Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

423 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/common_types.h"
#include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/inter_arrival.h"
namespace webrtc {
namespace testing {
enum {
kTimestampGroupLengthUs = 5000,
kMinStep = 20,
kTriggerNewGroupUs = kTimestampGroupLengthUs + kMinStep,
kBurstThresholdMs = 5,
kAbsSendTimeFraction = 18,
kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift = 8,
kInterArrivalShift = kAbsSendTimeFraction + kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift,
const double kRtpTimestampToMs = 1.0 / 90.0;
const double kAstToMs = 1000.0 / static_cast<double>(1 << kInterArrivalShift);
class InterArrivalTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
inter_arrival_rtp_.reset(new InterArrival(
inter_arrival_ast_.reset(new InterArrival(
// Test that neither inter_arrival instance complete the timestamp group from
// the given data.
void ExpectFalse(int64_t timestamp_us, int64_t arrival_time_ms,
size_t packet_size) {
MakeRtpTimestamp(timestamp_us), arrival_time_ms,
InternalExpectFalse(inter_arrival_ast_.get(), MakeAbsSendTime(timestamp_us),
arrival_time_ms, packet_size);
// Test that both inter_arrival instances complete the timestamp group from
// the given data and that all returned deltas are as expected (except
// timestamp delta, which is rounded from us to different ranges and must
// match within an interval, given in |timestamp_near].
void ExpectTrue(int64_t timestamp_us, int64_t arrival_time_ms,
size_t packet_size, int64_t expected_timestamp_delta_us,
int64_t expected_arrival_time_delta_ms,
int expected_packet_size_delta,
uint32_t timestamp_near) {
InternalExpectTrue(inter_arrival_rtp_.get(), MakeRtpTimestamp(timestamp_us),
arrival_time_ms, packet_size,
expected_packet_size_delta, timestamp_near);
InternalExpectTrue(inter_arrival_ast_.get(), MakeAbsSendTime(timestamp_us),
arrival_time_ms, packet_size,
expected_packet_size_delta, timestamp_near << 8);
void WrapTestHelper(int64_t wrap_start_us, uint32_t timestamp_near,
bool unorderly_within_group) {
// Step through the range of a 32 bit int, 1/4 at a time to not cause
// packets close to wraparound to be judged as out of order.
// G1
int64_t arrival_time = 17;
ExpectFalse(0, arrival_time, 1);
// G2
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectFalse(wrap_start_us / 4, arrival_time, 1);
// G3
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectTrue(wrap_start_us / 2, arrival_time, 1,
wrap_start_us / 4, 6, 0, // Delta G2-G1
// G4
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
int64_t g4_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectTrue(wrap_start_us / 2 + wrap_start_us / 4, arrival_time, 1,
wrap_start_us / 4, 6, 0, // Delta G3-G2
// G5
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectTrue(wrap_start_us, arrival_time, 2,
wrap_start_us / 4, 6, 0, // Delta G4-G3
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// Slowly step across the wrap point.
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
if (unorderly_within_group) {
// These packets arrive with timestamps in decreasing order but are
// nevertheless accumulated to group because their timestamps are higher
// than the initial timestamp of the group.
ExpectFalse(wrap_start_us + kMinStep * (9 - i), arrival_time, 1);
} else {
ExpectFalse(wrap_start_us + kMinStep * i, arrival_time, 1);
int64_t g5_arrival_time = arrival_time;
// This packet is out of order and should be dropped.
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectFalse(wrap_start_us - 100, arrival_time, 100);
// G6
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
int64_t g6_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectTrue(wrap_start_us + kTriggerNewGroupUs, arrival_time, 10,
wrap_start_us / 4 + 9 * kMinStep,
g5_arrival_time - g4_arrival_time,
(2 + 10) - 1, // Delta G5-G4
// This packet is out of order and should be dropped.
