
1098 lines
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2018-04-03 00:57:27 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from tablib import Dataset
import re
import struct
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from heapq import merge
# for main:
from sys import argv
from os import path, makedirs
# for nonfunctional writeout
from mpwobj import MPWObject
from blist import sortedlist
def trim_rom(rom):
thelen, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, 0x1a)
return rom[:thelen]
def read_mac_source_file(path):
# May insert arbitrary blank lines!
with open(path, encoding='mac_roman') as f:
return f.read().replace('\r','\n')
def parse_asm(src):
Parse assembly into an iterable of {label: x, directive: y, args: [...], comment: z} dicts
# The MPW Asm (and PPCAsm) syntax is roughly:
# [label[:]][ directive[ arg[,arg...]]][;comment]
myre = (
myre = myre.replace(r'\s', r'[ \t]')
myre = re.compile(myre, re.MULTILINE)
for m in myre.finditer(src):
g = m.groupdict()
# Split args into a list
args = g['args']
if args is None:
args = []
args = [memb.rstrip().lstrip() for memb in args.split(',')]
if args == ['']: args = []
g['args'] = args
# replace Nones with empty strings
g = {k: '' if v is None else v for (k, v) in g.items()}
yield g
def vector_routines_from_source(src):
d = Dataset(headers=['name', 'vtable', 'voffset', 'register', 'comment'])
for line in parse_asm(src):
if line['directive'] == 'vIndirect':
if line['label'] == '' or len(line['args']) != 3:
raise ValueError('Malformed Vector Table line: %r %r' % (line['label'], line['args']))
vtable = int(line['args'][0][1:], 16)
voffset = int(line['args'][1][1:], 16)
register = int(line['args'][2][1:])
# Just dispose of register conventions???
d.append((line['label'], vtable, voffset, register, line['comment']))
return d
def vector_table_from_rom(rom):
RTS = 0x4e75
BSR = 0x61ff
d = Dataset(headers=['vtable', 'voffset', 'offset'])
InitRomVectors, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, 0x66)
if InitRomVectors > len(rom) - 4: return d
if struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, InitRomVectors)[0] != BSR: return d # missing BSR InitDescriptors
# Following code is kinda borrowed...
InitDescriptors = InitRomVectors + struct.unpack_from('>l', rom, InitRomVectors + 2)[0] + 2
kDescTableFormat, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, InitDescriptors + 10)
tableCnt, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, InitDescriptors + 14)
top_bsr_base = InitRomVectors + 6
while struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, top_bsr_base)[0] != RTS:
if struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, top_bsr_base)[0] != BSR:
raise ValueError('Did not find expected BSR at 0x%x', top_bsr_base)
bsr_target = top_bsr_base + struct.unpack_from('>l', rom, top_bsr_base + 2)[0] + 2
# print(' InitVec @ 0x%x' % bsr_target)
if struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, bsr_target)[0] != 0x41fa000e: raise ValueError('Did not find expected LEA')
table, = struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, bsr_target + 6)
rec = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, bsr_target + 16)[0] & 0xfffff
kInfoTableFormat, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, rec)
kDirectVector, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, rec+4)
entry_count, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, rec+8)
#print('Table %04x @ %x (VecInfo @ %x, %d vectors) %s' % (table, bsr_target, rec, entry_count, TableNames.get(table, '')))
for i in range(entry_count):
offset = 4 + 4 * i
implementation = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, bsr_target + 16 + offset)[0] & 0xfffff
d.append((table, offset, implementation))
top_bsr_base += 6
return d
def vector_glue_from_rom(rom):
d = Dataset(headers=['vtable', 'voffset', 'register', 'offset'])
