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"""Functions for interacting with hg"""
import os
import re
import subprocess
from urlparse import urlsplit
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from util.commands import run_cmd, get_output, remove_path
from util.retry import retry
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DefaultShareBase:
DefaultShareBase = DefaultShareBase()
class HgUtilError(Exception):
def _make_absolute(repo):
if repo.startswith("file://"):
path = repo[len("file://"):]
repo = "file://%s" % os.path.abspath(path)
elif "://" not in repo:
repo = os.path.abspath(repo)
return repo
def make_hg_url(hgHost, repoPath, protocol='https', revision=None,
"""construct a valid hg url from a base hg url (hg.mozilla.org),
repoPath, revision and possible filename"""
base = '%s://%s' % (protocol, hgHost)
repo = '/'.join(p.strip('/') for p in [base, repoPath])
if not filename:
if not revision:
return repo
return '/'.join([p.strip('/') for p in [repo, 'rev', revision]])
assert revision
return '/'.join([p.strip('/') for p in [repo, 'raw-file', revision, filename]])
def get_repo_name(repo):
return repo.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]
def get_repo_path(repo):
repo = _make_absolute(repo)
if repo.startswith("/"):
return repo.lstrip("/")
return urlsplit(repo).path.lstrip("/")
def get_revision(path):
"""Returns which revision directory `path` currently has checked out."""
return get_output(['hg', 'parent', '--template', '{node|short}'], cwd=path)
def get_branch(path):
return get_output(['hg', 'branch'], cwd=path).strip()
def get_branches(path):
branches = []
for line in get_output(['hg', 'branches', '-c'], cwd=path).splitlines():
return branches
def is_hg_cset(rev):
"""Retruns True if passed revision represents a valid HG revision
(long or short(er) 40 bit hex)"""
int(rev, 16)
return True
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
def hg_ver():
"""Returns the current version of hg, as a tuple of
(major, minor, build)"""
ver_string = get_output(['hg', '-q', 'version'])
match = re.search("\(version ([0-9.]+)\)", ver_string)
if match:
bits = match.group(1).split(".")
if len(bits) < 3:
bits += (0,)
ver = tuple(int(b) for b in bits)
ver = (0, 0, 0)
log.debug("Running hg version %s", ver)
return ver
def purge(dest):
"""Purge the repository of all untracked and ignored files."""
run_cmd(['hg', '--config', 'extensions.purge=', 'purge',
'-a', '--all', dest], cwd=dest)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
log.debug('purge failed: %s' % e)
def update(dest, branch=None, revision=None):
"""Updates working copy `dest` to `branch` or `revision`. If neither is
set then the working copy will be updated to the latest revision on the
current branch. Local changes will be discarded."""
# If we have a revision, switch to that
if revision is not None:
cmd = ['hg', 'update', '-C', '-r', revision]
run_cmd(cmd, cwd=dest)
# Check & switch branch
local_branch = get_output(['hg', 'branch'], cwd=dest).strip()
cmd = ['hg', 'update', '-C']
# If this is different, checkout the other branch
if branch and branch != local_branch:
run_cmd(cmd, cwd=dest)
return get_revision(dest)
def clone(repo, dest, branch=None, revision=None, update_dest=True,
clone_by_rev=False, mirrors=None, bundles=None):
"""Clones hg repo and places it at `dest`, replacing whatever else is
there. The working copy will be empty.
If `revision` is set, only the specified revision and its ancestors will
be cloned.
If `update_dest` is set, then `dest` will be updated to `revision` if
set, otherwise to `branch`, otherwise to the head of default.
If `mirrors` is set, will try and clone from the mirrors before
cloning from `repo`.
If `bundles` is set, will try and download the bundle first and
unbundle it. If successful, will pull in new revisions from mirrors or
the master repo. If unbundling fails, will fall back to doing a regular
clone from mirrors or the master repo.
