Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* Synchronous front-end for the JavaScript OS.File library.
* Windows implementation.
* This front-end is meant to be imported by a worker thread.
if (typeof Components != "undefined") {
// We do not wish osfile_win_front.jsm to be used directly as a main thread
// module yet.
throw new Error("osfile_win_front.jsm cannot be used from the main thread yet");
(function(exports) {
"use strict";
// exports.OS.Win is created by osfile_win_back.jsm
if (exports.OS && exports.OS.File) {
return; // Avoid double-initialization
let SharedAll = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_shared_allthreads.jsm");
let Path = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile/ospath.jsm");
let SysAll = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_win_allthreads.jsm");
let Const = exports.OS.Constants.Win;
let WinFile = exports.OS.Win.File;
let Type = WinFile.Type;
// Mutable thread-global data
// In the Windows implementation, methods |read| and |write|
// require passing a pointer to an uint32 to determine how many
// bytes have been read/written. In C, this is a benigne operation,
// but in js-ctypes, this has a cost. Rather than re-allocating a
// C uint32 and a C uint32* for each |read|/|write|, we take advantage
// of the fact that the state is thread-private -- hence that two
// |read|/|write| operations cannot take place at the same time --
// and we use the following global mutable values:
let gBytesRead = new ctypes.uint32_t(0);
let gBytesReadPtr = gBytesRead.address();
let gBytesWritten = new ctypes.uint32_t(0);
let gBytesWrittenPtr = gBytesWritten.address();
// Same story for GetFileInformationByHandle
let gFileInfo = new Type.FILE_INFORMATION.implementation();
let gFileInfoPtr = gFileInfo.address();
* Representation of a file.
* You generally do not need to call this constructor yourself. Rather,
* to open a file, use function |OS.File.open|.
* @param fd A OS-specific file descriptor.
* @param {string} path File path of the file handle, used for error-reporting.
* @constructor
let File = function File(fd, path) {
exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.call(this, fd, path);
this._closeResult = null;
File.prototype = Object.create(exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.prototype);
* Close the file.
* This method has no effect if the file is already closed. However,
* if the first call to |close| has thrown an error, further calls
* will throw the same error.
* @throws File.Error If closing the file revealed an error that could
* not be reported earlier.
File.prototype.close = function close() {
if (this._fd) {
let fd = this._fd;
this._fd = null;
// Call |close(fd)|, detach finalizer if any
// (|fd| may not be a CDataFinalizer if it has been
// instantiated from a controller thread).
let result = WinFile._CloseHandle(fd);
if (typeof fd == "object" && "forget" in fd) {
if (result == -1) {
this._closeResult = new File.Error("close", ctypes.winLastError, this._path);
if (this._closeResult) {
throw this._closeResult;
* Read some bytes from a file.
* @param {C pointer} buffer A buffer for holding the data
* once it is read.
* @param {number} nbytes The number of bytes to read. It must not
* exceed the size of |buffer| in bytes but it may exceed the number
* of bytes unread in the file.
* @param {*=} options Additional options for reading. Ignored in
* this implementation.
* @return {number} The number of bytes effectively read. If zero,
* the end of the file has been reached.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of I/O error.
File.prototype._read = function _read(buffer, nbytes, options) {
// |gBytesReadPtr| is a pointer to |gBytesRead|.
WinFile.ReadFile(this.fd, buffer, nbytes, gBytesReadPtr, null),
return gBytesRead.value;
* Write some bytes to a file.
* @param {Typed array} buffer A buffer holding the data that must be
* written.
* @param {number} nbytes The number of bytes to write. It must not
* exceed the size of |buffer| in bytes.
* @param {*=} options Additional options for writing. Ignored in
* this implementation.
* @return {number} The number of bytes effectively written.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of I/O error.
File.prototype._write = function _write(buffer, nbytes, options) {
if (this._appendMode) {
// Need to manually seek on Windows, as O_APPEND is not supported.
// This is, of course, a race, but there is no real way around this.
this.setPosition(0, File.POS_END);
// |gBytesWrittenPtr| is a pointer to |gBytesWritten|.
WinFile.WriteFile(this.fd, buffer, nbytes, gBytesWrittenPtr, null),
return gBytesWritten.value;
* Return the current position in the file.
File.prototype.getPosition = function getPosition(pos) {
return this.setPosition(0, File.POS_CURRENT);
* Change the current position in the file.