endsearch, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, 0x1a)
rom = rom[:endsearch]
for i in range(0, len(rom) - 10, 2):
if struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, i)[0] != 0x2f3081e2: continue
if struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+8)[0] != 0x4e75: continue
table = struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+4)[0]
vector = struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+6)[0]
if not 0x2010 <= table <= 0x208c or table % 4 != 0:
d.append((table, vector, 7, i))
for i in range(0, len(rom) - 10, 2):
if struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i)[0] & 0xf1ff != 0x2078: continue
if struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+4)[0] & 0xf1f8 != 0x2068: continue
if struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+8)[0] & 0xfff8 != 0x4ed0: continue
ra = (struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i)[0] >> 9) & 7
rb = (struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+4)[0] >> 9) & 7
rc = struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+4)[0] & 7
rd = struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+8)[0] & 7
if not (ra==rb==rc==rd): continue
table = struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+2)[0]
vector = struct.unpack_from('>H', rom, i+6)[0]
if not 0x2010 <= table <= 0x208c or table % 4 != 0:
d.append((table, vector, ra, i))
return d
def trap_routines_from_source(src):
trap_range = range(0xa000, 0xb000)
d = ['_%04X' % i for i in trap_range]
for line in parse_asm(src):
if any(x.startswith('&') for x in line['args']):
# Skip macro definitions
if not 2 <= len(line['args']) < 4:
# print('cancelling', line)
if line['directive'] == 'ToolBox':
trapnum = int(line['args'][0][1:], 16) + 0xa800
elif line['directive'] == 'OS':
trapnum = int(line['args'][0][1:], 16) + 0xa000
trapname = line['args'][1].upper()
if not trapname: continue
d[trapnum - 0xa000] = trapname
ds = Dataset()
ds.append_col(trap_range, header='trap')
ds.append_col(d, header='name')
return ds
def trap_offsets_from_rom(rom):
d = Dataset(headers=['trap', 'offset'])
traptab, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, 0x22)
badtrap, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, 0x56)
traps = []
for i in range(0, (1024 + 256) * 4, 4):
offset, = struct.unpack_from('>L', rom, traptab + i)
if offset == badtrap or offset == 0: continue
if i >= 4096: #os
trapinsn = 0xa000 + (i-4096)//4
else: #toolbox
trapinsn = 0xa800 + i//4
d.append((trapinsn, offset))
return d
def certain_module_boundaries_from_glue_offsets(offsets):
yield 0 # start of the first module
p = None
# every time we encounter a glue n that is more than 10 bytes from the previous m,
# we yield m + 10 forward-aligned to a multiple of 16
for o in offsets:
if p is not None and o > p + 10:
cut = p + 10
cut += ROMALIGN - 1
cut -= cut % ROMALIGN
yield cut
p = o
def aggregate_reasons(*iterables):
# each iterable should yield (offset, reason) tuples!
d = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for iterable in iterables:
for (offset, reason) in iterable:
# I return an iterable of (offset, [reasons...])
return d.items()
def module_ranges(starts, stops):
stops_and_reasons = sorted(stops)
starts_and_reasons = sorted(starts)
j = 0
for i, (start, start_reasons) in enumerate(starts_and_reasons):
while j < len(stops_and_reasons) and stops_and_reasons[j][0] <= start:
# always leave one stop at the end!
j += 1
possible_stops_and_reasons = []
if j < len(stops_and_reasons):
if i + 1 < len(starts_and_reasons):
possible_stops_and_reasons.append((starts_and_reasons[i+1][0], ['ran into next module']))
stop, stop_reasons = min(possible_stops_and_reasons)
except ValueError:
continue # no way to know where to stop this putative module?
yield range(start, stop), start_reasons, stop_reasons
def trimmed_module_ranges(mrngs, rom, glues):
