Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

767 lines
21 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const Cr = Components.results;
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Schemas"];
/* globals Schemas */
function readJSON(uri) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
NetUtil.asyncFetch({uri, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true}, (inputStream, status) => {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) {
reject(new Error(status));
try {
let text = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(inputStream, inputStream.available());
// Chrome JSON files include a license comment that we need to
// strip off for this to be valid JSON. As a hack, we just
// look for the first '[' character, which signals the start
// of the JSON content.
let index = text.indexOf("[");
text = text.slice(index);
} catch (e) {
function getValueBaseType(value) {
let t = typeof(value);
if (t == "object") {
if (value === null) {
return "null";
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return "array";
} else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) == "[object ArrayBuffer]") {
return "binary";
} else if (t == "number") {
if (value % 1 == 0) {
return "integer";
return t;
// Schema files contain namespaces, and each namespace contains types,
// properties, functions, and events. An Entry is a base class for
// types, properties, functions, and events.
class Entry {
// Injects JS values for the entry into the extension API
// namespace. The default implementation is to do
// nothing. |wrapperFuncs| is used to call the actual implementation
// of a given function or event. It's an object with properties
// callFunction, addListener, removeListener, and hasListener.
inject(name, dest, wrapperFuncs) {
// Corresponds either to a type declared in the "types" section of the
// schema or else to any type object used throughout the schema.
class Type extends Entry {
// Takes a value, checks that it has the correct type, and returns a
// "normalized" version of the value. The normalized version will
// include "nulls" in place of omitted optional properties. The
// result of this function is either {error: "Some type error"} or
// {value: <normalized-value>}.
normalize(value) {
return {error: "invalid type"};
// Unlike normalize, this function does a shallow check to see if
// |baseType| (one of the possible getValueBaseType results) is
// valid for this type. It returns true or false. It's used to fill
// in optional arguments to functions before actually type checking
// the arguments.
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return false;
// Helper method that simply relies on checkBaseType to implement
// normalize. Subclasses can choose to use it or not.
normalizeBase(type, value) {
if (this.checkBaseType(getValueBaseType(value))) {
return {value};
return {error: `Expected ${type} instead of ${JSON.stringify(value)}`};
// Type that allows any value.
class AnyType extends Type {
normalize(value) {
return {value};
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return true;
// An untagged union type.
class ChoiceType extends Type {
constructor(choices) {
this.choices = choices;
normalize(value) {
for (let choice of this.choices) {
let r = choice.normalize(value);
if (!r.error) {
return r;
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return this.choices.some(t => t.checkBaseType(baseType));
// This is a reference to another type--essentially a typedef.
class RefType extends Type {
// For a reference to a type named T declared in namespace NS,
// namespaceName will be NS and reference will be T.
constructor(namespaceName, reference) {
this.namespaceName = namespaceName;
this.reference = reference;
normalize(value) {
let ns = Schemas.namespaces.get(this.namespaceName);
let type = ns.get(this.reference);
if (!type) {
throw new Error(`Internal error: Type ${this.reference} not found`);
return type.normalize(value);
checkBaseType(baseType) {
let ns = Schemas.namespaces.get(this.namespaceName);
let type = ns.get(this.reference);
if (!type) {
throw new Error(`Internal error: Type ${this.reference} not found`);
return type.checkBaseType(baseType);
class StringType extends Type {
constructor(enumeration, minLength, maxLength) {
this.enumeration = enumeration;
this.minLength = minLength;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
normalize(value) {
let r = this.normalizeBase("string", value);
if (r.error) {
return r;
if (this.enumeration) {
if (this.enumeration.includes(value)) {
return {value};
return {error: `Invalid enumeration value ${JSON.stringify(value)}`};
if (value.length < this.minLength) {
return {error: `String ${JSON.stringify(value)} is too short (must be ${this.minLength})`};
