifneq conditional directive.
This directive consists of two Expansions which are compared for equality.
The `expected` field is a bool indicating what the condition must evaluate
to in order for its body to be executed. If True, this is an "ifeq"
conditional directive. If False, an "ifneq."
__slots__ = ('exp1', 'exp2', 'expected')
def __init__(self, exp1, exp2):
assert isinstance(exp1, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
assert isinstance(exp2, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.expected = True
self.exp1 = exp1
self.exp2 = exp2
def evaluate(self, makefile):
r1 = self.exp1.resolvestr(makefile, makefile.variables)
r2 = self.exp2.resolvestr(makefile, makefile.variables)
return (r1 == r2) == self.expected
def __str__(self):
return "ifeq (expected=%s) %s %s" % (self.expected, self.exp1, self.exp2)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, EqCondition):
return False
return self.exp1 == other.exp1 \
and self.exp2 == other.exp2 \
and self.expected == other.expected
class IfdefCondition(Condition):
Represents an ifdef or ifndef conditional directive.
This directive consists of a single expansion which represents the name of
a variable (without the leading '$') which will be checked for definition.
The `expected` field is a bool and has the same behavior as EqCondition.
If it is True, this represents a "ifdef" conditional. If False, "ifndef."
__slots__ = ('exp', 'expected')
def __init__(self, exp):
assert isinstance(exp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.exp = exp
self.expected = True
def evaluate(self, makefile):
vname = self.exp.resolvestr(makefile, makefile.variables)
flavor, source, value = makefile.variables.get(vname, expand=False)
if value is None:
return not self.expected
return (len(value) > 0) == self.expected
def __str__(self):
return "ifdef (expected=%s) %s" % (self.expected, self.exp)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, IfdefCondition):
return False
return self.exp == other.exp and self.expected == other.expected
class ElseCondition(Condition):
Represents the transition between branches in a ConditionBlock.
__slots__ = ()
def evaluate(self, makefile):
return True
def __str__(self):
return "else"
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, ElseCondition)
class ConditionBlock(Statement):
A set of related Conditions.
This is essentially a list of 2-tuples of (Condition, list(Statement)).
The parser creates a ConditionBlock for all statements related to the same
conditional group. If iterating over the parser's output, where you think
you would see an ifeq, you will see a ConditionBlock containing an IfEq. In
other words, the parser collapses separate statements into this container
ConditionBlock instances may exist within other ConditionBlock if the
conditional logic is multiple levels deep.
__slots__ = ('loc', '_groups')
def __init__(self, loc, condition):
self.loc = loc
self._groups = []
self.addcondition(loc, condition)
def getloc(self):
return self.loc
def addcondition(self, loc, condition):
assert isinstance(condition, Condition)
condition.loc = loc
if len(self._groups) and isinstance(self._groups[-1][0], ElseCondition):
raise parser.SyntaxError("Multiple else conditions for block starting at %s" % self.loc, loc)
self._groups.append((condition, StatementList()))
def append(self, statement):
def execute(self, makefile, context):
i = 0
for c, statements in self._groups:
if c.evaluate(makefile):
_log.debug("Condition at %s met by clause #%i", self.loc, i)
statements.execute(makefile, context)
i += 1
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sConditionBlock" % (indent,)
indent2 = indent + ' '
for c, statements in self._groups:
print >>fd, "%s Condition %s" % (indent, c)
statements.dump(fd, indent2)
print >>fd, "%s ~Condition" % (indent,)
print >>fd, "%s~ConditionBlock" % (indent,)
def to_source(self):
lines = []
index = 0
for condition, statements in self:
lines.append(ConditionBlock.condition_source(condition, index))
index += 1
for statement in statements:
return '\n'.join(lines)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ConditionBlock):
return False
if len(self) != len(other):
return False
for i in xrange(0, len(self)):
our_condition, our_statements = self[i]
other_condition, other_statements = other[i]
if our_condition != other_condition:
return False
if our_statements != other_statements:
return False
return True
def condition_source(statement, index):
"""Convert a condition to its source representation.
The index argument defines the index of this condition inside a
ConditionBlock. If it is greater than 0, an "else" will be prepended
to the result, if necessary.
prefix = ''
if isinstance(statement, (EqCondition, IfdefCondition)) and index > 0:
prefix = 'else '
if isinstance(statement, IfdefCondition):
s = statement.exp.s
if statement.expected:
return '%sifdef %s' % (prefix, s)
return '%sifndef %s' % (prefix, s)
if isinstance(statement, EqCondition):
args = [
use_quotes = False
single_quote_present = False
double_quote_present = False
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if len(arg) > 0 and (arg[0].isspace() or arg[-1].isspace()):
use_quotes = True
if "'" in arg:
single_quote_present = True
if '"' in arg:
double_quote_present = True
# Quote everything if needed.
if single_quote_present and double_quote_present:
raise Exception('Cannot format condition with multiple quotes.')
if use_quotes:
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
# Double to single quotes.
if single_quote_present:
args[i] = '"' + arg + '"'
args[i] = "'" + arg + "'"
body = None
if use_quotes:
body = ' '.join(args)
body = '(%s)' % ','.join(args)
if statement.expected:
return '%sifeq %s' % (prefix, body)
return '%sifneq %s' % (prefix, body)
if isinstance(statement, ElseCondition):
return 'else'
raise Exception('Unhandled Condition statement: %s' %
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._groups)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._groups)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self._groups[i]
class Include(Statement):
Represents the include directive.
