Cameron Kaiser c9b2922b70 hello FPR
2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

537 lines
19 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
var Cu = Components.utils;
// This is the only implementation of nsIUrlListManager.
// A class that manages lists, namely white and black lists for
// phishing or malware protection. The ListManager knows how to fetch,
// update, and store lists.
// There is a single listmanager for the whole application.
// TODO more comprehensive update tests, for example add unittest check
// that the listmanagers tables are properly written on updates
// Lower and upper limits on the server-provided polling frequency
const minDelayMs = 5 * 60 * 1000;
const maxDelayMs = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Log only if browser.safebrowsing.debug is true
this.log = function log(...stuff) {
var prefs_ = new G_Preferences();
var debug = prefs_.getPref("browser.safebrowsing.debug");
if (!debug) {
var d = new Date();
let msg = "listmanager: " + d.toTimeString() + ": " + stuff.join(" ");
dump(msg + "\n");
this.QueryAdapter = function QueryAdapter(callback) {
this.callback_ = callback;
QueryAdapter.prototype.handleResponse = function(value) {
* A ListManager keeps track of black and white lists and knows
* how to update them.
* @constructor
this.PROT_ListManager = function PROT_ListManager() {
log("Initializing list manager");
this.prefs_ = new G_Preferences();
this.updateInterval = this.prefs_.getPref("urlclassifier.updateinterval", 30 * 60) * 1000;
// A map of tableNames to objects of type
// { updateUrl: <updateUrl>, gethashUrl: <gethashUrl> }
this.tablesData = {};
// A map of updateUrls to maps of tables requiring updates, e.g.
// { safebrowsing-update-url: { goog-phish-shavar: true,
// goog-malware-shavar: true }
this.needsUpdate_ = {};
this.observerServiceObserver_ = new G_ObserverServiceObserver(
BindToObject(this.shutdown_, this),
true /*only once*/);
// A map of updateUrls to single-use G_Alarms. An entry exists if and only if
// there is at least one table with updates enabled for that url. G_Alarms
// are reset when enabling/disabling updates or on update callbacks (update
// success, update failure, download error).
this.updateCheckers_ = {};
this.requestBackoffs_ = {};
this.dbService_ = Cc["@mozilla.org/url-classifier/dbservice;1"]
this.hashCompleter_ = Cc["@mozilla.org/url-classifier/hashcompleter;1"]
* xpcom-shutdown callback
* Delete all of our data tables which seem to leak otherwise.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.shutdown_ = function() {
for (var name in this.tablesData) {
delete this.tablesData[name];
* Register a new table table
* @param tableName - the name of the table
* @param updateUrl - the url for updating the table
* @param gethashUrl - the url for fetching hash completions
* @returns true if the table could be created; false otherwise
PROT_ListManager.prototype.registerTable = function(tableName,
gethashUrl) {
log("registering " + tableName + " with " + updateUrl);
if (!updateUrl) {
log("Can't register table " + tableName + " without updateUrl");
return false;
this.tablesData[tableName] = {};
this.tablesData[tableName].updateUrl = updateUrl;
this.tablesData[tableName].gethashUrl = gethashUrl;
this.tablesData[tableName].provider = providerName;
// Keep track of all of our update URLs.
if (!this.needsUpdate_[updateUrl]) {
this.needsUpdate_[updateUrl] = {};
/* Backoff interval should be between 30 and 60 minutes. */
var backoffInterval = 30 * 60 * 1000;
backoffInterval += Math.floor(Math.random() * (30 * 60 * 1000));
log("Creating request backoff for " + updateUrl);
this.requestBackoffs_[updateUrl] = new RequestBackoff(2 /* max errors */,
60*1000 /* retry interval, 1 min */,
4 /* num requests */,
60*60*1000 /* request time, 60 min */,
backoffInterval /* backoff interval, 60 min */,
8*60*60*1000 /* max backoff, 8hr */);
this.needsUpdate_[updateUrl][tableName] = false;
return true;
PROT_ListManager.prototype.getGethashUrl = function(tableName) {
if (this.tablesData[tableName] && this.tablesData[tableName].gethashUrl) {
return this.tablesData[tableName].gethashUrl;
return "";
* Enable updates for some tables
* @param tables - an array of table names that need updating
PROT_ListManager.prototype.enableUpdate = function(tableName) {
var table = this.tablesData[tableName];
if (table) {
log("Enabling table updates for " + tableName);
this.needsUpdate_[table.updateUrl][tableName] = true;
* Returns true if any table associated with the updateUrl requires updates.