if (value.length > this.maxLength) {
return {error: `String ${JSON.stringify(value)} is too long (must be ${this.maxLength})`};
return r;
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "string";
inject(name, dest, wrapperFuncs) {
if (this.enumeration) {
let obj = Cu.createObjectIn(dest, {defineAs: name});
for (let e of this.enumeration) {
let key = e.toUpperCase();
obj[key] = e;
class UnrestrictedObjectType extends Type {
normalize(value) {
return this.normalizeBase("object", value);
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "object";
class ObjectType extends Type {
constructor(properties, additionalProperties) {
this.properties = properties;
this.additionalProperties = additionalProperties;
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "object";
normalize(value) {
let v = this.normalizeBase("object", value);
if (v.error) {
return v;
let result = {};
for (let prop of Object.keys(this.properties)) {
let {type, optional, unsupported} = this.properties[prop];
if (unsupported) {
if (prop in value) {
return {error: `Property "${prop}" is unsupported by Firefox`};
} else if (prop in value) {
if (optional && (value[prop] === null || value[prop] === undefined)) {
result[prop] = null;
} else {
let r = type.normalize(value[prop]);
if (r.error) {
return r;
result[prop] = r.value;
} else if (!optional) {
return {error: `Property "${prop}" is required`};
} else {
result[prop] = null;
for (let prop of Object.keys(value)) {
if (!(prop in this.properties)) {
if (this.additionalProperties) {
let r = this.additionalProperties.normalize(value[prop]);
if (r.error) {
return r;
result[prop] = r.value;
} else {
return {error: `Unexpected property "${prop}"`};
return {value: result};
class NumberType extends Type {
normalize(value) {
let r = this.normalizeBase("number", value);
if (r.error) {
return r;
if (isNaN(value) || !Number.isFinite(value)) {
return {error: "NaN or infinity are not valid"};
return r;
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "number" || baseType == "integer";
class IntegerType extends Type {
constructor(minimum, maximum) {
this.minimum = minimum;
this.maximum = maximum;
normalize(value) {
let r = this.normalizeBase("integer", value);
if (r.error) {
return r;
// Ensure it's between -2**31 and 2**31-1
if ((value | 0) !== value) {
return {error: "Integer is out of range"};
if (value < this.minimum) {
return {error: `Integer ${value} is too small (must be at least ${this.minimum})`};
if (value > this.maximum) {
return {error: `Integer ${value} is too big (must be at most ${this.maximum})`};
return r;
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "integer";
class BooleanType extends Type {
normalize(value) {
return this.normalizeBase("boolean", value);
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "boolean";
class ArrayType extends Type {
constructor(itemType) {
this.itemType = itemType;
normalize(value) {
let v = this.normalizeBase("array", value);
if (v.error) {
return v;
let result = [];
for (let element of value) {
element = this.itemType.normalize(element);
if (element.error) {
return element;
return {value: result};
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "array";
class FunctionType extends Type {
constructor(parameters) {
this.parameters = parameters;
normalize(value) {
return this.normalizeBase("function", value);
checkBaseType(baseType) {
return baseType == "function";
// Represents a "property" defined in a schema namespace with a
// particular value. Essentially this is a constant.
class ValueProperty extends Entry {
constructor(name, value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
inject(name, dest, wrapperFuncs) {
dest[name] = this.value;
// Represents a "property" defined in a schema namespace that is not a
// constant.
class TypeProperty extends Entry {
constructor(name, type) {
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
// This class is a base class for FunctionEntrys and Events. It takes
// care of validating parameter lists (i.e., handling of optional
// parameters and parameter type checking).
class CallEntry extends Entry {
constructor(namespaceName, name, parameters) {
this.namespaceName = namespaceName;
this.name = name;
this.parameters = parameters;
throwError(global, msg) {
global = Cu.getGlobalForObject(global);
throw new global.Error(`${msg} for ${this.namespaceName}.${this.name}.`);
checkParameters(args, global) {
let fixedArgs = [];
// First we create a new array, fixedArgs, that is the same as
// |args| but with null values in place of omitted optional
// parameters.
let check = (parameterIndex, argIndex) => {
if (parameterIndex == this.parameters.length) {
if (argIndex == args.length) {
return true;
return false;
let parameter = this.parameters[parameterIndex];
if (parameter.optional) {
// Try skipping it.