* @param {number} pos The new position. Whether this position
* is considered from the current position, from the start of
* the file or from the end of the file is determined by
* argument |whence|. Note that |pos| may exceed the length of
* the file.
* @param {number=} whence The reference position. If omitted
* or |OS.File.POS_START|, |pos| is relative to the start of the
* file. If |OS.File.POS_CURRENT|, |pos| is relative to the
* current position in the file. If |OS.File.POS_END|, |pos| is
* relative to the end of the file.
* @return The new position in the file.
File.prototype.setPosition = function setPosition(pos, whence) {
if (whence === undefined) {
whence = Const.FILE_BEGIN;
let pos64 = ctypes.Int64(pos);
// Per MSDN, while |lDistanceToMove| (low) is declared as int32_t, when
// providing |lDistanceToMoveHigh| as well, it should countain the
// bottom 32 bits of the 64-bit integer. Hence the following |posLo|
// cast is OK.
let posLo = new ctypes.uint32_t(ctypes.Int64.lo(pos64));
posLo = ctypes.cast(posLo, ctypes.int32_t);
let posHi = new ctypes.int32_t(ctypes.Int64.hi(pos64));
let result = WinFile.SetFilePointer(
this.fd, posLo.value, posHi.address(), whence);
// INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER might be still a valid result, as it
// represents the lower 32 bit of the int64 result. MSDN says to check
// both, INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER and a non-zero winLastError.
if (result == Const.INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && ctypes.winLastError) {
throw new File.Error("setPosition", ctypes.winLastError, this._path);
pos64 = ctypes.Int64.join(posHi.value, result);
return Type.int64_t.project(pos64);
* Fetch the information on the file.
* @return File.Info The information on |this| file.
File.prototype.stat = function stat() {
WinFile.GetFileInformationByHandle(this.fd, gFileInfoPtr),
return new File.Info(gFileInfo, this._path);
* Set the last access and modification date of the file.
* The time stamp resolution is 1 second at best, but might be worse
* depending on the platform.
* @param {Date,number=} accessDate The last access date. If numeric,
* milliseconds since epoch. If omitted or null, then the current date
* will be used.
* @param {Date,number=} modificationDate The last modification date. If
* numeric, milliseconds since epoch. If omitted or null, then the current
* date will be used.
* @throws {TypeError} In case of invalid parameters.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of I/O error.
File.prototype.setDates = function setDates(accessDate, modificationDate) {
accessDate = Date_to_FILETIME("File.prototype.setDates", accessDate, this._path);
modificationDate = Date_to_FILETIME("File.prototype.setDates",
WinFile.SetFileTime(this.fd, null, accessDate.address(),
* Set the file's access permission bits.
File.prototype.setPermissions = function setPermissions(options = {}) {
if (!("winAttributes" in options)) {
let oldAttributes = WinFile.GetFileAttributes(this._path);
if (oldAttributes == Const.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
throw new File.Error("setPermissions", ctypes.winLastError, this._path);
let newAttributes = toFileAttributes(options.winAttributes, oldAttributes);
WinFile.SetFileAttributes(this._path, newAttributes),
* Flushes the file's buffers and causes all buffered data
* to be written.
* Disk flushes are very expensive and therefore should be used carefully,
* sparingly and only in scenarios where it is vital that data survives
* system crashes. Even though the function will be executed off the
* main-thread, it might still affect the overall performance of any
* running application.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of I/O error.
File.prototype.flush = function flush() {
throw_on_zero("flush", WinFile.FlushFileBuffers(this.fd), this._path);
// The default sharing mode for opening files: files are not
// locked against being reopened for reading/writing or against
// being deleted by the same process or another process.
// This is consistent with the default Unix policy.
// The default flags for opening files.
* Open a file
* @param {string} path The path to the file.
* @param {*=} mode The opening mode for the file, as
* an object that may contain the following fields:
* - {bool} truncate If |true|, the file will be opened
* for writing. If the file does not exist, it will be
* created. If the file exists, its contents will be
* erased. Cannot be specified with |create|.
* - {bool} create If |true|, the file will be opened
* for writing. If the file exists, this function fails.
* If the file does not exist, it will be created. Cannot
* be specified with |truncate| or |existing|.
* - {bool} existing. If the file does not exist, this function
* fails. Cannot be specified with |create|.
* - {bool} read If |true|, the file will be opened for
* reading. The file may also be opened for writing, depending
* on the other fields of |mode|.
