Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

54 lines
2.1 KiB

"use strict";
let tab;
let notification;
let notificationURL = "http://example.org/browser/browser/base/content/test/alerts/file_dom_notifications.html";
add_task(function* test_notificationClose() {
let pm = Services.perms;
pm.add(makeURI(notificationURL), "desktop-notification", pm.ALLOW_ACTION);
yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({
url: notificationURL
}, function* dummyTabTask(aBrowser) {
let win = aBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
notification = win.showNotification2();
yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(notification, "show");
info("Notification alert showing");
let alertWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("alert:alert");
if (!alertWindow) {
ok(true, "Notifications don't use XUL windows on all platforms.");
let alertTitleLabel = alertWindow.document.getElementById("alertTitleLabel");
is(alertTitleLabel.value, "Test title", "Title text of notification should be present");
let alertTextLabel = alertWindow.document.getElementById("alertTextLabel");
is(alertTextLabel.textContent, "Test body", "Body text of notification should be present");
let alertCloseButton = alertWindow.document.querySelector(".alertCloseButton");
is(alertCloseButton.localName, "toolbarbutton", "close button found");
let promiseBeforeUnloadEvent =
BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(alertWindow, "beforeunload");
let closedTime = alertWindow.Date.now();
info("Clicked on close button");
let beforeUnloadEvent = yield promiseBeforeUnloadEvent;
ok(true, "Alert should close when the close button is clicked");
let currentTime = alertWindow.Date.now();
// The notification will self-close at 12 seconds, so this checks
// that the notification closed before the timeout.
ok(currentTime - closedTime < 5000,
"Close requested at " + closedTime + ", actually closed at " + currentTime);
add_task(function* cleanup() {
Services.perms.remove(makeURI(notificationURL), "desktop-notification");