Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

537 lines
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Executable File

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
"""output formats for Talos"""
import filter
import json
import logging
import post_file
import time
import utils
# NOTE: we have a circular dependecy with output.py when we import results
import results as TalosResults
from StringIO import StringIO
def filesizeformat(bytes):
Format the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 KB, 4.1 MB, 102
bytes, etc).
bytes = float(bytes)
formats = ('B', 'KB', 'MB')
for f in formats:
if bytes < 1024:
return "%.1f%s" % (bytes, f)
bytes /= 1024
return "%.1fGB" % bytes # has to be GB
class Output(object):
"""abstract base class for Talos output"""
def check(cls, urls):
"""check to ensure that the urls are valid"""
def __init__(self, results):
- results : TalosResults instance
self.results = results
def __call__(self):
"""return list of results strings"""
raise NotImplementedError("Abstract base class")
def output(self, results, results_url, tbpl_output):
"""output to the results_url
- results_url : http:// or file:// URL
- results : list of results
# parse the results url
results_url_split = utils.urlsplit(results_url)
results_scheme, results_server, results_path, _, _ = results_url_split
if results_scheme in ('http', 'https'):
self.post(results, results_server, results_path, results_scheme,
elif results_scheme == 'file':
with open(results_path, 'w') as f:
for result in results:
f.write("%s\n" % result)
raise NotImplementedError(
"%s: %s - only http://, https://, and file:// supported"
% (self.__class__.__name__, results_url)
def post(self, results, server, path, scheme, tbpl_output):
raise NotImplementedError("Abstract base class")
def shortName(cls, name):
"""short name for counters"""
names = {"Working Set": "memset",
"% Processor Time": "%cpu",
"Private Bytes": "pbytes",
"RSS": "rss",
"XRes": "xres",
"Modified Page List Bytes": "modlistbytes",
"Main_RSS": "main_rss"}
return names.get(name, name)
def isMemoryMetric(cls, resultName):
"""returns if the result is a memory metric"""
memory_metric = ['memset', 'rss', 'pbytes', 'xres', 'modlistbytes',
'main_rss', 'content_rss'] # measured in bytes
return bool([i for i in memory_metric if i in resultName])
def responsiveness_Metric(cls, val_list):
return sum([float(x)*float(x) / 1000000.0 for x in val_list])
def v8_Metric(cls, val_list):
results = [i for i, j in val_list]
score = 100 * filter.geometric_mean(results)
return score
def JS_Metric(cls, val_list):
"""v8 benchmark score"""
results = [i for i, j in val_list]
logging.info("javascript benchmark")
return sum(results)
def CanvasMark_Metric(cls, val_list):
"""CanvasMark benchmark score (NOTE: this is identical to JS_Metric)"""
results = [i for i, j in val_list]
logging.info("CanvasMark benchmark")
return sum(results)
class GraphserverOutput(Output):
retries = 5 # number of times to attempt to contact graphserver
info_format = ['title', 'testname', 'branch_name', 'sourcestamp',
'buildid', 'date']
def check(cls, urls):
# ensure results_url link exists
def __call__(self):
results to send to graphserver:
construct all the strings of data, one string per test and one string
per counter
result_strings = []
info_dict = dict(
for test in self.results.results:
logging.debug("Working with test: %s", test.name())
# get full name of test
testname = test.name()
if test.format == 'tpformat':
# for some reason, we append the test extension to tp results
# but not ts
# http://hg.mozilla.org/build/talos/file/170c100911b6/talos
# /run_tests.py#l176
testname += test.extension()
logging.debug("Generating results file: %s" % test.name())
# HACK: when running xperf, we upload xperf counters to the graph
# server but we do not want to
# upload the test results as they will confuse the graph server
if not (test.format == 'tpformat' and test.using_xperf):
vals = []
for result in test.results:
filtered_val = result.values(testname,
vals.extend([[i['value'], j] for i, j in filtered_val])
# counter results
for cd in test.all_counter_results:
for counter_type, values in cd.items():
# get the counter name
counterName = '%s_%s' % (test.name(),
if not values:
# failed to collect any data for this counter
"No results collected for: " + counterName
# NOTE: we are not going to enforce this warning for now as this happens too
# frequently: bugs 803413, 802475, 805925
# raise utils.TalosError("Unable to proceed with missing
# counter '%s'" % counterName)
# (jhammel: we probably should do this in e.g. results.py vs in
# graphserver-specific code anyway)
# exclude counters whose values are tuples (bad for
# graphserver)
if len(values) > 0 and isinstance(values[0], list):
print "Not uploading counter data for %s" % counterName
print values
if test.mainthread() and 'mainthreadio' in counterName:
print ("Not uploading Mainthread IO data for %s"
% counterName)
print values
# counter values
vals = [[x, 'NULL'] for x in values]
# append test name extension but only for tpformat tests
if test.format == 'tpformat':
counterName += test.extension()
info = info_dict.copy()
info['testname'] = counterName
# append the counter string
"Generating results file: %s" % counterName)
result_strings.append(self.construct_results(vals, **info))
return result_strings
def responsiveness_test(self, testname):
"""returns if the test is a responsiveness test"""