fixedArgs[parameterIndex] = null;
if (check(parameterIndex + 1, argIndex)) {
return true;
if (argIndex == args.length) {
return false;
let arg = args[argIndex];
if (!parameter.type.checkBaseType(getValueBaseType(arg))) {
if (parameter.optional && (arg === null || arg === undefined)) {
fixedArgs[parameterIndex] = null;
} else {
return false;
} else {
fixedArgs[parameterIndex] = arg;
return check(parameterIndex + 1, argIndex + 1);
let success = check(0, 0);
if (!success) {
this.throwError(global, "Incorrect argument types");
// Now we normalize (and fully type check) all non-omitted arguments.
fixedArgs = fixedArgs.map((arg, parameterIndex) => {
if (arg === null) {
return null;
} else {
let parameter = this.parameters[parameterIndex];
let r = parameter.type.normalize(arg);
if (r.error) {
this.throwError(global, `Type error for parameter ${parameter.name} (${r.error})`);
return r.value;
return fixedArgs;
// Represents a "function" defined in a schema namespace.
class FunctionEntry extends CallEntry {
constructor(namespaceName, name, type, unsupported) {
super(namespaceName, name, type.parameters);
this.unsupported = unsupported;
inject(name, dest, wrapperFuncs) {
if (this.unsupported) {
let stub = (...args) => {
let actuals = this.checkParameters(args, dest);
return wrapperFuncs.callFunction(this.namespaceName, name, actuals);
Cu.exportFunction(stub, dest, {defineAs: name});
// Represents an "event" defined in a schema namespace.
class Event extends CallEntry {
constructor(namespaceName, name, type, extraParameters, unsupported) {
super(namespaceName, name, extraParameters);
this.type = type;
this.unsupported = unsupported;
checkListener(global, listener) {
let r = this.type.normalize(listener);
if (r.error) {
this.throwError(global, "Invalid listener");
return r.value;
inject(name, dest, wrapperFuncs) {
if (this.unsupported) {
let addStub = (listener, ...args) => {
listener = this.checkListener(dest, listener);
let actuals = this.checkParameters(args, dest);
return wrapperFuncs.addListener(this.namespaceName, name, listener, actuals);
let removeStub = (listener) => {
listener = this.checkListener(dest, listener);
return wrapperFuncs.removeListener(this.namespaceName, name, listener);
let hasStub = (listener) => {
listener = this.checkListener(dest, listener);
return wrapperFuncs.hasListener(this.namespaceName, name, listener);
let obj = Cu.createObjectIn(dest, {defineAs: name});
Cu.exportFunction(addStub, obj, {defineAs: "addListener"});
Cu.exportFunction(removeStub, obj, {defineAs: "removeListener"});
Cu.exportFunction(hasStub, obj, {defineAs: "hasListener"});
this.Schemas = {
// Map[<schema-name> -> Map[<symbol-name> -> Entry]]
// This keeps track of all the schemas that have been loaded so far.
namespaces: new Map(),
register(namespaceName, symbol, value) {
let ns = this.namespaces.get(namespaceName);
if (!ns) {
ns = new Map();
this.namespaces.set(namespaceName, ns);
ns.set(symbol, value);
parseType(namespaceName, type, extraProperties = []) {
let allowedProperties = new Set(extraProperties);
// Do some simple validation of our own schemas.
function checkTypeProperties(...extra) {
let allowedSet = new Set([...allowedProperties, ...extra, "description"]);
for (let prop of Object.keys(type)) {
if (!allowedSet.has(prop)) {
throw new Error(`Internal error: Namespace ${namespaceName} has invalid type property "${prop}" in type "${type.name}"`);
if ("choices" in type) {
let choices = type.choices.map(t => this.parseType(namespaceName, t));
return new ChoiceType(choices);
} else if ("$ref" in type) {
let ref = type.$ref;
let ns = namespaceName;
if (ref.includes(".")) {
[ns, ref] = ref.split(".");
return new RefType(ns, ref);
if (!("type" in type)) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected value for type: ${JSON.stringify(type)}`);
// Otherwise it's a normal type...
