Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

91 lines
2.4 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
const {getMostRecentBrowserWindow, open} = require("sdk/window/utils");
const tabUtils = require("sdk/tabs/utils");
const {when} = require("sdk/dom/events");
var observerService = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
const { ShimWaiver } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ShimWaiver.jsm");
const addObserver = ShimWaiver.getProperty(observerService, "addObserver");
const removeObserver = ShimWaiver.getProperty(observerService, "removeObserver");
const getActiveTab = (window=getMostRecentBrowserWindow()) =>
const openWindow = () => {
const window = open();
return new Promise((resolve) => {
observe(subject, topic) {
if (subject === window) {
removeObserver(this, topic);
}, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", false);
exports.openWindow = openWindow;
const closeWindow = (window) => {
const closed = when(window, "unload", true).then(_ => window);
return closed;
exports.closeWindow = closeWindow;
const openTab = (url, window=getMostRecentBrowserWindow()) => {
const tab = tabUtils.openTab(window, url);
const browser = tabUtils.getBrowserForTab(tab);
return when(browser, "load", true).then(_ => tab);
exports.openTab = openTab;
const closeTab = (tab) => {
const result = when(tab, "TabClose").then(_ => tab);
return result;
exports.closeTab = closeTab;
const withTab = (test, uri="about:blank") => function*(assert) {
const tab = yield openTab(uri);
try {
yield* test(assert, tab);
finally {
yield closeTab(tab);
exports.withTab = withTab;
const withWindow = () => function*(assert) {
const window = yield openWindow();
try {
yield* test(assert, window);
finally {
yield closeWindow(window);
exports.withWindow = withWindow;
const receiveMessage = (manager, name) => new Promise((resolve) => {
manager.addMessageListener(name, {
receiveMessage(message) {
manager.removeMessageListener(name, this);
exports.receiveMessage = receiveMessage;