* - {bool} write If |true|, the file will be opened for
* writing. The file may also be opened for reading, depending
* on the other fields of |mode|.
* - {bool} append If |true|, the file will be opened for appending,
* meaning the equivalent of |.setPosition(0, POS_END)| is executed
* before each write. The default is |true|, i.e. opening a file for
* appending. Specify |append: false| to open the file in regular mode.
* If neither |truncate|, |create| or |write| is specified, the file
* is opened for reading.
* Note that |false|, |null| or |undefined| flags are simply ignored.
* @param {*=} options Additional options for file opening. This
* implementation interprets the following fields:
* - {number} winShare If specified, a share mode, as per
* Windows function |CreateFile|. You can build it from
* constants |OS.Constants.Win.FILE_SHARE_*|. If unspecified,
* the file uses the default sharing policy: it can be opened
* for reading and/or writing and it can be removed by other
* processes and by the same process.
* - {number} winSecurity If specified, Windows security
* attributes, as per Windows function |CreateFile|. If unspecified,
* no security attributes.
* - {number} winAccess If specified, Windows access mode, as
* per Windows function |CreateFile|. This also requires option
* |winDisposition| and this replaces argument |mode|. If unspecified,
* uses the string |mode|.
* - {number} winDisposition If specified, Windows disposition mode,
* as per Windows function |CreateFile|. This also requires option
* |winAccess| and this replaces argument |mode|. If unspecified,
* uses the string |mode|.
* @return {File} A file object.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} If the file could not be opened.
File.open = function Win_open(path, mode = {}, options = {}) {
let share = options.winShare !== undefined ? options.winShare : DEFAULT_SHARE;
let security = options.winSecurity || null;
let flags = options.winFlags !== undefined ? options.winFlags : DEFAULT_FLAGS;
let template = options.winTemplate ? options.winTemplate._fd : null;
let access;
let disposition;
mode = OS.Shared.AbstractFile.normalizeOpenMode(mode);
if ("winAccess" in options && "winDisposition" in options) {
access = options.winAccess;
disposition = options.winDisposition;
} else if (("winAccess" in options && !("winDisposition" in options))
||(!("winAccess" in options) && "winDisposition" in options)) {
throw new TypeError("OS.File.open requires either both options " +
"winAccess and winDisposition or neither");
} else {
if (mode.read) {
access |= Const.GENERIC_READ;
if (mode.write) {
access |= Const.GENERIC_WRITE;
// Finally, handle create/existing/trunc
if (mode.trunc) {
if (mode.existing) {
// It seems that Const.TRUNCATE_EXISTING is broken
// in presence of links (source, anyone?). We need
// to open normally, then perform truncation manually.
disposition = Const.OPEN_EXISTING;
} else {
disposition = Const.CREATE_ALWAYS;
} else if (mode.create) {
disposition = Const.CREATE_NEW;
} else if (mode.read && !mode.write) {
disposition = Const.OPEN_EXISTING;
} else if (mode.existing) {
disposition = Const.OPEN_EXISTING;
} else {
disposition = Const.OPEN_ALWAYS;
let file = error_or_file(WinFile.CreateFile(path,
access, share, security, disposition, flags, template), path);
file._appendMode = !!mode.append;
if (!(mode.trunc && mode.existing)) {
return file;
// Now, perform manual truncation
file.setPosition(0, File.POS_START);
return file;
* Checks if a file or directory exists
* @param {string} path The path to the file.
* @return {bool} true if the file exists, false otherwise.
File.exists = function Win_exists(path) {
try {
let file = File.open(path, FILE_STAT_MODE, FILE_STAT_OPTIONS);
return true;
} catch (x) {
return false;
* Remove an existing file.
* @param {string} path The name of the file.
* @param {*=} options Additional options.
* - {bool} ignoreAbsent If |false|, throw an error if the file does
* not exist. |true| by default.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of I/O error.
File.remove = function remove(path, options = {}) {
if (WinFile.DeleteFile(path)) {
if (ctypes.winLastError == Const.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
if ((!("ignoreAbsent" in options) || options.ignoreAbsent)) {
} else if (ctypes.winLastError == Const.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
// Save winLastError before another ctypes call.
let lastError = ctypes.winLastError;
let attributes = WinFile.GetFileAttributes(path);
if (attributes != Const.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (!(attributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) {
throw new File.Error("remove", lastError, path);
let newAttributes = attributes & ~Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
if (WinFile.SetFileAttributes(path, newAttributes) &&
WinFile.DeleteFile(path)) {
throw new File.Error("remove", ctypes.winLastError, path);
* Remove an empty directory.