# Can trim a module that is clearly just padded to align...
# *if* it is not followed by a glue!
glues = set(glues)
for (mrng, start_reasons, stop_reasons) in mrngs:
if mrng.stop not in glues:
if mrng.stop - mrng.start >= 16:
if any(rom[mrng.stop-16:mrng.stop-2]) and not any(rom[mrng.stop-2:mrng.stop]):
newstop = mrng.stop
while not any(rom[newstop-2:newstop]): newstop -= 2
stop_reasons.append('%d nulls trimmed' % (mrng.stop-newstop))
mrng = range(mrng.start, newstop)
yield mrng, start_reasons, stop_reasons
def parse_manual(manual):
d = defaultdict(lambda: [])
prev = 0
for line in manual:
if not line['directive']:
offset = int(line['label'], 16)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('manual file bad label: %r' % line)
if offset < prev:
raise ValueError('manual file out of order: %r' % line)
directive = line['directive'].upper()
d[directive].append((offset, *line['args']))
prev = offset
return d
def manual_directives(manual, *directives):
lists = ([(offset, x, *args) for (offset, *args) in manual.get(x, [])] for x in directives)
# for l in lists:
# for x in l:
# print(x)
return merge(*lists)
def file_ranges_from_manual(manual):
relevant_directives = list(manual_directives(manual, 'FILE', 'ENDF'))
for i, (offset, directive, *args) in enumerate(relevant_directives):
if directive != 'FILE':
if i == len(relevant_directives) - 1:
raise ValueError('Unending FILE %x %r' % (offset, args))
yield (range(offset, relevant_directives[i+1][0]), *args)
def feature_ranges_from_manual(manual, feature):
relevant_directives = iter(manual_directives(manual, 'FILE', 'ENDF', feature))
# potential problem here: manual sort order is not stable!
while True:
for offset, directive, *args in relevant_directives:
if (directive == 'FILE' and feature in args) or (directive == feature and 'OFF' not in args):
started_at = offset
# No more starts!
for offset, directive, *args in relevant_directives:
if (directive == 'FILE' and feature not in args) or (directive == 'ENDF') or (directive == feature and 'OFF' in args):
ended_at = offset
# No more ends!
raise ValueError('MODGUESS still turned on at end of manual file!')
yield range(started_at, ended_at)
def ranges_that_must_be_in_a_single_module(gluelocs, implocs):
# both args are lists of: (offset, vtable, voffset)
gluelocs = sorted(gluelocs)
implocs = {(vt, vo): offset for (offset, vt, vo) in implocs}
# for each group of glues...
agi = 0
while agi < len(gluelocs):
bgi = agi + 1
while bgi < len(gluelocs) and gluelocs[bgi][0] == gluelocs[bgi-1][0] + 10:
bgi += 1
# agi:bgi now make a group of glues
range_stop = gluelocs[bgi-1][0] + 10
# Thing that I figured out:
# If the first element in a sequence of glues is *not* the first implementation,
# then that implementation label is an "entry point", *not* the module name
imp_of_first_glue = implocs[gluelocs[agi][1:]]
range_start = gluelocs[agi][0]
for offset, vtable, voffset in gluelocs[agi:bgi]:
this_imp = implocs[vtable, voffset]
if this_imp < range_start:
range_start = this_imp
if imp_of_first_glue > range_start:
range_start -= 2 # prohibit a cut on our left margin, because it is not a module!
yield range(range_start, range_stop)
agi = bgi
def modguess(rom, ranges, noranges=[], labels={}):
# (length of instruction, opcode of instruction)
(2, b'\x4e\x75', 'RTS'),
(4, b'\x4e\x74', 'RTD'),
(6, b'\x60\xff', 'BRA.L'),
for i in range(8):
ENDERS.append((2, bytes([0x4e, 0xd0+i]), 'JMP (A%d)' % i))
# Need to figure out which areas are contraindicated by glue!
noranges = iter(noranges)
cur_norng = next(noranges)
norng_exhausted = True
norng_exhausted = False
for rng in ranges:
rng = range(max(rng.start, 16), rng.stop, 16)
for s in rng:
if not norng_exhausted:
while cur_norng.stop <= s:
cur_norng = next(noranges)
except StopIteration:
norng_exhausted = True
if cur_norng.start < s < cur_norng.stop:
# print('cannot split at %x because of span %x-%x' % (s, cur_norng.start, cur_norng.stop))
continue # cannot guess a module here!
