Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

361 lines
15 KiB

var gTestRoot = getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace("chrome://mochitests/content/", "");
var gTestBrowser = null;
var gPluginHost = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPluginHost);
function updateAllTestPlugins(aState) {
setTestPluginEnabledState(aState, "Test Plug-in");
setTestPluginEnabledState(aState, "Second Test Plug-in");
add_task(function* () {
registerCleanupFunction(Task.async(function*() {
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockNoPlugins.xml", gTestBrowser);
gTestBrowser = null;
add_task(function* () {
gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
gTestBrowser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.blocklist.suppressUI", true);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("plugins.click_to_play", true);
// Prime the content process
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, "data:text/html,<html>hi</html>");
// Make sure the blocklist service(s) are running
let exmsg = yield promiseInitContentBlocklistSvc(gBrowser.selectedBrowser);
ok(!exmsg, "exception: " + exmsg);
add_task(function* () {
// enable hard blocklisting for the next test
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockPluginHard.xml", gTestBrowser);
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
yield promisePopupNotification("click-to-play-plugins");
let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins");
ok(notification.dismissed, "Test 5: The plugin notification should be dismissed by default");
yield promiseForNotificationShown(notification);
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_BLOCKLISTED, "Test 5, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_BLOCKLISTED");
is(notification.options.pluginData.size, 1, "Test 5: Only the blocked plugin should be present in the notification");
ok(PopupNotifications.panel.firstChild._buttonContainer.hidden, "Part 5: The blocked plugins notification should not have any buttons visible.");
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockNoPlugins.xml", gTestBrowser);
// Tests a vulnerable, updatable plugin
add_task(function* () {
// enable hard blocklisting of test
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockPluginVulnerableUpdatable.xml", gTestBrowser);
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
yield promisePopupNotification("click-to-play-plugins");
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE,
"Test 18a, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE");
ok(!pluginInfo.activated, "Test 18a, Plugin should not be activated");
let result = yield ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let plugin = content.document.getElementById("test");
let doc = content.document;
let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "main");
return overlay && overlay.classList.contains("visible");
ok(result, "Test 18a, Plugin overlay should exist, not be hidden");
result = yield ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let doc = content.document;
let plugin = doc.getElementById("test");
let updateLink = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "checkForUpdatesLink");
return updateLink.style.visibility != "hidden";
ok(result, "Test 18a, Plugin should have an update link");
let promise = waitForEvent(gBrowser.tabContainer, "TabOpen", null, true);
let pluginUpdateURL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("plugins.update.url");
yield ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let doc = content.document;
let plugin = doc.getElementById("test");
let updateLink = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "checkForUpdatesLink");
let bounds = updateLink.getBoundingClientRect();
let left = (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2;
let top = (bounds.top + bounds.bottom) / 2;
let utils = content.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
utils.sendMouseEvent("mousedown", left, top, 0, 1, 0, false, 0, 0);
utils.sendMouseEvent("mouseup", left, top, 0, 1, 0, false, 0, 0);
yield promise;
promise = waitForEvent(gBrowser.tabContainer, "TabClose", null, true);
yield promise;
add_task(function* () {
// clicking the update link should not activate the plugin
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE,
"Test 18a, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE");
ok(!pluginInfo.activated, "Test 18b, Plugin should not be activated");
let result = yield ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let doc = content.document;
let plugin = doc.getElementById("test");
let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "main");
return overlay && overlay.classList.contains("visible");
ok(result, "Test 18b, Plugin overlay should exist, not be hidden");
// Tests a vulnerable plugin with no update
add_task(function* () {
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockPluginVulnerableNoUpdate.xml", gTestBrowser);
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", gTestBrowser);
ok(notification, "Test 18c, Should have a click-to-play notification");
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE,
"Test 18c, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE");
ok(!pluginInfo.activated, "Test 18c, Plugin should not be activated");
let result = yield ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let doc = content.document;
let plugin = doc.getElementById("test");
let overlay = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "main");
return overlay && overlay.classList.contains("visible");
ok(result, "Test 18c, Plugin overlay should exist, not be hidden");
result = yield ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let doc = content.document;
let plugin = doc.getElementById("test");
let updateLink = doc.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(plugin, "anonid", "checkForUpdatesLink");
return updateLink && updateLink.style.display != "block";
ok(result, "Test 18c, Plugin should not have an update link");
// check that click "Always allow" works with blocked plugins
yield promiseForNotificationShown(notification);
pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE,
"Test 18c, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE");
ok(pluginInfo.activated, "Test 18c, Plugin should be activated");
let enabledState = getTestPluginEnabledState();
ok(enabledState, "Test 18c, Plugin enabled state should be STATE_CLICKTOPLAY");
// continue testing "Always allow", make sure it sticks.