* @param {string} path The name of the directory to remove.
* @param {*=} options Additional options.
* - {bool} ignoreAbsent If |false|, throw an error if the directory
* does not exist. |true| by default
File.removeEmptyDir = function removeEmptyDir(path, options = {}) {
let result = WinFile.RemoveDirectory(path);
if (!result) {
if ((!("ignoreAbsent" in options) || options.ignoreAbsent) &&
ctypes.winLastError == Const.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new File.Error("removeEmptyDir", ctypes.winLastError, path);
* Create a directory and, optionally, its parent directories.
* @param {string} path The name of the directory.
* @param {*=} options Additional options. This
* implementation interprets the following fields:
* - {C pointer} winSecurity If specified, security attributes
* as per winapi function |CreateDirectory|. If unspecified,
* use the default security descriptor, inherited from the
* parent directory.
* - {bool} ignoreExisting If |false|, throw an error if the directory
* already exists. |true| by default
* - {string} from If specified, the call to |makeDir| creates all the
* ancestors of |path| that are descendants of |from|. Note that |from|
* and its existing descendants must be user-writeable and that |path|
* must be a descendant of |from|.
* Example:
* makeDir(Path.join(profileDir, "foo", "bar"), { from: profileDir });
* creates directories profileDir/foo, profileDir/foo/bar
File._makeDir = function makeDir(path, options = {}) {
let security = options.winSecurity || null;
let result = WinFile.CreateDirectory(path, security);
if (result) {
if (("ignoreExisting" in options) && !options.ignoreExisting) {
throw new File.Error("makeDir", ctypes.winLastError, path);
if (ctypes.winLastError == Const.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
// If the user has no access, but it's a root directory, no error should be thrown
let splitPath = OS.Path.split(path);
// Removing last component if it's empty
// An empty last component is caused by trailing slashes in path
// This is always the case with root directories
if( splitPath.components[splitPath.components.length - 1].length === 0 ) {
// One component consisting of a drive letter implies a directory root.
if (ctypes.winLastError == Const.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED &&
splitPath.winDrive &&
splitPath.components.length === 1 ) {
throw new File.Error("makeDir", ctypes.winLastError, path);
* Copy a file to a destination.
* @param {string} sourcePath The platform-specific path at which
* the file may currently be found.
* @param {string} destPath The platform-specific path at which the
* file should be copied.
* @param {*=} options An object which may contain the following fields:
* @option {bool} noOverwrite - If true, this function will fail if
* a file already exists at |destPath|. Otherwise, if this file exists,
* it will be erased silently.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of any error.
* General note: The behavior of this function is defined only when
* it is called on a single file. If it is called on a directory, the
* behavior is undefined and may not be the same across all platforms.
* General note: The behavior of this function with respect to metadata
* is unspecified. Metadata may or may not be copied with the file. The
* behavior may not be the same across all platforms.
File.copy = function copy(sourcePath, destPath, options = {}) {
WinFile.CopyFile(sourcePath, destPath, options.noOverwrite || false),
* Move a file to a destination.
* @param {string} sourcePath The platform-specific path at which
* the file may currently be found.
* @param {string} destPath The platform-specific path at which the
* file should be moved.
* @param {*=} options An object which may contain the following fields:
* @option {bool} noOverwrite - If set, this function will fail if
* a file already exists at |destPath|. Otherwise, if this file exists,
* it will be erased silently.
* @option {bool} noCopy - If set, this function will fail if the
* operation is more sophisticated than a simple renaming, i.e. if
* |sourcePath| and |destPath| are not situated on the same drive.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of any error.
* General note: The behavior of this function is defined only when
* it is called on a single file. If it is called on a directory, the
* behavior is undefined and may not be the same across all platforms.
* General note: The behavior of this function with respect to metadata
* is unspecified. Metadata may or may not be moved with the file. The
* behavior may not be the same across all platforms.
File.move = function move(sourcePath, destPath, options = {}) {
let flags = 0;
if (!options.noCopy) {
if (!options.noOverwrite) {
flags = flags | Const.MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING;
WinFile.MoveFileEx(sourcePath, destPath, flags),
// Inherit NTFS permissions from the destination directory
// if possible.
if (Path.dirname(sourcePath) === Path.dirname(destPath)) {
// Skip if the move operation was the simple rename,
// The function may fail for various reasons (e.g. not all
// filesystems support NTFS permissions or the user may not
// have the enough rights to read/write permissions).