# XXX currently this just looks for the string
# 'responsiveness' in the test name.
# It would be nice to be more declarative about this
return 'responsiveness' in testname
def construct_results(self, vals, testname, **info):
return results string appropriate to graphserver
- vals: list of 2-tuples: [(val, page)
- kwargs: info necessary for self.info_format interpolation
see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Buildbot/Talos/DataFormat
info['testname'] = testname
info_format = self.info_format
responsiveness = self.responsiveness_test(testname)
_type = 'VALUES'
average = None
if responsiveness:
_type = 'AVERAGE'
average = self.responsiveness_Metric([val for (val, page) in vals])
elif testname.startswith('v8_7'):
_type = 'AVERAGE'
average = self.v8_Metric(vals)
elif testname.startswith('kraken'):
_type = 'AVERAGE'
average = self.JS_Metric(vals)
elif testname.startswith('tcanvasmark'):
_type = 'AVERAGE'
average = self.CanvasMark_Metric(vals)
# ensure that we have all of the info data available
missing = [i for i in info_format if i not in info]
if missing:
raise utils.TalosError("Missing keys: %s" % missing)
info = ','.join([str(info[key]) for key in info_format])
# write the data
buffer = StringIO()
buffer.write("%s\n" % _type)
buffer.write('%s\n' % info)
if average is not None:
# write some kind of average
buffer.write("%s\n" % average)
for i, (val, page) in enumerate(vals):
buffer.write("%d,%.2f,%s\n" % (i, float(val), page))
except ValueError:
"We expected a numeric value and recieved '%s' instead"
% val
return buffer.getvalue()
def process_Request(self, post):
"""get links from the graphserver response"""
links = ""
for line in post.splitlines():
if line.find("RETURN\t") > -1:
line = line.replace("RETURN\t", "")
links += line + '\n'
logging.debug("process_Request line: %s", line)
if not links:
raise utils.TalosError("send failed, graph server says:\n%s"
% post)
return links
def post(self, results, server, path, scheme, tbpl_output):
"""post results to the graphserver"""
links = []
wait_time = 5 # number of seconds between each attempt
for index, data_string in enumerate(results):
times = 0
msg = ""
while times < self.retries:
"Posting result %d of %d to %s://%s%s, attempt %d",
index, len(results), scheme, server, path, times)
post_file.post_multipart(server, path,
except utils.TalosError, e:
msg = str(e)
except Exception, e:
msg = str(e)
times += 1
wait_time *= 2
raise utils.TalosError(
"Graph server unreachable (%d attempts)\n%s"
% (self.retries, msg)
# add TBPL output
self.add_tbpl_output(links, tbpl_output, server, scheme)
def add_tbpl_output(self, links, tbpl_output, server, scheme):
add graphserver links such that TBPL can parse them.
