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2017-04-19 00:56:45 -07:00

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<!doctype html>
<title>DOMException-throwing tests</title>
<link rel=author title="Aryeh Gregor" href=ayg@aryeh.name>
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* This file just picks one case where browsers are supposed to throw an
* exception, and tests the heck out of whether it meets the spec. In the
* future, all these checks should be in assert_throws(), but we don't want
* every browser failing every assert_throws() check until they fix every
* single bug in their exception-throwing.
* We don't go out of our way to test everything that's already tested by
* interfaces.html, like whether all constants are present on the object, but
* some things are duplicated.
setup({explicit_done: true});
function testException(exception, global, desc) {
// https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-exception-objects
// (as of 2015-01-03): "The value of the internal [[Prototype]] property of a
// DOMException object MUST be the DOMException prototype object from the
// global environment the exception object is associated with."
test(function() {
}, desc + "Object.getPrototypeOf(exception) === DOMException.prototype");
// https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-creating-throwing-exceptions
// (as of 2015-01-03): "Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of /O/
// passing “name”, Property Descriptor { [[Value]]: /N/, [[Writable]]: true,
// [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }, and false as arguments."
test(function() {
}, desc + "exception.hasOwnProperty(\"name\")");
test(function() {
assert_equals(exception.name, "HierarchyRequestError");
}, desc + "exception.name === \"HierarchyRequestError\"");
test(function() {
var desc = global.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exception, "name");
assert_true(desc.writable, "must be writable");
assert_true(desc.enumerable, "must be enumerable");
assert_true(desc.configurable, "must be configurable");
}, desc + "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exception, \"name\")");
// https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-creating-throwing-exceptions
// (as of 2015-01-03): "If the optional user agent-defined message /M/ was
// specified, then this list has a single element whose value is the result
// of converting /M/ to a String value. Otherwise, the list is empty."
// https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-DOMException-constructor-object
// (as of 2015-01-03): "Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of /O/
// passing “message”, Property Descriptor { [[Value]]: /S/,
// [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }, and
// false as arguments."
test(function() {
if (exception.hasOwnProperty("message")) {
var desc = global.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exception, "message");
assert_true(desc.writable, "must be writable");
assert_false(desc.enumerable, "must not be enumerable");
assert_true(desc.configurable, "must be configurable");
}, desc + "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exception, \"message\")");
test(function() {
if (exception.hasOwnProperty("message")) {
// Can't test anything more specific, since it's implementation-defined :(
assert_equals(typeof exception.message, "string");
} else {
// Error.prototype.message
assert_equals(exception.message, "");
}, desc + "typeof exception.message === \"string\"");
// https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-exception-objects
// (as of 2015-01-03): "The class string of a DOMException object MUST be
// “DOMException”."
test(function() {
"[object DOMException]");
}, desc + "Object.prototype.toString.call(exception) === \"[object DOMException]\"");
// https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#es-creating-throwing-exceptions
// (as of 2015-01-03): "Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of /O/
// passing “code”, Property Descriptor { [[Value]]: /code/,
// [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }, and
// false as arguments."
test(function() {
assert_equals(exception.code, global.DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR);
}, desc + "exception.code === DOMException.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR");
test(function() {
var desc = global.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exception, "name");
assert_true(desc.writable, "must be writable");
assert_true(desc.enumerable, "must be enumerable");
assert_true(desc.configurable, "must be configurable");
}, desc + "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exception, \"code\")");
// Test in current window
var exception = null;
try {
// This should throw a HierarchyRequestError in every browser since the
// Stone Age, so we're really only testing exception-throwing details.
} catch(e) {
exception = e;
testException(exception, window, "");
// Test in iframe
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "about:blank";
iframe.onload = function() {
var exception = null;
try {
} catch(e) {
exception = e;
testException(exception, iframe.contentWindow, "In iframe: ");