See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Include
The file to be included is represented by the Expansion defined in the
field `exp`. `required` is a bool indicating whether execution should fail
if the specified file could not be processed.
__slots__ = ('exp', 'required', 'deps')
def __init__(self, exp, required, weak):
assert isinstance(exp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.exp = exp
self.required = required
self.weak = weak
def execute(self, makefile, context):
files = self.exp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables)
for f in files:
makefile.include(f, self.required, loc=self.exp.loc, weak=self.weak)
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sInclude %s" % (indent, self.exp)
def to_source(self):
prefix = ''
if not self.required:
prefix = '-'
return '%sinclude %s' % (prefix, self.exp.to_source())
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Include):
return False
return self.exp == other.exp and self.required == other.required
class VPathDirective(Statement):
Represents the vpath directive.
See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Selective-Search
__slots__ = ('exp',)
def __init__(self, exp):
assert isinstance(exp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.exp = exp
def execute(self, makefile, context):
words = list(data.stripdotslashes(self.exp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables)))
if len(words) == 0:
pattern = data.Pattern(words[0])
mpaths = words[1:]
if len(mpaths) == 0:
dirs = []
for mpath in mpaths:
dirs.extend((dir for dir in mpath.split(os.pathsep)
if dir != ''))
if len(dirs):
makefile.addvpath(pattern, dirs)
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sVPath %s" % (indent, self.exp)
def to_source(self):
return 'vpath %s' % self.exp.to_source()
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, VPathDirective):
return False
return self.exp == other.exp
class ExportDirective(Statement):
Represents the "export" directive.
This is used to control exporting variables to sub makes.
See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Variables_002fRecursion
The `concurrent_set` field defines whether this statement occurred with or
without a variable assignment. If False, no variable assignment was
present. If True, the SetVariable immediately following this statement
originally came from this export directive (the parser splits it into
multiple statements).
__slots__ = ('exp', 'concurrent_set')
def __init__(self, exp, concurrent_set):
assert isinstance(exp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.exp = exp
self.concurrent_set = concurrent_set
def execute(self, makefile, context):
if self.concurrent_set:
vlist = [self.exp.resolvestr(makefile, makefile.variables)]
vlist = list(self.exp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables))
if not len(vlist):
raise data.DataError("Exporting all variables is not supported", self.exp.loc)
for v in vlist:
makefile.exportedvars[v] = True
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sExport (single=%s) %s" % (indent, self.single, self.exp)
def to_source(self):
return ('export %s' % self.exp.to_source()).rstrip()
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, ExportDirective):
return False
# single is irrelevant because it just says whether the next Statement
# contains a variable definition.
return self.exp == other.exp
class UnexportDirective(Statement):
Represents the "unexport" directive.
This is the opposite of ExportDirective.
__slots__ = ('exp',)
def __init__(self, exp):
self.exp = exp
def execute(self, makefile, context):
vlist = list(self.exp.resolvesplit(makefile, makefile.variables))
for v in vlist:
makefile.exportedvars[v] = False
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sUnexport %s" % (indent, self.exp)
def to_source(self):
return 'unexport %s' % self.exp.to_source()
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, UnexportDirective):
return False
return self.exp == other.exp
class EmptyDirective(Statement):
Represents a standalone statement, usually an Expansion.
You will encounter EmptyDirective instances if there is a function
or similar at the top-level of a make file (e.g. outside of a rule or
variable assignment). You can also find them as the bodies of
ConditionBlock branches.
__slots__ = ('exp',)
def __init__(self, exp):
assert isinstance(exp, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.exp = exp
def execute(self, makefile, context):
v = self.exp.resolvestr(makefile, makefile.variables)
if v.strip() != '':
raise data.DataError("Line expands to non-empty value", self.exp.loc)
def dump(self, fd, indent):
print >>fd, "%sEmptyDirective: %s" % (indent, self.exp)
def to_source(self):
return self.exp.to_source()
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, EmptyDirective):
return False
return self.exp == other.exp
class _EvalContext(object):
__slots__ = ('currule', 'weak')
def __init__(self, weak):
self.weak = weak
class StatementList(list):
A list of Statement instances.
This is what is generated by the parser when a make file is parsed.
Consumers can iterate over all Statement instances in this collection to
statically inspect (and even modify) make files before they are executed.
__slots__ = ('mtime',)
def append(self, statement):
assert isinstance(statement, Statement)
list.append(self, statement)
def execute(self, makefile, context=None, weak=False):
if context is None:
context = _EvalContext(weak=weak)
for s in self:
s.execute(makefile, context)
def dump(self, fd, indent):
for s in self:
s.dump(fd, indent)
def __str__(self):
fd = StringIO()
self.dump(fd, '')
return fd.getvalue()
def to_source(self):
return '\n'.join([s.to_source() for s in self])
def iterstatements(stmts):
for s in stmts:
yield s
if isinstance(s, ConditionBlock):
for c, sl in s:
for s2 in iterstatments(sl): yield s2