// However we can safely ignore errors. The file was already
// moved. Setting permissions is not mandatory.
let dacl = new ctypes.voidptr_t();
let sd = new ctypes.voidptr_t();
WinFile.GetNamedSecurityInfo(destPath, Const.SE_FILE_OBJECT,
null /*sidOwner*/, null /*sidGroup*/,
dacl.address(), null /*sacl*/,
// dacl will be set only if the function succeeds.
if (!dacl.isNull()) {
WinFile.SetNamedSecurityInfo(destPath, Const.SE_FILE_OBJECT,
null /*sidOwner*/, null /*sidGroup*/,
dacl, null /*sacl*/);
// sd will be set only if the function succeeds.
if (!sd.isNull()) {
* Gets the number of bytes available on disk to the current user.
* @param {string} sourcePath Platform-specific path to a directory on
* the disk to query for free available bytes.
* @return {number} The number of bytes available for the current user.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of any error.
File.getAvailableFreeSpace = function Win_getAvailableFreeSpace(sourcePath) {
let freeBytesAvailableToUser = new Type.uint64_t.implementation(0);
let freeBytesAvailableToUserPtr = freeBytesAvailableToUser.address();
WinFile.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(sourcePath, freeBytesAvailableToUserPtr, null, null)
return freeBytesAvailableToUser.value;
* A global value used to receive data during time conversions.
let gSystemTime = new Type.SystemTime.implementation();
let gSystemTimePtr = gSystemTime.address();
* Utility function: convert a FILETIME to a JavaScript Date.
let FILETIME_to_Date = function FILETIME_to_Date(fileTime, path) {
if (fileTime == null) {
throw new TypeError("Expecting a non-null filetime");
// Windows counts hours, minutes, seconds from UTC,
// JS counts from local time, so we need to go through UTC.
let utc = Date.UTC(gSystemTime.wYear,
gSystemTime.wMonth - 1
/*Windows counts months from 1, JS from 0*/,
gSystemTime.wDay, gSystemTime.wHour,
gSystemTime.wMinute, gSystemTime.wSecond,
return new Date(utc);
* Utility function: convert Javascript Date to FileTime.
* @param {string} fn Name of the calling function.
* @param {Date,number} date The date to be converted. If omitted or null,
* then the current date will be used. If numeric, assumed to be the date
* in milliseconds since epoch.
let Date_to_FILETIME = function Date_to_FILETIME(fn, date, path) {
if (typeof date === "number") {
date = new Date(date);
} else if (!date) {
date = new Date();
} else if (typeof date.getUTCFullYear !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("|date| parameter of " + fn + " must be a " +
"|Date| instance or number");
gSystemTime.wYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
// Windows counts months from 1, JS from 0.
gSystemTime.wMonth = date.getUTCMonth() + 1;
gSystemTime.wDay = date.getUTCDate();
gSystemTime.wHour = date.getUTCHours();
gSystemTime.wMinute = date.getUTCMinutes();
gSystemTime.wSecond = date.getUTCSeconds();
gSystemTime.wMilliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds();
let result = new OS.Shared.Type.FILETIME.implementation();
return result;
* Iterate on one directory.
* This iterator will not enter subdirectories.
* @param {string} path The directory upon which to iterate.
* @param {*=} options An object that may contain the following field:
* @option {string} winPattern Windows file name pattern; if set,
* only files matching this pattern are returned.
* @throws {File.Error} If |path| does not represent a directory or
* if the directory cannot be iterated.
* @constructor
File.DirectoryIterator = function DirectoryIterator(path, options) {
if (options && options.winPattern) {
this._pattern = path + "\\" + options.winPattern;
} else {
this._pattern = path + "\\*";
this._path = path;
// Pre-open the first item.
this._first = true;
this._findData = new Type.FindData.implementation();
this._findDataPtr = this._findData.address();
this._handle = WinFile.FindFirstFile(this._pattern, this._findDataPtr);
if (this._handle == Const.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
let error = ctypes.winLastError;
this._findData = null;
this._findDataPtr = null;
if (error == Const.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
// Directory is empty, let's behave as if it were closed
SharedAll.LOG("Directory is empty");
this._closed = true;
this._exists = true;
} else if (error == Const.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) {
// Directory does not exist, let's throw if we attempt to walk it
SharedAll.LOG("Directory does not exist");
this._closed = true;
this._exists = false;
} else {
throw new File.Error("DirectoryIterator", error, this._path);
} else {
this._closed = false;
this._exists = true;
File.DirectoryIterator.prototype = Object.create(exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.AbstractIterator.prototype);
* Fetch the next entry in the directory.
