Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

214 lines
7.4 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
var originalPolicy = null;
* Display a datareporting notification to the user.
* @param {String} name
function sendNotifyRequest(name) {
let ns = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/services/datareporting/policy.jsm", ns);
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm", ns);
let service = Cc["@mozilla.org/datareporting/service;1"]
ok(service.healthReporter, "Health Reporter instance is available.");
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", ns);
let deferred = ns.Promise.defer();
if (!originalPolicy) {
originalPolicy = service.policy;
let policyPrefs = new ns.Preferences("testing." + name + ".");
ok(service._prefs, "Health Reporter prefs are available.");
let hrPrefs = service._prefs;
let policy = new ns.DataReportingPolicy(policyPrefs, hrPrefs, service);
policy.dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification = false;
service.policy = policy;
policy.firstRunDate = new Date(Date.now() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
service.healthReporter.onInit().then(function onSuccess () {
is(policy.ensureUserNotified(), false, "User not notified about data policy on init.");
ok(policy._userNotifyPromise, "_userNotifyPromise defined.");
}.bind(this), deferred.reject.bind(deferred));
return [policy, deferred.promise];
var dumpAppender, rootLogger;
function test() {
let ns = {};
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm", ns);
rootLogger = ns.Log.repository.rootLogger;
dumpAppender = new ns.Log.DumpAppender();
dumpAppender.level = ns.Log.Level.All;
closeAllNotifications().then(function onSuccess () {
let notification = document.getElementById("global-notificationbox");
notification.addEventListener("AlertActive", function active() {
notification.removeEventListener("AlertActive", active, true);
is(notification.allNotifications.length, 1, "Notification Displayed.");
executeSoon(function afterNotification() {
waitForNotificationClose(notification.currentNotification, function onClose() {
is(notification.allNotifications.length, 0, "No notifications remain.");
is(policy.dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion, 1, "Version pref set.");
ok(policy.dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedDate.getTime() > -1, "Date pref set.");
}, true);
let [policy, promise] = sendNotifyRequest("single_window_notified");
is(policy.dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion, 0, "No version should be set on init.");
is(policy.dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedDate.getTime(), 0, "No date should be set on init.");
is(policy.userNotifiedOfCurrentPolicy, false, "User not notified about datareporting policy.");
promise.then(function () {
is(policy.dataSubmissionPolicyAcceptedVersion, 1, "Policy version set.");
is(policy.dataSubmissionPolicyNotifiedDate.getTime() > 0, true, "Policy date set.");
is(policy.userNotifiedOfCurrentPolicy, true, "User notified about datareporting policy.");
}.bind(this), function (err) {
throw err;
}.bind(this), function onError (err) {
throw err;
function test_multiple_windows() {
// Ensure we see the notification on all windows and that action on one window
// results in dismiss on every window.
let window2 = OpenBrowserWindow();
whenDelayedStartupFinished(window2, function onWindow() {
let notification1 = document.getElementById("global-notificationbox");
let notification2 = window2.document.getElementById("global-notificationbox");
ok(notification2, "2nd window has a global notification box.");
let [policy, promise] = sendNotifyRequest("multiple_window_behavior");
let displayCount = 0;
let prefWindowOpened = false;
let mutationObserversRemoved = false;
function onAlertDisplayed() {
if (displayCount != 2) {
ok(true, "Data reporting info bar displayed on all open windows.");
// We register two independent observers and we need both to clean up
// properly. This handles gating for test completion.
function maybeFinish() {
if (!prefWindowOpened) {
dump("Not finishing test yet because pref pane hasn't yet appeared.\n");
if (!mutationObserversRemoved) {
dump("Not finishing test yet because mutation observers haven't been removed yet.\n");
dump("Finishing multiple window test.\n");
dumpAppender = null;
rootLogger = null;
let closeCount = 0;
function onAlertClose() {
if (closeCount != 2) {
ok(true, "Closing info bar on one window closed them on all.");
is(policy.userNotifiedOfCurrentPolicy, true, "Data submission policy accepted.");
is(notification1.allNotifications.length, 0, "No notifications remain on main window.");
is(notification2.allNotifications.length, 0, "No notifications remain on 2nd window.");
mutationObserversRemoved = true;
waitForNotificationClose(notification1.currentNotification, onAlertClose);
waitForNotificationClose(notification2.currentNotification, onAlertClose);
// While we're here, we dual purpose this test to check that pressing the
// button does the right thing.
let buttons = notification2.currentNotification.getElementsByTagName("button");
is(buttons.length, 1, "There is 1 button in the data reporting notification.");
let button = buttons[0];
// Add an observer to ensure the "advanced" pane opened (but don't bother
// closing it - we close the entire window when done.)
Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(prefWin, topic, data) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "advanced-pane-loaded");
ok(true, "Advanced preferences opened on info bar button press.");
executeSoon(function soon() {
prefWindowOpened = true;
}, "advanced-pane-loaded", false);
notification1.addEventListener("AlertActive", function active1() {
notification1.removeEventListener("AlertActive", active1, true);
}, true);
notification2.addEventListener("AlertActive", function active2() {
notification2.removeEventListener("AlertActive", active2, true);
}, true);
promise.then(null, function onError(err) {
throw err;
function cleanup () {
// In case some test fails.
if (originalPolicy) {
let service = Cc["@mozilla.org/datareporting/service;1"]
service.policy = originalPolicy;
return closeAllNotifications();