add_task(function* () {
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
ok(pluginInfo.activated, "Test 18d, Waited too long for plugin to activate");
// clicking the in-content overlay of a vulnerable plugin should bring
// up the notification and not directly activate the plugin
add_task(function* () {
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", gTestBrowser);
ok(notification, "Test 18f, Should have a click-to-play notification");
ok(notification.dismissed, "Test 18f, notification should start dismissed");
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
ok(!pluginInfo.activated, "Test 18f, Waited too long for plugin to activate");
var oldEventCallback = notification.options.eventCallback;
let promise = promiseForCondition(() => oldEventCallback == null);
notification.options.eventCallback = function() {
if (oldEventCallback) {
oldEventCallback = null;
yield ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let doc = content.document;
let plugin = doc.getElementById("test");
let bounds = plugin.getBoundingClientRect();
let left = (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2;
let top = (bounds.top + bounds.bottom) / 2;
let utils = content.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
utils.sendMouseEvent("mousedown", left, top, 0, 1, 0, false, 0, 0);
utils.sendMouseEvent("mouseup", left, top, 0, 1, 0, false, 0, 0);
yield promise;
ok(notification, "Test 18g, Should have a click-to-play notification");
ok(!notification.dismissed, "Test 18g, notification should be open");
pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
ok(!pluginInfo.activated, "Test 18g, Plugin should not be activated");
// Test that "always allow"-ing a plugin will not allow it when it becomes
// blocklisted.
add_task(function* () {
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockNoPlugins.xml", gTestBrowser);
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", gTestBrowser);
ok(notification, "Test 24a, Should have a click-to-play notification");
// Plugin should start as CTP
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY,
"Test 24a, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_CLICK_TO_PLAY");
ok(!pluginInfo.activated, "Test 24a, Plugin should not be active.");
// simulate "always allow"
yield promiseForNotificationShown(notification);
pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
ok(pluginInfo.activated, "Test 24a, Plugin should be active.");
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockPluginVulnerableUpdatable.xml", gTestBrowser);
// the plugin is now blocklisted, so it should not automatically load
add_task(function* () {
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins", gTestBrowser);
ok(notification, "Test 24b, Should have a click-to-play notification");
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE,
"Test 24b, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_VULNERABLE_UPDATABLE");
ok(!pluginInfo.activated, "Test 24b, Plugin should not be active.");
// simulate "always allow"
yield promiseForNotificationShown(notification);
pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
ok(pluginInfo.activated, "Test 24b, Plugin should be active.");
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockNoPlugins.xml", gTestBrowser);
// Plugin sync removal test. Note this test produces a notification drop down since
// the plugin we add has zero dims.
add_task(function* () {
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_syncRemoved.html");
// Maybe there some better trick here, we need to wait for the page load, then
// wait for the js to execute in the page.
yield waitForMs(500);
let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins");
ok(notification, "Test 25: There should be a plugin notification even if the plugin was immediately removed");
ok(notification.dismissed, "Test 25: The notification should be dismissed by default");
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, "data:text/html,<html>hi</html>");
// Tests a page with a blocked plugin in it and make sure the infoURL property
// the blocklist file gets used.
add_task(function* () {
yield asyncSetAndUpdateBlocklist(gTestRoot + "blockPluginInfoURL.xml", gTestBrowser);
yield promiseTabLoadEvent(gBrowser.selectedTab, gTestRoot + "plugin_test.html");
// Work around for delayed PluginBindingAttached
yield promiseUpdatePluginBindings(gTestBrowser);
let notification = PopupNotifications.getNotification("click-to-play-plugins");
// Since the plugin notification is dismissed by default, reshow it.
yield promiseForNotificationShown(notification);
let pluginInfo = yield promiseForPluginInfo("test");
is(pluginInfo.pluginFallbackType, Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent.PLUGIN_BLOCKLISTED,
"Test 26, plugin fallback type should be PLUGIN_BLOCKLISTED");
let result = ContentTask.spawn(gTestBrowser, {}, function* () {
let plugin = content.document.getElementById("test");
let objLoadingContent = plugin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent);
return objLoadingContent.activated;
ok(result, "Plugin should be activated.");
const testUrl = "http://test.url.com/";
let firstPanelChild = PopupNotifications.panel.firstChild;
let infoLink = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(firstPanelChild, "anonid",
is(infoLink.href, testUrl,
"Test 26, the notification URL needs to match the infoURL from the blocklist file.");