* @param updateUrl - the updateUrl
PROT_ListManager.prototype.updatesNeeded_ = function(updateUrl) {
let updatesNeeded = false;
for (var tableName in this.needsUpdate_[updateUrl]) {
if (this.needsUpdate_[updateUrl][tableName]) {
updatesNeeded = true;
return updatesNeeded;
* Disables updates for some tables
* @param tables - an array of table names that no longer need updating
PROT_ListManager.prototype.disableUpdate = function(tableName) {
var table = this.tablesData[tableName];
if (table) {
log("Disabling table updates for " + tableName);
this.needsUpdate_[table.updateUrl][tableName] = false;
if (!this.updatesNeeded_(table.updateUrl) &&
this.updateCheckers_[table.updateUrl]) {
this.updateCheckers_[table.updateUrl] = null;
* Determine if we have some tables that need updating.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.requireTableUpdates = function() {
for (var name in this.tablesData) {
// Tables that need updating even if other tables don't require it
if (this.needsUpdate_[this.tablesData[name].updateUrl][name]) {
return true;
return false;
* Acts as a nsIUrlClassifierCallback for getTables.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.kickoffUpdate_ = function (onDiskTableData)
this.startingUpdate_ = false;
var initialUpdateDelay = 3000;
// Add a fuzz of 0-5 minutes.
initialUpdateDelay += Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 * 60 * 1000));
// If the user has never downloaded tables, do the check now.
log("needsUpdate: " + JSON.stringify(this.needsUpdate_, undefined, 2));
for (var updateUrl in this.needsUpdate_) {
// If we haven't already kicked off updates for this updateUrl, set a
// non-repeating timer for it. The timer delay will be reset either on
// updateSuccess to this.updateinterval, or backed off on downloadError.
// Don't set the updateChecker unless at least one table has updates
// enabled.
if (this.updatesNeeded_(updateUrl) && !this.updateCheckers_[updateUrl]) {
let provider = null;
Object.keys(this.tablesData).forEach(function(table) {
if (this.tablesData[table].updateUrl === updateUrl) {
let newProvider = this.tablesData[table].provider;
if (provider) {
if (newProvider !== provider) {
log("Multiple tables for the same updateURL have a different provider?!");
} else {
provider = newProvider;
}, this);
log("Initializing update checker for " + updateUrl
+ " provided by " + provider);
// Use the initialUpdateDelay + fuzz unless we had previous updates
// and the server told us when to try again.
let updateDelay = initialUpdateDelay;
let targetPref = "browser.safebrowsing.provider." + provider + ".nextupdatetime";
let nextUpdate = this.prefs_.getPref(targetPref);
if (nextUpdate) {
updateDelay = Math.min(maxDelayMs, Math.max(0, nextUpdate - Date.now()));
log("Next update at " + nextUpdate);
log("Next update " + updateDelay + "ms from now");
// Set the last update time to verify if data is still valid.
let freshnessPref = "browser.safebrowsing.provider." + provider + ".lastupdatetime";
let freshness = this.prefs_.getPref(freshnessPref);
if (freshness) {
Object.keys(this.tablesData).forEach(function(table) {
if (this.tablesData[table].provider === provider) {
this.dbService_.setLastUpdateTime(table, freshness);
}}, this);
this.updateCheckers_[updateUrl] =
new G_Alarm(BindToObject(this.checkForUpdates, this, updateUrl),
updateDelay, false /* repeating */);
} else {
log("No updates needed or already initialized for " + updateUrl);
PROT_ListManager.prototype.stopUpdateCheckers = function() {
log("Stopping updates");
for (var updateUrl in this.updateCheckers_) {
if (this.updateCheckers_[updateUrl]) {
this.updateCheckers_[updateUrl] = null;
* Determine if we have any tables that require updating. Different
* Wardens may call us with new tables that need to be updated.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.maybeToggleUpdateChecking = function() {
// We update tables if we have some tables that want updates. If there
// are no tables that want to be updated - we dont need to check anything.
