Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

67 lines
2.5 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
// Check that custom highlighters can be retrieved by type and that they expose
// the expected API.
const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,custom highlighters";
add_task(function*() {
let {inspector, toolbox} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
yield onlyOneInstanceOfMainHighlighter(inspector);
yield manyInstancesOfCustomHighlighters(inspector);
yield showHideMethodsAreAvailable(inspector);
yield unknownHighlighterTypeShouldntBeAccepted(inspector);
function* onlyOneInstanceOfMainHighlighter({inspector}) {
info("Check that the inspector always sends back the same main highlighter");
let h1 = yield inspector.getHighlighter(false);
let h2 = yield inspector.getHighlighter(false);
is(h1, h2, "The same highlighter front was returned");
is(h1.typeName, "highlighter", "The right front type was returned");
function* manyInstancesOfCustomHighlighters({inspector}) {
let h1 = yield inspector.getHighlighterByType("BoxModelHighlighter");
let h2 = yield inspector.getHighlighterByType("BoxModelHighlighter");
ok(h1 !== h2, "getHighlighterByType returns new instances every time (1)");
let h3 = yield inspector.getHighlighterByType("CssTransformHighlighter");
let h4 = yield inspector.getHighlighterByType("CssTransformHighlighter");
ok(h3 !== h4, "getHighlighterByType returns new instances every time (2)");
ok(h3 !== h1 && h3 !== h2,
"getHighlighterByType returns new instances every time (3)");
ok(h4 !== h1 && h4 !== h2,
"getHighlighterByType returns new instances every time (4)");
yield h1.finalize();
yield h2.finalize();
yield h3.finalize();
yield h4.finalize();
function* showHideMethodsAreAvailable({inspector}) {
let h1 = yield inspector.getHighlighterByType("BoxModelHighlighter");
let h2 = yield inspector.getHighlighterByType("CssTransformHighlighter");
ok("show" in h1, "Show method is present on the front API");
ok("show" in h2, "Show method is present on the front API");
ok("hide" in h1, "Hide method is present on the front API");
ok("hide" in h2, "Hide method is present on the front API");
yield h1.finalize();
yield h2.finalize();
function* unknownHighlighterTypeShouldntBeAccepted({inspector}) {
let h = yield inspector.getHighlighterByType("whatever");
ok(!h, "No highlighter was returned for the invalid type");