graphserver returns a response like:
for each ts posted (tsvgr, in this case)
url_format = "%s://%s/%s"
# XXX this will not work for multiple URLs :(
tbpl_output.setdefault('graphserver', {})
# XXX link_format to be deprecated; see
# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=816634
link_format = '<a href=\'%s\'>%s</a>'
for response in links:
# parse the response:
# graphserver returns one of two responses. For 'AVERAGE' payloads
# graphserver returns a line
# 'RETURN\t<test name>\t<value>\t<path segment>' :
# http://hg.mozilla.org/graphs/file/8884ef9418bf/server/pyfomatic
# /collect.py#l277
# For 'VALUES' payloads, graphserver prepends an additional line
# 'RETURN\t<test name>\t<path segment>' :
# http://hg.mozilla.org/graphs/file/8884ef9418bf/server/pyfomatic
# /collect.py#l274
# see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=816634#c56 for
# a more verbose explanation
lines = [line.strip() for line in response.strip().splitlines()]
assert len(lines) in (1, 2), """\
Should have one line for 'AVERAGE' payloads,
two lines for 'VALUES' payloads. You received:
%s""" % lines
testname, result, path = lines[-1].split()
if self.isMemoryMetric(testname):
result = filesizeformat(result)
# add it to the output
url = url_format % (scheme, server, path)
tbpl_output['graphserver'][testname] = {'url': url,
'result': result}
# output to legacy TBPL; to be deprecated, see
# https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=816634
linkName = '%s: %s' % (testname, result)
print 'RETURN: %s' % link_format % (url, linkName)
class PerfherderOutput(Output):
def __init__(self, results):
Output.__init__(self, results)
def output(self, results, results_url, tbpl_output):
"""output to the a file if results_url starts with file://
- results : json instance
- results_url : file:// URL
# parse the results url
results_url_split = utils.urlsplit(results_url)
results_scheme, results_server, results_path, _, _ = results_url_split
# This is the output that treeherder expects to find when parsing the
# log file
logging.info("PERFHERDER_DATA: %s" % json.dumps(results))
if results_scheme in ('file'):
json.dump(results, file(results_path, 'w'), indent=2,
def post(self, results, server, path, scheme, tbpl_output):
"""conform to current code- not needed for perfherder"""
def construct_results(self, vals, testname):
if 'responsiveness' in testname:
return self.responsiveness_Metric([val for (val, page) in vals])
elif testname.startswith('v8_7'):
return self.v8_Metric(vals)
elif testname.startswith('kraken'):
return self.JS_Metric(vals)
elif testname.startswith('tcanvasmark'):
return self.CanvasMark_Metric(vals)
elif len(vals) > 1:
return filter.geometric_mean([i for i, j in vals])
return filter.mean([i for i, j in vals])
def __call__(self):
suites = []
test_results = {
'framework': {
'name': 'talos',
'suites': suites,
for test in self.results.results:
# serialize test results
tsresult = None
if not test.using_xperf:
subtests = []
suite = {
'name': test.name(),
'subtests': subtests,
vals = []
replicates = {}
# TODO: counters!!!! we don't have any, but they suffer the
# same
for result in test.results:
# XXX this will not work for manifests which list
# the same page name twice. It also ignores cycles
for page, val in result.raw_values():
if page == 'NULL':
page = test.name()
if tsresult is None:
tsresult = r = TalosResults.Results()
r.results = [{'index': 0, 'page': test.name(),
'runs': val}]
r = tsresult.results[0]
if r['page'] == test.name():
replicates.setdefault(page, []).extend(val)
tresults = [tsresult] if tsresult else test.results
for result in tresults:
filtered_results = \
vals.extend([[i['value'], j] for i, j in filtered_results])
for val, page in filtered_results:
if page == 'NULL':
# no real subtests
page = test.name()
subtest = {
'name': page,
'value': val['filtered'],
'replicates': replicates[page],
if test.test_config.get('lower_is_better') is not None:
subtest['lowerIsBetter'] = \
if test.test_config.get('unit'):
subtest['unit'] = test.test_config['unit']
# if there is more than one subtest, calculate a summary result
if len(subtests) > 1:
suite['value'] = self.construct_results(
vals, testname=test.name())
if test.test_config.get('lower_is_better') is not None:
suite['lowerIsBetter'] = \
# counters results_aux data
counter_subtests = []
for cd in test.all_counter_results:
for name, vals in cd.items():
# We want to add the xperf data as talos_counters
# exclude counters whose values are tuples (bad for
# graphserver)
if len(vals) > 0 and isinstance(vals[0], list):
# mainthread IO is a list of filenames and accesses, we do
# not report this as a counter
if 'mainthreadio' in name:
subtest = {
'name': name,
'value': 0.0,
if test.using_xperf:
subtest['value'] = vals[0]
# calculate mean value
if len(vals) > 0:
varray = [float(v) for v in vals]
subtest['value'] = filter.mean(varray)
if counter_subtests:
suites.append({'name': test.name(),
'subtests': counter_subtests})
return test_results
# available output formats
formats = {'datazilla_urls': PerfherderOutput,
'results_urls': GraphserverOutput}