import struct class MPWObject: def __init__(self): self._list = [] self._dict = [] self._backdict = {} self._dict_idx = 200 def __bytes__(self): dest = bytearray() for chunk in self._list: dest.extend(chunk) if len(dest) & 1: dest.append(0) return bytes(dest) def _ensurename(self, name): # get the ID of this name from the dict # If nonexistent, then add it # i.e. idempotent try: return self._backdict[name] except KeyError: self.putdict([name]) return self._backdict[name] def _quickappend(self, *bytelist): self._list.append(bytes(bytelist)) def putfirst(self): self._quickappend(1, 1, 0, 2) def putlast(self): self._quickappend(2, 0) def putdict(self, items): dest = bytearray() dest.extend([4, 0, 99, 99]) dest.extend(struct.pack('>H', self._dict_idx)) flag = False for item in items: flag = True dest.append(len(item)) dest.extend(item.encode('ascii')) self._backdict[item] = self._dict_idx self._dict_idx += 1 # ID of the *next* thing if not flag: return struct.pack_into('>H', dest, 2, len(dest)) self._list.append(dest) def putmod(self, name='#0001', segname='Main', flags=(1<<7)+(1<<3)): modid = self._ensurename(name) segid = self._ensurename(segname) self._last_mod_id = modid self._list.append(struct.pack('>BBHH', 5, flags, modid, segid)) def putentry(self, offset, name): entid = self._ensurename(name) self._list.append(struct.pack('>BBHL', 6, 1<<3, entid, offset)) def putsize(self, size): self._list.append(struct.pack('>BBL', 7, 0, size)) def putcontents(self, data): # in multiple chunks please! done = 0 while done < len(data): this_time = data[done:done+30000] header = struct.pack('>BBHL', 8, 1<<3, 8 + len(this_time), done) self._list.append(header + this_time) done += len(this_time) def putcomment(self, cmt): cmt = cmt.replace('\n','\r').encode('mac_roman') if len(cmt) & 1: cmt += b' ' dest = bytearray() dest.extend([3, 0]) dest.extend(struct.pack('>H', len(cmt) + 4)) dest.extend(cmt) self._list.append(dest) def putsimpleref(self, targname, width, *offsets): offsets = list(offsets) if width == 2: # of the operand field, in bytes flags = 1 << 4 elif width == 4: flags = 0 flags |= 1<<3 # longwords in the offset list! targid = self._ensurename(targname) dest = struct.pack('>BBHH', 9, flags, 6 + 4 * len(offsets), targid) dest += b''.join(struct.pack('>L', o) for o in offsets) self._list.append(dest) def putweirdref(self, targname, width, *offsets): # Assumes that you've already put -offset at offset offsets = list(offsets) if width == 1: flags = 2 << 4 elif width == 2: # of the operand field, in bytes flags = 1 << 4 elif width == 4: flags = 0 << 4 flags |= 1<<7 # difference calculation # flags |= 1<<3 # longwords in the offset list! targid = self._ensurename(targname) dest = struct.pack('>BBHHH', 10, flags, 8 + 2 * len(offsets), targid, self._last_mod_id) dest += b''.join(struct.pack('>H', o) for o in offsets) self._list.append(dest)