# too much padding -- looks suspicious
if not any(rom[s - 16:s]): continue
reasons = ['align']
# either has a label, or is preceded by a return instruction!
labelled = s in labels
preceded_by_return = False
for oplen, opcode, opname in ENDERS:
# return instruction must leave at least 2 but no more then 14 zeroes of padding
for chk in range(max(0, s - 14 - oplen), s - oplen, 2):
if rom[chk:chk+2] == opcode and not any(rom[chk+oplen:s]):
preceded_by_return = True
if preceded_by_return: break
if labelled: reasons.append('label')
if preceded_by_return: reasons.append('%s then padding' % opname)
# is not in a forbidden range!
if labelled or preceded_by_return:
yield s, 'MODGUESS (%s)' % ', '.join(reasons)
def findrefs(bin):
(b'\x60\x00', 2, 'BRA t'),
(b'\x61\x00', 2, 'BSR t'),
(b'\x60\xff', 4, 'BRA.L t'),
(b'\x61\xff', 4, 'BSR.L t'),
(b'\x4e\xba', 2, 'JSR t'),
(b'\x4e\xfa', 2, 'JMP t'),
(b'\x48\x7a', 2, 'PEA t'),
(b'\x41\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A0'),
(b'\x43\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A1'),
(b'\x45\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A2'),
(b'\x47\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A3'),
(b'\x49\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A4'),
(b'\x4b\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A5'),
(b'\x4d\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A6'),
(b'\x4f\xfa', 2, 'LEA t, A7'),
for i in range(0, len(bin), 2):
for opcode, width, name in THANGS:
if bin[i:i+2] == opcode and len(bin)-i-2 >= width and bin[i+2+width-1] & 1 == 0:
targ = i + 2 + int.from_bytes(bin[i+2:i+2+width], byteorder='big', signed=True)
if not 0 <= targ <= len(rom):
yield i, (targ, name, width)
def filter_by_ranges(stream, ranges):
# Dodgy sorting stuff -- so that the range start or stop marker always precedes that offset!
biglist = sorted(chain(
(itm for r in ranges for itm in [(r.start, 0, True), (r.stop, 0, False)]),
((offset, 1, payload) for (offset, payload) in stream),
state = False
for offset, marker, payload in biglist:
if marker == 0:
state = payload
if state:
yield offset, payload
# 0=off, 1=on but islands not hidden, 2=islands hidden
def get_islandguess_state(manual):
is_on = 0
for offset, *args in manual.get('ISLANDGUESS', []):
if offset:
raise ValueError('Activate ISLANDGUESS from offset 0')
args = list(args)
if not args:
is_on = 1
elif args == ['ON']:
is_on = 1
elif args == ['HIDE']:
is_on = 2
elif args == ['OFF']:
is_on = 0
raise ValueError('Illegal ISLANDGUESS args: %s', ' '.join(args))
return is_on
# Just in case islandguess finds a false positive (unlikely)
def get_nonislands_from_manual(manual):
return (offset for (offset, *args) in manual.get('NONISLAND', []))
def islandguess(rom, exclude=[]): # returns iterator of (referer, referent) pairs
exclude = set(exclude)
tenzeroes = bytes(10)
for i in range(0, len(rom), 16):
this_16 = rom[i:i+16]
if not this_16.startswith(b'\x60\xff'): continue
if not this_16.endswith(tenzeroes): continue
if i in exclude: continue
targ, = struct.unpack_from('>l', this_16, 2)
targ += i + 2
if not 0 <= targ < len(rom): continue
if targ & 1: continue
# this is definitely a legit target!
yield i, targ
srcbase, rombase = argv[1:]
except ValueError:
srcbase = None
rombase, = argv[1:]
rom = trim_rom(open(rombase, 'rb').read())
