Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

326 lines
9.0 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
'use strict';
const { Cc, Ci, Cu } = require("chrome");
const Environment = require("sdk/system/environment").env;
const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter");
const promise = require("promise");
const Subprocess = require("sdk/system/child_process/subprocess");
const { Services } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", {});
loader.lazyGetter(this, "OS", () => {
const Runtime = require("sdk/system/runtime");
switch (Runtime.OS) {
case "Darwin":
return "mac64";
case "Linux":
if (Runtime.XPCOMABI.indexOf("x86_64") === 0) {
return "linux64";
} else {
return "linux32";
case "WINNT":
return "win32";
return "";
function SimulatorProcess() {}
SimulatorProcess.prototype = {
// Check if B2G is running.
get isRunning() {
return !!this.process;
// Start the process and connect the debugger client.
run() {
// Resolve B2G binary.
let b2g = this.b2gBinary;
if (!b2g || !b2g.exists()) {
throw Error("B2G executable not found.");
// Ensure Gaia profile exists.
let gaia = this.gaiaProfile;
if (!gaia || !gaia.exists()) {
throw Error("Gaia profile directory not found.");
this.once("stdout", function () {
if (OS == "mac64") {
console.debug("WORKAROUND run osascript to show b2g-desktop window on OS=='mac64'");
// Escape double quotes and escape characters for use in AppleScript.
let path = b2g.path.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\"/g, '\\"');
command: "/usr/bin/osascript",
arguments: ["-e", 'tell application "' + path + '" to activate'],
let logHandler = (e, data) => this.log(e, data.trim());
this.on("stdout", logHandler);
this.on("stderr", logHandler);
this.once("exit", () => {
this.off("stdout", logHandler);
this.off("stderr", logHandler);
let environment;
if (OS.indexOf("linux") > -1) {
environment = ["TMPDIR=" + Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile).path];
["DISPLAY", "XAUTHORITY"].forEach(key => {
if (key in Environment) {
environment.push(key + "=" + Environment[key]);
// Spawn a B2G instance.
this.process = Subprocess.call({
command: b2g,
arguments: this.args,
environment: environment,
stdout: data => this.emit("stdout", data),
stderr: data => this.emit("stderr", data),
// On B2G instance exit, reset tracked process, remote debugger port and
// shuttingDown flag, then finally emit an exit event.
done: result => {
console.log("B2G terminated with " + result.exitCode);
this.process = null;
this.emit("exit", result.exitCode);
// Request a B2G instance kill.
kill() {
let deferred = promise.defer();
if (this.process) {
this.once("exit", (e, exitCode) => {
this.shuttingDown = false;
if (!this.shuttingDown) {
this.shuttingDown = true;
this.emit("kill", null);
return deferred.promise;
} else {
return promise.resolve(undefined);
// Maybe log output messages.
log(level, message) {
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.webide.logSimulatorOutput")) {
if (level === "stderr" || level === "error") {
// Compute B2G CLI arguments.
get args() {
let args = [];
// Gaia profile.
args.push("-profile", this.gaiaProfile.path);
// Debugger server port.
let port = parseInt(this.options.port);
args.push("-start-debugger-server", "" + port);
// Screen size.
let width = parseInt(this.options.width);
let height = parseInt(this.options.height);
if (width && height) {
args.push("-screen", width + "x" + height);
// Ignore eventual zombie instances of b2g that are left over.
// If we are running a simulator based on Mulet,
// we have to override the default chrome URL
// in order to prevent the Browser UI to appear.
if (this.b2gBinary.leafName.includes("firefox")) {
args.push("-chrome", "chrome://b2g/content/shell.html");
return args;
function CustomSimulatorProcess(options) {
this.options = options;
var CSPp = CustomSimulatorProcess.prototype = Object.create(SimulatorProcess.prototype);
// Compute B2G binary file handle.
Object.defineProperty(CSPp, "b2gBinary", {
get: function() {
let file = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
return file;
// Compute Gaia profile file handle.
Object.defineProperty(CSPp, "gaiaProfile", {
get: function() {
let file = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
return file;
exports.CustomSimulatorProcess = CustomSimulatorProcess;
function AddonSimulatorProcess(addon, options) {
this.addon = addon;
this.options = options;
var ASPp = AddonSimulatorProcess.prototype = Object.create(SimulatorProcess.prototype);
// Compute B2G binary file handle.
Object.defineProperty(ASPp, "b2gBinary", {
get: function() {
let file;
try {
let pref = "extensions." + this.addon.id + ".customRuntime";
file = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(pref, Ci.nsIFile);
} catch(e) {}
if (!file) {
file = this.addon.getResourceURI().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file;
let binaries = {
win32: "b2g-bin.exe",
mac64: "B2G.app/Contents/MacOS/b2g-bin",
linux32: "b2g-bin",
linux64: "b2g-bin",
binaries[OS].split("/").forEach(node => file.append(node));
// If the binary doesn't exists, it may be because of a simulator
// based on mulet, which has a different binary name.
if (!file.exists()) {
file = this.addon.getResourceURI().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file;
let binaries = {
win32: "firefox.exe",
mac64: "FirefoxNightly.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin",
linux32: "firefox-bin",
linux64: "firefox-bin",
binaries[OS].split("/").forEach(node => file.append(node));
return file;
// Compute Gaia profile file handle.
Object.defineProperty(ASPp, "gaiaProfile", {
get: function() {
let file;
// Custom profile from simulator configuration.
if (this.options.gaiaProfile) {
file = Cc['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Ci.nsILocalFile);
return file;
// Custom profile from addon prefs.
try {
let pref = "extensions." + this.addon.id + ".gaiaProfile";
file = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(pref, Ci.nsIFile);
return file;
} catch(e) {}
// Default profile from addon.
file = this.addon.getResourceURI().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file;
return file;
exports.AddonSimulatorProcess = AddonSimulatorProcess;
function OldAddonSimulatorProcess(addon, options) {
this.addon = addon;
this.options = options;
var OASPp = OldAddonSimulatorProcess.prototype = Object.create(AddonSimulatorProcess.prototype);
// Compute B2G binary file handle.
Object.defineProperty(OASPp, "b2gBinary", {
get: function() {
let file;
try {
let pref = "extensions." + this.addon.id + ".customRuntime";
file = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(pref, Ci.nsIFile);
} catch(e) {}
if (!file) {
file = this.addon.getResourceURI().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file;
let version = this.addon.name.match(/\d+\.\d+/)[0].replace(/\./, "_");
file.append("fxos_" + version + "_simulator");
file.append(OS == "linux32" ? "linux" : OS);
let binaries = {
win32: "b2g/b2g-bin.exe",
mac64: "B2G.app/Contents/MacOS/b2g-bin",
linux32: "b2g/b2g-bin",
linux64: "b2g/b2g-bin",
binaries[OS].split("/").forEach(node => file.append(node));
return file;
// Compute B2G CLI arguments.
Object.defineProperty(OASPp, "args", {
get: function() {
let args = [];
// Gaia profile.
args.push("-profile", this.gaiaProfile.path);
// Debugger server port.
let port = parseInt(this.options.port);
args.push("-dbgport", "" + port);
// Ignore eventual zombie instances of b2g that are left over.
return args;
exports.OldAddonSimulatorProcess = OldAddonSimulatorProcess;