Regardless of how the repository ends up being cloned, the 'default' path
will point to `repo`.
if os.path.exists(dest):
if bundles:
log.info("Attempting to initialize clone with bundles")
for bundle in bundles:
if os.path.exists(dest):
log.info("Trying to use bundle %s", bundle)
if not unbundle(bundle, dest):
adjust_paths(dest, default=repo)
# Now pull / update
return pull(repo, dest, update_dest=update_dest,
mirrors=mirrors, revision=revision, branch=branch)
except Exception:
log.exception("Problem unbundling/pulling from %s", bundle)
log.info("Using bundles failed; falling back to clone")
if mirrors:
log.info("Attempting to clone from mirrors")
for mirror in mirrors:
log.info("Cloning from %s", mirror)
retval = clone(mirror, dest, branch, revision,
update_dest=update_dest, clone_by_rev=clone_by_rev)
adjust_paths(dest, default=repo)
return retval
log.exception("Problem cloning from mirror %s", mirror)
log.info("Pulling from mirrors failed; falling back to %s", repo)
# We may have a partial repo here; mercurial() copes with that
# We need to make sure our paths are correct though
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, '.hg')):
adjust_paths(dest, default=repo)
return mercurial(repo, dest, branch, revision, autoPurge=True,
update_dest=update_dest, clone_by_rev=clone_by_rev)
cmd = ['hg', 'clone']
if not update_dest:
if clone_by_rev:
if revision:
cmd.extend(['-r', revision])
elif branch:
# hg >= 1.6 supports -b branch for cloning
ver = hg_ver()
if ver >= (1, 6, 0):
cmd.extend(['-b', branch])
cmd.extend([repo, dest])
if update_dest:
return update(dest, branch, revision)
def common_args(revision=None, branch=None, ssh_username=None, ssh_key=None):
"""Fill in common hg arguments, encapsulating logic checks that depend on
mercurial versions and provided arguments"""
args = []
if ssh_username or ssh_key:
opt = ['-e', 'ssh']
if ssh_username:
opt[1] += ' -l %s' % ssh_username
if ssh_key:
opt[1] += ' -i %s' % ssh_key
if revision:
args.extend(['-r', revision])
elif branch:
if hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0):
args.extend(['-b', branch])
return args
def pull(repo, dest, update_dest=True, mirrors=None, **kwargs):
"""Pulls changes from hg repo and places it in `dest`.
If `update_dest` is set, then `dest` will be updated to `revision` if
set, otherwise to `branch`, otherwise to the head of default.
If `mirrors` is set, will try and pull from the mirrors first before
if mirrors:
for mirror in mirrors:
return pull(mirror, dest, update_dest=update_dest, **kwargs)
log.exception("Problem pulling from mirror %s", mirror)
log.info("Pulling from mirrors failed; falling back to %s", repo)
# Convert repo to an absolute path if it's a local repository
repo = _make_absolute(repo)
cmd = ['hg', 'pull']
# Don't pass -r to "hg pull", except when it's a valid HG revision.
# Pulling using tag names is dangerous: it uses the local .hgtags, so if
# the tag has moved on the remote side you won't pull the new revision the
# remote tag refers to.
pull_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
if 'revision' in pull_kwargs and \
not is_hg_cset(pull_kwargs['revision']):
del pull_kwargs['revision']
run_cmd(cmd, cwd=dest)
if update_dest:
branch = None
if 'branch' in kwargs and kwargs['branch']:
branch = kwargs['branch']
revision = None
if 'revision' in kwargs and kwargs['revision']:
revision = kwargs['revision']
return update(dest, branch=branch, revision=revision)
# Defines the places of attributes in the tuples returned by `out'
def out(src, remote, **kwargs):
"""Check for outgoing changesets present in a repo"""
cmd = ['hg', '-q', 'out', '--template', '{node} {branches}\n']
if os.path.exists(src):
revs = []
for line in get_output(cmd, cwd=src).rstrip().split("\n"):
rev, branch = line.split()
# Mercurial displays no branch at all if the revision is on
# "default"
except ValueError:
rev = line.rstrip()
branch = "default"
revs.append((rev, branch))
return revs
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, inst:
# In some situations, some versions of Mercurial return "1"
# if no changes are found, so we need to ignore this return code
if inst.returncode == 1:
return []
def push(src, remote, push_new_branches=True, force=False, **kwargs):
cmd = ['hg', 'push']
if force:
if push_new_branches:
run_cmd(cmd, cwd=src)
def mercurial(repo, dest, branch=None, revision=None, update_dest=True,
shareBase=DefaultShareBase, allowUnsharedLocalClones=False,
clone_by_rev=False, mirrors=None, bundles=None, autoPurge=False):
"""Makes sure that `dest` is has `revision` or `branch` checked out from
Do what it takes to make that happen, including possibly clobbering
If allowUnsharedLocalClones is True and we're trying to use the share
extension but fail, then we will be able to clone from the shared repo to
our destination. If this is False, the default, then if we don't have the
share extension we will just clone from the remote repository.