# for offset, targoffset, kind, numbytes in findrefs(rom):
# print(hex(offset), hex(targoffset), kind, numbytes)
# Sneaky: edit the manual file as a convenience to the programmer!
# And be sure to preserve its line endings!
manual_path = rombase + '-info.txt'
with open(manual_path) as f:
manual = f.read()
except FileNotFoundError:
myre = re.compile(r'^(\+?)([A-Fa-f0-9]+)')
accum = 0
numlen = 1
linelist = []
for line in manual.splitlines(keepends=True):
m = myre.match(line)
if m:
if m.group(1):
nowat = accum + int(m.group(2), 16)
line = ('%0' + str(numlen) + 'X%s') % (nowat, line[m.span()[1]:])
numlen = len(m.group(2))
accum = int(m.group(2), 16)
bigstr = ''.join(linelist)
if bigstr != manual:
with open(manual_path, 'w') as f:
manual = parse_manual(parse_asm(read_mac_source_file(manual_path)))
except FileNotFoundError:
manual = {}
romvecinfo = Dataset(headers=['vtable', 'voffset', 'offset'])
romvecglue = Dataset(headers=['vtable', 'voffset', 'register', 'offset'])
srcvecinfo = Dataset(headers=['name', 'vtable', 'voffset', 'register', 'comment'])
romtrapinfo = Dataset(headers=['trap', 'offset'])
srctrapinfo = Dataset(headers=['trap', 'name'])
if srcbase:
for vtloc in [path.join(srcbase, 'Make', 'VectorTable.a'), path.join(srcbase, 'VectorTable.a')]:
vectbl_src = read_mac_source_file(vtloc)
except FileNotFoundError:
romvecinfo = vector_table_from_rom(rom)
romvecglue = vector_glue_from_rom(rom)
srcvecinfo = vector_routines_from_source(vectbl_src)
for ttloc in [path.join(srcbase, 'OS', 'DispTable.a'), path.join(srcbase, 'DispTable.a')]:
traptbl_src = read_mac_source_file(ttloc)
except FileNotFoundError:
romtrapinfo = trap_offsets_from_rom(rom)
srctrapinfo = trap_routines_from_source(traptbl_src)
glueoffsets = romvecglue.get_col(romvecglue.headers.index('offset'))
# Generic, useful code:
# This dict helps us figure out the correct order to place the "entry point" chunks so that
# Vectorize will insert the vector glues in the original order
gluelocs = {(vt, vo): offset for (vt, vo, reg, offset) in romvecglue}
implocs = {(vt, vo): offset for (vt, vo, offset) in romvecinfo}
gluelocs_by_label = {}
for (lbl, vt, vo, reg, cmt) in srcvecinfo:
gluelocs_by_label[lbl] = gluelocs[vt, vo]
except KeyError:
imploc_of_glue = {}
for (vt, vo, reg, offset) in romvecglue:
imploc_of_glue[offset] = implocs[vt, vo]
all_imps = set(implocs.values())
islandguess_state = get_islandguess_state(manual)
if islandguess_state:
islands = list(islandguess(rom, exclude=get_nonislands_from_manual(manual)))
islands = []
island_dict = dict(islands)
island_targ_set = set(targ for (src, targ) in islands)
# New problem: the glue is all in the wrong order! How me fixy this?
# have in island_loc -> idx mapping? That'd work...
idx_of_island = {}
last_island = None
for src, targ in islands:
if src - 16 == last_island:
this_idx = prev_idx + 1
this_idx = 0
idx_of_island[src] = this_idx
last_island = src
prev_idx = this_idx
# CREATE a gigantic defaultdict with offset -> [label, label] mappings!
# (and do some freeform comments while we're at it!)
alllabels = defaultdict(lambda: set())
veclabeldict = {(vt, vo): lbl for (lbl, vt, vo, reg, cmt) in srcvecinfo} # use this for later
for vt, vo, offset in romvecinfo:
lbl = veclabeldict[vt, vo]
except KeyError:
lbl = 'MGR%04X_VEC%04X' % (vt, vo)
traplabeldict = dict(srctrapinfo)
for trap, offset in romtrapinfo:
lbl = traplabeldict[trap]
for offset, *args in chain(manual.get('MOD', []), manual.get('ENTRY', [])):
lbl, *_ = args
except ValueError:
# Override labels that have been set for islands???
# This allows ISLANDGUESS to be set without extensive manual editing
# Not very functional though...
for (src, targ) in islands:
