Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

182 lines
6.0 KiB

"use strict";
const SUGGEST_URLBAR_PREF = "browser.urlbar.suggest.searches";
const TEST_ENGINE_BASENAME = "searchSuggestionEngine.xml";
// Must run first.
add_task(function* prepare() {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(SUGGEST_URLBAR_PREF, true);
let engine = yield promiseNewSearchEngine(TEST_ENGINE_BASENAME);
let oldCurrentEngine = Services.search.currentEngine;
Services.search.currentEngine = engine;
registerCleanupFunction(function* () {
Services.search.currentEngine = oldCurrentEngine;
// Clicking urlbar results causes visits to their associated pages, so clear
// that history now.
yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
// Make sure the popup is closed for the next test.
Assert.ok(!gURLBar.popup.popupOpen, "popup should be closed");
add_task(function* heuristicResult() {
yield compareCounts(function* () {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
yield promiseAutocompleteResultPopup("heuristicResult");
let action = getActionAtIndex(0);
Assert.ok(!!action, "there should be an action at index 0");
Assert.equal(action.type, "searchengine", "type should be searchengine");
let item = gURLBar.popup.richlistbox.getItemAtIndex(0);
let loadPromise = promiseTabLoaded(gBrowser.selectedTab);
yield loadPromise;
add_task(function* searchSuggestion() {
yield compareCounts(function* () {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
yield promiseAutocompleteResultPopup("searchSuggestion");
let idx = getFirstSuggestionIndex();
Assert.ok(idx >= 0, "there should be a first suggestion");
let item = gURLBar.popup.richlistbox.getItemAtIndex(idx);
let loadPromise = promiseTabLoaded(gBrowser.selectedTab);
yield loadPromise;
* This does three things: gets current telemetry/FHR counts, calls
* clickCallback, gets telemetry/FHR counts again to compare them to the old
* counts.
* @param clickCallback Use this to open the urlbar popup and choose and click a
* result.
function* compareCounts(clickCallback) {
// Search events triggered by clicks (not the Return key in the urlbar) are
// recorded in three places:
// * BrowserUITelemetry
// * Telemetry histogram named "SEARCH_COUNTS"
// * FHR
let engine = Services.search.currentEngine;
let engineID = "org.mozilla.testsearchsuggestions";
// First, get the current counts.
// BrowserUITelemetry
let uiTelemCount = 0;
let bucket = BrowserUITelemetry.currentBucket;
let events = BrowserUITelemetry.getToolbarMeasures().countableEvents;
if (events[bucket] &&
events[bucket].search &&
events[bucket].search.urlbar) {
uiTelemCount = events[bucket].search.urlbar;
// telemetry histogram SEARCH_COUNTS
let histogramCount = 0;
let histogramKey = engineID + ".urlbar";
let histogram;
try {
histogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("SEARCH_COUNTS");
} catch (ex) {
// No searches performed yet, not a problem.
if (histogram) {
let snapshot = histogram.snapshot();
if (histogramKey in snapshot) {
histogramCount = snapshot[histogramKey].sum;
// FHR -- first make sure the engine has an identifier so that FHR is happy.
Object.defineProperty(engine.wrappedJSObject, "identifier",
{ value: engineID });
let fhrCount = yield getNumberOfSearchesInFHR(engine.name, "urlbar");
yield clickCallback();
// Now get the new counts and compare them to the old.
// BrowserUITelemetry
events = BrowserUITelemetry.getToolbarMeasures().countableEvents;
Assert.ok(bucket in events, "bucket should be recorded");
events = events[bucket];
Assert.ok("search" in events, "search should be recorded");
events = events.search;
Assert.ok("urlbar" in events, "urlbar should be recorded");
Assert.equal(events.urlbar, uiTelemCount + 1,
"clicked suggestion should be recorded");
// telemetry histogram SEARCH_COUNTS
histogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("SEARCH_COUNTS");
let snapshot = histogram.snapshot();
Assert.ok(histogramKey in snapshot, "histogram with key should be recorded");
Assert.equal(snapshot[histogramKey].sum, histogramCount + 1,
"histogram sum should be incremented");
// FHR
let newFHRCount = yield getNumberOfSearchesInFHR(engine.name, "urlbar");
Assert.equal(newFHRCount, fhrCount + 1, "should be recorded in FHR");
* Returns the "action" object at the given index in the urlbar results:
* { type, params: {}}
* @param index The index in the urlbar results.
* @return An action object, or null if index >= number of results.
function getActionAtIndex(index) {
let controller = gURLBar.popup.input.controller;
if (controller.matchCount <= index) {
return null;
let url = controller.getValueAt(index);
let mozActionMatch = url.match(/^moz-action:([^,]+),(.*)$/);
if (!mozActionMatch) {
let msg = "result at index " + index + " is not a moz-action: " + url;
Assert.ok(false, msg);
throw new Error(msg);
let [, type, paramStr] = mozActionMatch;
return {
type: type,
params: JSON.parse(paramStr),
* Returns the index of the first search suggestion in the urlbar results.
* @return An index, or -1 if there are no search suggestions.
function getFirstSuggestionIndex() {
let controller = gURLBar.popup.input.controller;
let matchCount = controller.matchCount;
for (let i = 0; i < matchCount; i++) {
let url = controller.getValueAt(i);
let mozActionMatch = url.match(/^moz-action:([^,]+),(.*)$/);
if (mozActionMatch) {
let [, type, paramStr] = mozActionMatch;
let params = JSON.parse(paramStr);
if (type == "searchengine" && "searchSuggestion" in params) {
return i;
return -1;