if (this.requireTableUpdates()) {
log("Starting managing lists");
// Get the list of existing tables from the DBService before making any
// update requests.
if (!this.startingUpdate_) {
this.startingUpdate_ = true;
// check the current state of tables in the database
this.dbService_.getTables(BindToObject(this.kickoffUpdate_, this));
} else {
log("Stopping managing lists (if currently active)");
this.stopUpdateCheckers(); // Cancel pending updates
* Provides an exception free way to look up the data in a table. We
* use this because at certain points our tables might not be loaded,
* and querying them could throw.
* @param table String Name of the table that we want to consult
* @param key Principal being used to lookup the database
* @param callback nsIUrlListManagerCallback (ie., Function) given false or the
* value in the table corresponding to key. If the table name does not
* exist, we return false, too.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.safeLookup = function(key, callback) {
try {
log("safeLookup: " + key);
var cb = new QueryAdapter(callback);
BindToObject(cb.handleResponse, cb),
} catch(e) {
log("safeLookup masked failure for key " + key + ": " + e);
* Updates our internal tables from the update server
* @param updateUrl: request updates for tables associated with that url, or
* for all tables if the url is empty.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.checkForUpdates = function(updateUrl) {
log("checkForUpdates with " + updateUrl);
// See if we've triggered the request backoff logic.
if (!updateUrl) {
return false;
if (!this.requestBackoffs_[updateUrl] ||
!this.requestBackoffs_[updateUrl].canMakeRequest()) {
log("Can't make update request");
return false;
// Grab the current state of the tables from the database
this.dbService_.getTables(BindToObject(this.makeUpdateRequest_, this,
return true;
* Method that fires the actual HTTP update request.
* First we reset any tables that have disappeared.
* @param tableData List of table data already in the database, in the form
* tablename;<chunk ranges>\n
PROT_ListManager.prototype.makeUpdateRequest_ = function(updateUrl, tableData) {
log("this.tablesData: " + JSON.stringify(this.tablesData, undefined, 2));
log("existing chunks: " + tableData + "\n");
// Disallow blank updateUrls
if (!updateUrl) {
// An object of the form
// { tableList: comma-separated list of tables to request,
// tableNames: map of tables that need updating,
// request: list of tables and existing chunk ranges from tableData
// }
var streamerMap = { tableList: null, tableNames: {}, request: "" };
for (var tableName in this.tablesData) {
// Skip tables not matching this update url
if (this.tablesData[tableName].updateUrl != updateUrl) {
if (this.needsUpdate_[this.tablesData[tableName].updateUrl][tableName]) {
streamerMap.tableNames[tableName] = true;
if (!streamerMap.tableList) {
streamerMap.tableList = tableName;
} else {
streamerMap.tableList += "," + tableName;
// Build the request. For each table already in the database, include the
// chunk data from the database
var lines = tableData.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var fields = lines[i].split(";");
var name = fields[0];
if (streamerMap.tableNames[name]) {
streamerMap.request += lines[i] + "\n";
delete streamerMap.tableNames[name];
// For each requested table that didn't have chunk data in the database,
// request it fresh
for (let tableName in streamerMap.tableNames) {
streamerMap.request += tableName + ";\n";
log("update request: " + JSON.stringify(streamerMap, undefined, 2) + "\n");
// Don't send an empty request.
if (streamerMap.request.length > 0) {
this.makeUpdateRequestForEntry_(updateUrl, streamerMap.tableList,
} else {
// We were disabled between kicking off getTables and now.
log("Not sending empty request");
PROT_ListManager.prototype.makeUpdateRequestForEntry_ = function(updateUrl,
request) {
log("makeUpdateRequestForEntry_: request " + request +
" update: " + updateUrl + " tablelist: " + tableList + "\n");
var streamer = Cc["@mozilla.org/url-classifier/streamupdater;1"]
if (!streamer.downloadUpdates(
BindToObject(this.updateSuccess_, this, tableList, updateUrl),
BindToObject(this.updateError_, this, tableList, updateUrl),
BindToObject(this.downloadError_, this, tableList, updateUrl))) {
// Our alarm gets reset in one of the 3 callbacks.
log("pending update, queued request until later");
* Callback function if the update request succeeded.
