Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

76 lines
2.5 KiB

/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
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"use strict";
// Test that attribute items work in the context menu
const TEST_URL = TEST_URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_menu.html";
add_task(function* () {
let { inspector, toolbox, testActor } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
yield selectNode("#attributes", inspector);
yield testAddAttribute();
yield testEditAttribute();
yield testRemoveAttribute();
function* testAddAttribute() {
info("Testing 'Add Attribute' menu item");
let addAttribute = getMenuItem("node-menu-add-attribute");
info("Triggering 'Add Attribute' and waiting for mutation to occur");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey('class="u-hidden"', {});
let onMutation = inspector.once("markupmutation");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey('VK_RETURN', {});
yield onMutation;
let hasAttribute = testActor.hasNode("#attributes.u-hidden");
ok(hasAttribute, "attribute was successfully added");
function* testEditAttribute() {
info("Testing 'Edit Attribute' menu item");
let editAttribute = getMenuItem("node-menu-edit-attribute");
info("Triggering 'Edit Attribute' and waiting for mutation to occur");
inspector.nodeMenuTriggerInfo = {
type: "attribute",
name: "data-edit"
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("data-edit='edited'", {});
let onMutation = inspector.once("markupmutation");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey('VK_RETURN', {});
yield onMutation;
let isAttributeChanged =
yield testActor.hasNode("#attributes[data-edit='edited']");
ok(isAttributeChanged, "attribute was successfully edited");
function* testRemoveAttribute() {
info("Testing 'Remove Attribute' menu item");
let removeAttribute = getMenuItem("node-menu-remove-attribute");
info("Triggering 'Remove Attribute' and waiting for mutation to occur");
inspector.nodeMenuTriggerInfo = {
type: "attribute",
name: "data-remove"
let onMutation = inspector.once("markupmutation");
yield onMutation;
let hasAttribute = yield testActor.hasNode("#attributes[data-remove]")
ok(!hasAttribute, "attribute was successfully removed");
function getMenuItem(id) {
let attribute = inspector.panelDoc.getElementById(id);
ok(attribute, "Menu item '" + id + "' found");
return attribute;