Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

77 lines
2.3 KiB

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// Check that variables view filter feature works fine in the console.
function props(view, prefix = "") {
// First match only the visible one, not hidden by a search
let visible = [...view].filter(([id, prop]) => prop._isMatch);
// Then flatten the list into a list of strings
// being the jsonpath of each attribute being visible in the view
return visible.reduce((list, [id, prop]) => {
list.push(prefix + id);
return list.concat(props(prop, prefix + id + "."));
}, []);
function assertAttrs(view, expected, message) {
is(props(view).join(","), expected, message);
var test = asyncTest(function* () {
yield loadTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,webconsole-filter");
let hud = yield openConsole();
let jsterm = hud.jsterm;
let fetched = jsterm.once("variablesview-fetched");
yield jsterm.execute("inspect({ foo: { bar : \"baz\" } })");
let view = yield fetched;
let variablesView = view._variablesView;
let searchbox = variablesView._searchboxNode;
assertAttrs(view, "foo,__proto__", "To start with, we just see the top level foo attr");
fetched = jsterm.once("variablesview-fetched");
searchbox.value = "bar";
view = yield fetched;
assertAttrs(view, "", "If we don't manually expand nested attr, we don't see them in search");
fetched = jsterm.once("variablesview-fetched");
searchbox.value = "";
view = yield fetched;
assertAttrs(view, "foo", "If we reset the search, we get back to original state");
yield [...view][0][1].expand();
fetched = jsterm.once("variablesview-fetched");
searchbox.value = "bar";
view = yield fetched;
assertAttrs(view, "foo,foo.bar", "Now if we expand, we see the nested attr");
fetched = jsterm.once("variablesview-fetched");
searchbox.value = "baz";
view = yield fetched;
assertAttrs(view, "foo,foo.bar", "We can also search for attr values");
fetched = jsterm.once("variablesview-fetched");
searchbox.value = "";
view = yield fetched;
assertAttrs(view, "foo", "If we reset again, we get back to original state again");