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectFalse(wrap_start_us + kTimestampGroupLengthUs, arrival_time, 100);
// G7
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectTrue(wrap_start_us + 2 * kTriggerNewGroupUs,
arrival_time, 100,
// Delta G6-G5
kTriggerNewGroupUs - 9 * kMinStep,
g6_arrival_time - g5_arrival_time,
10 - (2 + 10),
static uint32_t MakeRtpTimestamp(int64_t us) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<uint64_t>(us * 90 + 500) / 1000);
static uint32_t MakeAbsSendTime(int64_t us) {
uint32_t absolute_send_time = static_cast<uint32_t>(
((static_cast<uint64_t>(us) << 18) + 500000) / 1000000) & 0x00FFFFFFul;
return absolute_send_time << 8;
static void InternalExpectFalse(InterArrival* inter_arrival,
uint32_t timestamp, int64_t arrival_time_ms,
size_t packet_size) {
uint32_t dummy_timestamp = 101;
int64_t dummy_arrival_time_ms = 303;
int dummy_packet_size = 909;
bool computed = inter_arrival->ComputeDeltas(timestamp,
EXPECT_EQ(computed, false);
EXPECT_EQ(101ul, dummy_timestamp);
EXPECT_EQ(303, dummy_arrival_time_ms);
EXPECT_EQ(909, dummy_packet_size);
static void InternalExpectTrue(InterArrival* inter_arrival,
uint32_t timestamp, int64_t arrival_time_ms,
size_t packet_size,
uint32_t expected_timestamp_delta,
int64_t expected_arrival_time_delta_ms,
int expected_packet_size_delta,
uint32_t timestamp_near) {
uint32_t delta_timestamp = 101;
int64_t delta_arrival_time_ms = 303;
int delta_packet_size = 909;
bool computed = inter_arrival->ComputeDeltas(timestamp,
EXPECT_EQ(true, computed);
EXPECT_NEAR(expected_timestamp_delta, delta_timestamp, timestamp_near);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_arrival_time_delta_ms, delta_arrival_time_ms);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_packet_size_delta, delta_packet_size);
rtc::scoped_ptr<InterArrival> inter_arrival_rtp_;
rtc::scoped_ptr<InterArrival> inter_arrival_ast_;
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, FirstPacket) {
ExpectFalse(0, 17, 1);
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, FirstGroup) {
// G1
int64_t arrival_time = 17;
int64_t g1_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectFalse(0, arrival_time, 1);
// G2
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
int64_t g2_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectFalse(kTriggerNewGroupUs, arrival_time, 2);
// G3
// Only once the first packet of the third group arrives, do we see the deltas
// between the first two.
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectTrue(2 * kTriggerNewGroupUs, arrival_time, 1,
// Delta G2-G1
kTriggerNewGroupUs, g2_arrival_time - g1_arrival_time, 1,
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, SecondGroup) {
// G1
int64_t arrival_time = 17;
int64_t g1_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectFalse(0, arrival_time, 1);
// G2
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
int64_t g2_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectFalse(kTriggerNewGroupUs, arrival_time, 2);
// G3
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
int64_t g3_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectTrue(2 * kTriggerNewGroupUs, arrival_time, 1,
// Delta G2-G1
kTriggerNewGroupUs, g2_arrival_time - g1_arrival_time, 1,
// G4
// First packet of 4th group yields deltas between group 2 and 3.
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectTrue(3 * kTriggerNewGroupUs, arrival_time, 2,
// Delta G3-G2
kTriggerNewGroupUs, g3_arrival_time - g2_arrival_time, -1,
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, AccumulatedGroup) {
// G1
int64_t arrival_time = 17;
int64_t g1_arrival_time = arrival_time;
ExpectFalse(0, arrival_time, 1);
// G2
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectFalse(kTriggerNewGroupUs, 28, 2);
int64_t timestamp = kTriggerNewGroupUs;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// A bunch of packets arriving within the same group.
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
timestamp += kMinStep;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 1);
int64_t g2_arrival_time = arrival_time;
int64_t g2_timestamp = timestamp;
// G3
arrival_time = 500;
ExpectTrue(2 * kTriggerNewGroupUs, arrival_time, 100,
g2_timestamp, g2_arrival_time - g1_arrival_time,
(2 + 10) - 1, // Delta G2-G1
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, OutOfOrderPacket) {
// G1
int64_t arrival_time = 17;
int64_t timestamp = 0;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 1);
int64_t g1_timestamp = timestamp;
int64_t g1_arrival_time = arrival_time;
// G2
arrival_time += 11;
timestamp += kTriggerNewGroupUs;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, 28, 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
timestamp += kMinStep;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 1);
int64_t g2_timestamp = timestamp;
int64_t g2_arrival_time = arrival_time;
// This packet is out of order and should be dropped.
arrival_time = 281;
ExpectFalse(g1_timestamp, arrival_time, 100);
// G3
arrival_time = 500;
timestamp = 2 * kTriggerNewGroupUs;
ExpectTrue(timestamp, arrival_time, 100,
// Delta G2-G1
g2_timestamp - g1_timestamp, g2_arrival_time - g1_arrival_time,
(2 + 10) - 1,
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, OutOfOrderWithinGroup) {
// G1
int64_t arrival_time = 17;
int64_t timestamp = 0;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 1);
int64_t g1_timestamp = timestamp;
int64_t g1_arrival_time = arrival_time;
// G2
timestamp += kTriggerNewGroupUs;
arrival_time += 11;
ExpectFalse(kTriggerNewGroupUs, 28, 2);
timestamp += 10 * kMinStep;
int64_t g2_timestamp = timestamp;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// These packets arrive with timestamps in decreasing order but are
// nevertheless accumulated to group because their timestamps are higher
// than the initial timestamp of the group.
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 1);
timestamp -= kMinStep;
int64_t g2_arrival_time = arrival_time;
// However, this packet is deemed out of order and should be dropped.
arrival_time = 281;
timestamp = g1_timestamp;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 100);
// G3
timestamp = 2 * kTriggerNewGroupUs;
arrival_time = 500;
ExpectTrue(timestamp, arrival_time, 100,
g2_timestamp - g1_timestamp, g2_arrival_time - g1_arrival_time,
(2 + 10) - 1,
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, TwoBursts) {
// G1
int64_t g1_arrival_time = 17;
ExpectFalse(0, g1_arrival_time, 1);
// G2
int64_t timestamp = kTriggerNewGroupUs;
int64_t arrival_time = 100; // Simulate no packets arriving for 100 ms.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// A bunch of packets arriving in one burst (within 5 ms apart).
timestamp += 30000;
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 1);
int64_t g2_arrival_time = arrival_time;
int64_t g2_timestamp = timestamp;
// G3
timestamp += 30000;
arrival_time += kBurstThresholdMs + 1;
ExpectTrue(timestamp, arrival_time, 100,
g2_timestamp, g2_arrival_time - g1_arrival_time,
10 - 1, // Delta G2-G1
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, NoBursts) {
// G1
ExpectFalse(0, 17, 1);
// G2
int64_t timestamp = kTriggerNewGroupUs;
int64_t arrival_time = 28;
ExpectFalse(timestamp, arrival_time, 2);
// G3
ExpectTrue(kTriggerNewGroupUs + 30000, arrival_time + kBurstThresholdMs + 1,
100, timestamp - 0, arrival_time - 17,
2 - 1, // Delta G2-G1
// Yields 0xfffffffe when converted to internal representation in
// inter_arrival_rtp_ and inter_arrival_ast_ respectively.
static const int64_t kStartRtpTimestampWrapUs = 47721858827;
static const int64_t kStartAbsSendTimeWrapUs = 63999995;
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, RtpTimestampWrap) {
WrapTestHelper(kStartRtpTimestampWrapUs, 1, false);
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, AbsSendTimeWrap) {
WrapTestHelper(kStartAbsSendTimeWrapUs, 1, false);
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, RtpTimestampWrapOutOfOrderWithinGroup) {
WrapTestHelper(kStartRtpTimestampWrapUs, 1, true);
TEST_F(InterArrivalTest, AbsSendTimeWrapOutOfOrderWithinGroup) {
WrapTestHelper(kStartAbsSendTimeWrapUs, 1, true);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace webrtc