* @return null If we have reached the end of the directory.
File.DirectoryIterator.prototype._next = function _next() {
// Bailout if the directory does not exist
if (!this._exists) {
throw File.Error.noSuchFile("DirectoryIterator.prototype.next", this._path);
// Bailout if the iterator is closed.
if (this._closed) {
return null;
// If this is the first entry, we have obtained it already
// during construction.
if (this._first) {
this._first = false;
return this._findData;
if (WinFile.FindNextFile(this._handle, this._findDataPtr)) {
return this._findData;
} else {
let error = ctypes.winLastError;
if (error == Const.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
return null;
} else {
throw new File.Error("iter (FindNextFile)", error, this._path);
* Return the next entry in the directory, if any such entry is
* available.
* Skip special directories "." and "..".
* @return {File.Entry} The next entry in the directory.
* @throws {StopIteration} Once all files in the directory have been
* encountered.
File.DirectoryIterator.prototype.next = function next() {
// FIXME: If we start supporting "\\?\"-prefixed paths, do not forget
// that "." and ".." are absolutely normal file names if _path starts
// with such prefix
for (let entry = this._next(); entry != null; entry = this._next()) {
let name = entry.cFileName.readString();
if (name == "." || name == "..") {
return new File.DirectoryIterator.Entry(entry, this._path);
throw StopIteration;
File.DirectoryIterator.prototype.close = function close() {
if (this._closed) {
this._closed = true;
if (this._handle) {
// We might not have a handle if the iterator is closed
// before being used.
this._handle = null;
* Determine whether the directory exists.
* @return {boolean}
File.DirectoryIterator.prototype.exists = function exists() {
return this._exists;
File.DirectoryIterator.Entry = function Entry(win_entry, parent) {
if (!win_entry.dwFileAttributes || !win_entry.ftCreationTime ||
!win_entry.ftLastAccessTime || !win_entry.ftLastWriteTime)
throw new TypeError();
// Copy the relevant part of |win_entry| to ensure that
// our data is not overwritten prematurely.
let isDir = !!(win_entry.dwFileAttributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
let isSymLink = !!(win_entry.dwFileAttributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT);
let winCreationDate = FILETIME_to_Date(win_entry.ftCreationTime, this._path);
let winLastWriteDate = FILETIME_to_Date(win_entry.ftLastWriteTime, this._path);
let winLastAccessDate = FILETIME_to_Date(win_entry.ftLastAccessTime, this._path);
let name = win_entry.cFileName.readString();
if (!name) {
throw new TypeError("Empty name");
if (!parent) {
throw new TypeError("Empty parent");
this._parent = parent;
let path = Path.join(this._parent, name);
SysAll.AbstractEntry.call(this, isDir, isSymLink, name,
winCreationDate, winLastWriteDate,
winLastAccessDate, path);
File.DirectoryIterator.Entry.prototype = Object.create(SysAll.AbstractEntry.prototype);
* Return a version of an instance of
* File.DirectoryIterator.Entry that can be sent from a worker
* thread to the main thread. Note that deserialization is
* asymmetric and returns an object with a different
* implementation.
File.DirectoryIterator.Entry.toMsg = function toMsg(value) {
if (!value instanceof File.DirectoryIterator.Entry) {
throw new TypeError("parameter of " +
"File.DirectoryIterator.Entry.toMsg must be a " +
let serialized = {};
for (let key in File.DirectoryIterator.Entry.prototype) {
serialized[key] = value[key];
return serialized;
* Information on a file.
* To obtain the latest information on a file, use |File.stat|
* (for an unopened file) or |File.prototype.stat| (for an
* already opened file).
* @constructor
File.Info = function Info(stat, path) {
let isDir = !!(stat.dwFileAttributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
let isSymLink = !!(stat.dwFileAttributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT);
let winBirthDate = FILETIME_to_Date(stat.ftCreationTime, this._path);
let lastAccessDate = FILETIME_to_Date(stat.ftLastAccessTime, this._path);
let lastWriteDate = FILETIME_to_Date(stat.ftLastWriteTime, this._path);
let value = ctypes.UInt64.join(stat.nFileSizeHigh, stat.nFileSizeLow);
let size = Type.uint64_t.importFromC(value);
let winAttributes = {
readOnly: !!(stat.dwFileAttributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY),
system: !!(stat.dwFileAttributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM),
hidden: !!(stat.dwFileAttributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN),
SysAll.AbstractInfo.call(this, path, isDir, isSymLink, size,
winBirthDate, lastAccessDate, lastWriteDate, winAttributes);
File.Info.prototype = Object.create(SysAll.AbstractInfo.prototype);
* Return a version of an instance of File.Info that can be sent
* from a worker thread to the main thread. Note that deserialization
* is asymmetric and returns an object with a different implementation.
File.Info.toMsg = function toMsg(stat) {
if (!stat instanceof File.Info) {
throw new TypeError("parameter of File.Info.toMsg must be a File.Info");
let serialized = {};
for (let key in File.Info.prototype) {
serialized[key] = stat[key];
return serialized;
* Fetch the information on a file.
* Performance note: if you have opened the file already,
* method |File.prototype.stat| is generally much faster
* than method |File.stat|.
* Platform-specific note: under Windows, if the file is
* already opened without sharing of the read capability,
* this function will fail.
* @return {File.Information}
File.stat = function stat(path) {
let file = File.open(path, FILE_STAT_MODE, FILE_STAT_OPTIONS);
try {
return file.stat();
} finally {
// All of the following is required to ensure that File.stat
// also works on directories.
const FILE_STAT_MODE = {
read: true
// Directories can be opened neither for reading(!) nor for writing
winAccess: 0,
// Directories can only be opened with backup semantics(!)
winDisposition: Const.OPEN_EXISTING
* Set the file's access permission bits.
File.setPermissions = function setPermissions(path, options = {}) {
if (!("winAttributes" in options)) {
let oldAttributes = WinFile.GetFileAttributes(path);
if (oldAttributes == Const.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
throw new File.Error("setPermissions", ctypes.winLastError, path);
let newAttributes = toFileAttributes(options.winAttributes, oldAttributes);
WinFile.SetFileAttributes(path, newAttributes),
* Set the last access and modification date of the file.
* The time stamp resolution is 1 second at best, but might be worse
* depending on the platform.
* Performance note: if you have opened the file already in write mode,
* method |File.prototype.stat| is generally much faster
* than method |File.stat|.
* Platform-specific note: under Windows, if the file is
* already opened without sharing of the write capability,
* this function will fail.
* @param {string} path The full name of the file to set the dates for.
* @param {Date,number=} accessDate The last access date. If numeric,
* milliseconds since epoch. If omitted or null, then the current date
* will be used.
* @param {Date,number=} modificationDate The last modification date. If
* numeric, milliseconds since epoch. If omitted or null, then the current
* date will be used.
* @throws {TypeError} In case of invalid paramters.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of I/O error.
File.setDates = function setDates(path, accessDate, modificationDate) {
try {
return file.setDates(accessDate, modificationDate);
} finally {
// All of the following is required to ensure that File.setDates
// also works on directories.
write: true
winAccess: Const.GENERIC_WRITE,
// Directories can only be opened with backup semantics(!)
winDisposition: Const.OPEN_EXISTING
File.read = exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.read;
File.writeAtomic = exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.writeAtomic;
File.openUnique = exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.openUnique;
File.makeDir = exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.makeDir;
* Remove an existing directory and its contents.
* @param {string} path The name of the directory.
* @param {*=} options Additional options.
* - {bool} ignoreAbsent If |false|, throw an error if the directory doesn't
* exist. |true| by default.
* - {boolean} ignorePermissions If |true|, remove the file even when lacking write
* permission.
* @throws {OS.File.Error} In case of I/O error, in particular if |path| is
* not a directory.
File.removeDir = function(path, options = {}) {
// We can't use File.stat here because it will follow the symlink.
let attributes = WinFile.GetFileAttributes(path);
if (attributes == Const.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
if ((!("ignoreAbsent" in options) || options.ignoreAbsent) &&
ctypes.winLastError == Const.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
throw new File.Error("removeEmptyDir", ctypes.winLastError, path);
if (attributes & Const.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) {
// Unlike Unix symlinks, NTFS junctions or NTFS symlinks to
// directories are directories themselves. OS.File.remove()
// will not work for them.
OS.File.removeEmptyDir(path, options);
exports.OS.Shared.AbstractFile.removeRecursive(path, options);
* Get the current directory by getCurrentDirectory.
File.getCurrentDirectory = function getCurrentDirectory() {
// This function is more complicated than one could hope.
// This is due to two facts:
// - the maximal length of a path under Windows is not completely
// specified (there is a constant MAX_PATH, but it is quite possible
// to create paths that are much larger, see bug 744413);
// - if we attempt to call |GetCurrentDirectory| with a buffer that
// is too short, it returns the length of the current directory, but
// this length might be insufficient by the time we can call again
// the function with a larger buffer, in the (unlikely but possible)
// case in which the process changes directory to a directory with
// a longer name between both calls.
let buffer_size = 4096;
while (true) {
let array = new (ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.char16_t, buffer_size))();
let expected_size = throw_on_zero("getCurrentDirectory",
WinFile.GetCurrentDirectory(buffer_size, array)
if (expected_size <= buffer_size) {
return array.readString();
// At this point, we are in a case in which our buffer was not
// large enough to hold the name of the current directory.
// Consequently, we need to increase the size of the buffer.
// Note that, even in crazy scenarios, the loop will eventually
// converge, as the length of the paths cannot increase infinitely.
buffer_size = expected_size + 1 /* to store \0 */;
* Set the current directory by setCurrentDirectory.
File.setCurrentDirectory = function setCurrentDirectory(path) {
* Get/set the current directory by |curDir|.
Object.defineProperty(File, "curDir", {
set: function(path) {
get: function() {
return this.getCurrentDirectory();
// Utility functions, used for error-handling
* Turn the result of |open| into an Error or a File
* @param {number} maybe The result of the |open| operation that may
* represent either an error or a success. If -1, this function raises
* an error holding ctypes.winLastError, otherwise it returns the opened file.
* @param {string=} path The path of the file.
function error_or_file(maybe, path) {
if (maybe == Const.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
throw new File.Error("open", ctypes.winLastError, path);
return new File(maybe, path);
* Utility function to sort errors represented as "0" from successes.
* @param {string=} operation The name of the operation. If unspecified,
* the name of the caller function.
* @param {number} result The result of the operation that may
* represent either an error or a success. If 0, this function raises
* an error holding ctypes.winLastError, otherwise it returns |result|.
* @param {string=} path The path of the file.
function throw_on_zero(operation, result, path) {
if (result == 0) {
throw new File.Error(operation, ctypes.winLastError, path);
return result;
* Utility function to sort errors represented as "-1" from successes.
* @param {string=} operation The name of the operation. If unspecified,
* the name of the caller function.
* @param {number} result The result of the operation that may
* represent either an error or a success. If -1, this function raises
* an error holding ctypes.winLastError, otherwise it returns |result|.
* @param {string=} path The path of the file.
function throw_on_negative(operation, result, path) {
if (result < 0) {
throw new File.Error(operation, ctypes.winLastError, path);
return result;
* Utility function to sort errors represented as |null| from successes.
* @param {string=} operation The name of the operation. If unspecified,
* the name of the caller function.
* @param {pointer} result The result of the operation that may
* represent either an error or a success. If |null|, this function raises
* an error holding ctypes.winLastError, otherwise it returns |result|.
* @param {string=} path The path of the file.
function throw_on_null(operation, result, path) {
if (result == null || (result.isNull && result.isNull())) {
throw new File.Error(operation, ctypes.winLastError, path);
return result;
* Helper used by both versions of setPermissions
function toFileAttributes(winAttributes, oldDwAttrs) {
if ("readOnly" in winAttributes) {
if (winAttributes.readOnly) {
} else {
if ("system" in winAttributes) {
if (winAttributes.system) {
} else {
if ("hidden" in winAttributes) {
if (winAttributes.hidden) {
} else {
return oldDwAttrs;
File.Win = exports.OS.Win.File;
File.Error = SysAll.Error;
exports.OS.File = File;
exports.OS.Shared.Type = Type;
Object.defineProperty(File, "POS_START", { value: SysAll.POS_START });
Object.defineProperty(File, "POS_CURRENT", { value: SysAll.POS_CURRENT });
Object.defineProperty(File, "POS_END", { value: SysAll.POS_END });