# Fail if target neither has a name nor is a vector glue...
# Simply because I'd like to give the island module a temporary name
targ = imploc_of_glue[targ]
except KeyError:
label = alllabels[targ]
if not label: raise ValueError
except (KeyError, ValueError):
label = 'UNRESOLVED_%X' % targ
#raise ValueError('ISLAND target unresolved at $%X: BRA.L $%X' % (src, targ))
label = min(label, key=lambda x: (len(x), x))
label = 'ISLAND_%X_%s' % (src, label)
alllabels[src] = [label]
# Now do something similar for comments
cmts_by_label = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for (lbl, vt, vo, reg, cmt) in srcvecinfo:
if cmt:
fmt = 'VectorTable comment: %s' % cmt
fmt = 'VectorTable entry uncommented'
for trap, lbl in srctrapinfo:
cmts_by_label[lbl].append('Trap %04X' % trap)
# And have a way to look up vector info based on offset:
filerngs = list(file_ranges_from_manual(manual))
numbytes = sum(r.stop - r.start for r, *_ in filerngs)
print('Unlinking', round(numbytes/len(rom)*100, 1), 'percent of rom')
gluelocs_for_modguess = ((offset, vt, vo) for (vt, vo, reg, offset) in romvecglue)
implocs_for_modguess = ((offset, vt, vo) for (vt, vo, offset) in romvecinfo)
base_mod_rngs_and_their_reasons = module_ranges(
starts = aggregate_reasons(
((o,'vector glue above') for o in certain_module_boundaries_from_glue_offsets(glueoffsets)),
((o+16,'island above') for (o, targ) in islands),
((o,'MOD directive') for o in (offset for offset, *_ in manual.get('MOD', []))),
((o,'FILE directive') for o in (frng.start for frng, *_ in filerngs)),
ranges=feature_ranges_from_manual(manual, 'MODGUESS'),
noranges=ranges_that_must_be_in_a_single_module(gluelocs=gluelocs_for_modguess, implocs=implocs_for_modguess),
((o,'BRA.L island') for (o, targ) in islands),
((o,'start of ROM') for o in [0]),
stops = aggregate_reasons(
((o,'vector glue below') for o in glueoffsets),
((o,'BRA.L island below') for (o, targ) in islands),
((o+16,'end of island') for (o, targ) in islands),
((o,'end of FILE directive') for o in (frng.stop for frng, *_ in filerngs)),
((o,'end of ROM') for o in [len(rom)]),
modrngs = list(trimmed_module_ranges(base_mod_rngs_and_their_reasons, rom=rom, glues=glueoffsets))
# And let's create a list of references...
# (For now, we will not care if the targes are labelled or not)
references = list(filter_by_ranges(
ranges=feature_ranges_from_manual(manual, 'REFGUESS'),
# Now we know the file ranges, the module ranges, and the labels to apply to those modules!
for frng, *args in filerngs:
relpath = args[0]
if srcbase:
abspath = path.join(srcbase, relpath)
abspath = path.join(path.dirname(rombase), relpath)
filemods = [(mrng, start_reasons, stop_reasons) for (mrng, start_reasons, stop_reasons) in modrngs if frng.start <= mrng.start < frng.stop]
real_start = min(mrng.start for mrng, *_ in filemods)
real_stop = max(mrng.stop for mrng, *_ in filemods)
obj = MPWObject()
obj.putcomment('UNLINKED FROM MAC OS ROM -- ELLIOT WAS HERE\n [%X, %X)' % (real_start, real_stop))
for (mrng, start_reasons, stop_reasons) in filemods:
mod_data = bytearray(rom[mrng.start:mrng.stop])
modname = None
veclabels = sortedlist() # automatically sorted by glue, then by offset!
nonveclabels = sortedlist()
if islandguess_state == 2 and mrng.start in island_dict: # ISLANDGUESS HIDE
for offset, offset_labels in alllabels.items():
if not mrng.start <= offset < mrng.stop: continue
for label in offset_labels:
glue = gluelocs_by_label[label]
except KeyError:
nonveclabels.add((0, offset, label)) # sort by offset if it's a non-glued label
veclabels.add((glue, offset, label)) # or by glue location if necessary
for label_list in (veclabels, nonveclabels):
glue, offset, label = label_list[0]
except IndexError:
if offset == mrng.start:
modname = label
modname = 'AUTOMOD_%X' % mrng.start
# (offset, label) from (glue, offset, label) format
entries_in_chunk_order = [(o, l) for ll in (veclabels, nonveclabels) for (g, o, l) in ll]
entries_in_offset_order = sorted(entries_in_chunk_order)
# Decide which refs I should actually twiddle:
bad_refs = []
good_refs = []
for (offset, (targ, kind, width)) in references:
if not mrng.start <= offset < mrng.stop:
# Figure out the label of the referent! This can be slightly tricky...
label = None
orig_targ = targ
if islandguess_state == 2:
targ = island_dict[targ]
except KeyError:
if targ in all_imps: # rare -- a direct call of a vectorised function
label = alllabels[targ]
if not label: raise ValueError
except (KeyError, ValueError):
label = '__v__' + min(label, key=lambda x: (len(x), x))
if label is None:
targ = imploc_of_glue[targ]
except KeyError:
label = alllabels[targ]
if not label: raise ValueError
except (KeyError, ValueError):
label = min(label, key=lambda x: (len(x), x))
if not label: label = None
if mrng.start <= targ < mrng.stop:
continue # currently only want to touch outgoings
if label:
good_refs.append((offset, targ, kind, width, label, idx_of_island.get(orig_targ, -1)))
if kind.startswith('B'):
# print('doing a weird one!')
offset_in_mod = offset + 2 - mrng.start
mask = (1 << (8 * width)) - 1
replacewith = (-offset_in_mod) & mask
replacewith = replacewith.to_bytes(width, byteorder='big', signed=False)
replacewith = bytes(width)
mod_data[offset-mrng.start+2:offset-mrng.start+2+width] = replacewith # zero out -- put this elsewhere?
bad_refs.append((offset, targ, kind, width))
# sort good_refs by idx_of_island so that branch islands are inserted in the correct order!
good_refs.sort(key=lambda tpl: tpl[-1])
good_refs = [x[:-1] for x in good_refs] # remove that extra field from good_refs
dict_names = (l for ll in (veclabels, nonveclabels) for (g, o, l) in ll)
dict_names = chain([modname], dict_names)
# Figured out how to insert comments into the object, now mad with power
descname = 'Module: %s [%X, %X)' % (modname, mrng.start, mrng.stop)
c = ['#' * 85, '']
c.append('Module started due to: %s' % ', '.join(start_reasons))
if good_refs:
c.append('Resolved outgoing references:')
for (offset, targ, kind, width, label) in good_refs:
s = ' +%X (%X): %s' % (offset-mrng.start, offset, kind.replace('t', label))
if not real_start <= targ < real_stop:
s += ' ; outside file'
if bad_refs:
c.append('Unresolved outgoing references:')
for (offset, targ, kind, width) in bad_refs:
s = ' +%X (%X): %s' % (offset-mrng.start, offset, kind.replace('t', '$%X' % targ))
if not real_start <= targ < real_stop:
s += ' ; bad outside file'
cmts = cmts_by_label[modname]
if cmts:
for (offset, label) in entries_in_offset_order:
leftnote = '+%X (%X): ' % (offset - mrng.start, offset)
c.append(leftnote + label)
leftnote = ' ' * len(leftnote)
for line in cmts_by_label[label]:
c.append(leftnote + line)
if c: obj.putcomment('\n '.join(c))
# </madwithpower>
# Write actual semantic stuff:
# Need to put the entries in the *correct order*!
for (offset, targ, kind, width, label) in good_refs:
if kind.startswith('B'):
obj.putweirdref(label, width, offset-mrng.start+2)
obj.putsimpleref(label, width, offset-mrng.start+2)
for (offset, label) in entries_in_chunk_order:
obj.putentry(offset - mrng.start, label)
obj.putcomment('%s ended due to: %s' % (modname, ', '.join(stop_reasons)))
if 'WRITEOUT' not in args: continue
obj_bin = bytes(obj)
with open(abspath, 'rb') as f:
old = f.read()
if old != obj_bin:
raise ValueError('must write out')
print('>', relpath)
makedirs(path.dirname(abspath), exist_ok=True)
except FileNotFoundError:
with open(abspath, 'wb') as f: