Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

216 lines
6.5 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "BaseFilter.h"
#include "MediaType.h"
#include "dshow.h"
#include "strmif.h"
#include <string>
namespace mozilla {
namespace media {
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IPin, __uuidof(IPin));
// Base class for DirectShow filter pins.
// Implements:
// * IPin
// * IQualityControl
// * IUnknown
class DECLSPEC_UUID("199669c6-672a-4130-b13e-57aa830eae55")
: public IPin
, public IQualityControl
BasePin(BaseFilter* aFilter,
CriticalSection* aLock,
const wchar_t* aName,
PIN_DIRECTION aDirection);
virtual ~BasePin() {}
// Reference count of the pin is actually stored on the owning filter.
// So don't AddRef() the filter from the pin, else you'll create a cycle.
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID aIId, void **aInterface);
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef() { return mFilter->AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release() { return mFilter->Release(); }
// IPin overrides.
// Connects the pin to another pin. The pmt parameter can be NULL or a
// partial media type.
STDMETHODIMP Connect(IPin* aReceivePin,
const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* aMediaType);
//Accepts a connection from another pin.
STDMETHODIMP ReceiveConnection(IPin* aConnector,
const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* aMediaType);
// Breaks the current pin connection.
STDMETHODIMP Disconnect();
// Retrieves the pin connected to this pin.
STDMETHODIMP ConnectedTo(IPin** aPin);
// Retrieves the media type for the current pin connection.
STDMETHODIMP ConnectionMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* aMediaType);
// Retrieves information about the pin, such as the name, the owning filter,
// and the direction.
// Retrieves the direction of the pin (input or output).
STDMETHODIMP QueryDirection(PIN_DIRECTION* aDirection);
// Retrieves the pin identifier.
// Determines whether the pin accepts a specified media type.
STDMETHODIMP QueryAccept(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE* aMediaType);
// Enumerates the pin's preferred media types.
STDMETHODIMP EnumMediaTypes(IEnumMediaTypes** aEnum);
// Retrieves the pins that are connected internally to this pin
// (within the filter).
STDMETHODIMP QueryInternalConnections(IPin** apPin,
ULONG* aPin);
// Notifies the pin that no additional data is expected.
STDMETHODIMP EndOfStream(void);
// IPin::BeginFlush() and IPin::EndFlush() are still pure virtual,
// and must be implemented in a subclass.
// Notifies the pin that media samples received after this call
// are grouped as a segment.
double aRate);
// IQualityControl overrides.
// Notifies the recipient that a quality change is requested.
STDMETHODIMP Notify(IBaseFilter * aSender, Quality aQuality);
// Sets the IQualityControl object that will receive quality messages.
STDMETHODIMP SetSink(IQualityControl* aQualitySink);
// Other methods.
// Sets the media type of the connection.
virtual HRESULT SetMediaType(const MediaType *aMediaType);
// check if the pin can support this specific proposed type and format
virtual HRESULT CheckMediaType(const MediaType *) = 0;
// This is called to release any resources needed for a connection.
virtual HRESULT BreakConnect();
// Called when we've made a connection to another pin. Returning failure
// triggers the caller to break the connection. Subclasses may want to
// override this.
virtual HRESULT CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin);
// Checks if this pin can connect to |aPin|. We expect sub classes to
// override this method to support their own needs. Default implementation
// simply checks that the directions of the pins do not match.
virtual HRESULT CheckConnect(IPin *);
// Check if our filter is currently stopped
BOOL IsStopped() {
return mFilter->mState == State_Stopped;
// Moves pin to active state (running or paused). Subclasses will
// override to prepare to handle data.
virtual HRESULT Active(void);
// Moves pin into inactive state (stopped). Releases resources associated
// with handling data. Subclasses should override this.
virtual HRESULT Inactive(void);
// Called when Run() is called on the parent filter. Subclasses may want to
// override this.
virtual HRESULT Run(REFERENCE_TIME aStartTime);
// Gets the supported media types for this pin.
virtual HRESULT GetMediaType(int aIndex, MediaType *aMediaType);
// Access name.
const std::wstring& Name() { return mName; };
bool IsConnected() { return mConnectedPin != NULL; }
IPin* GetConnected() { return mConnectedPin; }
// The pin's name, as returned by QueryPinInfo().
std::wstring mName;
// Event sink for quality messages.
IQualityControl *mQualitySink;
// The pin which this one is connected to.
IPinPtr mConnectedPin;
// Direction of data flow through this pin.
// Media type of the pin's connection.
MediaType mMediaType;
// Our state lock. All state should be accessed while this is locked.
mozilla::CriticalSection *mLock;
// Our owning filter.
BaseFilter *mFilter;
// This pin attempts to connect to |aPin| with media type |aMediaType|.
// If |aMediaType| is fully specified, we must attempt to connect with
// that, else we just enumerate our types, then the other pin's type and
// try them, filtering them using |aMediaType| if it's paritally
// specificed. Used by Connect().
HRESULT AttemptConnection(IPin* aPin, const MediaType* aMediaType);
// Tries to form a connection using all media types in the enumeration.
HRESULT TryMediaTypes(IPin *aPin,
const MediaType *aMediaType,
IEnumMediaTypes *aEnum);
// For mingw __uuidof support
#ifdef __CRT_UUID_DECL
__CRT_UUID_DECL(mozilla::media::BasePin, 0x199669c6,0x672a,0x4130,0xb1,0x3e,0x57,0xaa,0x83,0x0e,0xae,0x55);
namespace mozilla {
namespace media {
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(BasePin, __uuidof(BasePin));