* @param waitForUpdate String The number of seconds that the client should
* wait before requesting again.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.updateSuccess_ = function(tableList, updateUrl,
waitForUpdate) {
log("update success for " + tableList + " from " + updateUrl + ": " +
waitForUpdate + "\n");
var delay = 0;
if (waitForUpdate) {
delay = parseInt(waitForUpdate, 10) * 1000;
// As long as the delay is something sane (5 min to 1 day), update
// our delay time for requesting updates. We always use a non-repeating
// timer since the delay is set differently at every callback.
if (delay > maxDelayMs) {
log("Ignoring delay from server (too long), waiting " +
maxDelayMs + "ms");
delay = maxDelayMs;
} else if (delay < minDelayMs) {
log("Ignoring delay from server (too short), waiting " +
this.updateInterval + "ms");
delay = this.updateInterval;
} else {
log("Waiting " + delay + "ms");
this.updateCheckers_[updateUrl] =
new G_Alarm(BindToObject(this.checkForUpdates, this, updateUrl),
delay, false);
// Let the backoff object know that we completed successfully.
// Set last update time for provider
// Get the provider for these tables, check for consistency
let tables = tableList.split(",");
let provider = null;
for (let table of tables) {
let newProvider = this.tablesData[table].provider;
if (provider) {
if (newProvider !== provider) {
log("Multiple tables for the same updateURL have a different provider?!");
} else {
provider = newProvider;
// Store the last update time (needed to know if the table is "fresh")
// and the next update time (to know when to update next).
let lastUpdatePref = "browser.safebrowsing.provider." + provider + ".lastupdatetime";
let now = Date.now();
log("Setting last update of " + provider + " to " + now);
this.prefs_.setPref(lastUpdatePref, now.toString());
let nextUpdatePref = "browser.safebrowsing.provider." + provider + ".nextupdatetime";
let targetTime = now + delay;
log("Setting next update of " + provider + " to " + targetTime
+ " (" + delay + "ms from now)");
this.prefs_.setPref(nextUpdatePref, targetTime.toString());
* Callback function if the update request succeeded.
* @param result String The error code of the failure
PROT_ListManager.prototype.updateError_ = function(table, updateUrl, result) {
log("update error for " + table + " from " + updateUrl + ": " + result + "\n");
// There was some trouble applying the updates. Don't try again for at least
// updateInterval seconds.
this.updateCheckers_[updateUrl] =
new G_Alarm(BindToObject(this.checkForUpdates, this, updateUrl),
this.updateInterval, false);
* Callback function when the download failed
* @param status String http status or an empty string if connection refused.
PROT_ListManager.prototype.downloadError_ = function(table, updateUrl, status) {
log("download error for " + table + ": " + status + "\n");
// If status is empty, then we assume that we got an NS_CONNECTION_REFUSED
// error. In this case, we treat this is a http 500 error.
if (!status) {
status = 500;
status = parseInt(status, 10);
var delay = this.updateInterval;
if (this.requestBackoffs_[updateUrl].isErrorStatus(status)) {
// Schedule an update for when our backoff is complete
delay = this.requestBackoffs_[updateUrl].nextRequestDelay();
} else {
log("Got non error status for error callback?!");
this.updateCheckers_[updateUrl] =
new G_Alarm(BindToObject(this.checkForUpdates, this, updateUrl),
delay, false);
PROT_ListManager.prototype.QueryInterface = function(iid) {
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports) ||
iid.equals(Ci.nsIUrlListManager) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;