Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

186 lines
7.3 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const kXULWidgetId = "a-test-button"; // we'll create a button with this ID.
const kAPIWidgetId = "feed-button";
const kPanel = CustomizableUI.AREA_PANEL;
const kToolbar = CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR;
const kVisiblePalette = "customization-palette";
const kPlaceholderClass = "panel-customization-placeholder";
function checkWrapper(id) {
is(document.querySelectorAll("#wrapper-" + id).length, 1, "There should be exactly 1 wrapper for " + id + " in the customizing window.");
var move = {
"drag": function(id, target) {
let targetNode = document.getElementById(target);
if (targetNode.customizationTarget) {
targetNode = targetNode.customizationTarget;
simulateItemDrag(document.getElementById(id), targetNode);
"dragToItem": function(id, target) {
let targetNode = document.getElementById(target);
if (targetNode.customizationTarget) {
targetNode = targetNode.customizationTarget;
let items = targetNode.querySelectorAll("toolbarpaletteitem:not(." + kPlaceholderClass + ")");
if (target == kPanel) {
targetNode = items[items.length - 1];
} else {
targetNode = items[0];
simulateItemDrag(document.getElementById(id), targetNode);
"API": function(id, target) {
if (target == kVisiblePalette) {
return CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(id);
return CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(id, target, null);
function isLast(containerId, defaultPlacements, id) {
assertAreaPlacements(containerId, defaultPlacements.concat([id]));
is(document.getElementById(containerId).customizationTarget.lastChild.firstChild.id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in customizing window.");
is(otherWin.document.getElementById(containerId).customizationTarget.lastChild.id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in other window.");
function getLastVisibleNodeInToolbar(containerId, win=window) {
let container = win.document.getElementById(containerId).customizationTarget;
let rv = container.lastChild;
while (rv && (rv.getAttribute('hidden') == 'true' || (rv.firstChild && rv.firstChild.getAttribute('hidden') == 'true'))) {
rv = rv.previousSibling;
return rv;
function isLastVisibleInToolbar(containerId, defaultPlacements, id) {
let newPlacements;
for (let i = defaultPlacements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let el = document.getElementById(defaultPlacements[i]);
if (el && el.getAttribute('hidden') != 'true') {
newPlacements = [...defaultPlacements];
newPlacements.splice(i + 1, 0, id);
if (!newPlacements) {
assertAreaPlacements(containerId, defaultPlacements.concat([id]));
} else {
assertAreaPlacements(containerId, newPlacements);
is(getLastVisibleNodeInToolbar(containerId).firstChild.id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in customizing window.");
is(getLastVisibleNodeInToolbar(containerId, otherWin).id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in other window.");
function isFirst(containerId, defaultPlacements, id) {
assertAreaPlacements(containerId, [id].concat(defaultPlacements));
is(document.getElementById(containerId).customizationTarget.firstChild.firstChild.id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in customizing window.");
is(otherWin.document.getElementById(containerId).customizationTarget.firstChild.id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + containerId + " in other window.");
function checkToolbar(id, method) {
// Place at start of the toolbar:
let toolbarPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(kToolbar);
move[method](id, kToolbar);
if (method == "dragToItem") {
isFirst(kToolbar, toolbarPlacements, id);
} else if (method == "drag") {
isLastVisibleInToolbar(kToolbar, toolbarPlacements, id);
} else {
isLast(kToolbar, toolbarPlacements, id);
function checkPanel(id, method) {
let panelPlacements = getAreaWidgetIds(kPanel);
move[method](id, kPanel);
let children = document.getElementById(kPanel).querySelectorAll("toolbarpaletteitem:not(." + kPlaceholderClass + ")");
let otherChildren = otherWin.document.getElementById(kPanel).children;
let newPlacements = panelPlacements.concat([id]);
// Relative position of the new item from the end:
let position = -1;
// For the drag to item case, we drag to the last item, making the dragged item the
// penultimate item. We can't well use the first item because the panel has complicated
// rules about rearranging wide items (which, by default, the first two items are).
if (method == "dragToItem") {
newPlacements.splice(panelPlacements.length - 1, 0, id);
position = -2;
assertAreaPlacements(kPanel, newPlacements);
is(children[children.length + position].firstChild.id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + kPanel + " in customizing window.");
is(otherChildren[otherChildren.length + position].id, id,
"Widget " + id + " should be in " + kPanel + " in other window.");
function checkPalette(id, method) {
// Move back to palette:
move[method](id, kVisiblePalette);
ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should end in default state");
let visibleChildren = gCustomizeMode.visiblePalette.children;
let expectedChild = method == "dragToItem" ? visibleChildren[0] : visibleChildren[visibleChildren.length - 1];
is(expectedChild.firstChild.id, id, "Widget " + id + " was moved using " + method + " and should now be wrapped in palette in customizing window.");
if (id == kXULWidgetId) {
ok(otherWin.gNavToolbox.palette.querySelector("#" + id), "Widget " + id + " should be in invisible palette in other window.");
// This test needs a XUL button that's in the palette by default. No such
// button currently exists, so we create a simple one.
function createXULButtonForWindow(win) {
createDummyXULButton(kXULWidgetId, "test-button", win);
function removeXULButtonForWindow(win) {
var otherWin;
// Moving widgets in two windows, one with customize mode and one without, should work.
add_task(function MoveWidgetsInTwoWindows() {
yield startCustomizing();
otherWin = yield openAndLoadWindow(null, true);
yield otherWin.PanelUI.ensureReady();
// Create the XUL button to use in the test in both windows.
ok(CustomizableUI.inDefaultState, "Should start in default state");
for (let widgetId of [kXULWidgetId, kAPIWidgetId]) {
for (let method of ["API", "drag", "dragToItem"]) {
info("Moving widget " + widgetId + " using " + method);
checkToolbar(widgetId, method);
checkPanel(widgetId, method);
checkPalette(widgetId, method);
checkPanel(widgetId, method);
checkToolbar(widgetId, method);
checkPalette(widgetId, method);
yield promiseWindowClosed(otherWin);
otherWin = null;
yield endCustomizing();
add_task(function asyncCleanup() {
yield resetCustomization();