Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

655 lines
19 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
'use strict';
const { Loader, LoaderWithHookedConsole } = require("sdk/test/loader");
const { browserWindows } = require('sdk/windows');
const tabs = require('sdk/tabs');
const { isPrivate } = require('sdk/private-browsing');
const { openDialog } = require('sdk/window/utils');
const { isWindowPrivate } = require('sdk/window/utils');
const { setTimeout } = require('sdk/timers');
const { openWebpage } = require('./private-browsing/helper');
const { isTabPBSupported, isWindowPBSupported } = require('sdk/private-browsing/utils');
const { getTabContentWindow } = require('sdk/tabs/utils');
const { attach, detach } = require('sdk/content/mod');
const { Style } = require('sdk/stylesheet/style');
const fixtures = require('./fixtures');
const { viewFor } = require('sdk/view/core');
const app = require("sdk/system/xul-app");
const { cleanUI } = require('sdk/test/utils');
const URL = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><head><title>#title#</title></head></html>';
// TEST: tab count
exports.testTabCounts = function(assert, done) {
url: 'about:blank',
onReady: function(tab) {
let count1 = 0,
count2 = 0;
for (let window of browserWindows) {
count1 += window.tabs.length;
for (let tab of window.tabs) {
count2 += 1;
assert.ok(tabs.length > 1, 'tab count is > 1');
assert.equal(count1, tabs.length, 'tab count by length is correct');
assert.equal(count2, tabs.length, 'tab count by iteration is correct');
// end test
exports.testTabRelativePath = function(assert, done) {
const { merge } = require("sdk/util/object");
const self = require("sdk/self");
const options = merge({}, require('@loader/options'),
{ prefixURI: require('./fixtures').url() });
let loader = Loader(module, null, options);
let tabs = loader.require("sdk/tabs");
url: "./test.html",
onReady: (tab) => {
assert.equal(tab.title, "foo",
"tab opened a document with relative path");
contentScriptFile: "./test-contentScriptFile.js",
onMessage: (message) => {
assert.equal(message, "msg from contentScriptFile",
"Tab attach a contentScriptFile with relative path worked");
// TEST: tabs.activeTab getter
exports.testActiveTab_getter = function(assert, done) {
let evtCount = 0;
let activeTab = null;
function endTest(type, tab) {
if (type == 'activate') {
assert.strictEqual(tabs.activeTab, tab, 'the active tab is the opened tab');
activeTab = tabs.activeTab;
else {
assert.equal(tab.url, url, 'the opened tab has the correct url');
if (++evtCount != 2)
assert.strictEqual(activeTab, tab, 'the active tab is the ready tab');
assert.strictEqual(tabs.activeTab, tab, 'the active tab is the ready tab');
let url = URL.replace("#title#", "testActiveTab_getter");
url: url,
onReady: endTest.bind(null, 'ready'),
onActivate: endTest.bind(null, 'activate')
// TEST: tab.activate()
exports.testActiveTab_setter = function(assert, done) {
let url = URL.replace("#title#", "testActiveTab_setter");
let tab1URL = URL.replace("#title#", "tab1");
url: tab1URL,
onReady: function(activeTab) {
let activeTabURL = tabs.activeTab.url;
url: url,
inBackground: true,
onReady: function onReady(tab) {
assert.equal(tabs.activeTab.url, activeTabURL, "activeTab url has not changed");
assert.equal(tab.url, url, "url of new background tab matches");
tab.once('activate', function onActivate(eventTab) {
assert.equal(tabs.activeTab.url, url, "url after activeTab setter matches");
assert.equal(eventTab, tab, "event argument is the activated tab");
assert.equal(eventTab, tabs.activeTab, "the tab is the active one");
activeTab.close(function() {
// TEST: tab.close()
exports.testTabClose_alt = function(assert, done) {
let url = URL.replace('#title#', 'TabClose_alt');
let tab1URL = URL.replace('#title#', 'tab1');
url: tab1URL,
onReady: function(tab1) {
// make sure that our tab is not active first
assert.notEqual(tabs.activeTab.url, url, "tab is not the active tab");
url: url,
onReady: function(tab) {
assert.equal(tab.url, url, "tab is now the active tab");
assert.equal(tabs.activeTab.url, url, "tab is now the active tab");
// another tab should be activated on close
tabs.once('activate', function() {
assert.notEqual(tabs.activeTab.url, url, "tab is no longer the active tab");
// end test
exports.testAttachOnMultipleDocuments_alt = function (assert, done) {
// Example of attach that process multiple tab documents
let firstLocation = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,foobar";
let secondLocation = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,bar";
let thirdLocation = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,fox";
let onReadyCount = 0;
let worker1 = null;
let worker2 = null;
let detachEventCount = 0;
url: firstLocation,
