Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

69 lines
2.4 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
// Test that the highlighter stays correctly positioned and has the right aspect
// ratio even when the page is zoomed in or out.
const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<div>zoom me</div>";
// TEST_LEVELS entries should contain the following properties:
// - level: the zoom level to test
// - expected: the style attribute value to check for on the root highlighter
// element.
const TEST_LEVELS = [{
level: 2,
expected: "position:absolute;transform-origin:top left;transform:scale(0.5);width:200%;height:200%;"
}, {
level: 1,
expected: "position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;"
}, {
level: .5,
expected: "position:absolute;transform-origin:top left;transform:scale(2);width:50%;height:50%;"
add_task(function*() {
let {inspector, testActor} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
info("Highlighting the test node");
yield hoverElement("div", inspector);
let isVisible = yield testActor.isHighlighting();
ok(isVisible, "The highlighter is visible");
for (let {level, expected} of TEST_LEVELS) {
info("Zoom to level " + level + " and check that the highlighter is correct");
yield testActor.zoomPageTo(level);
isVisible = yield testActor.isHighlighting();
ok(isVisible, "The highlighter is still visible at zoom level " + level);
yield testActor.isNodeCorrectlyHighlighted("div", is);
info("Check that the highlighter root wrapper node was scaled down");
let style = yield getRootNodeStyle(testActor);
is(style, expected, "The style attribute of the root element is correct");
function* hoverElement(selector, inspector) {
info("Hovering node " + selector + " in the markup view");
let container = yield getContainerForSelector(selector, inspector);
yield hoverContainer(container, inspector);
function* hoverContainer(container, inspector) {
let onHighlight = inspector.toolbox.once("node-highlight");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(container.tagLine, 2, 2, {type: "mousemove"},
yield onHighlight;
function* getRootNodeStyle(testActor) {
let value = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute("box-model-root", "style");
return value;