if (type.type == "string") {
checkTypeProperties("enum", "minLength", "maxLength");
let enumeration = type.enum || null;
if (enumeration) {
// The "enum" property is either a list of strings that are
// valid values or else a list of {name, description} objects,
// where the .name values are the valid values.
enumeration = enumeration.map(e => {
if (typeof(e) == "object") {
return e.name;
} else {
return e;
return new StringType(enumeration,
type.minLength || 0,
type.maxLength || Infinity);
} else if (type.type == "object") {
if (!type.properties) {
return new UnrestrictedObjectType();
let properties = {};
for (let propName of Object.keys(type.properties)) {
let propType = this.parseType(namespaceName, type.properties[propName],
["optional", "unsupported", "deprecated"]);
properties[propName] = {
type: propType,
optional: type.properties[propName].optional || false,
unsupported: type.properties[propName].unsupported || false,
let additionalProperties = null;
if ("additionalProperties" in type) {
additionalProperties = this.parseType(namespaceName, type.additionalProperties);
return new ObjectType(properties, additionalProperties);
} else if (type.type == "array") {
return new ArrayType(this.parseType(namespaceName, type.items));
} else if (type.type == "number") {
return new NumberType();
} else if (type.type == "integer") {
checkTypeProperties("minimum", "maximum");
return new IntegerType(type.minimum || 0, type.maximum || Infinity);
} else if (type.type == "boolean") {
return new BooleanType();
} else if (type.type == "function") {
let parameters = null;
if ("parameters" in type) {
parameters = [];
for (let param of type.parameters) {
type: this.parseType(namespaceName, param, ["name", "optional"]),
name: param.name,
optional: param.optional || false,
return new FunctionType(parameters);
} else if (type.type == "any") {
// Need to see what minimum and maximum are supposed to do here.
checkTypeProperties("minimum", "maximum");
return new AnyType();
} else {
throw new Error(`Unexpected type ${type.type}`);
loadType(namespaceName, type) {
this.register(namespaceName, type.id, this.parseType(namespaceName, type, ["id"]));
loadProperty(namespaceName, name, prop) {
if ("value" in prop) {
this.register(namespaceName, name, new ValueProperty(name, prop.value));
} else {
let type = this.parseType(namespaceName, prop);
this.register(namespaceName, name, new TypeProperty(name, type));
loadFunction(namespaceName, fun) {
// We ignore this property for now.
let returns = fun.returns; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
let f = new FunctionEntry(namespaceName, fun.name,
this.parseType(namespaceName, fun,
["name", "unsupported", "deprecated", "returns"]),
fun.unsupported || false);
this.register(namespaceName, fun.name, f);
loadEvent(namespaceName, event) {
let extras = event.extraParameters || [];
extras = extras.map(param => {
return {
type: this.parseType(namespaceName, param, ["name", "optional"]),
name: param.name,
optional: param.optional || false,
// We ignore these properties for now.
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
let returns = event.returns;
let filters = event.filters;
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
let type = this.parseType(namespaceName, event,
["name", "unsupported", "deprecated",
"extraParameters", "returns", "filters"]);
let e = new Event(namespaceName, event.name, type, extras,
event.unsupported || false);
this.register(namespaceName, event.name, e);
load(uri) {
return readJSON(uri).then(json => {
for (let namespace of json) {
let name = namespace.namespace;
let types = namespace.types || [];
for (let type of types) {
this.loadType(name, type);
let properties = namespace.properties || {};
for (let propertyName of Object.keys(properties)) {
this.loadProperty(name, propertyName, properties[propertyName]);
let functions = namespace.functions || [];
for (let fun of functions) {
this.loadFunction(name, fun);
let events = namespace.events || [];
for (let event of events) {
this.loadEvent(name, event);
inject(dest, wrapperFuncs) {
for (let [namespace, ns] of this.namespaces) {
let obj = Cu.createObjectIn(dest, {defineAs: namespace});
for (let [name, entry] of ns) {
entry.inject(name, obj, wrapperFuncs);