onReady: function (tab) {
if (onReadyCount == 1) {
worker1 = tab.attach({
contentScript: 'self.on("message", ' +
' () => self.postMessage(document.location.href)' +
onMessage: function (msg) {
assert.equal(msg, firstLocation,
"Worker url is equal to the 1st document");
tab.url = secondLocation;
onDetach: function () {
assert.pass("Got worker1 detach event");
assert.throws(function () {
/Couldn't find the worker/,
"postMessage throw because worker1 is destroyed");
else if (onReadyCount == 2) {
worker2 = tab.attach({
contentScript: 'self.on("message", ' +
' () => self.postMessage(document.location.href)' +
onMessage: function (msg) {
assert.equal(msg, secondLocation,
"Worker url is equal to the 2nd document");
tab.url = thirdLocation;
onDetach: function () {
assert.pass("Got worker2 detach event");
assert.throws(function () {
/Couldn't find the worker/,
"postMessage throw because worker2 is destroyed");
else if (onReadyCount == 3) {
function checkEnd(tab) {
if (detachEventCount != 2)
assert.pass("Got all detach events");
exports.testAttachWrappers_alt = function (assert, done) {
// Check that content script has access to wrapped values by default
let document = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<script>var globalJSVar = true; " +
" document.getElementById = 3;</script>";
let count = 0;
url: document,
onReady: function (tab) {
let worker = tab.attach({
contentScript: 'try {' +
' self.postMessage(!("globalJSVar" in window));' +
' self.postMessage(typeof window.globalJSVar == "undefined");' +
'} catch(e) {' +
' self.postMessage(e.message);' +
onMessage: function (msg) {
assert.equal(msg, true, "Worker has wrapped objects ("+count+")");
if (count++ == 1)
tab.close(() => done());
// TEST: activeWindow getter and activeTab getter on tab 'activate' event
exports.testActiveWindowActiveTabOnActivate_alt = function(assert, done) {
let activateCount = 0;
let newTabs = [];
let tabs = browserWindows.activeWindow.tabs;
tabs.on('activate', function onActivate(tab) {
assert.equal(tabs.activeTab, tab,
"the active window's active tab is the tab provided");
if (++activateCount == 2) {
assert.equal(newTabs.length, activateCount, "Should have seen the right number of tabs open");
tabs.removeListener('activate', onActivate);
newTabs.forEach(function(tab) {
tab.close(function() {
if (--activateCount == 0) {
else if (activateCount > 2) {
assert.fail("activateCount is greater than 2 for some reason..");
url: URL.replace("#title#", "tabs.open1"),
onOpen: tab => newTabs.push(tab)
url: URL.replace("#title#", "tabs.open2"),
onOpen: tab => newTabs.push(tab)
// TEST: tab properties
exports.testTabContentTypeAndReload = function(assert, done) {
let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html><head><title>foo</title></head><body>foo</body></html>";
let urlXML = "data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,<foo>bar</foo>";
url: url,
onReady: function(tab) {
if (tab.url === url) {
assert.equal(tab.contentType, "text/html");
tab.url = urlXML;
else {
assert.equal(tab.contentType, "text/xml");
// test that it isn't possible to open a private tab without the private permission
exports.testTabOpenPrivate = function(assert, done) {
let url = 'about:blank';
url: url,
isPrivate: true,
onReady: function(tab) {
assert.equal(tab.url, url, 'opened correct tab');
assert.equal(isPrivate(tab), false, 'private tabs are not supported by default');
// We need permission flag in order to see private window's tabs
exports.testPrivateAreNotListed = function (assert, done) {
let originalTabCount = tabs.length;
let page = openWebpage("about:blank", true);
if (!page) {
assert.pass("Private browsing isn't supported in this release");
page.ready.then(function (win) {
if (isTabPBSupported || isWindowPBSupported) {
assert.ok(isWindowPrivate(win), "the window is private");
assert.equal(tabs.length, originalTabCount,
'but the tab is *not* visible in tabs list');
else {
assert.ok(!isWindowPrivate(win), "the window isn't private");
assert.equal(tabs.length, originalTabCount + 1,
'so that the tab is visible is tabs list');
// If we close the tab while being in `onOpen` listener,
// we end up synchronously consuming TabOpen, closing the tab and still
// synchronously consuming the related TabClose event before the second
// loader have a change to process the first TabOpen event!
exports.testImmediateClosing = function (assert, done) {
let tabURL = 'data:text/html,foo';
let { loader, messages } = LoaderWithHookedConsole(module, onMessage);
let concurrentTabs = loader.require("sdk/tabs");
concurrentTabs.on("open", function (tab) {
// On Firefox, It shouldn't receive such event as the other loader will just
// open and destroy the tab without giving a chance to other loader to even
// know about the existance of this tab.