If `clone_by_rev` is True, use 'hg clone -r <rev>' instead of 'hg clone'.
This is slower, but useful when cloning repos with lots of heads.
If `mirrors` is set, will try and use the mirrors before `repo`.
If `bundles` is set, will try and download the bundle first and
unbundle it instead of doing a full clone. If successful, will pull in
new revisions from mirrors or the master repo. If unbundling fails, will
fall back to doing a regular clone from mirrors or the master repo.
dest = os.path.abspath(dest)
if shareBase is DefaultShareBase:
shareBase = os.environ.get("HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR", None)
log.info("Reporting hg version in use")
cmd = ['hg', '-q', 'version']
run_cmd(cmd, cwd='.')
if shareBase:
# Check that 'hg share' works
log.info("Checking if share extension works")
output = get_output(['hg', 'help', 'share'], dont_log=True)
if 'no commands defined' in output:
# Share extension is enabled, but not functional
log.info("Disabling sharing since share extension doesn't seem to work (1)")
shareBase = None
elif 'unknown command' in output:
# Share extension is disabled
log.info("Disabling sharing since share extension doesn't seem to work (2)")
shareBase = None
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# The command failed, so disable sharing
log.info("Disabling sharing since share extension doesn't seem to work (3)")
shareBase = None
# Check that our default path is correct
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, '.hg')):
hgpath = path(dest, "default")
# Make sure that our default path is correct
if hgpath != _make_absolute(repo):
log.info("hg path isn't correct (%s should be %s); clobbering",
hgpath, _make_absolute(repo))
# If the working directory already exists and isn't using share we update
# the working directory directly from the repo, ignoring the sharing
# settings
if os.path.exists(dest):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, ".hg")):
log.warning("%s doesn't appear to be a valid hg directory; clobbering", dest)
elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest, ".hg", "sharedpath")):
if autoPurge:
return pull(repo, dest, update_dest=update_dest, branch=branch,
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
log.warning("Error pulling changes into %s from %s; clobbering", dest, repo)
log.debug("Exception:", exc_info=True)
# If that fails for any reason, and sharing is requested, we'll try to
# update the shared repository, and then update the working directory from
# that.
if shareBase:
sharedRepo = os.path.join(shareBase, get_repo_path(repo))
dest_sharedPath = os.path.join(dest, '.hg', 'sharedpath')
if os.path.exists(sharedRepo):
hgpath = path(sharedRepo, "default")
# Make sure that our default path is correct
if hgpath != _make_absolute(repo):
log.info("hg path isn't correct (%s should be %s); clobbering",
hgpath, _make_absolute(repo))
# we need to clobber both the shared checkout and the dest,
# since hgrc needs to be in both places
if os.path.exists(dest_sharedPath):
# Make sure that the sharedpath points to sharedRepo
dest_sharedPath_data = os.path.normpath(
norm_sharedRepo = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sharedRepo, '.hg'))
if dest_sharedPath_data != norm_sharedRepo:
# Clobber!
log.info("We're currently shared from %s, but are being requested to pull from %s (%s); clobbering",
dest_sharedPath_data, repo, norm_sharedRepo)
log.info("Updating shared repo")
mercurial(repo, sharedRepo, branch=branch, revision=revision,
update_dest=False, shareBase=None, clone_by_rev=clone_by_rev,
mirrors=mirrors, bundles=bundles, autoPurge=False)
if os.path.exists(dest):
if autoPurge:
return update(dest, branch=branch, revision=revision)
log.info("Trying to share %s to %s", sharedRepo, dest)
return share(sharedRepo, dest, branch=branch, revision=revision)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if not allowUnsharedLocalClones:
# Re-raise the exception so it gets caught below.
# We'll then clobber dest, and clone from original repo
log.warning("Error calling hg share from %s to %s;"
"falling back to normal clone from shared repo",
sharedRepo, dest)
# Do a full local clone first, and then update to the
# revision we want
# This lets us use hardlinks for the local clone if the OS
# supports it
clone(sharedRepo, dest, update_dest=False,
mirrors=mirrors, bundles=bundles)
return update(dest, branch=branch, revision=revision)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
"Error updating %s from sharedRepo (%s): ", dest, sharedRepo)
log.debug("Exception:", exc_info=True)
# end if shareBase
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
# Share isn't available or has failed, clone directly from the source
return clone(repo, dest, branch, revision,
update_dest=update_dest, mirrors=mirrors,
bundles=bundles, clone_by_rev=clone_by_rev)
def apply_and_push(localrepo, remote, changer, max_attempts=10,
ssh_username=None, ssh_key=None, force=False):
"""This function calls `changer' to make changes to the repo, and tries
its hardest to get them to the origin repo. `changer' must be a
callable object that receives two arguments: the directory of the local
repository, and the attempt number. This function will push ALL
changesets missing from remote."""
assert callable(changer)
branch = get_branch(localrepo)
changer(localrepo, 1)
for n in range(1, max_attempts + 1):
new_revs = []
new_revs = out(src=localrepo, remote=remote,
if len(new_revs) < 1:
raise HgUtilError("No revs to push")
push(src=localrepo, remote=remote, ssh_username=ssh_username,
ssh_key=ssh_key, force=force)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
log.debug("Hit error when trying to push: %s" % str(e))
if n == max_attempts:
log.debug("Tried %d times, giving up" % max_attempts)
for r in reversed(new_revs):
run_cmd(['hg', '--config', 'extensions.mq=', 'strip', '-n',
r[REVISION]], cwd=localrepo)
raise HgUtilError("Failed to push")
pull(remote, localrepo, update_dest=False,
ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_key=ssh_key)
# After we successfully rebase or strip away heads the push is
# is attempted again at the start of the loop
run_cmd(['hg', '--config', 'ui.merge=internal:merge',
'rebase'], cwd=localrepo)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
log.debug("Failed to rebase: %s" % str(e))
update(localrepo, branch=branch)
for r in reversed(new_revs):
run_cmd(['hg', '--config', 'extensions.mq=', 'strip', '-n',
r[REVISION]], cwd=localrepo)
changer(localrepo, n + 1)
def share(source, dest, branch=None, revision=None):
"""Creates a new working directory in "dest" that shares history with
"source" using Mercurial's share extension"""
run_cmd(['hg', 'share', '-U', source, dest])
return update(dest, branch=branch, revision=revision)
def cleanOutgoingRevs(reponame, remote, username, sshKey):
outgoingRevs = retry(out, kwargs=dict(src=reponame, remote=remote,
for r in reversed(outgoingRevs):
run_cmd(['hg', '--config', 'extensions.mq=', 'strip', '-n',
r[REVISION]], cwd=reponame)
def path(src, name='default'):
"""Returns the remote path associated with "name" """
return get_output(['hg', 'path', name], cwd=src).strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
def init(dest):
"""Initializes an empty repo in `dest`"""
run_cmd(['hg', 'init', dest])
def unbundle(bundle, dest):
"""Unbundles the bundle located at `bundle` into `dest`.
`bundle` can be a local file or remote url."""
get_output(['hg', 'unbundle', bundle], cwd=dest, include_stderr=True)
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False
def adjust_paths(dest, **paths):
"""Adjusts paths in `dest`/.hg/hgrc so that names in `paths` are set to
Note that any comments in the hgrc will be lost if changes are made to the
hgrc = os.path.join(dest, '.hg', 'hgrc')
config = RawConfigParser()
if not config.has_section('paths'):
changed = False
for path_name, path_value in paths.items():
if (not config.has_option('paths', path_name) or
config.get('paths', path_name) != path_value):
changed = True
config.set('paths', path_name, path_value)
if changed:
config.write(open(hgrc, 'w'))
def commit(dest, msg, user=None):
cmd = ['hg', 'commit', '-m', msg]
if user:
cmd.extend(['-u', user])
run_cmd(cmd, cwd=dest)
return get_revision(dest)
def tag(dest, tags, user=None, msg=None, rev=None, force=None):
cmd = ['hg', 'tag']
if user:
cmd.extend(['-u', user])
if msg:
cmd.extend(['-m', msg])
if rev:
cmd.extend(['-r', rev])
if force:
run_cmd(cmd, cwd=dest)
return get_revision(dest)