Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

96 lines
3.9 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
// Test the creation of the geometry highlighter elements.
const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
"<span id='inline'></span>" +
"<div id='positioned' style='background:yellow;position:absolute;left:5rem;top:30px;right:300px;bottom:10em;'></div>" +
"<div id='sized' style='background:red;width:5em;height:50%;'></div>";
const ID = "geometry-editor-";
const SIDES = ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"];
const SIZES = ["width", "height"];
add_task(function*() {
let {inspector, testActor} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let front = inspector.inspector;
let highlighter = yield front.getHighlighterByType("GeometryEditorHighlighter");
yield hasArrowsAndLabels(highlighter, inspector, testActor);
yield isHiddenForNonPositionedNonSizedElement(highlighter, inspector, testActor);
yield sideArrowsAreDisplayedForPositionedNode(highlighter, inspector, testActor);
yield sizeLabelIsDisplayedForSizedNode(highlighter, inspector, testActor);
yield highlighter.finalize();
function* hasArrowsAndLabels(highlighterFront, inspector, testActor) {
info("Checking that the highlighter has the expected arrows and labels");
for (let name of [...SIDES]) {
let value = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "arrow-" + name, "class", highlighterFront);
is(value, ID + "arrow " + name, "The " + name + " arrow exists");
value = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "label-text-" + name, "class", highlighterFront);
is(value, ID + "label-text", "The " + name + " label exists");
let value = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "label-text-size", "class", highlighterFront);
is(value, ID + "label-text", "The size label exists");
function* isHiddenForNonPositionedNonSizedElement(highlighterFront, inspector, testActor) {
info("Asking to show the highlighter on an inline, non positioned element");
let node = yield getNodeFront("#inline", inspector);
yield highlighterFront.show(node);
for (let name of [...SIDES]) {
let hidden = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "arrow-" + name, "hidden", highlighterFront);
is(hidden, "true", "The " + name + " arrow is hidden");
let hidden = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "label-size", "hidden", highlighterFront);
is(hidden, "true", "The size label is hidden");
function* sideArrowsAreDisplayedForPositionedNode(highlighterFront, inspector, testActor) {
info("Asking to show the highlighter on the positioned node");
let node = yield getNodeFront("#positioned", inspector);
yield highlighterFront.show(node);
for (let name of SIDES) {
let hidden = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "arrow-" + name, "hidden", highlighterFront);
ok(!hidden, "The " + name + " arrow is visible for the positioned node");
let hidden = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "label-size", "hidden", highlighterFront);
is(hidden, "true", "The size label is hidden");
info("Hiding the highlighter");
yield highlighterFront.hide();
function* sizeLabelIsDisplayedForSizedNode(highlighterFront, inspector, testActor) {
info("Asking to show the highlighter on the sized node");
let node = yield getNodeFront("#sized", inspector);
yield highlighterFront.show(node);
let hidden = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "label-size", "hidden", highlighterFront);
ok(!hidden, "The size label is visible");
for (let name of SIDES) {
let hidden = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute(ID + "arrow-" + name, "hidden", highlighterFront);
is(hidden, "true", "The " + name + " arrow is hidden for the sized node");
info("Hiding the highlighter");
yield highlighterFront.hide();