if (app.is("Firefox")) {
assert.fail("Concurrent loader received a tabs `open` event");
else {
// On mobile, we can still receive an open event,
// but not the related ready event
tab.on("ready", function () {
assert.fail("Concurrent loader received a tabs `ready` event");
function onMessage(type, msg) {
assert.fail("Unexpected mesage on concurrent loader: " + msg);
url: tabURL,
onOpen: function(tab) {
tab.close(function () {
assert.pass("Tab succesfully removed");
// Let a chance to the concurrent loader to receive a TabOpen event
// on the next event loop turn
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
// TEST: tab.reload()
exports.testTabReload = function(assert, done) {
let url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<!doctype%20html><title></title>";
url: url,
onReady: function onReady(tab) {
tab.removeListener('ready', onReady);
function onReload() {
assert.pass("the tab was loaded again");
assert.equal(tab.url, url, "the tab has the same URL");
tab.close(() => done());
exports.testOnPageShowEvent = function (assert, done) {
let events = [];
let firstUrl = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,First';
let secondUrl = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Second';
let counter = 0;
function onPageShow (tab, persisted) {
if (counter === 1) {
assert.equal(persisted, false, 'page should not be cached on initial load');
tab.url = secondUrl;
else if (counter === 2) {
assert.equal(persisted, false, 'second test page should not be cached either');
contentScript: 'setTimeout(function () { window.history.back(); }, 0)'
else {
assert.equal(persisted, true, 'when we get back to the fist page, it has to' +
'come from cache');
tabs.removeListener('pageshow', onPageShow);
tabs.removeListener('open', onOpen);
tabs.removeListener('ready', onReady);
tab.close(() => {
['open', 'ready', 'pageshow', 'ready',
'pageshow', 'pageshow'].map((type, i) => {
assert.equal(type, events[i], 'correct ordering of events');
function onOpen () {
return events.push('open');
function onReady () {
return events.push('ready');
tabs.on('pageshow', onPageShow);
tabs.on('open', onOpen);
tabs.on('ready', onReady);
url: firstUrl
exports.testOnPageShowEventDeclarative = function (assert, done) {
let events = [];
let firstUrl = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,First';
let secondUrl = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Second';
let counter = 0;
function onPageShow (tab, persisted) {
if (counter === 1) {
assert.equal(persisted, false, 'page should not be cached on initial load');
tab.url = secondUrl;
else if (counter === 2) {
assert.equal(persisted, false, 'second test page should not be cached either');
contentScript: 'setTimeout(function () { window.history.back(); }, 0)'
else {
assert.equal(persisted, true, 'when we get back to the fist page, it has to' +
'come from cache');
tabs.removeListener('pageshow', onPageShow);
tabs.removeListener('open', onOpen);
tabs.removeListener('ready', onReady);
tab.close(() => {
['open', 'ready', 'pageshow', 'ready',
'pageshow', 'pageshow'].map((type, i) => {
assert.equal(type, events[i], 'correct ordering of events');
function onOpen () {
return events.push('open');
function onReady () {
return events.push('ready');
url: firstUrl,
onPageShow: onPageShow,
onOpen: onOpen,
onReady: onReady
exports.testAttachStyleToTab = function(assert, done) {
let style = Style({
source: "div { height: 100px; }",
uri: fixtures.url("include-file.css")
url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<div style='background: silver'>css test</div>",
onReady: (tab) => {
let xulTab = viewFor(tab);
attach(style, tab)
let { document } = getTabContentWindow(xulTab);
let div = document.querySelector("div");
assert.equal(div.clientHeight, 100,
"Style.source properly attached to tab");
assert.equal(div.offsetHeight, 120,
"Style.uri properly attached to tab");
detach(style, tab);
assert.notEqual(div.clientHeight, 100,
"Style.source properly detached from tab");
assert.notEqual(div.offsetHeight, 120,
"Style.uri properly detached from tab");
attach(style, xulTab);
assert.equal(div.clientHeight, 100,
"Style.source properly attached to xul tab");
assert.equal(div.offsetHeight, 120,
"Style.uri properly attached to xul tab");
detach(style, tab);
assert.notEqual(div.clientHeight, 100,
"Style.source properly detached from xul tab");
assert.notEqual(div.offsetHeight, 120,
"Style.uri properly detached from xul tab");
// Tests that the this property is correct in event listeners called from
// the tabs API.
exports.testTabEventBindings = function(assert, done) {
let loader = Loader(module);
let tabs = loader.require("sdk/tabs");
let firstTab = tabs.activeTab;
let EVENTS = ["open", "close", "activate", "deactivate",
"load", "ready", "pageshow"];
let tabBoundEventHandler = (event) => function(tab) {
assert.equal(this, tab, "tab listener for " + event + " event should be bound to the tab object.");
let tabsBoundEventHandler = (event) => function(tab) {
assert.equal(this, tabs, "tabs listener for " + event + " event should be bound to the tabs object.");
for (let event of EVENTS)
tabs.on(event, tabsBoundEventHandler(event));
let tabsOpenEventHandler = (event) => function(tab) {
assert.equal(this, tab, "tabs open listener for " + event + " event should be bound to the tab object.");
let openArgs = {
url: "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,binding-test",
onOpen: function(tab) {
tabsOpenEventHandler("open").call(this, tab);
for (let event of EVENTS)
tab.on(event, tabBoundEventHandler(event));
tab.once("pageshow", () => {
tab.once("deactivate", () => {
tab.once("close", () => {
// Listen to everything except onOpen
for (let event of EVENTS.slice(1)) {
let eventProperty = "on" + event.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + event.slice(1);
openArgs[eventProperty] = tabsOpenEventHandler(event);